On this day, Fang Zheng listened to the public lecture of another Elder and walked on the way back, but was stopped by a discipline called Shi Hong.

“Fang Zheng Elder.” Shi Hong gave a first gift.

Fang Zheng also greeted, and I was a little embarrassed at the bottom of my heart. Because Shi Hong, the elite disciple, is older than Fang Zheng, originally is a Senior Brother who is several years older than Fang Zheng.

“Teach Fang Zheng Elder, this time in the four major entrance exams of Gu Refining Grand Meeting, there is a question to refining Hidden Earth Flower Gu. And refining this, the third step, is the need to use the upstream grass, with the Zen lion Mao, supplemented by the refining gu technique. But the identification always fails in this step. I don’t know what the correct refining gu technique is?”

“This…” Fang Zheng sighed and hesitated. He majored in Enslave Dao, controlling the flying crane, and the battle strength was outstanding in the mortal Gu Master. But I don’t understand Refining Dao at all.

Fortunately, he had Soul Transmission Flea and Reverend Heavenly Crane secretly passed him the answer.

Fang Zheng replied, saying: “This refining gu technique, called a hand, is intended to twist each upstream grass and each lion lion’s hair together. To refining Hidden Earth Flower Gu, It is necessary to weave hundreds of grass hairs within 30 breaths. Once this time, the flame of refining gu will burn the grass and hair. Therefore, if you are not skilled, refining gu will be easy. failure.”

Fang Zheng repeated the words of Reverend Heavenly Crane, the more calm, the more calm. After finishing this paragraph, I went on to explain how to tempering the “finished hands” refining gu technique.

Shi Hong’s expression changed slightly, and there were some mistakes. Even hurriedly said: “Many thanks Fang Zheng Elder’s advice, the benefits of the benefits.”

“Is there anything else that I don’t understand?” Fang Zheng smiled and passed a teacher’s addiction.

“Nothing. No. The disciple retire!” Shi Hong gave a ceremony and said goodbye.

After the two are separated. Fang Zheng took a long walk and suddenly went slower and slower.

He frowned. Woke up: “This Shi Hong, not to sincerely ask for advice, it seems to be deliberately to marry me.”

“hehe, you can see it now. right, right.” Reverend Heavenly Crane grinningly said.

Fang Zheng will be inwardly shouted: “Master, you know it!”

“Crap, your origins are very easy to inquire, age is there, everyone knows that you have not repaired Remining Dao. Shi Hong deliberately asked you such a remote question. Is it not intentional martyrdom?”

Spoke until here, Reverend Heavenly Crane paused for a moment, and asked Fang Zheng: “Do you know why he is martyrdom?”

“Why?” Fang Zheng felt unfathomable mystery.

Reverend Heavenly Crane laughed and said the reason: “Because Shi Hong likes female disciple Yi Yue. And this Yi Yue is the daughter of Yandang Elder. Yandang Elder is alone, and is squeezed out in Immortal Crane Sect. It’s not a bad idea. He wants to give the daughter the redemption, pull the gang, and join the league of the youngest Elder in the history of Immortal Crane Sect. Or else he will ask you to eat wine three times and five times? Let his daughter sit with you?”

“Ah.” Fang Zheng cried out in surprise, then I realized that his mind could not help but reveal the beauty of Yi Yue, sitting next to him. Enthusiastically picking vegetables for him. I also toasted Fang Zheng frequently, and after drinking a few mouthfuls of wine, I was flushed. Beautiful and moving.

“remembered, remembered? Hahaha. Silly boy!” Reverend Heavenly Crane Seeing Fang Zheng is in the same place, very happy. Obviously gossip consciousness. No matter men, women and children, even life and death.

Fang Zheng reluctantly sighed, shook his head, bored – ly said: “It’s a calculation, it’s a benefit, I really don’t like it. From now on, Yan Deng Elder invited me again, I will quit. Anyway, I am also Elder. , and he is level, rejection is nothing.”

“Stupid boy, which organization in this world is not maintained with interest? The truth is there, but it is precious because it is scarce.” Reverend Heavenly Crane said with emotion, “You don’t want to avoid this, I advise you not to reject it.” Invited by Yandang Elder. Even if you don’t marry his daughter, don’t be evil with the relationship of Yandeng Elder. Because now you are more powerful than Yandang Elder.”

