Fang Yuan has not already signed a covenant with Immortal Crane Sect. How dare you start with the people in Immortal Crane Sect?

Fang Zheng knows more about the insiders than the peers of Elder and the disciples. He Fengyang and Cang Yu joined forces to attack Fox Immortal Blessed Land. Because of the consensus of Audacity Gu’s interests, the two sides signed a covenant. ⊙

There is naturally a content in the Covenant that stipulates that members of the two sides must not attack each other. This is one of the reasons why Fang Zheng is consciously safe.

Fang Yuan slowly stopped, Fang Zheng unable to move a single step, screaming, without a slight resistance, was lifted by an invisible Strength Dao and sent to Fang Yuan’s hand.

Immortal Crane Sect group of people was stunned.

“Good terrifying strength!”

“Fang Zheng Elder is a Rank 5 cultivation base. It didn’t have any resistance. It was won.”

“Fang Zheng is Enslave Dao Gu Master, but isn’t it?”

Fang Yuan showed an incredible means to shock these people.

Fang Zheng said in his heart: “Do you guys stand and watch the movie? Come and save me. He is always not my big brother. He killed his uncle and aunt, killing the clansman of the whole family. He is the devil, he is a Great Demon!”

At the same time, Fang Zheng screamed in the mouth: “I don’t go to you, why should I listen to you? You want to discipline me? My life is my own! I have my own goals, my dreams. How can you understand? I can fight myself, I can surpass you!”

Live off a rebellious teenager who is not in charge.

Fang Zheng listened to his shouting, it was a sorrow!

Fang Yuan sighed, to Immortal Crane Sect Human Dao: “this period of time. I can’t help you with this younger brother.”

“No trouble. No trouble.” Immortal Crane Sect A group of people hurriedly waved.

Fang Yuan nodded, again: “I brought Fang Zheng to my side. I have been disciplined for a while. I have already greeted Sect Master about this matter. You can go back and pass.”

Fang Yuan lie and lie, what Sect Master looks like, Fang Yuan doesn’t know.

The two Elders, but they put down the last layer of hesitation.

Fang Yuan’s thing, Immortal Crane Sect has been weaving lies in order to maintain the reputation of sect. As a result, Fang Yuan now uses this lie to confuse the Immortal Crane Sect.

Fang Yuan, carrying Fang Zheng, just left.

Gu Masters on the roadside saw this scene. Very surprised. But since people Immortal Crane Sect didn’t say anything, how could they go? And the object of the hands-on, is the refining Dao expert Fang Yuan that everyone knows?

Gu Master with Exorcism Faction, don’t worry, ask in the past.

Yantang Elder smiled and explained: “I don’t get in the way, Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng Elder are brothers. Now is the big brother to teach the younger brother.”

Exorcism Faction Gu Master is convinced.

Immortal Crane Sect A group of people have been watching Fang Yuan leave, and many disciples have turned envious of Fang Zheng.

Some people have feelings and said – “Fang Yuan adults, although the tone of ice-cold, actually has a caring for their only pro-younger brother.”

“Yes, there is such a refining Dao Grandmaster to cultivate. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“You said that Fang Zheng last accepted the sect mission and came back to become the Rank 5 Elder. This time was taken away by the big brother. Will it become the Refining Dao Grandmaster after returning?”

“Not at all.”

“This is too exaggerated!”

“Despite this, there is such an expert to give pointers, absolutely benefiting.”

“Hey. Why don’t I have such a big brother?” A word of a discipline, spoke everyone went.

If at this time they know. Fang Yuan grabs Fang Zheng, but is prepared for the body possession. I don’t know what kind of wonderful expression it will be.


Fang Yuan threw Fang Zheng on the ground.

Fang Zheng struggled and screamed in his heart: “Fang Yuan, this devil, what do you want to do with me?! You and Immortal Crane Sect set a covenant, can’t kill me this Immortal Crane Sect Elder.”

Fang Yuan laughed: “I didn’t kill you, what are you excited about? My good younger brother, you are obediently staying here.”

Fang Zheng’s face is horrified, and her heart yells: “Fang Yuan is not my Master Reverend Heavenly Crane. Can he actually know what I am inside?”

Fang Yuan smiled proudly and looked down at Fang Zheng at the foot: “Your so-called Master is now just a soul that’s all. Even if he survived, the heyday was just the Rank 5 Gu Master.”

Fang Yuan said, when the palm of the hand grabbed it, he took all the mortal gu from Fang Zheng.

Soul Transmission Flea is in a weak tremor, which is the ultimate resistance of Reverend Heavenly Crane.

But how can you resist it?

If at Silvergrass Mountain, one hundred Fang Yuan is not an opponent of Reverend Heavenly Crane. But now, Fang Yuan is no longer the same as Rank 6 Gu Immortal. Reverend Heavenly Crane is a soul.

“Fang Yuan, you don’t kill us. Take us to the captives and commit the covenant rules. You will be subject to the violent backlash of the covenant! I advise you to let us go, you deignified Gu Immortal, how come with us Don’t you be afraid of doing this, are you afraid of doing this, is it a bad relationship between you and my Immortal Crane Sect? Don’t think that Immortal Crane Sect can’t clean you up! The background of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects is not what you can imagine.” Reverend Heavenly Crane Screaming in Soul Transmission Flea, he knows that Fang Yuan must hear it.

