Central Continent, Fox Immortal Blessed Land. ↑

In the Soul Shaking Palace, Fang Yuan shows the original shape, the eight-arm zombie body, sitting on the bed, and the eyes eyes closed.

And in his Immortal Aperture, there is a battle of will.

“Fang Yuan, you can’t die!” Mo Yao’s will scream and scream, but a moment later Fang Yuan Star Intent rushed up.

The two wills immediately confuse one group and fall into a dangerous will to fight.

Soon, Fang Yuan’s Star Intent dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye. While Mo Yao’s False Intent has suffered losses, it is much smaller than Fang Yuan’s loss.

Fang Yuan did not care, just watching the battle. Unlike the first time, I used a lot of Wisdom Dao ultimate move to support my Star Intent battle.

When the Fang Yuan Star Intent in the battle was about to be completely defeated, Fang Yuan lightly smiled and issued a Star Intent, and slammed into the will of the will.

In a short while, Fang Yuan’s Star Intent was once again seriously depleted, and Fang Yuan added the third share again.

Mo Yao’s will one side is the water of the passive, and Fang Yuan has the root of the wood. In this way, several consecutive Star Intents are released, and the Mo Yao False Intent is finally worn out.

Fang Yuan withdrew the Star Intent from the battle group and simultaneously mobilized several extreme moves to re-enforce Mo Yao False Intent, while nourishing her False Intent, allowing her to slowly recover and facilitate the next Fang Yuan’s search.

Mo Yao False Intent was smashed by Fang Yuan, and there wasn’t even the swearing Strength Qi, let alone the basic form.

The biggest value of this Mo Yao False Intent is the Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s inheritance clue, which has been squeezed out by Fang Yuan. The rest is the memory of some refining gu.

Participate in the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting this period of time, Fang Yuan does not forget to search these refining gu memories from Mo Yao False Intent. At the same time, there is also the means to tempering their own will.

In the beginning, the Wisdom Dao method was no longer used. Fang Yuan Star Intent has lost ground and is not an opponent of Mo Yao False Intent.

Mo Yao is worthy of being a fairy of Spiritual Fate House. As an Inkman woman, she was favored by Sword Immortal Bo Qing and became her only companion. Even with all the fairies of Spiritual Fate House, Mo Yao must be among the best.

This old witch, even the major Refining Dao, is surpassing by far Fang Yuan for Wisdom Dao.

In order to sharpen himself, Fang Yuan deliberately carried out a pure will battle with Mo Yao False Intent. At the beginning, the battle-to-loss ratio was almost astonishing one hundred to one. Fang Yuan lost one hundred yuan here. Mo Yao False Intent lost one.

However, later, with the increase in the number of battles, Fang Yuan’s experience quickly accumulated, and more importantly, the content guidance of Dongfang Changfan Wisdom Dao inheritance, which made Fang Yuan fight rapidly in the will.

From the original almost blank, to the current battle with the Mo Yao False Intent, the progress is extremely great.

The one-to-one battle-to-loss ratio of originally is now reduced to four to one.

In other words. Four Fang Yuan Star Intents can defeat the Mo Yao False Intent.

For Fang Yuan to steal his own cultivation experience, he also regards himself as a free thug, and arbitrarily squats. Mo Yao False Intent is of course extremely angry, but subject to people, even if there is no way to anger.

Star Intent enters the mind. Fang Yuan took a close look at the memory of Mo Yao that was robbed in Star Intent.

Then he slowly opened his eyes. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: “interesting.”

This memory is not the experience of refining gu in the past. Instead, Mo Yao explored with Sword Immortal Bo Qing. In Central Continent’s True Yang Mountain Range, a group of Desolate Beast was killed, and when searching for the spoils of war, a hibiscus stalactite was found in the cave.

Hibiscus stalactites are rare Rank 7 immortal materials. Stone Heart Liquid drops a drop of Stone Heart Liquid every year. This Stone Heart Liquid is even more precious. It is Rank 8 immortal materials!

Bo Qing was a sword stalactite, but it was stopped by Mo Yao.

If you break the stalactite, you will only get a copy of Rank 7 immortal materials. But if you let go, after many years, there will be a lot of Stone Heart Liquid. The value of Rank 8 immortal materials can be much higher than Rank 7 immortal materials.

Bo Qing took Mo Yao’s advice and made a number of subtle gu formation arrangements to hide this cave.

“So many years have passed, if this cave is not discovered, then the accumulated Rank 8 immortal materials Stone Heart Liquid is extremely impressive. Even if I can’t use it, the collection is good. I can put it in Treasure Yellow Heaven in the future. Barter, in exchange for the desired refining gu immortal materials !Rank 8 immortal materials , Gu Immortals will be very eager.”

While Fang Yuan is secretly happy, the knowledge of Mo Yao False Intent is also deepened.

“This Mo Yao False Intent, a lot of means. This precious memory has been deliberately hidden by her. Until now, the memory of the greater part has been discovered by me, only to be discovered by me. This means, even Dongfang There is no record in Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance. I have to knock it!”

Fang Yuan secretly swears at himself.

But now, you can’t continue to Mo Yao wrecked havoc.

Need to slowly restore her False Intent, otherwise she can’t bear it.

Fang Yuan did not go directly to True Yang Mountain Range to take Stone Heart Liquid. Instead, get up and open the door to the pro-younger brother Fang Zheng’s.

Fang Zheng’s state is very weird.

