Knowing that Taibai Yunsheng was returned to Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Fairy Lishan started as fast as he could, rushed to Fox Immortal Blessed Land. ○

Nowadays, there is Old Ancestor Xuehu in the town of Great Snow Mountain. Taibai Yunsheng is an outsider and his identity is very sensitive. It is not convenient to go there.

Therefore, the best place is still at Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Since Taibai Yunsheng has had experience in treating Soul Shaking Mountain’s, the whole process has not been thrilling, and it has passed smoothly and smoothly.

Fairy Lishan, who was pale, was sighed in relief, and the catastrophe in her heart was finally dropped.

However, the injury on her body is still not light, and it will take time to recover.

“The fairy is slow.” Fairy Lishan When she wanted to return to Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, Fang Yuan retained her.

“There is a big deal, don’t you know if the fairy is interested?” Fang Yuan immediately talked about his plan.

He has no financial resources to refining Immortal Gu.

But it does not mean that there are four people in the collection of Taibai Yunsheng, Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan, and Fairy Lishan.

“Fairy Jiang Yu is now unknown. To snatch the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, we don’t have Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s. It’s very difficult. I got an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move from Dongfang Changfan called Star Fog Cover, but it can confuse Heavenly Mystery’s is perfect for us.”

Fang Yuan’s words suddenly touched Fairy Lishan and Hei Loulan on the side.

But when you hear Star Fog Cover ultimate move. Fairy Lishan shook his head as he needed two Immortal Gus to serve as the core: “To refine one Immortal Gu is beyond our limits. The two Immortal Gus are completely impossible.”

This time, Miniature Mountain was restored, saving a lot of money for Fairy Lishan. But she was injured, she had to ask other Gu Immortal take action, and the heavy task that Old Ancestor Xuehu had added to her. She had been funding Hei Loulan Immortal Cultivation before, and the deep financial resources had already bottomed out.

She fell into the same embarrassing situation as Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan without any choice, another set of financing options.

He proposed: collecting the financial resources of the four people, acquiring the experience of managing Hairyman, and buying a large number of Hairyman slaves. This will increase the size of Stone Nest and increase the production of Airbag Gu. It also increased the trade of Audacity Gu. After that, the four people will divide the dividend.

The financial cost of this program is naturally much smaller than that of refining Immortal Gu.

But also denied by Fairy Lishan: “Fang Yuan, have you ever thought about the reaction of Immortal Crane Sect? Your monopoly business of Audacity Gu can be said to be hot and has caused a lot of embarrassment. If you increase the scale of trade, Immortal Crane Sect is bound to be even more jealous. If you break the balance of your heart, take action again to regain your Fox Immortal Blessed Land. What about you? We have enough troubles and more things than one thing.”

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment. This is what he said: “What the fairy said is, let’s just do it.”

Fairy Lishan returns to Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land. Hei Loulan continues to stay in Stone Nest for the Fang Yuan refining Airbag Gu.

The two proposed by Fang Yuan have not been successful. He is unwilling. After returning to the Soul Shaking Palace, he contacted the Langya Earth Spirit.

Hairyman in Langya Blessed Land. It is Fang Yuan who has seen the best quality. Even in the high-end market of Treasure Yellow Heaven, there is no Hairyman in Langya Blessed Land.

From this point it can be easily guessed. Langya Earth Spirit must have the best experience in managing Hairyman.

In Fang Yuan’s hand There is no immortal essence stones, but he has mastered Wisdom Dao inheritance, there are many Immortal Gu Formulas, and there are a lot of immortal materials, which is what Langya Earth Spirit is craving.

Can you use these things to trade with Langya Earth Spirit?

Fang Yuan went with hope and the result was a swollen face. The Langya Earth Spirit has a firm attitude, like an iron wall, and there is no room for it.

“Want to play Hairyman’s idea? Don’t even think about it! You want to trade with me, only have one way, that is to complete the task!” Langya Earth Spirit re-emphasized, still wants the petals of Rank 6 poison flower.

Fang Yuan, some thoughts and thoughts, asked: “If I have obtained these refining gu immortal materials for you, can you sell me a Hairyman slave, or part of the experience of support?”

Langya Earth Spirit shook his long sleeves and replied: “It’s impossible. Everything about Hairyman is not for sale. You can dispel this ghost idea early! But if you can get the immortal materials I assigned to you, I can Going All-Out Gu’s Gu Formula is handed over to you. In fact, I not only have the Going All-Out Mortal Gu Gu Formula of Rank 1 to Rank 5, but also the Going All-Out Immortal Gu formula of Rank 6! Do you want something?”

The bait thrown by Langya Earth Spirit is indeed called Fang Yuan’s heart, and makes Fang Yuan somewhat angry.

Langya Earth Spirit This is called Fang Yuan to be used as a tool, but to get the immortal materials petals, is it so easy?

The risk is too great, and Fang Yuan is going to fight for it.

As the saying goes, eat a long and smart. How many times does Fang Yuan account for the Langya Earth Spirit?

But at the Northern Plains auction, the Earth Spirit was too big to eat, and the Earth Spirit was awakened to realized suddenly.

So the Langya Earth Spirit has become so difficult, the reason is also on Fang Yuan’s body.

