Northern Plains, Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land.

The clouds in the sky are like clouds and snow. The peaks stand silently in the snow, and the mountains are covered with snow, like thousands of clouds.

An rainbow of light, from the first main peak through the sky, like a meteor, flying in the air.

The Great Snow Mountain Peak Peak, almost all cast their eyes.

“Old Ancestor has issued an order again.”

“I don’t know who this time, who received the order to collect immortal materials…”

“I hope it is not me.”

Rainbow light crossed a beautiful arc in the air and directly into the third snow peak.

Many Peak Lords are darkly relaxed.

Among the third snow peaks, Fairy Lishan has a brocade leather skirt, white silver base, and the group is embroidered with the grassland under the moon.

This is a Northern Plains style outfit.

Fairy Lishan wore a blue pearl ribbon and was closing her eyes. The greater part of the mind was put into the Immortal Aperture.

In her Immortal Aperture, the birds are fragrant, warm as spring, and the Great Snow Mountain in the ice and snow is completely two extremes.

The jungle is dense, the green mountains are woven like paintings, there are a large number of uncommon crops, there are also a small number of Desolate Plant, and even Far Ancient Desolate Plant.

In the middle of her Immortal Aperture, a hill with a waist-deep forest is hidden.

This hill, at first glance, even a small mound is more eye-catching than it.

But it is recorded in Miniature Mountain, “Human Ancestor Biography”, which is one of the few Mystic Realm in the world.

In this Miniature Mountain, a lot of Littleman flies in and out.

They fly in the extremely lush grass, which is as tall as a tree, compared to the tiny Littleman.

Littlemen is as hardworking as a bee group in the grass.

Fairy Lishan was deeply concerned, and after watching it for a while, I was satisfied.

Since she won the Miniature Mountain, these Littleman didn’t work with her at first, which was very resistant.

But Fairy Lishan is not an incompetent person, kindness and severity, supporting the top in the Littleman Race and killing the diehards without hesitation.

Littleman doesn’t have the stubbornness of Featherman, but there are also loyal people.

Fairy Lishan killed about 40% of Littleman and finally regained the Littleman Race in Miniature Mountain.

After that, Fairy Lishan officially moved Miniature Mountain into his own Immortal Aperture. With the support of Littleman Race, the Wood Dao resource in her Immortal Aperture is starting to increase production!

Hairyman is born with Refining Dao’s Dao Marks, so there is inborn talent for refining gu. Featherman has Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks, with wings that can fly freely in the air. And Littleman was born with Wood Dao’s Dao Marks. Wherever they live, the vegetation will be extremely lush. And they have a generation of inheritance, the race that is best at cultivating plants throughout the Five Regions Heaven and Earth.

“Littleman is indeed extraordinary! I am a piece of jade grass, but Rank 7 immortal materials. The until now are all sloppy, Littleman Race has lived here for half a year, and this grass group is expanded into a miniature pasture, every A jade grass is full of life. Unfortunately, the number of Littleman is still a little less. In the previous battle, the loss of Littleman Race was more than half. If there is a previous population size, my current pressure must be reduced by a large margin. Two message Gu?”

Fairy Lishan thought about two Information Dao Gu insects, one outside the sky, and the other from the Exchanging Cup Toast Gu in Blessed Land.

Fairy Lishan opened his eyes and first took a trick to bring the rainbow in the sky into his own hands.

Explore the mind and look inside.

Without her accident, it was the task that Old Ancestor Xuehu appointed to collect immortal materials for her.

“Heaven Obstructing Dust, stone dragon eye, ivory flame…this time is for me to collect these three kinds of immortal materials.” Fairy Lishan’s brow involuntarily wrinkled.

These three kinds of immortal materials, stone dragon eye, ivory flame are Rank 7 immortal materials, and Heaven Obstructing Dust is Rank 8 level, which is very precious.

The ivory flame is a flame that burns quietly inside the ivory after the death of Far Ancient Desolate Elephant. This flame is only the size of the diced bean. Once the ivory is burned through, the air that comes into contact with the outside will be extinguished.

Far Ancient Desolate Beast Elephant, but comparable to the existence of Rank 7 Gu Immortal. After the elephant dies, not the ivory will produce the ivory flame.

The combination of various conditions shows the degree of uncommon of the ivory flame. Even the largest market in the Five Regions, Treasure Yellow Heaven, is the immortal materials that are seen by.

Compared with ivory flames, stone dragon eye and Heaven Obstructing Dust are more difficult to obtain.

Heaven Obstructing Dust is the unique imposing manner of Yellow Heaven in Immemorial Nine Heavens. However, Yellow Heaven has collapsed because of Human Ancestor, and Fairy Lishan had to first find a piece of Yellow Heaven.

And this piece of World must be big enough, Dao Marks is enough to support her to explore.

After entering the Yellow Heaven Fragment World, Fairy Lishan had to prepare a special means to collect Heaven Obstructing Dust. During the collection process, it is naturally full of danger.

For Heaven Obstructing Dust, Fairy Lishan would rather spend a lot of money and acquire it in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

The stone dragon eye refers to the pupil of the eye of the Far Ancient Desolate Beast Stone Dragon.

This Stone Dragon is not a common ferocious beast.

In the graveyard of the Stoneman Tribe, the buried Stoneman corpses have a large number of stones. After a long period of accumulation, at a certain moment, it attracts a blue sky.

霹雳 blasted the cemetery and gave birth to a Stone Dragon.

Like Stoneman, Stone Dragon’s body is made of stone.