“Don’t say this, Master, just mentioned Gu Refining Grand Meeting. Recently, whether it’s a discipline or an Elder, I’m talking about it. What is this Gu Refining Grand Meeting?” Fang Zheng deliberately opened the subject.

“You ask me the best question, don’t ask anyone else. Otherwise they will look at you with the look of a fool. I will tell you in detail. This Gu Refining Grand Meeting is not a general, but Central Continent 100 There is only one event in the year. In other words, there is no special life prolonging means, the vast majority of Gu Master can only participate once in life,” Reverend Heavenly Crane replied.

Fang Zheng said: “Gu Refining Grand Meeting, don’t tell me is the grand event of Refining Dao Gu Master?”

“Not like this. Gu Master cultivation, there are three major aspects, namely cultivate gus, use gus, refine gus. Gu Refining Grand Meeting is not only a rejuvening Dao Gu Master to participate in the event, as long as you have a skill in refining gu aspect, or have Experience can be attended by this event.”

Reverend Heavenly Crane continued: “The scale of this event is unprecedented, and it is definitely the world’s first Refining Dao event. Every refining Dao conference has a number of 100,000 Gu Masters from Central Continent large and small The sect. Even the Eastern Sea, Western Desert, Southern Border, and Northern Plains’ Gu Master will appear.”

“Southern Border…” Fang Zheng was stunned and he could’t help but recalled Silvergrass Mountain.

He immediately asked: “So what Shi Hong just mentioned, what is the so-called four major entrance exam questions?”

Reverend Heavenly Crane knows everything: “The so-called four questions are qualified to enter the qualification. But Gu Master, no matter who, will refining gu in the cultivation. Gu Refining Grand Meeting rewards rich and attracts countless Gu Master If you don’t have a test, there are too many people who want to touch Luck Qi. So there are four questions to screen out the really excellent Gu Master with Refining Dao.”

“In other words, to participate in Gu Refining Grand Meeting, you must complete these four questions.” Fang Zheng is amazed.

“He He He.” Reverend Heavenly Crane said with a smile. “In fact, these four questions are all about the basic skills of refining gu. Gu Masters with certain experience can often pass.”

Fang Zheng: “Master, I can’t pass it.”

“It doesn’t matter, under my guidance. You can succeed in this period of time.” Reverend Heavenly Crane.

“Yes? Then I can’t open my eyes!” Fang Zheng was overjoyed.

Central Continent. Five Virtue Mountains.

The bustling crowd is like a river. Around the Five Virtue Mountains.

The Five Virtue Mountains are not high and are located in the eastern part of Central Continent, the sect station for the mid-sized sect Five Virtues Sect.

Five Virtues Sect is a big force in the range of three thousand mile. Especially its background is deep, the contemporary Five Virtues Sect Sect Master is the Elder of Sky Lotus School. Sky Lotus School is one of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects. It is a super power. Therefore, although the establishment of Five Virtues Sect is not long, it has developed smoothly, and the old-fashioned forces around it are not afraid to squeeze it.

Fang Yuan pretend to be a mortal Gu Master. At the moment, it is also mixed in the crowd, walking from the foot of the mountain towards the Five Virtue Mountains.

He is a black robe, not tall or short, not fat or thin. The face masked, the headband rain cap, the hat was very low, the shadow cast in the sun, even covering Fang Yuan’s shoulder.

But this dress is not eye-catching in the crowd. Many people cover up. More than he is.

As the flow of people progressed slowly, Fang Yuan saw the gate of Five Virtues Sect.

This tall house has sixteen giant pillars, which are more than 30 feet wide. It is even higher than the 5-Layer building. The three characters of Five Virtues Sect on the threshold, the golden light sparkles. Downstairs, there are six stone lions. Out of the ordinary, very powerful.

After the mountain gate. It is a main road, a ladder paved with a good green jade stone. Like a green river, leisurely up, climb the Five Virtue Mountains.

Next to Grand Dao, the trees are green and verdant. Sometimes there is a mountain breeze blowing, bringing a touch of coolness.

The crowd rubbed their shoulders, people were squatting, people were crowded, and all kinds of characters were there.

Fang Yuan looked four sweeps. In front of him, there was a group of female Gu Masters with long hair fluttering, wearing a uniform flower skirt, which should come from a unified sect. Right hand, is a white clothed pampered young master, holding a fan with a fan, mounted on a leopard, eyes constantly aiming at the group of female Gu Master.

