Central Continent, eastern coast.

The waves of water and waves are tumbling. The coldness overflowed, forming a white mist, shrouded in a single hundred li.

Hundreds of years ago, I didn’t know where to drop a piece of mysterious ice, leaning on the Central Continent eastern coast. This mysterious ice is very large, like the isle, the cold is pressing, there are a lot of Ice Dao wild donkeys on the ice, and there are three kinds of cold shrubs.

After Xuan Bing was discovered, it quickly caused a sensation.

Gu Masters living on the eastern coast have speculated that the origin of this mysterious ice.

There are two kinds of sayings in the mainstream. Since the species of Xuan Bing drifted from the east, it is probably from the Eastern Sea’s Ice Sea Territory. This Sea Territory is cold all year round, ice and cold, and a stream of ice like a long dragon snake, squatting on the seabed. Once near the surface of the water, it will form huge ice.

The Second Type statement refers to White Heaven | daytime fragmentation, ice falling from White Heaven | daytime. At first it should be even bigger, like a small land. However, in the process of falling, the friction heats up, constantly melts, and falls into the sea water and extinguishes the heat, eventually becoming this mysterious ice isle. The edge around this mysterious ice is smooth and has no edges and corners. It is like a candle that is melted by heat. This is a powerful testimony to this statement.

This mysterious ice is leaning against the beach and is not moving.

At first, it attracted many mortals, Gu Master, to search. These Close Water High Stages are the first to get the Gu Master, and they all made a fortune. The wild and cold shrubs above the mysterious ice were all searched.

In the following years, Xuan Bing ushered in many Gu Masters, and settled in it.

original. Although the resources of the Xuan Bing isle are scarce, Xuan Bing is difficult to carry out in a thousand years. It is itself a great place for cultivation of Ice Dao Gu Master.

Central Continent eastern coast Warm in all seasons, such as spring and summer, Ice Dao Gu Master is difficult to practice. Therefore, this side of the mysterious ice isle, very attracted to a lot of Ice Dao Gu Master, Water Dao Gu Master.

There are Jiang Hu in some places, the number is increasing, the area of ​​Iceland is limited, and there are many outsiders coming in. In order to protect their own vested interests. Gu Masters on Iceland spontaneously formed an alliance. Enclose Iceland and not open to outsiders.

As a result, a force that is not too big is formed.

After hundreds of years of development, this originally structured loose rogue cultivator alliance. Because of the emergence of several generations of ambitious leaders, gradually solidified, formed a sect. Gradually developed, sect grew, forming a big force today, and within a few thousand miles, there is little power to counter it.

The name of this sect is called Fei Shuangge. The mysterious ice ise, suggesting that the sect is based on the historical origins of drifting from the outside.

The second contest of this Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting. It was held in Feishuangge.

Fang Yuan held the token and came to the Feishuang Pavilion.

This time, the question is to refining the rank 2’s Ghost Fire Gu. The regulation in the title has also changed. Instead of winning the number in the previous question, it is based on time.

Ask Gu Master to refining ten Ghost Fire Gus at the same time. The shorter the Gu Master, the higher the score. The subject lists a standard that is available in semi-muscle or less than half musk. First come, first served. Someone got it, and there is something to do later. Can only be ranked second. If the second place is also someone, it can only be ranked third. The first three have people, and that can only fall behind the Sun Shan, and there is no reward.

This time, the first name of the award is the five Roll 3 Ice Dao Gu insect’s Gu Formula. For the Refining Dao Gu Master, or the Ice Dao Gu Master, or one party has great appeal.

When Fang Yuan entered the refining gu, the top three positions were still vacant.

“The difficulty of the second game is much higher than the field. Ten Ghost Fire Gu one by one refining is not difficult. It is easy to use less than half a musk. It is difficult to refining ten Ghost Fire Gus at the same time. Ghost Fire Gu is part of Flame Dao and Soul Dao. The refining is quite complicated and cumbersome. It is very expensive for the mind. Long-term refining is easy to cause weakness. This is one of the refining features of Soul Dao Gu insect.”

Fang Yuan thought for a moment and decided to use the refining technique of Soul Dao and Flame Dao to burn Gloomy Soul to form a fake Ghost Fire for refining true Ghost Fire.

Feishuangge is the Righteous Sect, the Gloomy Soul burned by Fang Yuan. Of course, you have to prepare yourself. Feishuangge does not provide this refining gu material.

“heretical path of the devils !” saw Fang Yuan adopt this method, and An Han coldly snorted outside the court.

The Pavilion Lord, who hosted the scene on the stage, Pupils shrank, thought: “Five Virtues Sect Sect Master has been rejected by this person. This person is in the public, burning Gloomy Soul, it is a Demonic Path. In order to make things happen, Feishuangge even if he recruited this person, I am afraid it is also a big trouble, or forget it.”

In addition to Gu Refining Grand Meeting, in addition to not being able to kill, Gu Master is the devil, it does not matter, do not prohibit or exclude Demonic Path Gu Master to participate.

Just use the Refining Dao method to exchange ideas. It is precisely because of this atmosphere that Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting is more prosperous.

Unidentified people praise the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, only Fang Yuan knows that this is related to Undefeatable Inheritance. The hidden need in Undefeatable Inheritance is that the more Gu Masters you attend, the better.