In Immemorial, Remote Antiquity Era, nonhuman dominates the world. Only the super-powered Stoneman tribe, or the long-established large Stoneman tribe, is accompanied by Stone Dragon. Although there are Human Ancestor and Ten, and Genesis Immortal Venerable and Constellation Immortal Venerable, there is not much population base for Human Race.

Stone Dragon is the guardian of the Stoneman tribe. Stoneman believes that Stone Dragon is the ancestor of his own family, the resurrection of the sages. During the nonhuman race, Stone Dragon was once a glory and was recognized as the world’s first war giant beast.

Stone Dragon has no pain, the defense is very strong, and the brave is fearless. Even if you are injured, if you are willing to dedicate your Stoneman, you will take the initiative to join the trauma of Stone Dragon. Stoneman sacrificed himself and turned his body into a part of Stone Dragon, and Stone Dragon’s injury will heal instantly.

This set of tactics is very abnormal and makes the rest of the race extremely troublesome.

The times are different.

Fairy Lishan is now looking for a Stone Dragon, which is very difficult.

Because the Stoneman tribe is very rare, more Stoneman is the slave that Gu Immortals supports.

Even if Fairy Lishan discovered a Stone Dragon, with her battle strength, she had to beat a rough skin and thick flesh. The Stone Dragon, known as the first war giant beast in the Remote Antiquity Era, was also powerful.

So the stone dragon eye is the immortal materials of Rank 7, but the difficulty of obtaining it is bigger than that of Rank 8 immortal materials Heaven Obstructing Dust.

“The collection task of Old Ancestor Xuehu sent to us Peak Peak is getting heavier and heavier. These three kinds of immortal materials are only a little easier with ivory flame. Heaven Obstructing Dust, stone dragon eye to be successfully found, the strength is only one On the other hand, it depends on Luck Qi. Hey, if I can get good luck, I can buy it directly in Treasure Yellow Heaven.”

Fairy Lishan sighs deeply.

Her previous investment in the initial stage of the Miniature Mountain Littleman Race has been implemented and is now gaining.

In addition, Hei Loulan was determined to be independent and refused her support. This made Fairy Lishan begin to accumulate money quickly in this short period of time.

This cumulative speed is more than twice that of the previous one.

The acquisition of Heaven Obstructing Dust and the stone dragon eye is too laborious and time consuming. Fairy Lishan would rather consume money to replace the loss of time and energy.

The message Gu from Old Ancestor Xuehu was taken away, and Fairy Lishan explored the second message Gu.

Being able to appear directly from her Immortal Aperture, there are only a few sources.

After viewing Fairy Lishan, I found out that this message Gu was from Fang Yuan.

In this message Gu, Fang Yuan made a big profit and invited Fairy Lishan to take action to kill the Immortal Zombie in a Northern Plains Zombie Alliance.

“Fang Yuan ……” Fairy Lishan snorted in the mouth, left the bed and stood up.

She leaned her head and thought slowly.

As she walked to the window, she looked up and looked at the snow fluttering outside the window, the peaks were silent and sneered.

“This Fang Yuan, before disguised identity, pseudonym Sha Huang, joined the Zombie Alliance. This time I want to take action, cooperate to kill another an immortal zombie, there must be some plot!”

“I want to make a lot of money, rich and imposing. Who told him to snatch many of Dongfang Clan’s resources, and Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance. This period of time, he must develop smoothly, like a fire.”

“The current situation in Northern Plains is undercurrent. Central Continent Gu Immortal’s investigation team is still hidden. In this case, Fang Yuan still wants to start, and the benefits of the Zombie Alliance are very important to him. Want to take the lead from other Immortal Zombie contributions in exchange for research on how to regain new life and get rid of immortal zombie identity in the Zombie Alliance?”

Thinking of this, Fairy Lishan’s eyes popped up.

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

The white jade palace group is bright.

Four Gu Immortals, standing in four directions in the southeast and northwest, surrounded the Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home Supervising Heaven Tower.

The old and decrepit’s Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, standing in the east, stops the crutches in the hands, and the turbid old eyes smashed a slap in the face: “Repair the fate, start now!”

The crutches in his hands were in the air, as if they were hitting a piece of stone, making a sound of screaming.

In an instant, the rays of light suddenly bloom, and countless Gu insects fly to form a huge gu formation.

a path of light marks, colorful, and hand in hand, forming a huge three-dimensional map of the hundred miles.

Gu Immortal Bai Cangshui, who was involved in the restoration for the first time, was shocked. “This Refining Dao gu formation is a step closer to Immortal Gu Home of Rank 8!”

Immortal Gu Home itself is one of the gu cultivator genres – the highest crystallization of Formation Dao.

“He He He, this Refining Dao gu formation is extraordinary. Fairy Cangshui and look down.” West, white clothed young Lian Jiusheng laughed.

Then, he grabbed it out of thin air and grabbed a large stone dragon eye and threw it forward.

The stone dragon eye enters the Refining Dao gu formation, just a few breaths, it is completely decomposed and integrated into this wonderful Refining Dao gu formation.

“So many stone dragon eyes! There is such an immortal materials processing speed…” Bai Cangshui saw the sound.

Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Soul Shaking Palace.

“hmph!” Fang Yuan crushed the Information Dao Gu insect in his hand.

He was rejected.

“I still want to limit my development… This group of small women.” Fang Yuan face gloomy, “Well?”

Just then, an Information Dao Gu insect flew in his Immortal Aperture.

“don’t tell me Fairy Lishan changed your mind?” Fang Yuan glanced at it and was very surprised. “This is a letter from Langya Earth Spirit!” r1152

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