Fang Yuan and Feng Jinhuang’s betting fight, which attracted countless people’s attention, ended with an unexpected ending. ←

The betting fight process is very exciting and can be described as twists and turns.

In the end, Fang Yuan has taken an absolute advantage, but it happens to be the failure rate of the camera across Rank 5 Gu, which leads to a loss.

His refining gu material is no longer a second attempt, while Feng Jinhuang is fainting and the material is also seriously lacking.

Therefore, this betting fight ended with both sides.

After Feng Jinhuang was treated, he was treated and healed quickly.

Knowing the final outcome, Feng Jinhuang looked at Fang Yuan with deep thoughts.

Since it is a tie, then according to the regulation of betting fight, both sides have two choices. One is to get their bets back, and the second is to exchange their respective bets.

As Fang Yuan expected, Feng Jinhuang chose the second way.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment and promised to come down.

Feng Jinhuang first handed over an Information Dao Gu insect to Fang Yuan. The film “Immortal Zombie” is reborn in Gu insect.

Then, the two parties signed a contract in public, as the main body of Immortal Crane Sect’s affluent Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Fang Yuan, and the Spiritual Fate House established the Audacity Gu trade. In the future, Fang Yuan will give Audacity Gu priority to Spiritual Fate House, even if it is Immortal Crane Sect.

“Fang Yuan, my family, He Fengyang, please tell me.” After the trial, an Immortal Crane Sect Elder took the initiative to come to Fang Yuan with a very modest attitude.

“Oh?” Fang Yuan was surprised. “That’s the way.”

In a deserted mountain, he saw He Fengyang again.

He Fengyang is still a young boy, a white robe. Black belt, the mountain wind blows his big sleeves fluttering. A pair of green eyebrows that hang down to the waist are also floating with the wind.

“This betting fight. Isn’t it easy?” He Fengyang both eyes deep and looking at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan laughed: “No way, encountered the probability of failure, only watch helplessly.”

There is no flaw in the language.

He Fengyang looked up and down Fang Yuan again and again, suddenly serious about it – ly said: “You can have such a Refining Dao inborn talent, it is a pity to turn into Zombie. In fact, if you want to find a way to regain a new life, you don’t have to be far-reaching. I Immortal Crane Sect has a mysterious way to guarantee that you can get rid of the Immortal Zombie.”

Fang Yuan listened. Can’t help but secretly, how do you feel that He Fengyang reveals the meaning of recruiting him?

But think about it, even if Fang Yuan and Immortal Crane Sect are right, there seems to be other backgrounds, but regardless of this, just by Fang Yuan’s refining gu at this time, it is enough for Immortal Crane Sect.

He Fengyang said what the mysterious method is, and Fang Yuan certainly knows.

What else can I have?

It is obviously the law of body possession.

He Fengyang is definitely not expected, and Fang Yuan has already begun preparations in this regard.

“If I lose my freedom. I would rather retain the identity of Immortal Zombie.” Fang Yuan said.

He Fengyang shook his head: “I invite you to come here and don’t want to debate the topic of freedom with you. Say something right, your younger brother is taken away by you, you must hand him over. Otherwise the consequences are not what you can afford.”

“Oh? Is this a threat?” Fang Yuan said.

Fang Zheng is his alternate choice for rejuvenation. Even if he is not used to get rid of Immortal Zombie, Fang Zheng is the perfect choice for making Blood God Child. How could Fang Yuan let go?

He Fengyang is nodded: “You can understand him as a threat. But I prefer to interpret it as a warning. To tell you the truth, to eliminate Fang Zheng. It is the order under Heavenly Court. You may not too clear Heavenly Court. The weight of the two words, you only need to understand. Nothing in Central Continent, no one can violate Heavenly Court.”

Fang Yuan Why don’t you know Heavenly Court’s?

He has a previous life memory and even more understanding of Heavenly Court’s powerful and terrifying than He Fengyang.

“Of course I know Heavenly Court. But Heavenly Court will actually play Fang Zheng’s idea? Actually, it is necessary to eradicate a mortal? Your excuse, is it too fake? He Fengyang, how can you convince me? ?” Fang Yuan spread his hands.

