“Where is it here? Say what you know!” said Shen Congsheng, once again to Miao Mingshen.

As a result, the ultimate move, although motivated, disappears mysteriously for no reason. Shen Congsheng groaned, the nose is suddenly bleeding, and the damage of the ultimate move backlash is withstood.

“Revered Great Elder, and slow hands, it seems to prohibit each other from taking action battles. For the purpose of killing, whether it is to promote ultimate move or Gu insect, it will fail. But if it is to cure itself, it is not hindered.” Shen Tan Road .

“Why don’t you say that early?” Shen Congsheng blinked.

Shen Tan feel wronged, the heart said: “Isn’t you too fast?”

Of course, this cannot be said. Shen Tan had to bow his head and admit his mistake.

Miao Mingshen and the others are greatly sighed in relief.

They are also healing in silence.

When they just woke up, they saw Shen Family Gu Immortal around, not even think and took action immediately, so they also received a lot of backlash.

Shen Tan and the others are not so good.

However, at that time, Shen Congsheng was not awake, and no one knew whether Rank 8 Gu Immortal would still be restricted.

“It seems that even if it is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it can’t violate the layout of Paradise Immortal Venerable.” Miao Mingshen spits out one mouthful of impure air, seeing the failure of Shen Congsheng take action, he is completely relieved.

At least for the time being they are safe.

Shen Congsheng heard the meaning of the words, bright glow flashes: “It seems that this is the Dark Blue Dragon Whale’s Immortal Aperture World.”

Miao Mingshen is neither sure nor denied.

The ghost seven next to him is staring at Tong Hua, angry shouted: “Tong Hua! You have betrayed us!”

Tong Hua bowed his head and said nothing.

She is standing with Ren Xiuping at this time.

The traitor in Miao Mingshen group of people is her.

Before Shen Congsheng raised the ultimate move, special intention bypassed her scene and was seen by many people.

At that moment, her identity has been exposed.

Hua Die female immortal Concealed ice-cold: “Tong Hua Fairy, I am so trusted by my family, you rebuild Immortal Aperture after transcends tribulation, he is doing a lot for you. Helping you a lot, this time is more Invite you to explore Dark Blue Dragon Whale, you actually do this kind of thing, repaying kindness with enmity! Why do you betray us? Where is your conscience?”

Tong Hua wants to stop talking, licking his face, no longer looking towards Miao Mingshen and the others.

Instead, Miao Mingshen sighed and stopped Hua Die female immortal to continue the attack: “I am afraid that the Tong Hua fairy is inexplicable, fine, and people are interested.”

Tong Hua’s eyes swayed a little.

“Adults… you are very good. How can such a person tolerate?” Hua Die female immortal lame.

Ren Xiuping sneered sneer, and Tong Hua is his masterpiece: “Miao Mingshen, you’d better figure out the current situation, who is strong and who is weak! Tong Hua is a good breed of wood, if you surrender With all the information, we may be able to bypass you.”

Hua Die female immortal is insane and angry. This is their chance, but they are threatened by these people. Immediately, they roll one’s eyes and scream: “I am so scared, I am attacking me, I am afraid of being in the whole body.” They are all shaking.”

Shen Congsheng expression ice-cold.

Ren Xiuping picked up his eyes, and the laughter was a bit colder: “The little girl has a sharp tip. You think Paradise Immortal Venerable can protect you for a lifetime? Come out here, go back to the Eastern Sea, whoever you are will be Shen Congsheng Adults’ opponents? Even here, don’t tell me Paradise Immortal Venerable’s layout is really perfect and without blemish, is there no loophole?”

Hua Die female immortal looks sad.

Miao Mingshen and the others are also dignified, especially Ceng Lao Zi, looking towards Shen Congsheng with a hint of fear. After all, he was killed by Shen Congsheng.

“Whoever wins and wins is not necessarily. Let’s go!” Miao Mingshen did not want to make a squabble, took the lead and turned away from the beach.

“This person can find the discovery mystery of Dark Blue Dragon Whale, knowing more than us. We keep up!” Shen Congsheng quickly ordered.

Since you can’t take action for the time being, then follow Miao Mingshen and the others, this is not wrong.

The two groups walked forward in silence, one after the other.

Soon, they walked out of the beach and came to a dense woodland.

“The tree here is a bit strange. There is a heart-shaped blank in the middle of each leaf.” Hua Die female immortal is doubtful.

“Well, the tree is the common tree nothing more.” Bee General looked at it and extended the hand to stroke the trunk.

The slamming sound of the slamming sound, the whole tree that he touched collapsed directly and shattered into piles of wood powder.

“What happened?” The group of people noticed the movement and quickly gathered around.

“This is not a common tree, it is Rank 7 immortal plant Cloud Ladder Wood.” Shen Congsheng looked and sighed.

They also rushed over.

Seeing that the Rank 8 Gu Immortal was standing by her side, Miao Mingshen and the others had a tight heart but slowly relaxed.

Seventh Master Gui sneer, proudly said: “Sink Old Monster bullying we don’t understand? Cloud Ladder Wood I happen to know that this wood has a rich Wood Dao, Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks. Ten centimeters per 100 years, ten inches for a ladder How could this be a tall tree like Cloud Ladder Wood? If Cloud Ladder Wood has at least a hundred ladders, in other words, it should be at least 10,000 years old, tens of thousands of years of Cloud Ladder Wood? He He He.”

