Eastern Sea.

Huā huā huā !

The water waves were rushing, hitting the reef on the isle and bursting into countless white foam.

The horrible wind, Heaven Qi gloomy.

This uninhabited isle is extremely inconspicuous in the vast Eastern Sea, but at the moment there are four Gu Immortals.

Four Gu Immortals Everyone was injured, one of them lying on the ground, life and death, and the remaining three were sitting on the ground and stepping up healing.

After a while, suddenly a person coughed hard and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

“Adult!” and the other two immortals of the gods quickly stopped healing and surrounded them with concern.

Ciao vomiting blood is Miao Mingshen.

This Gu Immortals specializes in Space Dao and Rank 7 cultivation base. It is very famous in the Eastern Sea loose immortal, with a wide network of contacts and considerable influence.

He is not tall or short, not fat or thin, looks in the middle, the facial features are more common, only the wide wide nose, which makes people feel more profound.

On a single face, this person is not outstanding. But he is very ambitious, good at treating others, can be said to be rich in personality. The three places in the Eastern Sea, the moon immortal Hua Die female immortal, the Bee General, and the Seventh Master Gui, are all headed by Miao Mingshen, and the four form a very solid small group.

But now, among them, Seventh Master Gui is unconscious, and the skin beneath him is lethal poison purple, and the situation is in jeopardy.

Miao Mingshen wiped the blood in her mouth, her face pale, and she barely said: “My injury… cough cough… It doesn’t matter! The key is the situation of the old ghost.”

“Yeah, Seventh Master Gui is the thorn of Ice Poison’s starfish. This lethal poison can’t be solved at all.” Hua Die female immortal is full of sorrow.

Bee General looks like ice: “Ice Poison starfish’s stinger is smashed, but I heard that Su Chen and Nine Months Fairy can be cured.”

Miao Mingshen shook her head and sighed: “Nine Months Fairy and Ren Xiuping have a secret relationship, but I already know. Su Chen is now participating in the Qi Sea feast, and we can’t even reveal identity and secrets. We are only dependent on ourselves. I intend to use the Eon Extremity root in exchange for Yama’s Netherworld Water, which will wash away the poison of the ice starfish.”

“Adults…” Hua Die female immortal and Bee General are moving.

Miao Mingshen laughed: “A piece of Rank 8 immortal materials can save the lives of old ghosts. It is a very worthwhile thing. Speaking of it, we also want to thank Fang Yuan for this devil, if he is not defeated by Heaven time, Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court will not buy Time Dao immortal materials so frantically at Treasure Yellow Heaven.”

Hua Die female immortal nodded, exclaimed: “Yeah, Fang Yuan is a real Red Lotus’ True Inheritance that can control Stone Lotus Island. Heavenly Court this time is big, and the loss is too heavy!”

Bee General is somewhat said: “Fang Yuan is too cunning, Heavenly Court originally has no way to take him. Now Fang Yuan is also enclosed Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. It is really big. If it is not contained, Fang Yuan It will become more terrifying, posing a threat to the whole world.”

Hua Die female immortal said with a smile : “A bee, you are too embarrassed. Fang Yuan and the others are high and high, so we can compare this and the others. The world is so big, we can touch To him? The sky is falling, and there is a high top. Heavenly Court will never let him go, we just need to watch the movie.”

This time, Fang Yuan used Stone Lotus Island to ruin Heavenly Court, and naturally wouldn’t miss such a great opportunity. Once again, the image of Heavenly Court’s fiasco was hung in Treasure Yellow Heaven, and the whole day was visited by Gu Immortal.

As a result , Fang Yuan’s fame and prestige have skyrocketed, and Heavenly Court’s prestige has been hit again.

Hua Die female immortal, Bee General and the others know this, and it is also reasonable.

However, they did not know that in the early years, Fang Yuan pretend to be Chu Ying, had contacted them and saved their lives. Fang Yuan was by their side.

Miao Mingshen is sighed secludedly.

He is a man who is ambitious and unwilling to be dull.

Otherwise, he will not be extravagant, make many Gu Immortal, and unite Bee General, Hua Die female immortal, and Seventh Master Gui.

As an ambitious Gu Immortal, he has complex emotions about the rise and prosperity of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan rises too fast, and for a hundred years, he grew up from a mortal Gu Master to Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

And how long has Miao Mingshen used for himself?

Hundreds of years!

In the time that has not been seen for a hundred years, Miao Mingshen’s eyes on the rise of Fang Yuan seems to be a big show.

The leading role in the play is not him.

Although he thinks that the cultivation base is the same as the Fang 7 by Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan is able to control the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, the manipulates Stone Lotus Island, and the poisonous hand under the Heavenly Court.

What about yourself?

Miao Mingshen Look at myself, I am really lonely!

At this moment, serious injuries, Seventh Master Gui is also on the verge of death, Bee General, Hua Die female immortal is also a wound. And for all this, his enemies Ren Xiuping must be madly searching for them.

It is really difficult for internal and external affairs.

At this moment, Miao Mingshen even had some doubts: I have been working hard over the years, and I have to wait for people to make contacts, win over three immortals, is it wrong? If it is not done wrong, why would you fall into this field?

He immediately thought of Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor hosted the Qi Sea feast and hosted the entire Eastern Sea’s Gu Immortal, which was too famous. Miao Mingshen had long heard about it and thought about going there. It is a pity that Ren Xiuping is now concealing himself and can only hide himself. He missed this opportunity in vain.

Miao Mingshen is very admired and envious of Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

“If I also learn Qi Sea Old Ancestor and blind cultivator, will there be more progress and will not suffer from the poisonous hand of Ren Xiuping and the others?”

