The silence of the whole game.

Huge sorrow, panic and confusion, enveloped all Featherman’s hearts.

Zhou Zhong is already in Featherman, only Gu Immortal is left. If even he is not there, become the slave of Human Race, then how can the remaining Featherman survive?

In today’s Five Regions, the whole world is basically Human Race.

The living space left for the nonhuman race is very small and small and smaller.

Zhou Zhong opened his mouth because of shock and gradually closed. Looking up at Fang Yuan, he looked like a monster and asked, “Is the appearance of your Immortal Zombie fake? How can an immortal zombie calculate this?”

Fang Yuan gave a slight glimpse, and did not expect Zhou Zhong to calm down.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt a little bad.

Taibai Yunsheng next to him is pity-ly said: “Give up, Zhou Zhong. Although you have become a slave, I promise that you will never treat you badly. You will not limit your freedom during normal times. Only at critical moments, You will be able to contribute. These Featherman behind you will live in my Blessed Land in the future. You can rest assured that I will never harsh them and abuse them. I will pay for each job. Ugh……”

After Taibai Yunsheng finished, he sighed deeply and the temperament of the old man was somewhat attacked.

But Zhou Zhong shook his head slightly.

Fang Yuan’s smile disappeared and his face turned.

Then he saw Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong suddenly turning around, facing the large group of Featherman. Hey, in the end.

“Everyone.” Zhou Zhong’s tone was very calm, but revealed a determination. His voice is not big, but it is heard in the ears of everyone.

He said: “I can’t help you, only Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong in this world, only Featherman Zhou Zhong. There will never be slave Zhou Zhong. It’s awkward, I can’t guard everyone else. Everyone, Goodbye!”

After that, he suddenly opened his wings.

The wings of Featherman are not as wide as the falcon wing, not as thick as the wings. 芊芊 Weak look.

“Zhou Zhong, why are you? Stop it!” Taibai Yunsheng turn pale with fright, want to stop.

But how could he stop one Gu Immortal from actively seeking death?

Zhou Zhong suddenly flapping the wings and flying into the sky!

He rushed to the sky and shouted in his mouth: “I Zhou Zhong!”

“It’s Featherman!!”

“Do not do slave!!!”

this moment. Everyone’s eyes are focused on him.

He violated the agreement.

He stepped on the ground and was successfully calculated by Fang Yuan and became the slave of Fang Yuan.

However, Zhou Zhong did not want to take the initiative to defy.

The Information Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move on his body broke out, and it was so strong that it was hard to defy backlash damage and attacked Zhou Zhong’s whole body.

Zhou Zhong is slower and slower. It’s harder for the wings to fly.

He flew in the air at this time, like an old man. Legs and ankles, but climbing the steep peak.

He smashed his body and crystallized quickly, and soon the whole person turned into a transparent glass crystal.

His wings have also become crystal-like materials, and they can no longer move.

But his eyes still look up to the sky. I don’t even look at Fang Yuan and Taibai Yunsheng, showing endless courage and determination.

Then he slowly fell. Falling to the ground.

During the fall, his entire body began to collapse.

First is his head. Then there is the chest, then the wings, followed by the abdomen, legs and feet.

Before falling to the ground, he turned into a fragrant glass, trivial crystal fragments.

Taibai Blessed Land has no wind.

The fragments of these crystal glass, as if they are flying in the wind, are getting more and more broken, and they are getting smaller and smaller, gradually dissipating in the air.

“Zhou Zhong ……” Taibai Yunsheng muttered in the mouth, and the eyes eyes were lost.

“Sure enough… this guy.” Fang Yuan’s face was blue.

He did not let Taibai Yunsheng resurrect Zhou Zhong. A slave who is not afraid of death and who does not want to be a slave is worthless.

And Zhou Zhong is Gu Immortal, and to resurrect him, immortal essence is not cheap.

Even if he was resurrected, the Immortal Gu on his body was gone, and his Immortal Aperture Blessed Land Taibai Yunsheng could not be swallowed. Instead, it is not as good as it is now, let him die directly. Immortal Aperture can’t capture Qi of Heaven and Earth, forming a fixed Blessed Land, only annihilated. After the annihilation, the Dao Marks of the Zhou Zhong body on the Immortal Aperture will be added to the Taibai Blessed Land.

The death of Zhou Zhong left the entire Featherman in silence.

The silence only lasted for a while, and suddenly the new Featherman King Yu Fei shouted: “I Yu Fei, I don’t want to be a slave. Big guy, haven’t you seen it yet? Gu Immortal of these two Human Races is a demon, We have long planned to take us all over the place. They will never let us go. You choose the new Featherman King. I will follow Zhou Zhong Old Ancestor first, go one step!”

Speak, he will squat on the spot!

“Wang!” Featherman rioted, roaring in unison, and screaming in the wild.

“right, there is no Featherman who acts as a slave in this world, only the free Featherman.”

“Even if I die, I am free.”

“The heartbeat of confidence is moving, there is no slave Featherman.”

“Take our body and make it a slave.”

Feathermen either shouts, or roars, or sinks, or taunts. Zhou Zhong and Yu Fei’s actions infected Featherman. At this moment, they chose to commit suicide!

“Oops, don’t stop them? A group of mortals, hmph! Taibai Yunsheng You take action quickly, use Resetting Person Immortal Gu, this wealth can’t be lost. I want them to die.” Fang Yuan coldly snorted.