He Fengyang sighed: “I don’t need to convince you. It’s just that you want to leave Fang Zheng’s life. The end result is that Fox Immortal Blessed Land was broken and directly absorbed by Heavenly Court. For me, for Immortal Crane Sect, it is not I hope this happens. Although you think about it, there is not much time left for you. If you can think about it, three days later, you will give Fang Zheng to me.”

Fang Yuan’s brow was deeply wrinkled. This unexpected news made him unprepared. He didn’t know that Fate Immortal Gu’s existed, and it was difficult to connect Heavenly Court and Fang Zheng.

He cast his gaze on He Fengyang’s face, trying to find a flaw in his expression: “Would you be stupid? Fang Zheng handed it to you, equal to the key to attacking Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s! ”

“He He He.” He Fengyang laughed. “Fang Yuan, it’s hard for you to use this Immortal Zombie. There are so many cunning plots! You don’t have to test me. In fact, you have begun to believe me. I am actually more than you. More curious! But it’s about Heavenly Court. It’s curiosity or just enough. Three days later, I will execute Fang Zheng in front of you. But in exchange, you bring the soul of Reverend Heavenly Crane intact. It should be known that he is my subordinate and more effective.”

Fang Yuan is silent.

He Fengyang didn’t stop, the rays of light flashed and disappeared.

He Fengyang Since it has already gone, Fang Yuan has not stayed for a long time, using Fixed Immortal Travel returned to Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Regarding Fang Zheng’s, he was left behind.

Fang Yuan The first thing to do is to study the method that Feng Jinhuang gave him.

“Lian Xiang Fairy?” What Fang Yuan didn’t think of, this method of getting out of the zombie body was actually related to the previous generation fairy of Spiritual Fate House.

Lian Xiang Fairy is the last generation of the Spiritual Fate House, just like Mo Yao was once a fairy of the Spiritual Fate House.

According to the information provided by Feng Jinhuang: Lian Xiang Fairy was counted as a zombie when he was at Rank 5. But she is one of the Ten Perfect Physiques’s Ancient Moon’s Lonely Shadow Physique. By chance, she was lucky enough to promote immortal success. Zombie is physically rehabilitated by the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster.

At the end of the day, it was inferred by the many Gu Immortal of Spiritual Fate House – getting rid of the zombie body. The way to regain a new life is Ten Perfect Physiques promoted immortal !

“Ten Perfect Physiques promoted immortal?” Fang Yuan can’t help but a little disappointed.

this way. For him, it is also not feasible.

Although he has Blood Skull Gu. Can improve Gu Master natural talent. The 1st Generation Ancient Moon is an example of Fang Yuan’s learning.

But Blood Skull Gu is just a mortal gu. Even if Fang Yuan has raised many descendants and killed them, it is difficult to promote natural talent to Immuntal Zombie’s Fang Yuan.

“However, if I upgraded Blood Skull Gu to Immortal Gu, it will work for me. I use the blood skull Immortal Gu to promote the first aperture to Ancient Moon’s Lonely Shadow 窍, then promoted immortal, there is a good possibility Regaining a new life. But to upgrade Blood Skull Gu to Immortal Gu. I have to figure out the Blood Skull Gu’s Immortal Gu Formula, which makes it so expensive and time-consuming. Even if you upgrade natural talent To the extent of Ten Perfect, transcends tribulation may be very dangerous in the future.”

According to Feng Jinhuang’s intelligence, Lian Xiang fairy was extremely terrifying when it was promoted immortal. Almost the same as the Vast Tribulation of Rank 7 Gu Immortal!

Probably zombie promoted immortal, too much against the sky, which led to the wrath of heaven.

In the beginning, if the Spiritual Fate House was not assisted by Gu Immortals take action, the Lian Xiang fairy could only be blown up to ashes by Vast Tribulation.

Disaster and Tribulation at Ten Perfect Physiques promoted immortal. This is very terrifying. Fang Yuan witnessed Hei Loulan transcends tribulation, which also lost Immortal Gu.

