“Refining Hall Elder is a painstaking cultivation this year. The level of these three people is even higher in the Central Continent. The so-called teacher is a high-ranking person.” Elder praised.

“He He He, don’t dare to be, don’t dare to be. These three child inborn talents are there, and more importantly, the dean’s adults strongly support, otherwise they will never tempering the three of them so skillful.” Refining Hall Elder attitude modest.

The president of the academy was silent.

Refining Hall Elder talks about Rank 1 and talks about Hong Yi: “Speaking, the dean’s son, Hong Yi, also has such inborn talent, and now he has entered the finals. The key is that he is not a Refining Hall disciple. He is usually negligent in practice and can achieve this result. It’s amazing.”

The Elders looked at each other and secretly despised Refining Hall Elder. The sneak peek was so explicit that they echoed.

“Yeah yeah.”

“There is a bloodline of the dean’s adult, how can it be weak?”

“When I first entered the academy, it was not inconspicuous. But now Hong Yi is already the head of a group of disciplines, and will certainly be a leader in the future.”

Dean coldly snorted: “The dog is stunned, don’t tell me. Can’t I see it? He can get into the finals, and he is gone with Dog Shit Luck. Widely involved, no sense. All the proficiency is sparse. When the test is over, let him be confined for seven days and reflect on it.”

Elder is silent.

The dean has several sons. Hong Yi is the best one, but he is a singer. He is not in harmony with Father. He has a rebellious character and is often suppressed by the Dean’s training.

This time Hong Yi took part in the Refining Dao test and secretly signed up with his father.

At this moment, Hong Yi full head sweats, staring at a flame in his hand.

In the flame, Gu insect has gradually formed.

“At last I also entered the last step. Unfortunately, my time is too much!” Hong Yi is busy, observing others.

When he saw that the flames of Cao Yu, Xie Lan and Lu Wen had shrunk to the size of the wick, Hong Yi knew that he had no hope of winning this time.

In fact, his Refining Dao inborn talent is there, even more than Cao Yu. However, he usually practice very little. First, the main direction is not this, the energy is scattered, and the time is limited. Second, there is no financial support, although some fortuitous encounters, but father does not support, only let him specialize in the main road.

“Damn! Father has already noticed my intentions. I want to put my mother’s tablet in the Ancestral Temple. How can I agree with Father’s ancestry regulation? He hopes that I am the same as other brother sisters, obediently do as one is told, Don’t offend his majesty. But Hong Family is really unfair to me, unfair! If I don’t want to recover this tone for my mother, I am really a son!”

“fine. Nowadays, I can only risky move, take a risk. The final step of refining the red face is actually Overnight in the hands of refining gu Great Master. It is just that the flame is difficult to control, so they deliberately slow down. I certainly can’t Overnight, but faster than them, I still have a chance to win.”

Hong Yi made up his mind and immediately acted.

Whether it was the onlookers, or Elder on the stage, he quickly discovered Hong Yi’s move.

Everyone shook their heads.

“It’s really innocent.”

“Hong Yi wants a risky move, but how can it be turned over? Unless he is a Refining Dao Great Master!”

“Of course he is not Refining Dao Great Master. It is self-defeating. Look at it, his flame is out of control.”

“Oops!” Hong Yi’s heart was not good. The flame in his hand was weak and weak, and it creaked when burning. It seemed that a moment later would explode.

The explosion’s formidable power is not terrifying. After all, the college has questions, and it also takes into account the security issues of the disciples.

“Failed!!” Hong Yi sinks in his heart, the flame in his hand is completely out of control, and even flies out, leaving his palm.

For a time, Hong Yi was full of bitterness.

“In the end, it still failed… Auntie!”

He recently practiced refining gu overnight, but he was chilled, but he was calmed down. At this time, he relaxed and sweated. Can’t help but sneezed.

The sneeze rushed to the flame in front of the eye, and the flame suddenly disappeared.

A refining red-faced cockroach, slamming, fell on the floor tiles of the square.

“Refining, refining?!” Hong Yi dumbfounded.

Everyone petrify.

“pu!” Elder, who drank tea, spewed out the tea in his mouth.

Even the dean of the academy, Hong Yi’s father also subconsciously stood up, his face was eccentric, and his heart was amazed: “This, this sneeze, actually played a similar method of Refining Dao Great Master, even Overnight In the blink of an eye, I will redeem the red face into a piece! Hong Yi is this kid… What is this Dog Shit Luck…”

Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan, Taibai Yunsheng, Hei Loulan and Earth Spirit Little Fox Immortal, standing together at high altitude, silently await the arrival of the Earthly Disaster.

“What exactly is this time Earth event?” Little Fox Immortal looked up at the owner.

Fang Yuan touches her little Brain Melon: “Relax, this time transcends tribulation, unlike the previous one. We have three Gu Immortals, moved Soul Shaking Mountain, evacuated many resources, and greatly reduced the background of Blessed Land. I also added my own Luck Dao, and the grasp of transcends tribulation has increased to 80%.”

Heavenly Dao is more than enough to make up for the balance.