But Shen Congsheng looks calm: “This is Cloud Ladder Wood. You only know one is unknown. Cloud Ladder Wood is Rank 7 immortal materials, but on the leaves of tens of thousands of Cloud Ladder Wood, Rank will grow. 8 immortal materials. Cloud Ladder Leaf Heart. Once the Cloud Ladder Leaf Heart is picked up, Cloud Ladder Wood will collapse into a piece of wood residue and become a common coffin.”

Seventh Master Gui bowed and sneered again, pointing forward: “That’s what you said, this vast jungle is tens of thousands of Cloud Ladder Wood? Hehe, it’s ridiculous.”

Shen Congsheng nodded: “Cloud Ladder Wood is indeed rare. This jungle is certainly not all such a rare wood. But at least this strain should be Cloud Ladder Wood!”

Shen Congsheng is very certain, Seventh Master Gui is perseverance, pointing to a good tree nearby: “That depends on the meaning of Shen Congsheng adults, then this strain, this strain, and that one, are all on Cloud Ladder Wood of all ages. Haha, you see, they all have heart-shaped blanks on the leaves. So many Cloud Ladder Wood, how many Rank 8 immortal materials Cloud Ladder Leaf Heart? This so-called Rank 8 immortal Materials, is it too much? And what is the difference between Chinese cabbage and farmhouse?”

The eyes of the group were concentrated on Shen Congsheng’s face, and Shen Congsheng’s face changed subtly.

On this isle, various methods of investigation are not good, but he has gradually explored the surrounding.

He walked a few steps, one after another patted the trunk, and a strain of Cloud Ladder Wood was slightly touched and collapsed into a wood slag.

Shen Congsheng took a sip of cool air and said to the subordinates: “These are Cloud Ladder Wood, but all the Cloud Ladder Leaf Hearts on their leaves have been taken away. This is the Rank 8 immortal materials, the value is high, look See if there is a fish that escaped the net !”

Shen Family Gu Immortal Natural trust Shen Congsheng, Ren Xiuping, Tong Hua, even if they are suspicious, but also because of the face, they have to follow the instructions and spread out.

As a result, Cloud Ladder Wood of one strain was scattered, and no one could find a Cloud Ladder Leaf Heart.

The entire jungle is made up of Cloud Ladder Wood, but there is no living tree.

Even if Shen Congsheng walked out of this dead tree jungle, his heart was involuntarily suspected: Are these really Cloud Ladder Wood? If it is, is it too much?

As soon as the group went out of the woods, they saw a loess land, and the wind blew and the dust flew.

A ridiculous place.

This is the first impression of everyone.

“The air seems to be floating in the air of the breeze stems.” Shen Congsheng sniffed his nose, squatting on the floor, dusting the dust, with the earth revealing a hole in each and every one.

Shen Congsheng expression is slightly changed.

This time, Ceng Lao Zi also recognized the embarrassment, he whispered: “I used to be full of breeze stems, I have smelled the fresh grass of the breeze stems, this is the taste. Here and every one The round hole is as big as a fist, and the hole wall is round and tidy, which is the effect of the unique root system of the breeze grass stem.”

Miao Mingshen was surprised: “The breeze grass stem is Rank 7 immortal materials. If so, is it a round grassland with a breeze stem?”

“Although it’s ridiculous, don’t forget, we are in the Dark Blue Dragon Whale. Here is where Paradise True Inheritance is!” Hua Die female immortal is like a boulder, falling in the heart of the group In the lake.

Shen Congsheng brows tightly knit, suddenly looked towards Miao Mingshen and asked: “How can you lose a face in a group of people?”

Miao Mingshen was surprised. It’s no wonder that he just felt a little bit wrong. He was so reminded that he was completely stunned—yes, one person is missing.

“Chu Ying is not here!” Bee General said solemnly.

“Where did he go?”

“Speaking of it, he also died very fast, and he should have been taken over.”

“Don’t you wake up in advance and have all the immortal materials here been collected?”

All immortals are savvy characters. They used to confront each other, the atmosphere was tense, and then they explored the isle without thinking.

In this discussion, everyone was anxious.

Shen Congsheng did not care to follow Miao Mingshen, and immediately went away.

Miao Mingshen hesitated, and followed.

The group fairy soon came to a big pit.

This pothole is more than ten miles deep, and it is deep ten zhang, and there are some fragments in the pothole.

Tu Toutuo picked up the fragments and fixed his eyes. He suddenly said: “My God! This is the Rank 7 immortal materials. The rooster is smashed. Which one of the bastards has been dug, leaving only these fragments?”

Tu Toutuo has wide eyes and screams.

“The rooster iron must be an open-pit iron mine. The rooster sings in the sky, so a large piece of rooster iron, when the wind blows, it will sway and sound, and gradually produce the rank 8 immortal materials!” The sound of Shen Congsheng There is a cold, “We have to find the Chu Ying soon.”

All immortals are anxious.

The pen immortal materials in front of me are probably dug up by Chu Ying.

They must find him!

They quickly spread out and called in the mouth. They never found Fang Yuan’s half-silhouette, but only saw each and every one pothole, dry river, and a lot of flowers and trees were directly pulled away.

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