Fang Yuan frowned, his face showing a very difficult expression.

Qin Baisheng, Jiang Yu, Hei Cheng, Xue Songzi, He Langzi, and two mysterious Gu Immortal he couldn’t recognize. Among them, only Xue Songzi and Jiang Yu are Rank 6 Gu Immortal. The rest are Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

The two mysterious Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan, don’t know how to follow the foot.

The remaining three of Qin Baisheng, He Langzi and Hei Cheng are all Rank 7.

Hei Cheng is the Gu Immortal of the super-power Hei Family. Although it is so bad that it doesn’t seem to make Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the battle strength drops badly. Far from his peak status, but mastering Immortal Gu Dark Arrow, can’t be underestimated.

He Langzi is the famous Transformation Dao Demon Immortal of Northern Plains. His growth experience is different from ordinary people. He is ferocious and has mastered three kinds of Immortal Dao. The battle strength is very strong. He was once recruited by Old Ancestor Xuehu but rejected by He Langzi.

The most powerful is Qin Baisheng.

This person has hundreds of years of Northern Plains, as a rogue cultivator Gu Immortal, but defeated Liu Hao, Chanyu Xiong, Nuer, Bai Canzi, Bi Qing Farmer, Tian Qing Mountain Lord, fight to a draw Yuan Rangzun, in Five Elemental Law Grandmaster escaped his life.

He is Rank 7 Gu Immortal, in the position of Northern Plains, on the equivalent to Central Continent’s Shi Lei.

In the eyes of the world: he is the battle strength of the Rank 7 peak, and the Rank 8 Gu Immortal can overpower him. More powerful than the old Monarch Can Yang.

More terrifying is that he is not only superior in force, but also able to hold the Northern Plains auction. It is the most profitable person.

It is not surprising that Fang Yuan feels embarrassed to protect the Cloud Pavilion in front of such people.

However, Langya Earth Spirit patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder and said: “I didn’t let you protect the Cloud Pavilion. You just have to resist as much as you can. I want to delay the time. Hey, these people are brave enough to attack Langya Blessed Land! As long as the time drags a scent of time, I can make this group of people will have to take the consequences !”

Langya Earth Spirit has a strong sense of confidence.

As Fang Yuan’s previous speculation, Langya Earth Spirit must have a winning trump card in hand.

In the previous three wave offensives, the Langya Earth Spirit has a good record. It certainly is not done by these twelve Desolate Beasts.

“So, what is the cuddling of the Langya Earth Spirit?” Fang Yuan’s heart can’t help but a strong curiosity emerged.

He did not hide his mind, but asked directly.

Langya Earth Spirit didn’t tell him, just a mysterious smile.

after that. Earth Spirit smashed Fang Yuan again and gave it to a meta-massage of Fang Yuan.

The message Gu is documented about the Cloud Pavilion’s manipulates.

This Cloud Pavilion has been loaned to Fang Yuan by Langya Earth Spirit, and Fang Yuan is free to manipulates.

After Fang Yuan browsed it two or three times, he learned all kinds of operations. Later, he tried to practice and quickly got started.

Cloud Pavilion is the array core of 12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Formation. Fang Yuan in the mind of Star Yuan, after learning about Cloud Pavilion, let him be on 12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Formation. There is also a lot of understanding.

In general, this is a labyrinth of fog.

Although not perfect to the extent of Battlefield Ultimate Move, it is only a step away.

Instead of the Battlefield Ultimate Move in the hands of the Langya Earth Spirit, the Battlefield Ultimate Move is built up and the Dao Marks are engraved.

The newly added Dao Marks can’t fit perfectly with this Heaven and Earth Dao Marks. There will always be conflicts and contradictions. This will cause damage to Langya Blessed Land.

Therefore, Earth Spirit does not take it.

In terms of delay time alone. 12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Formation has been the ultimate in achied gu formation.

Gu Immortal is in the middle of the line, and the five senses will be confused and confused. Do not distinguish the direction, do not divide the left and right, turn around in the same place and so on. Only the Immortal Rank reconnaissance ultimate move can identify the correct direction in the gu formation.