The deeper the background of Blessed Land, the stronger the Earthly Disaster and Heavenly Tribulation tends to be. So Fang Yuan moved Soul Shaking Mountain and the rest of the uncommon resources into Taibai Yunsheng’s Immortal Aperture.

Thus, it reduces the blessing and reduces the difficulty of Earthly Disaster and Heavenly Tribulation.

In the Royal Court Blessed Land, he has realized the magic of Luck Dao. Knowing that the master Luck Dao is stronger, the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster is often weaker.

It can be said that Fang Yuan has already done the preparation.

But even so, with the probability of 20%, Fang Yuan failed to defend against Earthly Disaster!

The reason is that Earthly Disasters are so diverse that they usually don’t know what Earthly Disaster is. Earthly Disaster is so strange that it is very difficult to resist, and even if it has not been seen before, the difficulty of resisting is great.

Waiting quietly, Earth Qi boiled and the Earthly Disaster finally started.

One by one’s flower bones, piercing the Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s ground, a sharp horn, a few breaths, rapid growth, one by one bright red flowers, all over the Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

“This is…” The flowers are fully in full bloom between the people.

These flowers are huge, just like the washbasin. Petals are as soft as silk, stacked on top of each other. The petals of a flower have at least 6-Layer and hundreds of pieces.

“This is a blood poison flower.” Fang Yuan said solemnly.

He recognized the flower and his heart was full of helplessness.

Unexpectedly, this Earthly Disaster turned out to be a kind of blood disaster. This blood poison flower grows from full bloom to full bloom, with only ten breaths. When it fades, its petals and rhizomes melt into a puddle of poisonous blood. Poison Blood pollutes Blessed Land, causing a lot of life to die, and the losses are usually large.

To suppress this blood poison flower, only the special Wood Dao means. In addition, the smashed blood poison flower will immediately turn this flower into a Poison Blood.

But in fact, Fang Yuan is too late to have Wood Dao means.

So many blood poison flowers, all over Fox Immortal Blessed Land, how to restrain?

Therefore, although Fang Yuan has three Gu Immortals, facing the weak blood poison flower Flower Garden, he is helpless!

The blood poison flower quickly fades, and a sizable Poison Blood blends into a thin surface. The water is not high, only the adult’s ankles, but spread throughout the Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

The lakes in the eastern part of Blessed Land are all contaminated. The foxes and wolves in the west are constantly poisoned, countless foxes and wolves are killed, the bodies are poured into the pool of blood, the blood is flowing down, and a new Poison Blood is added.

The southern Stoneman slave, awakened in sleep, many Stoneman’s body directly grow blood poison flower. After the flowers faded, Poison Blood ran awkward, Stoneman made a burst of mournfully wails, but rarely died.

Taibai Yunsheng burst into a cold heart, can’t help but look up at the sky and sigh: “God really won’t let me wait!”

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly.

Hei Loulan is comforted: “transcends tribulation is hard, and now it’s right. This Poison Blood, although it’s eroding the earth, is a serious loss, but you see, Earth Qi has calmed down and this Earthly Disaster is over.”

Little Fox Immortal is tearful: “Master, we have to clean up these Poison Bloods as soon as possible. The soil has been polluted and there is almost nothing to be planted in the next few years. Pollen rabbits, wolves, and foxes have suffered heavy losses!”

Fang Yuan immediately took action.

He mobilized Pulling Water Immortal Gu to continually draw Poison Blood into his Immortal Aperture.

His Immortal Aperture is dead, lifeless, lifeless, and these Poison Blood are not afraid of pollution at all.

But the Poison Blood is spread across Blessed Land, and the coverage is too big. Even if Fang Yuan uses the Pulling Water Immortal Gu, the efficiency is low.

There is some regret in his heart: “I knew that I shouldn’t have pushed Picking Mountain Immortal Gu into the ultimate move Ten Thousand Me. It should be a priority to integrate Immortal Gu Pulling Water. Thus, my efficiency will be greatly improved, from another aspect. , reducing the consumption of immortal essence!”

Man proposes, Heaven disposes, which means that this is the case now.

It took a full day and one night, and Fang Yuan extracted all the Poison Blood from Blessed Land and placed it in his own Immortal Aperture.

During this time, he kept abreast, did not sleep, and did not stop at all. Green Grape Immortal Essence is consumed, not least.

The Poison Blood is flooding, which cannot be dragged. The longer the drag, the deeper the corrosion, the larger the repercussion.

Although Poison Blood was extracted, the soil on the surface of Blessed Land was already full of blood poison, and the hand was pinched up, and it was gorgeous and scarlet. If left untreated, this layer of soil will completely rot and become Poison Blood, which will pollute other soils.

Fang Yuan immediately decided to remove this layer of soil.

Although Taibai Yunsheng has Resetting Rivers and Mountains in hand, it can restore the entire soil to its previous state. But Fang Yuan does not take this method.

In this way, the three people of Fang Yuan, Taibai Yunsheng, and Hei Loulan worked together, and it took several days to finally eradicate this layer of soil. Fang Yuan unified the poisonous soil into the Immortal Aperture, which is the body of the Immortal Zombie and is very tired.

The amount of engineering is really large. From this point of view, Fang Yuan had abandoned the northern part of Blessed Land, but it was a good thing. r1152

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