If you pay, you will gain something. On the other hand, there will be a price to gain.

Fang Yuan reap without sowing that many of the immortal materials, the price is that the relationship with the Langya Earth Spirit fell to freezing point.

Something like Earth Spirit is obsession combined with Heaven and Earth. It is stubborn. Although I will not lie, I will make up my mind and never change easily.

So for a time, Fang Yuan couldn’t think of it. Langya Blessed Land has been unable to help him, let alone the financing of Langya Earth Spirit.

The plan failed, Fang Yuan only heave a long sigh, focusing on the Blessed Land transcends tribulation.

Two days later.

“Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal, get up!”

Fang Yuan evokes the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, four of the eight Strength Dao big palms grab the Soul Shaking Mountain’s corners and pick them up. The remaining four hold the bottom of Soul Shaking Mountain’s and lift them up.

Soul Shaking Mountain quickly pulled up and quickly got to the ground 5~6.

Taibai Yunsheng stands at high altitude. Seeing this scene, I was stunned for a while.

Stone Nest. Hei Loulan looks far and wide, and the views at the huge Soul Shaking Mountain float at high altitude. Can’t help but murmured in the mouth: “In a short time, he became stronger again…”

Fang Yuan this time Tsing Shaul Shaking Mountain is easier than countless times. Not only because eight Strength Dao big palms come out, the main reason is that Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, which has been thoroughly integrated with Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, serves as the core.

The core of the original Ten Thousand Me is the Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu. Then, Cleaning Soul was hungry and could not be used, so he replaced it with Self Strength. The core of Ten Thousand Me ultimate move today. There are already two, one is Self Strength and the other is Picking Mountain.

“don’t stare blankly, pick it up.” Fang Yuan snorted.

Taibai Yunsheng quickly opened his own Immortal Aperture, and eight Strength Dao giants gently put Soul Shaking Mountain into his Immortal Aperture Blessed Land.

“Well, then you will be led by Earth Spirit to collect some of Blessed Land’s resources.” Fang Yuan said.

Taibai Yunsheng nodded, even when led by Little Fox Immortal. The land disappeared before Fang Yuan’s eyes.

Fang Yuan fell to the ground.

Without Soul Shaking Mountain, the center of Blessed Land is empty.

He sat on the ground and slowly closed his eyes, twirling Time Luck Immortal Gu. Immediately in the death of his Immortal Aperture, countless mortal gus also followed.

One after another Green Grape Immortal Essence is consumed, centered on Time Luck Immortal Gu. Surrounded by mortal gu, countless Gu insects merge into a white golden glow.

The fog rises and flies. After crossing the gray sky, after flying the casual li. Come to a group of Gu Master prisoners.

These captives are Dongfang Clan.

Previously held by Fang Yuan in the underground stone prison, it was now extracted and temporarily placed in his own Immortal Aperture.

The fog covered, and the captives screamed: “What is this?”

They have a bad feeling in their hearts, want to dodge, but suffer from restraint, unable to move a single step.

The white golden light haunts around them, from slow to fast, constantly spinning, and eventually forms a group of white golden rays of light vortex.

The white golden light vortex simmered for a long while, and suddenly burst into a white golden light beam.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Time Helping Luck !

The beam of light came straight out of Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture, all the way up, along the spine, from the top of Fang Yuan’s head, barely.

After a few breaths, the light column disappeared.

At the same time, the white golden light swirl in Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture disappeared. On the decaying ground, lying in the body of the Dongfang Tribe captive.

These corpses are all dry and old man, originally based on youth, but now they are old and unsatisfactory.

Time Helping Luck is such an effect. Grab the outsider’s life essence and add a temporary Luck Dao to Gu Immortal himself.

“I am not willing!”

“You killed us, the murderer, we turned into ghosts to wrap you!”

“You are for the sake of your own self, killing me and waiting for innocent people, you are a sinner, you are the murderer!”

“Ahhhhh, ate him and ate him.”

Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s body within the body appeared countless fierce Remnant Soul, entangled around Fang Yuan’s soul, slammed into it.

Fang Yuan sneered, the tall immortal zombie body is stable, just like a mountain.

The soul of within the body is a counterattack, and it is a fierce confrontation with Remnant Soul.

These souls are very broken, from mortals, and it is reasonable to say that it is not worth mentioning, but at this moment, Fang Yuan’s soul is pushed into the wind by these Remnant Soul!

Fortunately, they are not rational and will not cooperate with each other.

Fang Yuan drives the soul, concentrates on killing, pays a heavy price, and finally eliminates these Remnant Soul.

After the war, Fang Yuan’s soul is only the original 30% size, bleak, and if the candle in the wind is dying. The injury is extremely heavy.

But fortunately he has Audacity Gu.

At this moment, the Airbag Gu of one by one is crushed, and the Audacity Gu inside is also broken, turning into the best food in the world, and restoring his soul.

After a while, Fang Yuan’s soul completely recovered and returned to the peak state.

Before the comparison, his soul was more solid, just like the iron piece was forged and the texture was closer.

“This Remnant Soul backlash, although a major drawback of the Time Helping Luck ultimate move, but the end of the soul war, when the soul recovers, you can find some of the benefits of concise soul.” Fang Yuan hole fire, being perceptive of the finest detail.

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