“Oh? You are so confident…” Fang Yuan smiled.

Dongfang Changfan’s soul has become a prisoner in his own hands, not have the will to live unable to ask for death.

Fang Yuan did not take it for granted and applied Soul Search.

For a time, Soul Shaking was in a dark, gloomy wind, and the ghosts of wu wu wu were crying.

In the whirlwind of the bleak, Fang Yuan reveals the original shape, tall and towering like the body of the palace immortal zombie, the skin of the whole body is blue and black. The face is stunned, the fangs are everted, the eyes are red, the eight arms are simultaneous and stretched, the monster claw is sharp and huge, and one of them slowly explores the soul of Dongfang Changfan’s.

Dongfang Changfan’s soul-stricken image of Fang Yuan is so furious that it can’t help but fluctuate a bit, and then calm down, let Fang Yuan’s monster claw grab himself.

The soul itself is not an entity, but Fang Yuan grabbed it and firmly held Dongfang Changfan’s soul to make it a move to a single step.

Subsequently, he motivated the Gu insect in the Immortal Aperture.

Soul Search !

An invisible force suddenly emerged from the monster claw and directly broke into the soul of Dongfang Changfan’s.

Dongfang Changfan immediately produced a constant trembling, painful production and attack.

After a while, Soul Search ended, Fang Yuan retracted the monster claw and let go of Dongfang Changfan’s soul.

Fang Yuan searched a lot of information, but it was brows slightly wrinkle.

It turns out that his Soul Search has a lot of content, but it is all that is irrelevant.

Dongfang Changfan’s soul is loose and loose, without the previous luster and solidification. However, it shows a smug look, fluctuating again, and conveying information.

Fang Yuan “listen” in the ear. It’s Dongfang Changfan’s soul hey hey said with a smile: “Do you understand now? Although I am Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, Soul Dao and Wisdom Dao are close to each other. I also went to Soul Dao and transformed the soul. Now, your Soul Search method is just a means of Mortal Dao. Even if Soul Dao Immortal Gu is against me, I can deliberately cover up so that you can’t get what you want.”

Paused for a moment, Dongfang Changfan said again: “Now, I am gone, the soul is not nourished. The more times you have Soul Search, the more my soul will lose. I experienced a lot of deliberate concealment. In my soul loss Before the limit, completely dissipated, you can hardly find my Wisdom Dao inheritance, or my body possession method.”

Then, he talked to Rank 1: “But we can make a deal. I will give you my Wisdom Dao inheritance, body possession, etc. You help me to regenerate and find me a flesh. Rest assured, As long as a mortal Gu Master can be. I am defeated in your hands, but also admit defeat. We can completely set the contract. Fairy Lishan fights with you, you do not believe me, always believe in the Mountain Alliance?”

Fang Yuan laughed: “It’s Dongfang Changfan, it’s in such a situation. I still haven’t given up, but I still want to turn it over. Unfortunately, I have the means of strength. You can search your soul slowly. There will come a day, I Will get what I want.”

“strengthen soul means? He He He.” Dongfang Changfan soul with a smile. “It seems that you don’t know much about Soul Dao. I am modifying the soul for the purpose of possession. The special intention has transformed the soul. Although it increases the success of the body possession, it also makes it difficult to nourish the treatment of the soul unless it is treated with Immortal Dao. What I said is not a lie, you try it for my soul.”

“Oh? That’s it…” Fang Yuan converges on the face and takes the Airbag Gu out.

In Dongfang Changfan’s estimation, since Fang Yuan Soul Search’s means are only common level, the means to treat the soul will also be common.

When he saw that Fang Yuan took out one mortal gu, he was more determined by the original judgment.

But soon, when Fang Yuan crushed the Airbag Gu and crushed the Audacity Gu of the storage together, Dongfang Changfan’s soul was immediately nourished, and the soul repeated and solidified.

“This, what is this Gu insect? Just mortal gu, but can actually cure my soul injury?” For a time, Dongfang Changfan’s soul violently fluctuated, revealing the horrible color that could not be covered.

Fang Yuan See you, let go of your heart, move with a smile: “You guess.”

Dongfang Changfan is an extraordinary person, even if only the soul is left, it is difficult to hide his wisdom.

The soul is quiet and soon fluctuates again: “Mortal Dao, there is only one kind of soul that can affect me, that is Soul Shaking Mountain Audacity Gu. You just crushed, it should be Airbag Gu, buy from Treasure Yellow Heaven Understand?”

“Clever. But you only guessed half, Airbag Gu is my original, Audacity Gu is my business.”

“What? It’s you!” Dongfang Changfan’s soul could not help but lose his voice, and the cruel reality hit him again.

The soul no longer fluctuates, falling into a dead silence.

Dongfang Changfan is full of despair, he knows that this time is really over, and it is not good to fall into the hands of Fang Yuan and the other hand.

To be the meat on someone’s chopping block, Fang Yuan simply wants to kill and kill, want to slaughter. And Dongfang Changfan’s soul even if it is resisting, it is difficult to reach the big picture!

After repairing the Dongfang Changfan’s soul with Audacity Gu, Fang Yuan continued Soul Search.

Although Dongfang Changfan struggled to resist the resistance, the information that Fang Yuan received was worthless.

However, the rebellious heart is strong again, and Soul Search is not able to cope with it.

Something of value is, after all, being searched out by Fang Yuan.

