Ps: I want to hear more of your voices. I want to receive more suggestions from you. I will search the WeChat public account “qdread” and pay attention to it, and give more support to Daoist Gu!

Madame Mo Shou looked up and stared through the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land to see the Northern Plains outside.

Above the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, the sky is clear, the blue is blue, and there is no cloud. At this time, Sovereign Yao came, and the momentum was huge, and the clouds were rolled up, dyeing the sky into a piece of orange.

Sovereign Yao didn’t see the silhouette, but there was a voice coming down: “Xuehu old friend, this Sovereign takes the liberty to visit, and hopes to forgive me.”

His voice was heard in Heaven and Earth, and it was introduced into the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land. It shocked countless snow peaks and countless snow fell. Some mountain peaks even formed a small avalanche.

“Hahaha.” Old Ancestor Xuehu laughed and flew up, leaving the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, wrapped in frost and gas, and went up the sky.

Immediately, the sky changed greatly, half of it was orange and yellow, and half of it was frosty.

But at this moment, a black ink cloud suddenly came from the west.

The ink cloud was tumbling and quickly spread, not losing to Old Ancestor Xuehu and Sovereign Yao, forcibly squeezing a piece of land in the sky.

Madame Mo Shou saw it here, his face was discolored, his heart sank, hoarsely said: “Why, Heavenly Monarch Baiju is here too!”

Ink cloud, Frost Qi, orange light rolling, mutual stalemate, will be a thousand long] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万

Old Ancestor Xuehu sneered : “Heavenly Monarch, you don’t manage the power, but also come to join in the fun?”

Heavenly Monarch Baiju laughed twice and said: “Xuehu old friend, but the area of ​​Miniature Mountain. How can you enter your eyes? If you return to Righteous Path, save this trouble.”

Madame Mo Shou suddenly looked blue. Demonic Path Gu Immortals, who stayed in the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, also watched the sky. Breathing is one of them.

Heavenly Monarch Baiju This is the rogue cultivator camp, but since the auction, he has planned to establish the Righteous Path. At this moment, together with Sovereign Yao, two against one, Old Ancestor Xuehu is alone, the situation is not good!

But a moment later, Old Ancestor Xuehu laughed and laughed at the heroism reaching to the clouds: “The two of you come together, do it again!”

Said. A skyrocketing bang, Old Ancestor Xuehu smashed Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier and entered White Heaven | daytime.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal, hands up, power is terrifying, the earth is difficult to carry. In general, you will have a tacit understanding of Immemorial Nine Heavens to avoid the infinite Vast Tribulation.

“Friends have both Yaxing. That this Sovereign is to be accompanied.” Sovereign Yao eyes flash, quickly catch up.

Heavenly Monarch Baiju stunned, said with a bitter smile: “Since Xuehu’s old friend insisted on this, then forgive this Heavenly Monarch offended.”

The three Rank 8 Gu Immortal went into White Heaven | daytime. Soon the sky, the sound of hōng hōng hōng was heard.

“Three people are playing in White Heaven | daytime!” someone in Central Continent Gu Immortal exclaimed.

They haven’t arrived at Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land yet, and they are still thousands of miles away. Seeing that the sky is turbulent, there is an ink cloud. There is a white Frost Fist, and orange light.

The sound of rumbling is endless. It seems as if it is a blue sky, and people are listening to the heart and tremble.

“Fast, next to them are in a tangle together, we enter Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land!” Feng Jiuge glanced at him and quickly regained his eyes, and the bright glow flashes disappeared.

Central Continent Gu Immortals took a deep breath, these are all daring art, and the speed and excitement of hearing the long-lostness of Feng Jiuge’s orders have surged.


Flying halfway through, a Far Ancient Desolate Beast mournfully wails, and suddenly fell from the sky.

Central Continent Gu Immortals is busy with dodge.

“This is Heaven Remnant Dog!” The fairy recognized the origin of this Far Ancient Desolate Beast and suddenly looked straight.

A loud bang, Heaven Remnant Dog hit the ground like a meteorite, slammed on the ground, pulled out a big pit, struggled a few times, then motionless.

“The Rain Remnant Dog was actually hit from White Heaven | daytime.”

“How can the Rank 8 be so fierce?!”

“It’s just the aftermath of the battle, let Heaven Remnant Dog die so badly…”

“Be careful!”

The warning sound just fell, and the hail fell from the sky.