Miao Mingshen slightly bite his teeth, and immediately dispelled the idea of ​​shaking his fighting spirit.

He spits out one mouthful of impure air, to Bee General, Hua Die female immortal Xu Xudao: “Fang Yuan is a good life, there are several Venerable’s shadows behind, cultivation resources are not lacking, and it is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, master Spring and Autumn Cicada.”

Paused for a moment, again: “He is too far away from us, we will rescue the old ghost first, then quickly leave here.”

Bee General, Hua Die female immortal nodded said yes.

Miao Mingshen immediately Divine Sense communicates Treasure Yellow Heaven and uses Eon Extremity to change Yama’s Netherworld Water.

The entire transaction process went smoothly and there was no accident.

Previous lifetime, Heavenly Court not only occupied the River of Time, but also stopped Fang Yuan to explore Stone Lotus Island, and also teamed up with Southern Border Righteous Path to crowd out Fang Yuan in Treasure Yellow Heaven, blocking his various businesses and making full purchases. Time Dao immortal materials.

And this lifetime, Heavenly Court’s situation is much worse. Although still working with Southern Border Righteous Path to curb Fang Yuan’s various trades in Treasure Yellow Heaven, the River of Time has lost, lost and lost, need to rob many Time Dao Immortal Gu, and more importantly, to guard Fang Yuan Snatching.

So this lifetime, even if the inventory of Heavenly Court Time Dao resources is not lacking, the acquisition of Time Dao immortal materials in Treasure Yellow Heaven has become even stronger.

Miao Mingshen traded Yama’s Netherworld Water, which is more than the previous lifetime.

Of course, he does not know these.

Next, Miao Mingshen washed the Seventh Master Gui with Yama’s Netherworld Water.

This also requires a degree of control. After all, this kind of Yama’s Netherworld Water will be quite corrosive to the undefended Gu Immortal body.

The toxicity of the whole body of Seventh Master Gui was washed away, and I woke up and thanked Miao Mingshen.

Miao Mingshen has another word that touches Seventh Master Gui.

When the four people finally had a breathing space, they began to think about the way to break the deal, how to deal with the Ren Xiuping of the genius outside!

The four people themselves alone must not.

The Ren Xiuping itself is the Enslave Dao Expert, which alone can be against one, and this time they are four people, and other Gu Immortal helpers. Therefore, the Ren Xiuping side is more crowded than Miao Mingshen.

Seventh Master Gui contemplates: “Ren Xiuping That Old Thief is the result of the calculations. It is nothing more than the entry of the Dark Blue Dragon Whale in the hands of adults. It is a clue to Paradise True Inheritance. We only have this secret. Inviting the same person, let Ren Xiuping take a step forward and explore Paradise True Inheritance. If it is a late step, let Ren Xiuping leak this secret, then we will not only lose the opportunity, but also become the target of Eastern Sea Gu Immortal!”

Miao Mingshen nodded said yes.

Although not willing, but this is the only way.

The secret about Dark Blue Dragon Whale, of course, is that the less people know the better. Unfortunately, Ren Xiuping’s calculation of Miao Mingshen, I am afraid that it will be leak information after a while.

According to the method of Seventh Master Gui, Miao Mingshen can not only unite to a group of Gu Immortal players, but also greatly increase the strength, counter Ren Xiuping, protect their own lives, and further explore Dark Blue Dragon Whale. If any improvement is achieved, naturally Good thing.

In this case, only the benefits that you might get in the future will be divided, and this secret will be shared with more people.

Like the previous lifetime, after Miao Mingshen discussed the four immortals, he decided to choose among them, among them Chu Ying.

When Fang Yuan received the invitation letter, he was still holding a Qi Sea feast.

This period of time, there are some famous Easter Impressions of the Eastern Sea.

For example, Long Shuigui of Erhai.

Various figures took turns to make Fang Yuan add a new understanding of the Eastern Sea’s situation. Monarch Divine Light is also collecting intelligence. In fact, Northern Plains, Western Desert, and Southern Border are sure to have eyes and ears, hidden in it, this is not to say!

Fang Yuan’s Qi Sea feast, although it was the first time, has affected Transcendent, making the Five Regions Gu Immortal look at it.

Eastern Sea’s cultivation resources are really rich, and there are many Gu Immortal publicly traded Immortal Gu.

Every success of the transaction means that Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World has gained a point, and Monarch Divine Light and the others have a heavy heart.

These Immortal Gu, immortal materials, Fang Yuan, if intentionally, let Zhang Yin and other Dragon General take their own take action.

He himself made up his mind, never do act, as if it were a background.

But this is the background that people can’t ignore from beginning to end.

“The time is almost up, the Qi Sea feast is here.” Fang Yuan started talking.

The immortals are very surprised, and some unfathomable mystery, how come suddenly?

Fang Yuan has a gentle smile: “When is the transaction going on, when is it going to be open? Everyone Fellow Immortal has a lot of things to do, and the old man has to stay away from everyone, but it is not beautiful. I host this feast, it is convenient. The Eastern Sea is the same, and it is also the perfection for getting to know each other.”

In fact, I have something to do, and where are these people coming from, where to go. Don’t get in the way.

Fang Yuan said very politely, even if the Eastern Sea is dissatisfied, he would not dare to attack the Eastern Sea number one person.

The masses of flocks rose and bid farewell to Fang Yuan.

Song Qiyuan and the others took the lead, leaving them as the leader of one party. It is indeed a matter of entanglement, and the vast territory needs them to be guarded. Fang Yuan’s words can be said to go to their hearts.

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