Fang Yuan laughed and said: “Hahaha, Reverend Heavenly Crane, I want to thank you. Without you attacking Silvergrass Mountain, I will not be coincidental. I am going to take this step. I caught you, how can Immortal Crane Sect work? Since you know a lot of secrets, you should understand that Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects are mutually restrained and mutually restrained. Everything speaks with interest. You say that the unique and unmatched Audacity Gu and you two are very important?”

Reverend Heavenly Crane is speechless.

Fang Yuan blinked in the eyes, mobilized countless Gu insects, and formed Soul Dao ultimate move in a twinkling of an eye: “Now let out all the things you know. Soul Search!”

After an hour, Fang Yuan stepped out of the dungeon. The door behind him, with a bang, shut down.

Fang Yuan A pair of red dragons, shining with light, muttering in the mouth: “Reverend Heavenly Crane, 1st Generation Ancient Moon, Blood Dao True Inheritance…”

Through Soul Search, his grievances about Reverend Heavenly Crane and 1st Generation Ancient Moon were fully known. And also know the secrets of many Immortal Crane Sect.

“This Reverend Heavenly Crane is a powerful subordinate of He Fengyang. I caught him. Will He Fengyang come over to someone? This is a bit of a hassle.”

“hehe, actually don’t want body possession, want to fulfill Fang Zheng. This Reverend Heavenly Crane is a person with perseverance.” Fang Yuan is not amazed.

Although he is the authority of the devil, but for this kind of self-denial, the perseverance of its own principles, can still be viewed and appreciated from a considerable angle.

The same rice, raise a hundred people. Different people are alive and have different perseverance.

For such people with different values, Fang Yuan is fully acceptable and even appreciated.

Without such a chest, he would not have such an achievement today.

“In this case, Old Monarch Can Yang will also return the body possession method from Dongfang Changfan to Immortal Crane Sect.”

The memory of Reverend Heavenly Crane is not very helpful for Fang Yuan.

He is just a mortal Gu Master, and the Immortal Crane Sect involved is very superficial, and Fang Yuan can use very little.

As for Fang Zheng, Fang Yuan has certainly not let go, and thoroughly searched his soul.

For this pro-younger brother, Fang Yuan intends to remain in custody. If it was really a last resort, Fang Yuan had to make a decision, body possession Fang Zheng, and resurrected.

But this way, his second aperture was lost, and the strength of the Strength Dao’s Dao Marks also dissipated. Need to re-transcends tribulation promoted immortal.

The loss is great.

The second aperture Immortal Gu was made from many uncommon immortal materials refining. Which includes Longevity Gu!

It can be said that the second aperture Immortal Gu Formula source is not refining in a short time.

Longevity Gu is extremely difficult to find, even if Sought Longevity Gu, according to Fang Yuan’s current situation, I am afraid it is also used directly, to grow its own life essence.

“If possible, try not to have body possession Fang Zheng’s. But if the identity is exposed and you have not regained your life, then you can only possess the possession. The goal now is Gu Refining Grand Meeting. After entering the top six You can benefit from Undefeatable Inheritance and get a chance to refining gu!”

Undefeatable Inheritance is Refining Dao inheritance. What is undefeated? That is, refining gu never fails!

Once you get the top six, you can be transferred to a hidden Blessed Land. Fang Yuan intends to refining Immortal Gu Shape Transformation there!

This is Transformation Dao’s Rank 6 Immortal Gu. Once you have it, Fang Yuan’s Meet Like Acquaintance will have a leap forward, and it’s not a version of the pain in the ass that can only cover the Northern Plains.

As for the Importal Gu Formula of Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan has already arrived.

Thanks to the Langya Earth Spirit for this matter.

A long time ago, when Fang Yuan just got Wisdom Gu, he made a deal with Langya Earth Spirit to help Langya Earth Spirit perfect Immortal Gu Formula.

Fang Yuan earned a profit, not only getting rid of the economic bankruptcy of the Predicament, but also getting a lot of Immortal Gu Formula.

The Importal Gu Formula of Shape Transformation Immortal Gu is one of them.

As for the immortal materials of refining Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan is almost ready.

Nearly half of the immortal materials are from the Northern Plains auction. For the other half missing, Fang Yuan asked Hei Loulan to take action and use her Blessed Land to communicate Treasure Yellow Heaven. Then use the other immortal materials that Fang Yuan has left, or sell or trade, and conduct multiple transactions, and have raised a lot.

The only remaining gap was compensated by the rewarded immortal materials after Fang Yuan’s eighth game.

In the next few trials, Fang Yuan took the initiative to attack, using the advantage of rebirth, to beat these people one after another.

For a time, Fang Yuan limelight had no two, large and small forces, and countless Gu Immortal focused on him.

Everyone else is in the middle of the law, entrenched on his own site for a safe promotion.

Only Fang Yuan is one person, it is unique, maverick, and everywhere, but every game can win!

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