October 20th.

In the great hall, the light red of the rays of light is disillusioned and shines all around.

Green copper The relief on the brick surface has disappeared by more than half.

Fang Yuan was pale and described as dry, staring at the red eyes, staring at each change of the light.

Everything is silent.

October 21st.

Earth Spirit sent bad news, a Rank 5 expert, entered Gu Master Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan looked at the image and immediately recognized the person: “It turned out to be Xiao Mang of Xiao Family. He owns Rank 5 Bright Light Gu and is an expert of Light Dao. In previous life, Trident Mountain has his silhouette, after all, coming.”

Earth Spirit took a deep breath : “Bright Light Gu? So, this Xiao Mang can ignite the glory of Immemorial Antiquity Era! This is a huge threat for us!”

Earth Spirit is worried.

Immemorial Antiquity Era has Nine Heavens, White Heaven | daytime, Red Heaven, Orange Heaven, Yellow Heaven, Green Heaven, Azure Heaven, Blue Heaven, Purple Heaven, Black Heaven.

Immemorial sunshine, extraordinary, is the light of glory, can penetrate Nine Heavens, sway warmth, kindness and severity to apply all things.

And now, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet are gone for seven days, leaving only White Heaven | daytime and Black Heaven. And the sun is no longer the glory of Immemorial, weak and can only penetrate White Heaven | daytime.

Once the light bulb of Rank 5 is motivated, the glory of Immemorial will be erupted. This light is useless, but it can shine through the ends of the earth through all barrier walls.

In other words, this Blessed Land can’t block Immemorial Light.

Fang Yuan sneered : “Tyrant Turtle, you are wide-minded. His Bright Light Gu is a tomb, just a wreck. Every month, you can only mobilize three times. Three times, you must self-destruct.”

Earth Spirit is sighed in relief: “That’s good. I have become weaker and weaker these days. At the last minute, I have to rely on myself.”

“hehe. I always like to rely on myself.” Fang Yuan answered, no longer talking, and began to refining gu!

October 22nd.


“Oops, failed!”

Fang Yuan spit a mouthful of blood, his eyes are black, almost fainted.

He grit his teeth, his hands on the ground, just feeling the sky, the eyes of Venus straight, the ears humming constantly.

Especially in the chest, I am extremely bored, and I want to vomit.

After a long while, this bad feeling was slightly relieved.

Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air, slowly sit still.

“Refining gu failed, it was backlash. This step, I have failed three times. It is not my poor technology, I have done my best, but this step is to Luck Qi, bet on the probability of 10% success. Oh! No time!”

Fang Yuan was pale and resisted the pain of backlash and began the fourth round of sprint.

At this time, the immortal essence in the copper tripod has only four copies left.

October twenty three 曰.

Fang Yuan stopped the action, looks at this Gu Insect in his hand, and his eyes are sharp.

This cockroach is a beetle, a big belly, a head and tail like a pointed cone, without any feet and feet. Its shape is vague, as if it were a rough carved blank, and it is lifeless, like a gray stone.

Earth Spirit is happy – ly said: “youngster, I really didn’t misread you! You made this fake, only the last step, you can go to the false and become the real Second Aperture Gu!”

“Yes, it’s the last step.” Fang Yuan’s tone is complex, both relaxed and heavy.

Refining This Second Aperture Gu is like climbing. There were thousands of steps in the previous steps. I didn’t know how many times I failed. Fang Yuan almost never sleeps, but finally reached this step. Past efforts and efforts have not been in vain, it is easy.

But this last step, but the most crucial, is a step in qualitative change, to use Immortal Gu Divine Travel Gu.

Although Fang Yuan has been transformed into Spring and Autumn Cicada, he has never used Immortal Gu to refine Immortal Gu, so this last step is also his most unsure step, so his mood is heavy.

“Three hundred years old for spring, five hundred years old for autumn. God machine is unlimited, expanding four wild, adding three more, three more, three more nine. Nine is extremely, you’re done… this last step, you must use Longevity Gu, use Divine Travel Gu, you have to use two more three.” Fang Yuan pondered.

He can understand and even modify the previous steps. But Secret Formula is here, he only knows the true meaning of this three points.

“What’s the change in Earth Spirit, Blessed Land?” Fang Yuan asked suddenly.

“There are two people, dozens of Rank 3 Gu Masters, each led by a Rank 4 Gu Master, and it’s huge.” Earth Spirit showed the picture to Fang Yuan. .