However, Taibai Yunsheng has been slow to see the movement.

“Taibai Yunsheng, what are you doing?” Fang Yuan looked back and suddenly became shocked.

I saw that Taibai Yunsheng was struggling with hesitation. He and difficulty said to Fang Yuan: “Fang Yuan, there are two voices in my mind. One voice tells me that I should be rational and domesticate these Feathermans as slaves. Another The bigger voice tells me, give up. These Featherman are true Featherman, not to be humiliated, even with love, are insults to them!”

Spoke until here, Taibai Yunsheng’s eyes, there is a tear!

“Damn!” Fang Yuan’s gloomy eyes flashed. Concealed and undetectable.

If these Feathermans are domesticated as slaves, it will be of great help to the Fang Yuan’s Western Desert program. But at the crucial moment, Taibai Yunsheng was soft.

Fang Yuan can’t help but scream: “There is not enough!”

Immediately, he reached out a monster arm and suddenly grabbed Taibai Yunsheng’s shoulder.

Words into your mouth. But it’s another content: “that’s all, Old Bai, you’re right. This group of Featherman is the real Featherman in Human Ancestor Biography. Don’t hesitate, let them be right for freedom.”

“Fang Yuan ……” Taibai Yunsheng’s face suddenly eased. Imlortal Zombie is gratefully looking at the front, and some are ashamed to say, “It is difficult for you to imagine this strategy, but ultimately because of me…”

Fang Yuan interrupted him: “Don’t say it. People have their own perseverance. I don’t agree, but understand. For Taibai Yunsheng, I will support you too.”

“Fang Yuan!” Taibai Yunsheng choked, almost falling into tears.

Fang Yuan said solemnly: “Do you know why these two Featherman Gu Immortal will count?hehe, can you remember the Wisdom Dao inheritance I got from Dongfang Changfan?”

“You mean?” Taibai Yunsheng.

Fang Yuan said with emotion: “The means of Wisdom Dao is really hard to defend. Fortunately, the Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal in the world has been sparsely populated. I now have a complete Wisdom Dao inheritance, which is a must. Old Bai, you Although you have crossed the Earthly Disaster, please take a moment and don’t rush to the Eastern Sea. I will plant a few Wisdom Dao means to deal with other Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.”

Taibai Yunsheng hearing that, very moved, saluting Fang Yuan: “There is work!”

“haha, it’s all family. Why bother to say it.” Fang Yuan waved his hand and didn’t care. The eyes turned to the ground again.

In a short effort, Featherman on the ground was all out. There is no one to drift and live without purpose!

Fang Yuan’s face, flashing a touch of movement.

Featherman volunteered to death, reminding him of a person in the depths of memory.

To be precise, he is also a Featherman.

When Fang Yuan was a mortal Gu Master, as an assassin, he repeatedly assassinated Fang Yuan.

Knowing you better than your friends is often your enemy.

Fang Yuan remembers that in a difficult battle, he discovered the secret of this powerful assassin who repeatedly stabbed himself and tangled. He is not a pure Human Race, but a Featherman!

“You are Featherman? Both wings have been cut off? It’s sad.” Fang Yuan swears in words.

“He He He, this pair of wings is my own.” Featherman Assassin laughed with a sneak peek. “Do you know why?”

Fang Yuan Slightly discolored: “Why?”

“Ah, because Elder in Featherman’s village always praises me, what a rare Featherman genius in a hundred years, what will be the pillar of Featherman village, what flying Quasi Grandmaster, what is it! It’s really annoying! Elder always warns me, I am Featherman, I belong to the village. I want to leave the village to see World, not only because he dissuaded me, but even the whole village of Featherman stopped me. Hey, I know they are afraid of me going out and leaking the location of this village. , attracted the slave race of the Human Race. So, on one day, I was overwhelmed and broke my wings. Then on the same day, I killed the whole village of Featherman.”spoke until Here, the face of the Featherman assassin is a proud, slightly smiling voice.

“What?!” Fang Yuan was shocked.

Featherman Assassin shrugged indifferently: “You have also seen “Human Ancestor Biography”, Featherman, all advocating freedom. My heart of freedom may be ten times more powerful than the usual Featherman. Featherman’s identity Restraint me, then I will get rid of the wings. In the village that grew up, the villagers bound me, then I will kill them. Because there is no one in this world that can limit my freedom.”

Fang Yuan’s face was heavy, and the heart was filled with an exclusively alert. At that time, he had not yet entered the Demonic Path, so he cursed and said: “You crazy!”

“Hahaha.” Featherman Assassin laughed. “Thank you for your compliment!”

At the end, he said: “In fact, you and I are the same kind of people.”

“Who is fucking with you?!” Fang Yuan’s young face emerged with an angry color, screaming and slamming up.

Ps: Sorry, this chapter updates delayed for twenty minutes. In fact, it was up at six in the morning. It was already written, but suddenly I came up with the inspiration for “Human Ancestor Biography”, so I made a big change. “Human Ancestor Biography” is a myth of my own creation. It is not easy to inspire, so each time, I will cherish this situation. In the next chapter, there is “Human Ancestor Biography”, and I would like to ask for your understanding and support. (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to qdread WeChat public number!)

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