The ambush of Stone Lotus Island, curated by Fang Yuan, is over.

The brilliant light is still filled with Heavenly Court, but in the Central Grand Hall, it is a dull atmosphere.

“At the crucial moment, Gu Liu Ru Fellow Immortal desperately stopped 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage, and I waited for it to die.” Nine Spirits Immortal Lady spoke until here, and coughed up a blood.

Her eyes were tearful, and the silhouette of the person who resisted them came back again.

Nine Spirits Immortal Lady has a beautiful face, likes to wear a big robe, and she has long sleeves in the past, and she is full of energy. Now she is covered in blood, riddled with scars, robes and squats. Nine Spirits Immortal Lady The thin body, under the wrap up of this robe, shows a weakness that has never been seen before.

In this battle of the River of Time, Heavenly Court had an absolute advantage at the initial stage, but in the end it was a big defeat, not all six Immortal Gu Home, and Gu Immortal only Nine Spirits Immortal Lady and Feng Jiuge Escape.

Feng Jiuge is also in the great hall at this time. There is no warmth and elegance in the past, and his eyes are dim, not bright, showing a confused mood.

Fairy Ziwei sighed and told the two to go on rest and rest.

She knew about the whole situation, and called Nine Spirits Immortal Lady to ask for more details and clues.

“I didn’t expect Stone Lotus Island to fall into the Fang Yuan’s hand. How did he do it? We didn’t find a trace of motion at all.” Fairy Ziwei silently calculated that he couldn’t find a clue.

It was because of this mistake that led to the defeat of Heavenly Court, and everything was within Fang Yuan’s calculations. The loss was too heavy.

Duke Long smiled: “In fact, we have previously guessed that Fang Yuan has mastered Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. But in the last battle, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage was forced by us to go around, even if it took advantage of the danger of River of Time. There is no such thing as a tree. It seems that the battle is probably Fang Yuan’s deliberate attempt. One is to attract our attention, so that he can compete for the Dragon Palace. Secondly, it is also to pave the way for this battle, showing the enemy weak. A deceitful insidious devil!”

“So, when did Fang Yuan get Red Lotus’ True Inheritance? If he only got it recently, that’s all. If he had already set foot on Stone Lotus Island long ago, that was terrifying.” Fairy Ziwei Thinking, there is a cold intention in the body.

Now, the situation facing Heavenly Court is really tough.

However, the difficult Predicament, Heavenly Court must face directly, there is no room for dodge.

Duke Long said solemnly: “Even if Fang Yuan wins a Red Lotus’ True Inheritance and masters the 12-year-old Far Ancient Battle Formation, we will continue to invest in the River of Time!”

This is of course.

Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is more than one. If you let Fang Yuan get second and third, it is definitely more terrifying.

For Heavenly Court, the River of Time is a must, and Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is a must. This may only be mitigated if Fate Gu is successfully repaired. But now, Heavenly Court has to start again, Immortal Gu Home ruined six, then build six or even ten!

Fairy Ziwei is slowly nodded and looks dignified. In this respect, she and Duke Long agree exactly.

“Just…” Fairy Ziwei showed a touch of color in his eyes.

There are difficulties in this.

To continue to invest in Time Dao power in the River of Time, the most direct is to send Time Dao Gu Immortal.

However, due to Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s, the accumulation of Heavenly Court in Time Dao Gu Immortal is very weak.

Without Time Dao Great Expert, you have to add it with Time Dao Immortal Gu Home.

Heavenly Court suddenly lost six Time Dao Immortal Gu Homes, and the losses were too heavy. To rebuild, a lot of Time Dao Immortal Gu was needed.

Nine Spirits Immortal Lady and Feng Jiuge survived, but did not bring back Immortal Gu at all.

Heavenly Court needs to refining a large number of Time Dao Immortal Gu to build Immortal Gu Home.

Among them, refining gu’s immortal materials is not a problem at all.

The Heavenly Court background is as rich as the sea and has accumulated millions of years, not to mention. Heavenly Court has three million stocks, named after “before, middle and back”. The three major treasurys of the front, the middle and the rear are respectively covered in the time span of one million years. The accumulation of Heavenly Court in one million is filled into the corresponding treasury.

Any one of the millions of treasury is much more than the total collection of today’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.

Old Ancestor Xuehu is reluctant to refining a Rank 8 Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu. Fang Yuan is now his own background and does not dare to try refining Rank 8 Immortal Gu. The usual super power, refining Rank 8 Immortal Gu, may also hurt the bones. But for Heavenly Court, let’s not say refining a Rank 8 Immortal Gu, even if it’s ten, it won’t damage the foundation.

Heavenly Court does not lack immortal materials at all, and the missing is the Great Expert of Refining Dao.

Yuan Qiongdu is the expert of Refining Dao and has been responsible for the repair of Fate Gu. It would be too difficult for him to let him steal the lost Time Dao Immortal Gu Home.

