Western Desert.

Fang Yuan did not hide his tracks, carrying his hands and standing proudly above the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage is like a sharp silver sword, piercing the sky, and the peak of the soldier is pointing to a light Yellow Cloud group in the sky.

“Fang Yuan, you dare to come back!” The light in the Yellow Cloud group suddenly screamed, showing the anger and hatred of the voice master.

The seemingly bland light Yellow Cloud group is essentially an immortal grand formation.

The grand formation wrap up a layer of dreams, the Immortal Gu mutated in the dream, and one Gu Immortal Dancer Hong Yun.

Hosting the grand formation is Qing Lan Immortal Concubine.

Qing Lan Immortal Concubine has the Rank 7 cultivation base, which is the second room of Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

When Fang Yuan walked the Western Desert’s, he was suffering from Feng Jiuge’s. After encountering Dancer Hong Yun, the False Intent was formed and exchanged for Yuan Yuanzi’s Formation Dao inheritance.

Fang Yuan designed, False Intent, respectively, Ying Wuxie was also wearing the body of Fairy Cui Bo, using Pure Dream Seeking True Physique self-exploding, to smash a lot of Dancer Hong Yun and Thousand Old Old Ancestor.

Unfortunately, just as Fang Yuan wanted to clean the battlefield, Feng Jiuge came to the scene and Fang Yuan had to retreat.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian suffered a concealment and was not aware of it. He immediately dispatched Night Fiend Lady and Qing Lan Immortal Concubine.

After learning that Liu Guanyi was Fang Yuan, Old Ancestor Qian Bian had no way of dreaming. He had to call Night Fiend Lady and Qing Lan Immortal Concubine to temporarily build Immortal Formation and trap the ground.

To be honest, Dancer Hong Yun, who is trapped here, is also the wife of Old Ancestor Qian Bian, but he is not very fond of it. Old Ancestor Qian Bian is the most damaging Immortal Gu that falls into a dream.

This is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu!

At the beginning, Old Ancestor Qian Bian inherited a Reckless True Inheritance, the mutated Immortal Gu is the core. Without it, Old Ancestor Qian Bian has a lot of means to go to a lot of trouble, and the power utility is even more compromised.

The variant Immortal Gu must not be lost!

Old Ancestor Qian Bian does not have the Fang Yuan’s hand segment. He had to learn the Southern Border Righteous Path to ban the dream circle.

Therefore, the chief culprit of all this is of course Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan took the initiative to attack this time, and it was no wonder that Qing Lan Immortal Concubine was furious.

But the name is rumored that Western Desert’s female immortal, but did not attack, but madly urged grand formation, choose to guard against death.

“Fang Yuan has only Rank 7 cultivation base, but has the ability to compete with Rank 8. He has 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage. He once defeated Heavenly Court, and I am not able to resist it! It is imperative to stay here and delay time. Husband they can send it.”

Qing Lan Immortal Concubine is on the verge of emergency support while fully controlling the Immortal Formation.

Hōng hōng hōng !

Fang Yuan’s offensive broke out in a moment later, a steady stream of silver light Flying Sword, like a waterfall, shot out.

Qing Lan Immortal Concubine gritted his teeth and spurred the yellow clouds to hold on.

Under the fierce attack, the yellow cloud formed by Immortal Formation continues to disintegrate and shrink in volume. But the speed of this disintegration is not satisfactory.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage has four ultimate moves: Turbulent Current Bravely Advance, Daybreak Sword, Daybreak Turbulent Current and 10,000 Years Surround And Hunt.

Each ultimate move is a Rank 8 hierarchy, but obviously, the Immortal Formation that forms the yellow cloud is also Rank 8.

“Fortunately, Immortal Formation has been reinforced, otherwise the previous Rank 7 grand formation is not enough to compete against Fang Yuan. This is 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage? It really is amazing!” Qing Lan Immortal Concubine was pale and faced with Fang Yuan’s storm. She is under tremendous pressure.

She absolutely did not expect that Fang Yuan would actually raided here without any omen.

The grand formation roared and the number of Gu Immortals was transmitted from the Wan Desert.

Headed by the Night Fiend Lady, Old Ancestor Qian Bian’s big room, in addition to several other Gu Immortals, are also the wife of Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

“Husband?” Qing Lan Immortal Concubine is slightly discolored.

Night Fiend Lady is full of dignity: “There has not been a trip to Husband, the actual situation is far more complicated than before. I am waiting to come to help you stick to it.”

Qing Lan Immortal Concubine shook his head: “I am afraid that it is not Fang Yuan’s opponent, and perseverance will not last long.”

Tough barely fell, a female immortal 嗤said with a smile : “Qing Lan, what are you afraid of? This grand formation is Rank 8…”


Just then, with a loud noise, the yellow cloud suddenly collapsed a little.

In the Immortal Formation, the female immortal flower color is eclipsed.

Night Fiend Lady screamed: “What are you waiting for? Take action at speed, suppress grand formation!”

The female immortal no longer disputed, they tried their best to control the grand formation and defended Fang Yuan’s storm.