It’s just that Righteous and Demonic are different. Fang Yuan uses the soul refining gu. It is a sinister evil that is contemptuous of the Righteous Path.

Onlookers of Gu Masters, mainly based on the Righteous Path, seeing the devil head like Fang Yuan, the heart is very disgusted with resentment, can’t help but are hoping that Fang Yuan will fail the refining.

Xu is a united city, their prayer worked, at the crucial moment, the soul fire in front of Fang Yuan suddenly exploded, ten Ghost Fire Gus are about to take shape, one of them is turned into ashes, sprinkled from the flame and turned into a floor tile. A pile of ash on it.

Everyone saw this scene, their eyes were shining, and the Righteous Path Gu Master, who was straightforward, even screamed. But immediately think of Fang Yuan Rank 5 cultivation base, then close your mouth, but the expression of flying can not cover it.

An Han’s face also showed a slight joy.

Fang Yuan brought great pressure to him. If he followed the progress of Fang Yuan, he had already reached the final steps of refining success. Fang Yuan refining is very fast, and the effect of Gloomy Soul burning is very significant. If you take a few steps, the refining is successful, and the time must be less than half a musk. The first name is the thing in Fang Yuan’s bag.

Of course, Fang Yuan has nothing to do with these rewards and rankings.

An Han is not. He is the High Priest of Feishuangge. As an official host, if it fails, it will face the side in front of the same side. Secondly, the top name in Gu Refining Grand Meeting is the honor of Refining Dao Gu Master’s. The final name of the award also made An Han extravagant.

“Well, Thus, he has to re-fining gu. Refining nine Ghost Fire Gus, even if they are only one, they are not qualified. Only restarting, and refining ten, must be refining at the same time.” An Han I barely press the expression to change my mind, but my heart is really happy.

“Sure enough in persisting in evil brings about self-destruction, even if you use the soul refining gu, you have to fail.”

“He is the top name of the Five Virtues Sect field, then that’s all. In our Flying Frost Pavilion, the name must be An Han!”

“The heretical path of the devils, the refining gu failed, it is really a big heart.”

The onlookers secretly communicated, of course, there is a gu formation that isolates the sound on the field, and does not let the sound outside the field interfere with the Gu Master of refining gu.

But when everyone was secretly happy, Ghost Fire in Fang Yuan’s hand suddenly split into two groups.

The two groups are one big, one small, and the big group contains nine Ghost Fire Gu prototypes. In the small group Ghost Fire, nothing is empty.

Fang Yuan looks the same, took a deep breath, and finally got a little serious.

Just the Ghost Fire Gu exploded, not his mistake, but the refining gu itself has a probability of failure. Although the probability of failure of Rank 2 Gu is not high, Fang Yuan has been achieved, but the probability of encountered is helpless.

Right now, he keeps the big group Ghost Fire in one hand, and the other hand casts three souls, a pig soul, a sheep soul, 1 Human Soul in the small group Ghost Fire.

The three souls burned together, and the small group Ghost Fire suddenly flamed the rises, and it sounded sobbing and screaming.

“He actually uses Human Soul!”

“Under the crowd, he even dared to burn in publicly with Human Soul… this is this!”

“hey hey, oh, it’s the Demonic Path Rank 5 level, it’s so arrogant.”

The face of Feishuangge is hard to look at.

They are Righteous Sect, Fang Yuan publicly burned the Human Soul refining gu, and they did not put the flying frost in their eyes. But at this time is Gu Refining Grand Meeting, Feishuangge even if it is not good, can not stop Fang Yuan refining gu. Unless they want to sue 10 Great Ancient Sects, don’t want sect to continue to pass.

Fang Yuan expression is calm, with the main focus on the small group Ghost Fire.

He is constantly investing in refining gu materials, regulating Ghost Fire suddenly and suddenly, and suddenly weak. In the middle of the key step, he threw a Fire Dan Gu into the fire, a soulball.

The two Gu insects blended in the fire and merged into one, becoming the prototype of the Ghost Fire Gu.

Some Gu Masters who know the goods, see this scene, can’t help but exclaimed.

“Continuously investing in two Gu insects, this is the Refining Dao technique – a re-investment.”

“Re-investment is one of the basic Refining Dao techniques. However, when you use this person, you are very skilled. It is just like breathing naturally. This is not something that can be done by inborn talent alone. It must be practiced numerous times. Painstaking cultivation can achieve this situation.”

“don’t tell me This person is majoring in Refining Dao?”

“It’s hard to say! When he signed up, sect and genre were kept secret. He is the demonic cultivator of genuine, sect should not, and the genre may be Refining Dao.”

Everyone has speculated.

Of course, they guessed that they were not allowed.

Fang Yuan’s majoring in genre, currently Strength Dao, and Refining Dao gossip. He also has an official sect status, belonging to Immortal Crane Sect of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.

If you let everyone know that the fierce devil in front of them is actually a person in Immortal Crane Sect, I don’t know what to look like.

A moment later, Fang Yuan remedied and reunited the two Ghost Fires.

The last few steps, regular and thorough, no further surprises.

Eventually Ghost Fire slammed and threw away, and ten Ghost Fire Gus flew together.

There was no one outside the scene.

Flying Frost Court Elder’s face was iron blue, reluctantly announced: “refining gu success, less than a musk, the name of the site – Fang Yuan.”

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