He confined his eyes, lying on the ground, his face sometimes slacks, sometimes yelling and even dancing. It’s like a nightmare.

This is of course the means that Fang Yuan imposes on him.

Fang Yuan waved his hand and eliminated this means.

Fang Zheng sweating, hu hu gasping, and then slowly sat up: “What did you do to me?”

He looked at Fang Yuan and shouted his eyes full of hatred.

Fang Yuan hehe smiled, said indifferently said: “My good younger brother, what I show you, is what really happened. It is the influence of my memory, combined with the memory effect of Reverend Heavenly Crane. You should know now, Silvergrass Mountain The reason for this misfortune is that it is not mine, but the so-called Master Reverend Heavenly Crane. If he does not come here, take Blood Dao True Inheritance, maybe our brothers are still at Silvergrass Mountain happily. Let’s live.”

Fang Zheng is stupid, for a moment he forgot to talk, or he didn’t know how to answer!

Fang Yuan’s is indeed telling the fact that although clansman was killed by Fang Yuan, it was forced to survive. If it weren’t for Reverend Heavenly Crane to grab the Blood Sea True Inheritance, the three villages of Silvergrass Mountain would not be destroyed.

Of course the cause of this thing. Reverend Heavenly Crane also did not conceal Fang Zheng, but the beautification process is a must.

Fang Zheng has not thought about this problem. But every time his mind touches this, he will subconsciously choose to evade.

But now Fang Yuan will be Reverend Heavenly Crane Soul Search. Put his memory image directly into Fang Zheng’s mind to replay.

This is simply to bring the bloody cruel reality to Fang Zheng’s. Even if he wants to avoid it, he can’t avoid it!

“He He He.” The air echoed Fang Yuan’s sneer. “My good younger brother, you don’t tell me, you never thought about it. Your Master Reverend Heavenly Crane has an unshirkable responsibility for the destruction of Silvergrass Mountain? You Let him be your Master, you are a thief as a father.”

Fang Yuan’s words are undoubtedly the word. Straight to the heart of Fang Zheng’s heart.

“You shut up!” Fang Zheng suddenly screamed, never had such a moment, he was so angry!

“You shut up, don’t say it. You demon, obviously you killed the whole family, you killed the uncle, the aunt, you, you, your nephew! No Master’s rescue. I have already died. You are not allowed to smash my Master…”

“Oh?” Fang Yuan’s mouth smirked and smirked. “Reverend Heavenly Crane is saving you, not to use you. Search me? He He He, not long ago Immortal Crane Sect also used you. Attack my Fox Immortal Blessed Land. Did you almost die that night? My stupid younger brother. Are they willing to use you like this?”

“Don’t say it. Shut up, shut up!” Fang Zheng covered his ears. Tightly closed eyes, angry and panic on the face.

Fang Yuan’s face turned cold, and the sound was cold: “My weak younger brother, you don’t even dare to face the real fact. Even if you have the power of Rank 5 Gu Master, it is still not long inside. Big child that’s all. But you and I are personally blood, as a big brother, give me another chance. Come to my side, I will tempering you, let you really strengthen and mature.”

“No…no!” Fang Zheng opened his eyes, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and hatred angrily looked toward Fang Yuan. “You murderer! Actually want me to sell you life? You die this heart! Even Even if Immortal Crane Sect uses me, I don’t hate them. Because they also cultivated me. And you! You killed your uncle and aunt, killing the clansman of Quanzhai. I hate you, never in life. Forgive you! Just give me a chance, I will definitely kill you with your own hands, revenge and hate!!”

Fang Yuan’s eyes gradually picked up and quietly looked at Fang Zheng.

He is not angry and laughs: “He He He, it seems that you have learned a lot in Immortal Crane Sect. You want to kill me so much, I really expect it.”

After saying this, Fang Yuan slowly turned and walked out of the cell.

These days, Fang Yuan will focus on the Gu Refining Grand Meeting. But I have not forgotten to use Wisdom Gu and Star Thought to make calculations.

Estimating the Meet Like Acquaintance ultimate move, it has exhausted the potential of Fang Yuan’s. Fang Yuan will calculate Ten Thousand Me ultimate move and has successfully integrated the Pulling Water Immortal Gu. As a result , Ten Thousand Me ultimate move has three cores of Strength Dao.

After that, Fang Yuan improved AirGu Gu’s Gu Formula, and the steps of refining gu were increased, further subdivided, and the risk was reduced by 30%.

When improving Recollection Thought Gu, Star Thought 蛊, Evil Thought Gu Gu Formula, but Came across bottleneck, Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao cultivation was just getting started, Wisdom Dao Realm was terrible, which greatly dragged down Fang Yuan’s footsteps.

In recent days, Fang Yuan has set his sights on the Immortal Gu Formula Blood God Child.

He gradually repaired Blood God Child and found some of its mysteries. Even if Blood God Child Immortal Gu refining comes out and wants to motivate it, you need a blood relative. Kill a loved one, and under the power of Blood God Child Immortal Gu, you will get a Blood God Child.

If the relative does not resist and is willing to give, then the produced Blood God Child will be close to Gu Immortal, such as the arm. On the other hand, if the hatred of the loved one is angered, Blood God Child may backlash his own owner.

This is why Fang Yuan recruited Fang Zheng’s.

If Fang Yuan has other methods and is out of the Immortal Zombie, Fang Zheng will be used in this regard. In short, since Fang Zheng had caused a lot of trouble to Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan would definitely not let him go.

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