After spending most of the day, Fang Yuan Soul Search came to an end and pieced together the valuable content to form a detailed information about the resources of Jade Pond Blessed Land.

“It turned out that there are three major places for Gu insects in Jade Pond Blessed Land. Eternal Hate Spider is second, the largest is large hole 蟾! The number is three times that of Eternal Hate Spider, and the Rank 5 large hole Toad Gu is very More, Dongfang Tribe deliberately did not take away, is it to give birth to the large hole Toad Gu that gave birth to Immortal Rank? The ambition is really big.”

“The easternmost side of Jade Pond Blessed Land, there is a deep pool, not surprising, but it reaches the depths of the underground. There is a Desolate Beast horse, which is a rare rare Wanli Zhima. This kind of horse is very strong and useful. Big. Not only the flesh and fur fur are refining gu immortal materials, but also stocked in the underground, long-term living place, after the sweat dripping, will gradually grow the mushroom forest. A thousand miles of Chi Ma. It means there are countless endless Mushroom forest.”

“Oh? There is such a salt field. Good guy, use Far Ancient Desolate Beast to keep the salt. Condensate the salt to form a huge salt field. You can get immortal materials. The salt field specializing in the production of Cang Xuan salt. Really big handiwork!”

“Jade Pond Blessed Land also has astronomical changes. After three days of White Heaven | daytime, it is a day and night. After the dark night, some grounds will crack in the Jade Pond Blessed Land, revealing two deep underground pools. It is Yutan. Although it is not big, it is full of immortal materials. The other is the tooth pool. The bottom of the Tan wall is polished with the teeth of an Immemorial Desolate Beast Qilin. The moonlight will go down and the crescent will be born in the water. This immortal materials, like teeth, is as soft as water, and the moonlight shines on the surface, which is extremely precious.”

“In addition to this, there are Far Ancient Desolate Beast, the immortal materials of the buried underground, the immortal materials in the copper pool…”

Dongfang Changfan is Dongfang Clan’s Revered Great Elder for the distribution of resources in Jade Pond Blessed Land. Nature is very clear.

Fang Yuan, browsing this information, was very excited and couldn’t help but go to Jade Pond Blessed Land to find out.

But he pressed the impulse again.

Northern Plains that night, he killed Dongfang Changfan. After catching his soul, he turned to Jade Pond Blessed Land and wanted to search again. As a result, it was found that there was a lot of fire. There are fierce battles everywhere.

Righteous and Demonic Paths Gu Immortal, there are dozens of people. Being madly looting inside, constantly killing. The scene is very hot.

Fang Yuan immortal essence consumes a lot, and it has to be invisible. Coupled with one person, Fairy Lishan and Hei Loulan went to the Miniature Mountain. They also caused the suspicion of Old Monarch Can Yang and wisely chose to retreat.

Fang Yuan’s eyes bright glow flashes are gone: “Now Jade Pond Blessed Land, as if it is a fragrant big fat, attracted Gu Immortal, and gathered together. Still, I have Rank 7 battle strength, mobility, Defending two pieces is dwarfed, and the situation is very bad… Hey, this Dongfang Changfan is still calculating me. Deliberately expose this information to me so that I can go to Jade Pond Blessed Land!”

Fang Yuan is in a bad situation at this time.

He is the culprit of the collapse of 88 Floors True Yang Building, the chief culprit, and is currently being actively investigated by various forces.

Sha Huang is one of his fake identities, but after the auction, it was immediately exposed. Yaksha Long Shuai suffered in the hands of Feng Jiuge and began to investigate Sha Huang, which led Fang Yuan to not dare to go to the Zombie Alliance.

Fang Yuan’s pursuit of Wisdom Dao inheritance has also exposed a lot of things, leaving the enemy with many evidence to be extrapolated.

“But this adventure is a must! I will sit still in the morning and evening. Only when I rise up and fight against each other, I will be the right way to cope with it. This time, I have received a complete Wisdom Dao inheritance. Since Connecting After Luck, my Luck Qi has been right and seized the opportunity. After I mastered this Wisdom Dao inheritance, I should be able to deal with the Wisdom Dao projection. As a result, I can manage the layout and greatly delay the exposure. Time, continue to hide.”

Fang Yuan resisted the temptation of Jade Pond Blessed Land and took a break.

Soul Search can cause damage to the target and requires treatment. It will also make the soul seem unpredictable, but it is not that Audacity Gu can treat, but need to rest and sleep, to settle the soul.

After the break, Fang Yuan once again Soul Search.

Dongfang Changfan’s soul saw Fang Yuan still here, not being lured to Jade Pond Blessed Land, feeling cold and cold.

Fang Yuan This Soul Search lasted for a long time.

Dongfang Changfan’s soul rebellion is more intense, and Fang Yuan Soul Search is just a means of Mortal Dao, and the difficulty has increased dramatically.

But Fang Yuan is patient, not able to do it once, then ten times, a hundred times.

After a long Soul Search, Fang Yuan obtained Dongfang Changfan reconstructed the memory of Immemorial Ruin Bat’s body, not only knowing the Enslave Dao method that controls the Void Beast battle, but also the secret of how to make the gu formation Void Transformation.

No matter which one, it is worth a lot! (Want to know more about the dynamics of “Daoist Gu”? Open WeChat now, click on the “+” sign at the top right, select Add a friend to add a public number, search for “qidianzhongwenwang”, follow the public number, and never miss each time. Update! qd wave ok)

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