He is just a person, and his energy is limited.

“If it is the 1~2 Refining Dao expert in the fairy tomb, that’s fine.” Fairy Ziwei thought in his heart, unfortunately, the fairy tomb was not manipulated by outsiders, not what Gu Immortal she wanted to wake up. wake.

Duke Long also realized this question. He thought about it and said: “Then call 10 Great Ancient Sects, and even other sect’s Refining Dao Gu Immortal, unified management, and incorporated into Heavenly Court, let them work together, refining Time Dao Immortal Gu.”

Fairy Ziwei nodded, Yuan Qiongdu is still in charge, but he still has to be responsible for repairing Fate Gu. If there is no movement in the fairy tomb, Heavenly Court can only do this to solve the immediate difficulties.

Fairy Ziwei sighed in his heart: “If the invasion of Langya School was successful, and the entire Langya School was compiled, it would be good. The problem at hand is not a problem at all, but the result is Langya School fell in Fang Yuan’s hand.”

Heavenly Court lost the opportunity in the first step, and then it was controlled step by step. In contrast, Fang Yuan, by virtue of the advantages of Refining Dao, looked at Heavenly Court. Yuan Qiongdu should be the person who feels the deepest.

Fairy Ziwei and Duke Long are all heavy.

Fang Yuan’s victory in the River of Time was a very heavy blow to Heavenly Court.

But River of Time is just one aspect, and Heavenly Court’s situation is deteriorating.

On the Northern Plains side, Longevity Heaven has been working hard to integrate the power of the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world.

Western Desert, Fáng Dizhang refined Bean God Palace, led the rise of Fáng Family.

On the Southern Border side, Wu Yong is close to Heavenly Court, but the Fire Beacon Tower has been built around and has become a heart disease for Heavenly Court’s.

And Eastern Sea…

“According to the latest information, Qi Sea Old Ancestor defeated Zhang Yin in one stroke. Zhang Yin is the long-awaited Rank 8 loose immortal of Eastern Sea. It has no power to fight back. Qi Sea Old Ancestor’s battle strength is shocking. After this fight, the momentum soared and attracted a large number of Eastern Sea Gu Immortal to his banquet.” Fairy Ziwei worried.

Duke Long nodded: “Even if I am, it is not easy to do this. Qi Sea Old Ancestor seems to be more powerful. According to his public opinion, he has the strength of the battle strength because he comprehend Genesis True Inheritance. progress.”

After defeating Zhang Yin, Fang Yuan was frank with the Eastern Sea various immortal, telling the world that his battle strength had a breakdown in the near future because of the Genesis Qi Dao True Inheritance from Heavenly Court.

Duke Long continued: “Qi Sea Old Ancestor said that he is already close to Heavenly Court, but his position is still neutral. This person can be drawn.”

Qi Sea Old Ancestor Since she has been in seclusion for so long, there is a battle strength that rivals Duke Long. It is still his hidden cultivator, and there is no ambition.

Even if he now has ambitions, the Heavenly Court, which holds the complete Genesis True Inheritance, is more attractive to him.

The conservative neutral Qi Sea Old Ancestor makes Duke Long and Fairy Ziwei extra vigilant and more assured.

Not only the temperament of Qi Sea Old Ancestor, but also the key factor of life essence.

Life span has always been the most important factor limiting Gu Immortal Great Expert.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor At first glance, people with little life essence, using Longevity Gu, can become younger.

He is so old, and probably has adopted other life prolonging methods. These methods have drawbacks, and the use of Longevity Gu will be ineffective.

Duke Long life essence is not long, but he believes that the life span of Qi Sea Old Ancestor is not much better.

Fairy Ziwei said: “Since Qi Sea Old Ancestor said, maybe we can send Gu Immortal to go to the banquet. Even if we didn’t get the invitation from Qi Sea Old Ancestor, now we all know that Qi Sea Old Ancestor will benefit from us. Even if it is a transaction, he is not good to refuse.”

Duke Long endorsed this suggestion, and even if it didn’t, it was a temptation for Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

The current trend of the situation in the foreign domain is very unfriendly to Heavenly Court, and only the Eastern Sea is still calm. Heavenly Court wants to hold on, at least for now, to maintain a moderate state with the Eastern Sea forces.

Eastern Sea, above Qi Sea.

Since Fang Yuan defeated Zhang Yin in one stroke, the vocals were many times louder, and the number of Gu Immortal banquets rose all the way.

The first thing that came to Gu Immortal was to meet Qi Sea Old Ancestor and pay tribute to the Eastern Sea.

Before the battle between Qi Sea Old Ancestor and Duke Long, existing spread the Five Regions. Now that Zhang Yin has lost, Qi Hai Old Ancestor has become a recognized Eastern Sea number one person, no one doubts this.

All World has been fooled by Fang Yuan.