Ten Perfect Physiques turn into Zombie, and in an attempt to promote immortal, the Disaster and Tribulation is more terrifying. Formidable power has skyrocketed dozens of times more than that!

Fang Yuan summed it down. This method not only requires a lot of preparation, it takes countless hours and effort, and the risk is also great. There is no help from others. Fang Yuan alone with the current strength, even with Taibai Yunsheng, Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan. It is also absolutely impossible.

Under the trade-off, Fang Yuan had to put this method aside.

He entered the cell of the Soul Shaking Palace. Once again, see Fang Zheng who is being held inside.

“Fang Yuan, what do you want?” Seeing the biological elder brother, Fang Zheng screamed and looked very hateful.

Fang Yuan said: “Why, have you not figured it out yet?”

Fang Zheng Roared: “Emmortal Crane Sect and Master do have responsibilities, but you are still the principal offender, the murderer of the slaughter of the uncle! I will never forgive you, never let you go! You killed me. Otherwise, I will always be your enemy.”

“Oh? My good younger brother, you are really stubborn. If that is the case…” Fang Yuan eyes flash, suddenly reached out and pointed at Fang Zheng.

Soul Search !

Fang Zheng shuddered, unable to move a single step, wanting to scream out, the throat seemed to be blocked by toughness, and his face was a painful expression.

Fang Yuan has repeatedly searched Fang Zheng’s soul for seven or eight times and found nothing valuable.

“Fang Zheng is such a common Gu Master, why was it ordered to be eradicated by Heavenly Court special intention?” Fang Yuan fell into meditation. Although there is no evidence, he is inclined to believe that He Fengyang is telling the truth.

Fang Yuan didn’t know that there was Fate Immortal Gu in Heavenly Court. Although he has previous life memories, he also has limitations, and it is impossible to know everything. Especially related to the Secret Region’s strongest organization, Heavenly Court’s Secret.

“don’t tell me Someone has done a hand in the soul of Fang Zheng’s?”

Fang Yuan immediately shook his head slightly.

This is unlikely, but it cannot be ruled out.

“So, what if you don’t hand over Fang Zheng?” This is the problem.

Fang Yuan is not afraid of He Fengyang, but he is afraid of Immortal Crane Sect and is more worried about Heavenly Court. Rank 8 Gu Immortal in Heavenly Court, only one of them takes action, and it is as easy as crushing an ant.

Of course, this is the result of the battle.

Fang Yuan can’t be so stupid, he can escape and run. Fixed Immortal Travel is a wonderful way.

Three days later, Fang Yuan handed over Fang Zheng and Soul Transmission Flea, which contained the soul of Reverend Heavenly Crane.

Fang Zheng was obviously tortured and tortured by many terrifying. Torn skin and gaping flesh did not say that many wounds on the body were deep visible.

Even one of his arms was cut off and the dog’s forelimbs were installed. Fang Zheng can also feel the dog’s limbs, and can manipulate the dog’s limbs for a series of movements.

Such torture can make people collapse!

But He Fengyang just looked away and did not express any opinions. Instead, he said to Fang Yuan: “You made a clear choice.”

“Now fulfill your promise.” Fang Yuan has a burning gaze.

“Then you are optimistic!” He Fengyang took the action slowly. Under the full reconnaissance of Fang Yuan’s, he killed Fang Zheng on the spot, and there was no trace of dregs under the flame.

“He Fengyang, why? You promised me!” The scream of Reverend Heavenly Crane came from Soul Transmission Flea.

“This is Heavenly Court’s command. Immortal Crane Sect needs Fang Zheng’s sacrifice! Heavenly Crane, this is your destiny. You originally thought of body possession Fang Zheng, and you are soft. You are willing to accompany him and guide him cultivation. Now he has completely perished. There isn’t even a trace of soul. As a compensation for my words, I will find a good candidate for you to regain your life.” He Fengyang Xu Xudao.

“Adult…” Reverend Heavenly Crane cried.

He Fengyang waved his sleeves and sucked Soul Transmission Flea into the cuffs. He took a look at Fang Yuan before leaving. “If you have time, you can come to Flying Crane Mountain.”

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