Only by destroying 12 Cloud Pavilions can you completely destroy this grand formation.

If there is no Immortal Rank reconnaissance ultimate move, then Gu Immortal will only be around in the gu formation to see if you can discover the Cloud Pavilion, which is purely touched by Luck Qi.

Fortunately, once the grand formation is established, the 12 Cloud Pavilions as the array core can no longer be mobility. Otherwise, there is no Immortal Dao reconnaissance of the move of Gu Immortal, it is not a touch of Luck Qi, but completely impossible.

Fang Yuan sits on the cloud bed and opens a number of mirrors to observe the surroundings of the Cloud Pavilion.

His rights are limited to this Cloud Pavilion and he can only observe a certain range of scenes around the Cloud Pavilion.

There is only a white mist in the mirror, and no one Gu Immortal appears.

Fang Yuan is the most lack of patience, he waits quietly.

A moment later, the silhouette of one Gu Immortal appeared in a mirror.

She is dressed in a purple maxi dress with a high nose, a pair of beautiful eyes, deep eyelashes, and a slightly black skin, revealing a feminine atmosphere.

It is Fairy Jiang Yu!

Fang Yuan’s heart was slightly shocked, and her immediate thought was her Crossing Dark Immortal Gu.

Hei Loulan is Vigorous True Martial Physique. Before the immortal, he used the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu to go deep into Hei Loulan’s within the body and wander around to hide the Vigorous True Martial Physique.

At the beginning of the original, Hei Loulan’s plan was to take advantage of the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu that had not been exposed and took the opportunity to snatch her.

But unfortunately, Fairy Jiang Yu is in the air, and this plan has not been implemented, and it has failed.

Later, when Hei Cheng chased Hei Loulan, the plan was even more impossible.

“Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, if I can get it…” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed and he regretted it. “Unfortunately, in this case, even if I can catch Fairy Jiang Yu, I am afraid I will not get Crossing.” Dark Immortal Gu.”

It is very difficult to snatch Immortal Gu, and hope is extremely embarrassing.

After all, the single thought head can make Immortal Gu self-exploding.

Just when Fang Yuan was thinking, Fairy Jiang Yu went around and crossed a curve in the jurisdiction of Fang Yuan. He walked in the direction of the side and left.

Out of the scope of Fang Yuan’s control, Fairy Lishan disappeared from the mirror.

But not a long time, second place Gu Immortal, go into the area of ​​Fang Yuan’s.

The appearance is clearly shown in the mirror.

It is Qin Baisheng!

Fang Yuan looks dignified, and looks at Qin Baisheng is getting closer and closer.

Undoubtedly, among all the powerful Gu Immortal enemies, Fang Yuan didn’t want to encounter it. It is Qin Baisheng.

Fang Yuan still doesn’t know that Qin Baisheng has restored the original battle strength after a battle with Feng Jiuge. But just before Qin Baisheng’s performance, Central Continent Shi Lei is first class.

This kind of opponent is too strong. If you really discovered this Cloud Pavilion, Fang Yuan decided immediately. I only took care of a few scenes and took the initiative to withdraw.

Although he supports the Langya Earth Spirit, this kind of support is also divided.

Fang Yuan has never had a plan to sell life to the Langya Earth Spirit. And on the side of Langya Earth Spirit, there is obviously a trump card, and it is not enough for him.

Qin Baisheng is getting closer and closer to Cloud Pavilion. He has the Immortal Dao reconnaissance ultimate move, and has been moving straight ahead. The Cloud Pavilion controlled by Fang Yuan is just next to his route, with a straight line distance from the three steps.

The scope of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move reconnaissance, although suppressed in this 12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Gu Formation. But there are definitely more than three hundred steps.

Once Qin Baisheng has reached a certain distance, Cloud Pavilion will appear in his reconnaissance.

That way, Qin Baisheng will of course go straight to the Cloud Pavilion, and Fang Yuan’s first battle will be a failure.