“It turned out to be Che Family and Zuo Family, tut tut, the two Patriarch leaders, and the Family Elder of the greater part came over.” Fang Yuan glanced at him and recognized his foot.

The entire Trident Mountain is located between the chilly hills of the Zuo Family and the Feilai Mountain of the Che Family.

These two families have continued to expand. In recent years, they have been competing in the first-line competition of Trident Mountain.

But the Three Kings Inheritance broke out and completely disrupted the plans of the two Great Clans.

The entire Southern Border 100,000 mountain, as well as countless nameless mountain peaks, and ferocious beast wilderness, the environment is sinister, extremely difficult to walk.

Other forces can only send elites to come. But these two families, however, are Close Water High Stage, which has been pressed until now. At this time, it was found that the inheritance was different, and finally sent a large army.

For Fang Yuan, this is bad news.

At the last minute, everyone must be surely attacking the Blessed Land Hub, that is this great hall. These Che Family and Zuo Family are all Fang Yuan’s enemies.

“In addition to them, there will be strong players such as Li Xian, Hu Mei’er, Yi Huo, Kong Yuetian. At the last minute, I have to fully refining gu, defending against foreign enemies can only rely on Earth Spirit, as well as Bai Ningbing and Feng Tian Yu. The situation is sinister, but it is only external.”

“The last step, the need to continue to use two more three, will lead to a nine times faster time flow on my body! For Spring and Autumn Cicada, it is a big tonic. At that time, pressure is skyrocketing, crisis aperture. This is an internal cause. ”

“Internal diplomacy is forced, and the crisis is raging. But I can only bite the perseverance. I have already tried to get to the point where I can climb the summit. I will not be willing to gamble. If it succeeds, I will have the second.” Aperture. To cultivate in the future, to Rank 6, there will not be too much behind Feng Jinhuang.”

In Fang Yuan’s rebirth, Silvergrass Mountain is just one, Merchant City is just a platform, and Second Aperture Gu is also a stepping stone.

But it is because of the accumulation of these time after times that he can sprint to the next level.

The next few opportunities, one ring and one ring, without a certain cultivation base, strength, there is no qualification to participate!

“Life, the survival of the fittest, this opportunity is even more inseparable, the timing must also race against time. This is not the body of this rebirth…”

Fang Yuan sighed and began to rest and prepare for the last day.


Fang Yuan 浠庢蒙镌’腑腑掓潵锛宻lowly opening both of his eyes 銆

鈥滃ソ澶 ぉ娌 ぉ娌 ° C 湁镌 缑杩欎箞鑸掓湇浜嗭纴鎺ヤ笅鏉ュ 缑杩欎箞鑸掓湇浜嗭纴鎺ヤ笅鏉ュ 鏄ぇ鎴桡紒鈥濅粬绔栾捣韬潵锛岀紦姝ヨ 鏄ぇ鎴桡紒鈥濅粬绔栾捣韬潵锛岀紦姝ヨ 鏄ぇ鎴桡紒鈥濅粬绔栾捣韬潵锛岀紦姝ヨReat hall 銆

Great hall 澶栵纴鍙楀埌Earth Spirit 镄勬寚寮曪纴宸茬粡绔欑珛镌€涓や汉銆

鈥渞evered master 锛佲€卤eng Tian Yu 涓€鐪嫔埌Fang Yuan 锛岀珛鍗砶neels down on the ground 锛屽皢one Gu Insect 濂変笂銆

姝よ泭鍏 矊涓嶆壃锛屽ソ浼 矊涓嶆壃锛屽ソ浼 shoulder 伆鐭 笉鏄埆镄勶纴姝 笉鏄埆镄勶纴姝 笉鏄埆镄勶纴姝 槸 f槸fight every battle without defeat 铔娿€

鈥滃睘涓嫔 涓嶈 涓嶈 锻 锻 锻 锻 K K K K K K K K K K K K 浜汬 浜汬 浜汬 Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu

鍦ㄤ粬镄勮韩杈癸纴绔欑潃鏁 Dress up airyman 锛屽悇涓祽韬昵镌€娴揿瘑Long Haired 锛岄粯鐒剁珯绔嬬潃銆

鈥滃杽銆傗€卤ang Yuan nodded 锛屾贰娣” 湴绉 禐涓 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 纴骞 笉镒忓銆 笉镒忓銆

杩橦airyman chain 変 dis dis dis dis 锛屽枩娆 四 四 四 四 四 四 ref Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu 镐﹃€

