The value of this inheritance is self-evident and even greater than the Blood Dao True Inheritance obtained by Fang Yuan previous life. ○

Even Fang Yuan has emotions: “If I can get this inheritance in advance, regardless of the previous life, I have already achieved Gu Immortal!”

Fang Yuan has been stumbling on the road of cultivation for so many years, feeling the stone cautious and solemn crossing the river, which has this achievement. In comparison, when Dongfang Changfan was still Gu Master’s, he got this inheritance, and Luck Qi was really envious!

Eastern Sea, Yu Lu Blessed Land.

It is raining and smoky.

A group of Gu Immortal from the headquarters of the Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance was trapped and cautiously looking for a way out.

“Damn, don’t let the rain drench on the body, it actually has the power to impair immortal essence!” The head of Immortal Zombie Shark Demon suddenly changed his face and shouted in his mouth to warn the crowd behind him.

Shark Demon is experienced and responsive, but when this seemingly innocuous drizzle just showed up, he realized that he was receiving a attack.

Hearing his warning, the celestial beings quickly used various means to prop up protection against drizzle.

But it didn’t work.

“This drizzle is actually no hole can’t enter !don’t tell me is Fairy Yu Lu once famous in the world of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Consuming Immortal Dispersing Essence Rain?” One of the immortal zombie suddenly remembered the key information, his face changed It is very ugly.

“Even if it is the famous Xiaoxian San, it can’t be so strange, and I have no effect on the protection!” another one immortal zombie shouted. The tone is full of horror.

“I know! At the previous level, we all had the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and the rain and dew. So come to this level. But it can’t be defended by Xiaoxiansan, but it can only be left on the body.” Immortal Bright glow flashes in the eyes of Zombie Su Baiman. Suddenly.

The group of people communicated quickly and got the answer. At the same time, the mood of each and every one also sinked again.

They have been attacking Yu Lu Blessed Land, more than once. In Yu Lu Blessed Land, the test is heavy, and the test is intertwined.

Among the group of Gu Immortal, the Immortal Zombie is the main one. A total of seven people, including five Immortal Zombie.

Immortal Zombie Immortal Aperture is dead and Blessed Land is not operational. Lifeless, can’t produce immortal essence at all. Therefore Immortal Zombie had to be immortal essence and had to be transformed from immortal essence stones.

Immortal Zombie’s immortal essence is more precious than Gu Immortal, and it’s hard to come by.

Now that the masses have entered this level, the battle has not yet started, and Consuming Immortal Dispersing Essence Rain has fallen, melting their immortal essence, which is simply their weakness.

Look at the immortal essence that is not easy to accumulate, one after another ablation. Immortal zombies are all heartache.

They quickly negotiated and quickly reached a consensus – they must get through this barrier as soon as possible and find a way out, otherwise it will be dangerous!

All the means of exhibition. However, half an hour has passed and there has been no progress.

“Not good, this Battlefield Ultimate Move is so hard to understand. My immortal essence has been melted by more than 30!”

“Fairy Yu Lu is the second disciple of Paradise Immortal Venerable. The Great Expert! Paradise Immortal Venerable of Rank 8 is best at Battlefield Ultimate Move, Fairy Yu Lu is based on Paradise Immortal Venerable. I have learned the essence and not only mastered many well-known Battlefield Ultimate Moves. It’s also new and has its own originality. This Battlefield Ultimate Move is her original creation, and there is no record in history.”

“This Battlefield Ultimate Move doesn’t seem to have any attack power, but the interior space is very wide. With Consuming Immortal Dispersing Essence Rain, it’s just forcibly to kill us! How can this be good?”

The means were almost exhausted, and for a time Gu Immortals was a little confused.

Shark Demon, the leader, stared at Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal in the team and whispered: “Bu Shan, what are you doing? After so long, haven’t you figured out the flaw of this Battlefield Ultimate Move?! ”

Bu Shan was wiped clean by the cold sweat on his forehead, anxiously said: “This is incompetent! This Battlefield Ultimate Move is subtle and deep, beyond the previous level of Battlefield Ultimate Move. Wisdom Dao inheritance is already Most of the incompleteness, I really can’t think of a good way to crack.”

This Bu Shan is actually a living person, or Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, but he is scolded by Immortal Zombie Shark Demon, like his grandson, timid.

The Eastern Sea’s Zombie Alliance is the headquarters of the Zombie Alliance. Unlike the other four domains, the Eastern Sea’s Zombie Alliance is a huge force and has to overwhelm the superpowers. At the Zombie Alliance headquarters, there are not only many Immortal Zombie experts, but also living Gu Immortal. These living people, Gu Immortal, usually have a lower status than the Immortal Zombie.

Shark Demon yelled at the stopped, angry, and with a sorrowful tone said: “Bu Shan is useless! We only drive Mysterious Ice House, forcibly bombing and seeing if it can blow a path!”

Other Gu Immortal is overjoyed, and some eyes are shining: “I didn’t expect that Shark Demon’s trip actually borrowed the Mysterious Ice House.”

Taibai Yunsheng is also bright in both eyes.

In this Eastern Sea, the Zombie Alliance is a powerful force, and it is also a leader in the super power. Do not say anything else, there are three Immortal Gu Home!

Of course, only one of them is complete, and the other two are broken.

But even the broken Immortal Gu Home can barely spur, and the power is out of the ordinary.

Shark Demon is a Rank 7 expert. Since the Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance headquarters led the task of Yu Lu Blessed Land, he has repeatedly scored Blessed Land and has taken a lot of tests.