Zhang Yin is one of the four Dragon Generals, and it works with Fang Yuan. Together with the Immortal Formation under Qi Sea, it has the amazing performance of Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

No one knows that Zhang Yin has been controlled. Even Duke Long is unaware of Such As Dream Decree. Before he seized the Dragon Palace, he understood the secrets of the four Dragon Generals.

No one guessed that Qi Sea Old Ancestor and Fang Yuan were the same person. After all, Fang Yuan is just the Rank 7 cultivation base, and Qi Sea Old Ancestor is the Rank 8 of the geneuine. Fang Yuan has been trying to hide the secrets of Paragon Immortal Aperture’s before giving up some of the immediate benefits and finally getting a lot of benefits here.

Xie Baoshu is here.

His face is handsome, gentle and jade-like, a handsome man, and the young master of Yun Shijia is the famous rogue cultivator of Eastern Sea. He cultivated mulberry trees with unique means. He used to be a major producer of Year Gu. Unfortunately, this sale was broken by Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan previous lifetime, he also teamed up with Fairy You to snatch the moonlight of Central Continent Fairy Yue Hua.

Drunken fairy came.

He is the rare Gourmet Dao Gu Immortal in the current Five Regions and the owner of the Eastern Sea wine world. He has a large collection of wines and holds a grand cocktail party every year. This time, he brought the best wines from thousands of altars to Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

The Seven Seas Snakes are coming.

This femme fatale, looks beautiful and alluring Li, virgin vicious and merciless. Although she is loose immortal, but she has seven Sea Territory, which shows her strength. At the same time, her Eastern Sea Gu Immortal is recognized as one of the six beautiful women, and the name is in harmony with Song Yishi.

Immortal Da Cang is also here.

This person specializes in Information Dao, literary dress, big sleeves fluttering, graceful. Previous lifetime He also attacked Central Continent and stole the Rank 7 immortal materials Lightning Iron Star Flower from Mei Languang.

Qi Sea feast, the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World rising winds, scudding clouds, various characters go on stage.

The number of loose immortal is much more than the Ratioous Path.

The Eastern Sea’s loose immortal is much more than the other four domains. After all, the Eastern Sea’s resources are the most abundant. At the same time, the Righteous Path site is numerous and requires Gu Immortal to be guarded at all times. In contrast, loose immortal is much more free.

“Central Continent Gu Immortal Monarch Divine Light, with a pay respects to Qi Sea Old Ancestor, uninvited, also ask Old Ancestor to forgive.” Heavenly Court Rank 8 Monarch Divine Light go on stage.

The banquet was quiet, and countless eyes focused on Fang Yuan’s face.

Fang Yuan hehe smiled, still serene: “Guests come, what sin? All rivers run into the sea, there is tolerance. My Eastern Sea is inclusive, I don’t have this chest? Please also take a seat.”

Fang Yuan has a sleeve and another one. Although it is a seat, it is ranked under the Eastern Sea Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Seeing this, Eastern Sea Gu Immortal’s look was a bit easier.

The Eastern Sea is the best in the Five Regions to accept the outside world of Gu Immortal, but exclusionaryism still exists.

The arrival of Central Continent Gu Immortal has long been expected in Fang Yuan’s.

In fact, he has been waiting for the emergence of the Heavenly Court messenger.

Fang Yuan glanced at the audience, and when he saw someone coming, he said: “everyone, please listen to me.”

The scene was quiet again, everyone was holding their breath and waiting for Fang Yuan to speak.

Monarch Divine Light saw this scene, secretly surprised: Qi Sea Old Ancestor, how long it has been around, he is at the Eastern Sea’s voice, it is now!

No one dared to ignore any words of Qi Sea Old Ancestor, even a word, a word.

Fang Yuan’s has not many words, but expresses his own political proposition – peaceful coexistence and mutual exchange. Host justice and ease disputes.

Finally, he said: “This banquet is not just a gathering of everyone, it is also a trading conference, an auction, a downfall. Everyone has a dispute, can be hosted by me, witnessed by Eastern Sea everyone, Betting fight, solve the contradiction. Everyone has any resource needs, or need to sell, you can come forward and say your request. I will hold a Qi Sea feast at this time of the year. Of course, I will not accept any Transaction costs.”

“Old Ancestor is wise.”

“Old Ancestor is so unselfish, I am so admired.”

Eastern Sea has praised all the people.

Monarch Divine Light in the heart of the shiver: Qi Sea Old Ancestor This move will greatly enhance his influence on the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World’s. Powerful power can be awesome, and major benefits can be fascinating.

And every year, the Qi Sea feast is held once!

Monarch Divine Light is completely foreseeable, the Qi Sea feast will be bigger and bigger, and the entire Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World will be included in the future. By the time the Five Regions fused, there will even be Gu Immortal coming from other four domains. In time, the influence of Qi Sea Old Ancestor will not only cover the Eastern Sea, but also radiate Five Regions!

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