It turned out that in the Grand Mound battlefield, since Fang Yuan and the others left, Dongfang Changfan gradually suppressed the inner danger, which made the battle situation better.

He rigorous schemes and deep foresight, shortly after Fang Yuan, he immediately realized the situation. He immediately guessed that the three mysterious black robe Gu Immortal was very likely to attack his nest.

However, he has been arranged in Jade Pond Blessed Land, and he is not worried. Instead, he is pleased to see these Demonic Path Gu Immortal divisions so that he can deal with Scholar Zi Zai with peace of mind!

But very quickly, he was horrified to find that he had lost contact with the thatched cottage!

This shock is not the same.

The thatched cottage is the first layer of Dongfang Tribe and is strictly arranged by Dongfang Changfan. Even the Rank 8 Gu Immortal can support a moment. How can I lose contact with myself without being silent?

Dongfang Changfan immediately changed his strategy and abandoned the battlefield of Grand Mound. He rushed back to the rescue field in the direction of the old nest.

Scholar Zi Zai See Dongfang Changfan fleeing, naturally chasing after him.

Dongfang Changfan also had the final key steps, not telling Old Monarch Can Yang. The latter also followed Dongfang Changfan, and went all the way.

Two sides while flying, while fighting at high altitude, the battlefield quickly transferred, wasted a lot of time, and finally arrived at Jade Pond Blessed Land.

The thatched cottage has disappeared, and Jade Pond Blessed Land has also been broken and broken.

Seeing Demonic Path Gu Immortals is therein unscrupulously searching for resources, Dongfang Changfan is angry. He also saw Enslave Dao Gu Immortal Qie Shimin, who was using a unique method to capture Dongfang Clan’s Gu Master.

Dongfang Changfan was so angry that Star Thought, heading out, washed off the crown on his head.

This is not just in name only, but also in reality.

“Demonic Path thief. Sin is unforgivable!” Dongfang Changfan pointed his hand, regardless of the huge immortal essence loss. Re-start the trump card ultimate move – Ten Thousand Flying Star Fireflies.

Hei Loulan and the others are still attacking the sea, seeing countless flying stars. Like snow flower, starlight, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

Such a beautiful view, but let everyone be very vigilant, quickly stop the hands and feet, change the offensive, simultaneous flying to the sky, killing Dongfang Changfan.

At this moment, it is very different from Grand Mound.

At the Grand Mound battlefield. A Demonic Path Gu Immortal competes for each other for a Wisdom Dao inheritance. However, Dongfang Changfan body possession, this Wisdom Dao inheritance is still in his mind, the hope of successfully taking inheritance is very small.

But now, in the vast Jade Pond Blessed Land, countless resources are like open arms.

Confidence is in front of you, as long as you kill Dongfang Changfan. Can continue to plunder, so Demonic Path Gu Immortals swept the internal strife 羁绊, together, excited. Quite a sense of unity.

Demonic Path Gu Immortals joined forces, and Dongfang Changfan’s face became quite ugly and felt stressful. Blocking left and right, immediately under the wind.

“Kill him. The whole Jade Pond Blessed Land is ours!” Half-Moon Savage Master is called the martyrdom.

“In addition to this Jade Pond Blessed Land, there is Old Thief Dongfang’s Wisdom Dao inheritance. That’s the first contemporary Wisdom Dao inheritance in Northern Plains!” Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo shines.

“Even if Wisdom Dao inheritance I can give up, Laozi only needs his body possession method!” Pi Shuihan has a cold face and keeps on his hands. The offensive is like a sea.

After Dongfang Changfan retired, he finally stabilized his position with the help of Old Monarch Can Yang.

Being so pressed, the anger of his heart accumulated the pole. Get a gasping machine, he looked up at extreme angry and laughed: “I want you to die here!”

Bone barely fell, the entire Jade Pond Blessed Land violently oscillated.

Shake it!

Demonic Path Gu Immortals suddenly found that Mortal Realm Ultimate Move in its hands lost its effectiveness.

Dongfang Changfan is the former Revered Great Elder of Dongfang Clan and has many control over Jade Pond Blessed Land. Although Jade Pond Blessed Land is a public Blessed Land, he can’t achieve all of it, but the rights at hand are enough for Jade Pond Blessed Land to reject these Demonic Path Gu Immortal.

Jade Pond Blessed Land is the headquarters of Dongfang Tribe, where Dongfang Changfan fights and naturally has a favourable location.

Previously, only the Master was not at home, and the robbers came.

Demonic Path Gu Immortal The attack was weakened and Dongfang Changfan did not win the battle. Instead, he followed the gap and flew down.

He dive directly into the forbidden sea, the illusion was broken, the good end of the Flower Garden Taolin was a mess, the Peach Great Wolf group was killed only three or two, and several wolves were still taken away in the future. Falling under the peach tree, it is terrible.

Dongfang Changfan Looks in the eyes, heartache has to drop blood. How many years of hard work has accumulated!

He resisted the pain and shouted to the bottom: “Brother Fang, I have guarded your family for hundreds of years, set a covenant, watch each other, and have not oppressed by one day’s mutation. At this time, it is my family at the time of life and death. You need to take action to help.”

Dongfang Changfan’s voice, stirring in the air.

After a few breaths, a sharp voice, also echoing Heaven and Earth, responded: “As it should be.”

Saying, everyone saw a green light, shot from the Flower Garden, and fell into the hands of Dongfang Yuliang.

The green glory dissipated and a miniature mountain peak appeared.

It is the Miniature Mountain!

“This is Miniature Mountain!”

Pi Shuihan, Hei Loulan and the others, but the look is micro-condensation.