These hail each and every one is as big as a mountain, the ice and rain cover a thousand miles, the cold is pressing and biting, and everything freezes and the Central Continent has to detour.

Kā chā !

Suddenly a thunder wave, drops from the sky, rubbed the corner of Central Continent Gu Immortal old operator.

The old operator made a scream and quickly pulled out from the dazzling electric mans. He had almost no body for half a day, and immediately died of severe injuries.

Travelled for a moment, the closer to the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, there is a Small Formation slanting wind blowing, blowing Central Continent Gu Immortal each and every one soul swaying, almost falling out of the flesh.

The higher the Gu Immortal cultivation base, the greater the difference between Rank 1 and the difference. The range between 8 and Rank 7 is simply as different as heaven and earth. It is rare to be able to compete with Rank 7 with Rank 8. For many years, the big Central Continent has also been the number one person of Feng Jiuge.

The Central Continent Gu Immortals was blown up, barely exposed to the figure, but the face was very unsightly.

There are indications that the Northern Plains’ Rank 8 Gu Immortal battle strength is also beyond the Central Continent Rank 8!

Central Continent Rank 8 Gu Immortal number, more than Northern Plains. Among the Five Regions, Northern Plains Rank 8 Gu Immortal is the least. This is because the Northern Plains battle is quite frequent, and in the Five Regions, Northern Plains Gu Immortal has the highest probability of fall.

In Northern Plains, it is impossible to get a bloody road from the heavy encirclement, stand in the peak of Rank 8, and stand on the heels. It is not an ordinary generation. Must be the heroes of the heroes, a trace of luck can not be.

Just the battle after the escape from White Heaven | daytime, let Central Continent Gu Immortals battered and exhausted.

The old man was still alive and dead, and he recovered his body. His face was still incredibly horrified, and he murmured: “How is it possible? I am not going to get the budget in advance?”

Bufei Yan’s eyes were shaken. She thought about herself. If she changed her position with the old operator, she could not escape the thunder with her mobility. Can’t help but started talking : “Do we still move on?”

Chen Zhenchi looked up and saw the sky above his head, as if it had become a rag that had been woven by countless patches. The power of a piece. Cover a range of large or small, entangled with each other. Some clouds are rolling. Some smoldering winds, some under the thunder. Some hail is smashing.

It is simply the end of the world.

This group of Central Continent Gu Immortals is not an ordinary generation with a bright vision. It is seen that in these small areas, Heaven and Earth Dao Marks have completely changed, some are Ice Dao’s Dao Marks, some are flooded with Dao Marks, some are Wind Dao and Soul Dao’s Dao Marks are intertwined.

Although they are far from the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, they are less than a thousand miles away. But in this area, it is killing intent. It is full of sinister and deadly traps.

“Is this the gap between Rank 7 and Rank 8?”

“Dao Marks in every area is much more than our painstaking cultivation!”

“Life and death are involuntarily, this is how many years have not felt!”

“It’s too dangerous, too dangerous. In order to catch a prisoner, it is not worth it to catch up with one’s own life.”

Central Continent Gu Immortals are playing back.

Only Feng Jiuge was unmoved. From the very beginning, he took the lead and calmed his eyes, as if he could not see the dangers around him.

Central Continent Gu Immortals See Feng Jiuge like this. There is another wave in my heart.

“This guy is really outstanding, can use Rank 7 cultivation base to fight Rank 8…”

“I don’t think it’s still, I think about it now. Feng Jiuge is really terrifying.”

“No, even if the ability to fight Rank 8, it is only temporary. Once we are exposed. Three Northern Plains Rank 8 Gu Immortal draws hands, we have to ten deaths without life. Feng Jiuge this guy. Life is dead outside the degree I have never forgotten. I almost forgot that he was a Demonic Path. He turned to Righteous Path in the middle!”

Central Continent Gu Immortals stalked behind Feng Jiuge, eagerly communicating with each other, wanting to retreat, and because of the reputation of the dough and the sect behind them, they couldn’t open their mouths, and they all wanted to let others open.

One minute and one second, it has become difficult. Just as Gu Immortals was in trouble, the leading Feng Jiuge suddenly stopped and stood at low altitude, waving his hand: “Stop!”

The crowds stopped and saw Feng Jiuge looking grim and looking up.

They followed their gaze and saw that the sky was still full of power and mutual exclusion. Gu Immortal, who has some insights, ignited Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, looking through these obstacles and seeing the scene on White Heaven | daytime.