On the left hand side, there is a pair of master and disciple, wearing a shabby, talking.

“Master, a lot of people!” Disciple said with emotion.

Master hehe smiled: “There are too many people, don’t let go. Good discipline, your Refining Dao inborn talent is very high, this is your chance to fly. The four major exam questions are not difficult for you to pass, but you must get good ranking. Only in this way can others be dazzled and rush to attract you.”

Disciple smiles proudly: “Master, you are always at ease. This time I will be able to win the first name. Get the first name reward Gu insect, for your treatment!”

The Master was about to speak, and suddenly there was a huge force behind him.

The Master was pushed to the ground, and the cried out in surprise quickly rushed to help.

“Let’s get out! Let’s go!” A group of five big and three thick brawny came over with imposing manner.

Behind them, an old Gu Master gloomy eyes, sitting comfortably on the recliner, was carried by four people before and after.

“High Priest An Han is driving, you don’t hurry to make way!” The strong man who opened the road sang high.

“Come on, the people of Feishuangge are here. Not that we can get it.”

“High Priest, which was launched by Feishuangge, is coming to the ground and wants to find a place on Five Virtues Sect.”

“right, the last time the Five Virtues Sect and the Flying Frost Court competed for the spring mouth, the result was that the Five Virtues Sect was a win, and the Flying Frost Court suffered a lot.”

Everyone has a lot of arguments, and they don’t want to get rid of Feishuangge. They all let the road open.

“Damn, bully intolerably!” Disciple to help the Master, gnashing teeth, it is necessary to go forward.

“Don’t go.” Master is the old Jiang Hu, and quickly stopped the small discipline.

“Flying Frost Court, what is the power?” In front of Fang Yuan, a male Gu Master asked the companions around him.

After getting the answer, Gu Master disdainfully sneered: “hmph, there are only three Rank 5 Gu Masters in the whole cabinet, but that’s it.”

The companions around me quickly advised: “This is Central Continent, not Eastern Sea, strong dragon can not repress a snake, more than one thing is less. Forget it, forget it.”

Male Gu Master thought about it, and finally coldly snorted, not waiting for the group of people to fly, they first squeezed into the crowd in the right front.

“What’s the matter with you, don’t grow your eyes, let go, let it go!” The brawny came to Fang Yuan’s behind him, groaning in a bad voice, extending the hand in an attempt to drive away.

Fang Yuan did not turn around and turned a deaf ear.

“Well?” The strong man’s face was raging, but his face suddenly changed, “Rank 5 cultivation base?”

Fang Yuan’s disguised identity is the Rank 5 Gu Master, which deliberately reveals a hint of breath.

The brawny are in amazement and have shrunk their hands.

On the bamboo chair, High Priest An Han of Feishuangge, sit up straight and stare at Fang Yuan’s back.

“Rank 5 breath…genuine! This dress is not a rogue cultivator loner, it is a Demonic Path Gu Master…” An Han’s eyes are picking up, his hand is swaying, ordered, “Don’t you go ahead?”

The brawny quickly took the lead, turned the direction, bypassed Fang Yuan and went ahead.

In the mortal world, Rank 5 is definitely the existence of peak, the head of the power. Even the Sect Master of Immortal Crane Sect is just the Rank 5 cultivation base.

“This group of bullying and hard-hitting guys!” The small discipline and the Master re-into the flow of people, the small discipline staring at the backs of a group of people in Feishuangge, indignant.

Immediately, he turned to curiosity, inquiry, and a little adoration to Fang Yuan.

On the right side of the white clothed Young Master, put away the folding fan, the leopard, the group of female Gu Master in front of the deliberate stop, there are many other Gu Master, took the initiative to come to Fang Yuan, show him.

Rank 5 Gu Master … such a character, if you can climb the relationship…

Next to the road, the Five Virtues Sect disciple, who is responsible for maintaining order, also quickly wrote: “Go to the report and find a Rank 5 Gu Master.”

Faced with these people, Fang Yuan only said one word – “roll.”

The tone is calm, the sound is cold, and the air is full of anger.

Everyone has changed, a cool feeling rises from the bottom of my heart, where is it dare to entangle?

The small discipline also hurriedly regained his gaze.

Fang Yuan once again converges the breath, and there is no one in the three steps.

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