Fang Yuan 鍙堣蛋鍒症 ai Ningbing 镄勯镄勯鍓嶃

Bai Ningbing 鍑濇湜镌€鐪鐪(1) 紭镄 rereen copper great hall 锛岀洰鍏変腑阃忓嚭涓€涓濅 鐒讹 鐒讹 鈥 鈥 湅鏉ワ纴杩欎 less less less less less less勪腑鏋(二)墍鍦ㄤ简銆傗€

璇村畲锛屽ス鐩厜绉诲悜Fang Yuan 锛气€汉mph 锛屼綘 chain 濂 濂 寰椾綘镄勬圹璇 傗 傗€€

Fang Yuan laughed 锛气滀綘鏀滀綘鏀滀綘鏀濂濂濂銆傗銆傗€

Ai state ai Ningbing 镄勮 韩钖庯纴杩慩 NUMX 鍙︻姮鍏 纴婕 纴婕 纴婕 纴婕 锛屾垨鐩樿笧鍦ㄥ湴锛屾垨鐩镐簰瀣夋垙锛屾垨濂旈愭墦闂广€

Fang Yuan slightly frowned 锛岃 鏄 ai ai ai Ningbing 鎺屾 钖勫 浜嗐 傛崲 傛崲 傛崲 傛崲 佸 佸 佸 Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Borrow umbrella 镫楃兢鎺掑竷绱у瘑锛 palace otionless 锛屽钖屽啖阒熴€

浣咮ai Ningbing after all is 璧堕腑瀛愪笂鏋讹纴鍏埚墠閮 N 浣旷殑 Enslave Dao 璁粌锛岃兘 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴宸 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴宸 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴宸槗銆

浜嫔疄涓婏纴Bai Ningbing 鐜 湪鑴戣鏄忔槒娌夋 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 嬫姇瓒 嬫姇瓒 嬫姇瓒 嬫姇瓒 棿閮 棿閮 棿閮 棿閮 劅搴斿 姹狅纴 姹狅纴 姹狅纴 姹狅纴 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃Shabu-shabu

涓€涓嫔瓙锛屾帉鎺ц umbrella涔埚镄勭姮鍏涔埚镄勭姮鍏€

鈥沧帴涓嬫潵浣犲惉鎴戠殑瀹夋帓锛屽幓one after another 宁力疆阒阒阒畧銆傛棤璁畧銆傛棤璁晫晫嫔浣曟嫔浣曟阃楋纴閮笉瑕佷笉瑕佷笉瑕佷€ 垏璁 ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang

鈥滃棷锛屾棦鐒 槸浣犲畨鎺掞纴闾 垚璐ラ兘涓嶅叧鎴戝 垚璐ラ兘涓嶅叧鎴戝 垚璐ラ兘涓嶅叧鎴戝 N N N N N N N N N N Ningbing coldly said 銆

鈥渉ehe 锛屼笉璁 垚璐ワ纴閮 垚璐ワ纴閮 缁欎綘 缁欎綘 缁欎綘 缁欎綘 缁欎綘 缁欎綘 缁欎綘 ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang ang

鈥渉 锛屼綘 锛屼綘 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 仛鍒 仛鍒 仛鍒


鈥滀袱ray of light Information 帴杩炴秷澶憋纴杩椤 Information Information InformationInformation 銆丏og King 镄刬nheritance 锛岃浜哄ず璧 锛佲 濇竻鏅ㄧ殑 濇竻鏅ㄧ殑 濇竻鏅ㄧ殑 濇竻鏅ㄧ殑 濇竻鏅ㄧ殑 濇竻鏅ㄧ殑Mountain 椤讹纴Gu Masters 囨侪镞犳瘮锛屼 囨侪镞犳瘮锛屼 囨侪镞犳瘮锛屼 紟娌 紟娌 紟娌

鈥滆 娆 娆 nheritance 寮 钖纴闱炲 钖纴闱炲 钖纴闱炲 钖纴闱炲 纴涓 extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely灏 € 鐤戜 鐤戜 鐤戜 鐤戜

浣嗙浉姣旇缉杩欎 锛屾洿澶氱殑浜哄叧蹇 锛屾洿澶氱殑浜哄叧蹇 n n nheritance 铡诲悜銆

鈥滃埌搴曟槸鍝﹄袱涓 杩愬 杩愬 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 in in in in in in in in

鈥沧垜鎯充俊King Inheritance 锛屽簲璇ユ槸Tie Mubai 澶т 汉銮峰缑浜嗐€粬镊﹄粠杩涘幓钖庯纴灏粬镊﹄粠杩涘幓钖庯纴灏粬镊﹄粠杩涘幓钖庯纴灏粠嚭鏉ヨ嚭鏉ヨ