However, this failure is not terrifying, and Fang Yuan has no psychological burden. For people like Fang Yuan, there have been many failures. It does not damage his fighting spirit, it is difficult to change his plan, and his state of mind will not be disturbed.

But very soon. Things have changed again.

Qin Baisheng suddenly changed the direction, directly changed direction, and quickly flew northeast.

“Their Information Dao means not only the Immortal Dao level, but also the gu formation, which can actually be transmitted in the gu formation.” Almost at the same time, Fang Yuan ears. The Langya Earth Spirit is full of unexpected sounds.

Fang Yuan slightly nod, responded: “Since the opponent is attacking here. It should be prepared. But after listening to you, don’t tell me before they did not reveal this hand?”

Earth Spirit was silent for a while. This replied: “No. The previous Cloud Pavilion was guarded by Desolate Beast. They fought alone, killing Desolate Beast and breaking the Cloud Pavilion. But this time is Mo Tansang and Desolate Beast jointly to oversee Cloud Pavilion, the other party should be The first discovery of Gu Immortal will change the tactics of single-handedness and rush to support.”

Fang Yuan complexion sank: “Not good. Mo Tansang is the city lord of Inkman City. He came to support already right, but I am afraid to cover up when fighting. Once the relationship between Inkman City and your Langya Blessed Land is exposed, Northern Plains’ Inkman City is about to face the catastrophe. Mo Tansang is armed and the other side is strong, and many people are joining hands. I am afraid I can’t keep the Cloud Pavilion.”

Earth Spirit immediately responded: “This 12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Formation, rely on the Dao Marks of Langya Blessed Land itself, can differentiate the enemy groups and let the enemy fall into a single-handed situation. In theory, it can isolate Rank 7 and Rank 6. Immortal Rank Information Dao ultimate move to prevent internal communication. Even if they set up Tunnel Gu between each other, it is useless. But this group of people can communicate with each other, I am afraid it is related to the previous wave of offensive!”

“oh! I shouldn’t be tempted to sell the benefits of Gu Immortal slave. They should be killed. This group of people should have a very good Soul Dao means. I have clearly erased the soul of Gu Immortal slave. It is.”

The head of the analysis of Langya Earth Spirit is the Tao, and my heart is greatly regretful.

Fang Yuan also quite agrees with the analysis of Langya Earth Spirit.

Fighting between Gu Immortal, the mind is savvy and transparent. Qin Baisheng just revealed a lot of things by just making a little support.

On the contrary, since the other party is related to the previous wave of offensives, the secrets of Langya Blessed Land exposed will not be less.

“Can you show me the battle scene over there?” Fang Yuan asked.

There is one more piece of mirror, and the battle scene appears on it.

Mo Tansang rides on the back of a Desolate Beast and is playing against Gu Immortal Hei Cheng.

Mo Tansang is Rank 6 Gu Immortal and is pushed into the wind. He majored in Qi Dao, but at this time he took other means to fight.

Hei Cheng has a hidden illness, but still Rank 7, without using Dark Arrow Immortal Gu, is firmly in control of the battle.

Mainly because Mo Tansang is afraid of identity exposure, he has the foundation of Inkman City and cannot be lightly destroyed. At this time, it is only support DeDesolate Beast, let Desolate Beast attack, and then apply the treatment and defense methods.

Desolate Beast is fiercely fearless, but lacks enough wisdom to gain insight into the battle. Not to mention, with the care of Mo Tansang, Desolate Beast is still suppressed, but it can still support a period of time.

However, Fang Yuan knew that after Qin Baisheng rushed over, Desolate Beast had only the result of being killed on the spot.

Just as Fang Yuan paid attention to Mo Tansang, third silhouette appeared near Fang Yuan’s.

“Xue Songzi, he didn’t get the news, go to the battlefield over there?” Fang Yuan was surprised, and there was a lot of speculation in his heart.

After a while, Xue Songzi discovered Fang Yuan’s Cloud Pavilion.

Under the foot of the micro-ton, immediately came to the Cloud Pavilion.

Fang Yuan also stood up and looked solemn.

The battle is on the verge!

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