The more tests he has, the more he pays attention to Yu Lu Blessed Land.

This time Blessed Land, under the persuasion of his wife Su Baiman, rented the Mysterious Ice House from the Zombie Alliance at a costly price.

Shark Demon immediately showed up the Mysterious Ice House. I saw that the house was small, like a ball, and it looked like it was piled with thick ice bricks. As soon as it was released, it was chilly and the surrounding Gu Immortals shuddered.

Shark Demon silently opened the igloo single-leaf door and entered it. This was followed by his beloved wife Su Baiman, after which the remaining five were sneaked in.

Entering the house, it is a huge spherical space without furniture. The fairy floated, surrounded by a cold white light.

In the white light, there is a golden glow of the silk, and after a few breaths, the golden glow stabilizes. Just like a gold wire is handed over and merged into a sub-picture.

Shark Demon directs the monks to their place. Standing on the array core, the unified command said: “Everyone consumes immortal essence together. This Timortal Gu Home is raised. How much immortal essence is consumed, this Immortal Gu Home has its own record.”

Everyone knows that stimulating this Immortal Gu Home consumes immortal essence extremely intensely. This time is motivated, and I am afraid it will be more than the loss of the previous dispelling.

Without this drawback, Shark Demon had already mobilized Immortal Gu Home.

Zhong Xian broke into Yu Lu Blessed Land this time and has not killed any strong enemies. It has been a terrible loss, immortal essence is very expensive, and my heart is depressed.

But after listening to this, they have to put away the dark thoughts and have to make an all-out effort.

Half a stick of incense After the calm sea on the Eastern Sea, a huge ice cold meteor suddenly emerged.

The meteor slammed into the sea with an extremely violent momentum, and it took a while. Just rushed to the high altitude of severe ten zhang.

In the air, this “meteor” suddenly stopped, from the extreme to the static, showing the original shape, it is the Rank 6 Immortal Gu Home – the mysterious ice house.

“All come out.” In the house. Shark Demon has a frustrating color, low roaring sound.

Immediately, the portal opened wide. All the cents flew out and hovered at high altitude.

High in the air. The fairy is overlooking the foot.

The waves on the sea completely broke the calm. It was just because the Xuanbing residual house broke through the sea.

But the hearts of all the people are condensed on the Yu Lu Blessed Land deep in the seabed.

All the people attacked Yu Lu Blessed Land, and it has been more than one time. The frustration of this time is not the first time, but it is the most depressing one.

Raiders Yu Lu Blessed Land, the focus is not on storms, but on the balance of payments.

The Yu Lu Blessed Land has been under the control of the Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance. Without the competition of other forces, the right way for the Raiders is to take a step-by-step approach.

In the face of such a mysterious Battlefield Ultimate Move, even if you use the mysterious ice house, all the fairy can only rush out of Blessed Land, can not be cracked.

So, how do you break this barrier?

Shark Demon finally stepped out and put away Mysterious Ice House, with a sad heart. Dark Dao: “This time the loss is big. Not only did you lose Yu Lu Blessed Land, but you also used the Mysterious Ice House and returned to the Zombie Alliance. Pay a large contribution point!”

“Fortunately, this Mysterious Ice House, otherwise we are still trapped there.” Gu Immortal Bu Shan opened his mouth and had a lingering fear.

Shark Demon glanced at him in disgust, and the latter snorted.

The rest of Gu Immortal is a slightly nod, which brings a mysterious ice house to Shark Demon.

“This Consuming Immortal Dispersing Essence Rain ultimate move is too much. Even the Immortal Gu Home can’t defend it and float directly on us.” On the side, Taibai Yunsheng, who participated in the trip, suddenly said.

Seeing Taibai Yunsheng opening, Shark Demon’s expression slows down, solemnly replied: “That’s because this Mysterious Ice House, its greatest use is to help Ice Dao Gu Immortal cultivation. Don’t look as usual, in fact, the inside is broken, barely patched It has just reached the level of usability. If it is the complete Immortal Gu Home, even if we are in it, it will surely be able to prevent it.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Taibai Yunsheng nodded, no more to say.

“Well, this time the action of exploring Yu Lu Blessed Land is over, everyone is dissolved.” Shark Demon waved his hand and announced it.

The celestial beings will be cleaned up in a short while.

Taibai Yunsheng is not in a hurry.

“Mr. Taibai, is there anything?” Su Baiman asked.

The Immortal Zombie couple had a good attitude towards Taibai Yunsheng’s, which was of course from the Resetting Person Immortal Gu in the hands of Taibai Yunsheng.

Taibai Yunsheng laughed: “two also know that I am Northern Plains Gu Immortal, and it has been a while since I came to the Eastern Sea.”

Shark Demon and Su Baiman are looking at each other, nodded.

They have known this for a long time.

Taibai Yunsheng has no means like Old Monarch Can Yang, it can’t hide the breath and can’t be faked. Therefore, the identity of Northern Plains Gu Immortal has long been exposed.

But this is not surprising.

Because the Eastern Sea has an earth tide.

Every once in a while, the infinite force from the depths of the trenches, the vastness of the vastness, is the great power of nature, the terrifying, far surpasses the limit of 8 Gu Immortal.

The earth is soaring and stirs the sea to form an earth tide.

The earth tide is so powerful that it is easy to set off a thousand thouand zhang high tsunami.

Earth tide impacted Boundary Wall, and Boundary Wall became weak.

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