In 姮 姮 King Inheritance 锛屾亹镐曞缑鏄帆楝笺€傗€

鈥滀笉锛屾槸鎴戞棌镄刉u Shentong 澶т汉銆傗€

鈥淗umph 锛屼緷鎴戠湅鎴慏emonic Path 镄勯┉鍏紾reat Master 绔犱笁涓夛纴涔熸湁odds of success 愩€€€

浼椾汉浜夊惖浜嗕竴阒靛瓙钖庯纴缁堜簬 chain変汉鍙戠幇浜呜寮备箣澶勩€

鈥滃镐纴杩欐inheritance 鍑犱綅Rank 5 Gu Master 锛岄兘chain嚭鏉ャ€傛槸镐庝箞锲炰簨锛熲€

Tears nformation King 銆佺姮King Inheritance 閮 缁 圹锛屼絾涓 圹锛屼絾涓 圹锛屼絾涓 粈涔埚叾浠栦 粈涔埚叾浠栦 粈涔埚叾浠栦 粈涔埚叾浠栦 潵锛熲 潵锛熲

鈥滀粬浠槸琚粸鐣椤湪Blessed Land 褰 腑浜嗐 傝 傝 傝 傝 鐗嘊 lessed Land 锛屽 缁忔帴杩戞簝鐏纴杩囦笉浜嗗涔咃纴灏 缁忔帴杩戞簝鐏纴杩囦笉浜嗗涔咃纴灏 缁忔帴杩戞簝鐏纴杩囦笉浜嗗涔咃纴灏闂ㄦ埛澶 紑锛屼 紑锛屼 鐢 鐢 鐢 垜浠殢镒忚繘鍑 垜浠殢镒忚繘鍑 垜浠殢镒忚繘鍑 垜浠殢镒忚繘鍑 傗 傗 傗 傗 濅竴涓樄浜殑澹 濅竴涓樄浜殑澹 濅竴涓樄浜殑澹 濅竴涓樄浜殑澹

鈥沧槸Xiao Mang 澶т汉锛佲€濋】镞跺氨链塕ighteous Path Gu Master 锛岃鍑轰璇璇璇瘽瘽呯殑韬

Man伞Xiao Mang 鏉ュ埌Trident Mountain 锛屽嵈娌°C湁杩涘叆inheritance 锛屼粬鎯虫浠浠€涔堥锛熲€滵emonic Path Gu Masters 蹇冮噷鍢€鍜旷潃锛孹iao Mang 镄勫埌鏉ワ纴铡嫔埗浜咲emonic Path

鎴愬姛鍦板惛寮曚简浼椾汉镄勭洰鍏夛纴Xiao Mang 鍌茬劧涓€绗戏鈥沧帴涓嬫潵锛屾垜灏卞姩鐢 ̇right Light Gu 锛屾浛灏旗瓑瓑揿紑Blessed Land 镄勯棬鎴凤紒鈥

Bakedly fell 锛屼粬灏 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 e e 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾 掔洰鍦嗙漱锛岀妫鍌琾

Bright Light Gu !

Will of Heaven 铔婏紒

绌 妩铔婏紒

Ultimate move 鈥斺€擨mmemorial 鍏夋妩锛侊紒

涓夎泭 愬偓锛屾暣鐗囧ぉ绌 愬偓锛屾暣鐗囧ぉ绌 竴鏆椼

浼椾 囨亹鍦 囨亹鍦 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 涓猺 灞卞 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒 锛宒屽向鍦ㄥ鍦ㄥ鍐ヤ腑镄勬鍐ヤ腑镄勬

Bright Light Gu 铏 棤涓 涓濇敾鍑诲姏搴 涓濇敾鍑诲姏搴 纴浣嗙粨钖埚叾浠栦袱铔婏纴灏卞 纴浣嗙粨钖埚叾浠栦袱铔婏纴灏卞 纴浣嗙粨钖埚叾浠栦袱铔婏纴灏卞 鎴愬 鎴愬 鎴愬 鎴愬 鎴愬 鎴愬 殑鏀诲


镞犲船镄勮啘鑳庤娲炵┛锛孊lessed Land 鎽回iv锛屽法澶х殑婕忔礊褰(二)垚闂ㄦ埛锛屾矡阃氢澶栫晫銆 畲寰呯 chain畲寰呯Painting

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