Gu Immortal, who saw it, suddenly exclaimed.

I saw White Heaven | daytime, originally three families confrontation, the split of the autumn is no longer, but Old Ancestor Xuehu has the upper hand, a single. The white frost gas, pressed Sovereign Yao’s orange glory to squash, hit the Heavenly Monarch Baiju’s ink cloud.

“A good Old Ancestor Xuehu, I didn’t expect the strength of the battle to be strong. It took only one time, one against two, and it was already a winner.” Feng Jiuge sighed and his face was filled with admiration and regret mixed expression.

“Withdrawal.” The opportunity has been lost. He did not hesitate, flew immediately and quickly retreated from the original road.

All the people are so eager to do so. At this time, they are not open, follow closely from behind, and quickly evacuate this dangerous area.

After a few moments, Heavenly Monarch Baiju finally couldn’t help, started talking: “Xuehu old friends are wonderful, this Monarch has been taught, this is a blessing.”

Sovereign Yao also immediately said: “Today’s Northern Plains is turbulent, undercurrent, and Xuehu old friends, but this time is not when you and I are winning. You have the heart of Miniature Mountain, this Sovereign has been proposed that’s all. “”

Sovereign Yao is still dead face, Old Ancestor Xuehu hears laughed heartily, and it doesn’t help people – ly said: “two come, come, leave, what do I do now?”

Tough barely fell, Heaven and Earth suddenly oscillated.

The boundless Frost Qi, the next step, sweeping all kinds of impurities, the sky is clear and bright, no more squally lightning.

Heaven and Earth in 100,000 instantly cover a layer of ice and snow.

The temperature dropped sharply and it was cold, like Northern Plains. From the warm spring, it was returned to the cold winter.

Bang! bang! bang!

From the Nine Heavens, there were three explosions.

A ringing sound of Heaven and Earth, deafening, like a thunder in the ear.

The Central Continent Gu Immortals were all blown up by this voice, revealing their tracks and being paralyzed. In addition to Feng Jiuge, each and every one of the ears shed blood, but was shocked by the eardrum!

“Go, go!” Gu Immortals pale, bloodless, and his mind fell to the bottom of the valley, only to fly.

There was also a major earthquake in the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land. The vitality fluctuated and the body of Gu Immortal swayed.

After a long while, the earthquake subsided slowly. Six of the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land were half-destroyed. The earth cracked a huge gully of a path of, and the numerous resources planted in it were badly damaged.

But Demonic Path Gu Immortals in Snow Mountain Blessed Land, all excitedly flushed, with both eyes shining.

They looked up and slowly landed a man’s stalwart silhouette from beyond the topmost clouds.

It is Old Ancestor Xuehu!

On top of his head, a white powder of a strand, like crystal glittering and translucent, swayed with the wind.

Feng Jiuge looked back at the temple and looked at the scene. Pupils shrank, muttered in the mouth: “Split powder, cracked White Heaven | daytime…”

Demonic Path Gu Immortals in Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land is an ecstasy, flying out of Blessed Land and welcoming.

“Thank you for the Old Ancestor!”

“After this battle, Northern Plains Rank 8 who is the first controversy, finally the dust settled!”

“Old Ancestor is boundless, the Northern Plains is the first! Sovereign Yao, Heavenly Monarch Baiju are escaping!”

Close enough, the rest of Demonic Path Gu Immortal stopped at high altitude, only Madame Mo Shou greeted alone.

“Husband.” Her gentle style, with a glamorous face, both pride and worry.

“Reassured, I have scruples, Heavenly Monarch Baiju, Sovereign Yao also have their own scruples. These two people are also jealous of Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu, I don’t want me to make it. This time I defeated both, see who is in this Northern Plains world Then dare to disturb my major event.” Old Ancestor Xuehu smiled and said, “Just broke the White Heaven | daytime above, and also tired of the lady taking action to fix it. Otherwise there will always be Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast. The gap is down. Although not afraid, it is always troublesome.”

Confirming that Husband has nothing to do, Madame Mo Shou puts his heart down, fingering Old Ancestor Xuehu’s generous chest, rolled his eyes, saying: “You.” (My novel “Daoist Gu” will have more on the official WeChat platform. Fresh content, and 100%lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the “+” sign in the top right, “Add a friend”, search for the public number “qdread” and pay attention, the speed is fast!)

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