Listening to the conversation between Dongfang Changfan and Littleman Gu Immortal, Miniature Mountain was not owned by Dongfang Clan, but Littleman Race and Dongfang Tribe reached an agreement to become an ally.

Being able to become an ally with the super power Dongfang Tribe, Littleman Race naturally has a corresponding background and strength.

Miniature Mountain is in the hand, Dongfang Changfan smiles, and sharp eyes glance at a dry demonic cultivator.

He did not hesitate at all, and the anger in his heart urged him to revenge!

“Today is the time for you to wait!” Dongfang Changfan holds Miniature Mountain with one hand and fingers, manipulates Ten Thousand Flying Star Fireflies, and really kills Demonic Path.

Countless starlight swayed, picking up the blue waves of the blue sky, his robes fluttering, like a fairy, the momentum is skyrocketing, making the group Demon Heart an inward shiver.

Pitchblack Heavenly Flower !

Thousand Solutions!

Ice Dragon Chains!

Strength Dao Giant!

Rank 7 battle strength simultaneous take action, the four Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, together with Dongfang Changfan.

Mortal Realm Ultimate Move has not been tried, only Immortal Realm Ultimate Move has effects.

“Most in the future” Old Monarch Can Yang silently blessed himself and Dongfang Changfan, then he took a big shot and took out Life Chasing Fire.

Life Chasing Fire hit the most threatening Scholar Zi Zai, who was forced to retreat and make a big mess.

Scholar Zi Zai was loudly roared, and many times it was like this. Life Chasing Fire made him always have to point Thousand Solutions to himself for the order. Dongfang Changfan struggles on the edge of life and death countless times, but it is not dead!

Thousand Solutions dissipated, but the remaining ice dragon, the Strength Dao giant, Heavenly Flower, was smashed to Dongfang Changfan.

Dongfang Changfan held up the Miniature Mountain and Demonic Path Gu Immortal in the hands of the three ultimate move. The closer to the Miniature Mountain, the sharper the formidable power.

The result is a great ice dragon. For the ice snake, the strength of the Strength Dao is shrinking. It is less than the original 1%. Pitchblack Heavenly Flower is not someone else, but instead it is itself, and the petals are dying.

In the end, these offensives fell in front of Dongfang Changfan, and he was able to block the long sleeves.

“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Large Becomes Small!” Pi Shuihan face gloomy like water, a way to break the other side.

It turns out that the surnamed Fang on this Miniature Mountain is the Human Race Gu Immortal, which is Law Dao Gu Immortal, mastering the Law Dao Immortal Gu “small”!

He led Littleman Race and alliance with Dongfang Clan to find a living space for this family. At this moment, the take action, showing an extraordinary means, has the power to suppress the demons.

The demons frowned.

Hei Loulan has regretted her heart and knows that the strength of Miniature Mountain is so strong that she will definitely not die. The demons stormed the sea, and although breaking the Peach Great Wolf group, it has not yet allowed Miniature Mountain to make the extent of this ultimate move.

“It’s a bit tricky. To solve this trouble, look at Scholar Zi Zai.” Pi Shuihan turned back and said to Scholar Zi Zai loudly said.

Scholar Zi Zai coldly snorted: “The key moment, who can rely on me?”

Pi Shuihan eyelid shook, but did not refute.

Scholar Zi Zai is also Law Dao Gu Immortal, who holds the Law Dao Immortal Gu “solution” and also has Immortal Realm Ultimate Move “Thousand Solutions”.

Dealing with Law Dao, of course, using Law Dao is the most effective.

Immediately, the demons were led by Scholar Zi Zai and fought against Dongfang Changfan, Old Monarch Can Yang and Littleman Gu Immortal.

The group of demons took action action and fought for the opportunity in battle for Slovenia Zi Zai.

Scholar Zi Zai grabs the opportunity in battle and brings out Thousand Solutions, according to Miniature Mountain.

Thousand Solutions has been attacked by Large Becomes Small.

“Your Law Dao Immortal Gu, but Rank 6. My ‘small’ 蛊, but the Rank 7 level, how can you win me?” Miniature Mountain pulled out Littleman Gu Immortal’s giggling laughter, full of pride .

Scholar Zi Zai’s face gloomy, but can’t refute anything. His background is still shallow compared to the Littleman Race.

The situation is not good for the Demonic Path side.

Dongfang Changfan is armed with Miniature Mountain and Old Monarch Can Yang is invincible. Just wait until the Ten Thousand Flying Star Fireflies ultimate move. The more the war, the more his battle strength will increase. In the end, the advantage will be turned into a victory, thus defeating the demons, and the win will return to the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world.

The group is thinking hard, but there is no way to counter the Large Becomes Small.

The only tactics placed in front of them, it seems that there is only a strong hard attack, and the immortal essence is consumed by the number advantage.

But Demonic Path Gu Immortal is so lofty that everything is considered for himself, and he is very reluctant to lose too much.

In the middle of the glue, suddenly Demonic Path Gu Immortal Zhou Qian roared: “Damn, my Prose Carp group of fish was taken away!”

The demons looked at the sound and saw the edge of the battlefield. Fang Yuan was taking the deep water and taking in his own Immortal Aperture over a deep pool.

This time, even Hei Loulan is angry with Fang Yuan: “Fang Yuan, what are you doing!”

The demons had been fighting hard, and found that some people were jealous that they were not prepared and secretly collected resources.

It is like sharing the same boat. Everyone is struggling to paddle and let the boat go. As a result, a companion sat in the stern fishing, and his mother caught a fat fish, and he was full of pockets!

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