Fang Yuan is still standing at the bow, and the boost eyes are flickering.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage has made a great contribution. In the River of Time, it has killed both Qing Ye and Li Huang. Both of them are Rank 8 experts, especially the latter, which is even more powerful.

But at the time, the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage was cheap, because in the River of Time, all of the ultimate move powers were enhanced terrifying.

Instead, Qing Ye, Li Huang and the others are highly repressive.

This time, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage came to the Western Desert to fight at high altitudes. There was no environmental benefit. The ultimate move was able to get up.

For this reason, the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage was fully opened, but it could not hold the yellow cloud.

“This grand formation is not simple, it is Transformation Dao gu formation, not only good defense, but also transmission function, I am afraid it is part of Reckless True Inheritance.”

Fang Yuan has a lot of things.

There is nothing wrong with his guess. This grand formation is the Miles Flexible Transformation array in Reckless True Inheritance, and grade is the Rank 8 of the geneuine.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home vs. Rank 8 Immortal Formation, the two sides fight for an even matched.

However, between Mancipulates Immortal Gu Home and Gu Immortal, who guards Immortal Formation, Fang Yuan is undoubtedly better.

“Fast, who will help me, I want perseverance not to live!”

“Ah! Fang Yuan is too fierce, I can’t take it anymore.”

“Sisters hold on, I am coming… Oops, I have to fall here.”

For the old Ancestor Qian Bian’s wives, the situation has been extremely slow.

Night Fiend Lady’s face is blue and green, and she tries her best to breathe blood.

Qing Lan Immortal Concubine was so cold and sweaty that she couldn’t figure out why she was guarded by her and she was still in a stalemate with Fang Yuan. Now that I have received a lot of reinforcement, it is losing ground.

The rest of the Rank 6 female immortal , each and every one is sweaty, hands and feet are soft, just a moment, Fang Yuan has beaten them, and the fighting intent has been cut to the extreme.

The Miles Flexible Transformation array is indeed a good array, but it is not enough to face Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is a powerful deduction of Time Dao Quasi Supreme, Transformation Dao Great Grandmaster, Formation Dao Grandmaster, Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, and Wisdom Halo.

Daybreak Sword is free, every time slamming, are full of deep temptations.

Although there is still a long way to go before the entire grand formation, what Fang Yuan is doing now is destruction, not learning. This can be much simpler and simpler.

“Old Ancestor Qian Bian, you still not taking action? Can you stop me with these wives? You are too underestimated and too much.” Fang Yuan sneered out.

But he still hasn’t seen Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

The yellow cloud was cut to a very dangerous level, and Night Fiend Lady was horrified, absolutely -ly said: “Sisters, use the last resort.”

“Is it going to be used so soon?”

“Besides, what else do we have?”

“No more, but it’s late!”

The female immortal exhibited the last trump card, and the yellow cloud suddenly shot the golden glow. Although only the last small group remained, it was so strong that it blocked the silver Flying Sword one after another and it did not move.

Fang Yuan sees this, my heart sneer: “This change is also in my expectation. It is really incompetent to use it so quickly! If it is an ordinary opponent, it may still be troubled. But I have already figured out the context, you do this, just accelerate the defeat nothing More.”

After thinking to this point, Fang Yuan immediately stopped the Daybreak Sword ultimate move and ordered the car to squat: “Crash past!”

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage suddenly charged and directly hit the golden cloud.


The first hit, the golden cloud trembled, the female immortal were hit by seven bleeds and dizzy.


The second hit, Jin Yun loose, the female immortal suffered such fierce collisions, fell to the ground, gasping, pale face like paper, eyes are a little stunned.


For the third time, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage was directly inserted into the golden cloud. The female immortal could not suffer from such backlash, and many people passed out on the spot.

Grand formation is on the verge of collapse, and Fang Yuan retreats into the car.

“Master, do we capture these female immortal and act as a bargaining chip with Old Ancestor Qian Bian in the future?” A nonhuman Gu Immortal suggested.

Fang Yuan is shaking his head.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage aimed at these female immortal, was about to hurt the poisonous hand, then a female immortal suddenly stood up, his appearance changed greatly, shouted: “Fang Yuan, you bullly intolerably!”

“Husband !!” Night Fiend Lady and Qing Lan Immortal Concubine are still reluctant to keep their minds and surprises.

It turned out that Old Ancestor Qian Bian had been sent over, just pretending to be an identity and deceiving all the people around him.

He endured a long time and deliberately set the game in order to capture the opportunity in battle.

But Fang Yuan didn’t give him a chance at all. When he was cautious, he didn’t leave the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage from start to finish, and he didn’t have the hands-on idea of ​​taking these female immortal.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage is like a dazzling sword, slamming to Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

At the end of the crisis, Old Ancestor Qian Bian snorted, not dodge or evade, just raised his left arm.

a moment later, his left arm suddenly rose to become a giant arm of Violent Ape, the giant arm is full of Zijin Dragon Scale.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian set up his left arm and banged, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage slammed into it.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian took a small step backwards and the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage flew out.

Fang Yuan’s face is slightly sunken.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is an inherited character of Reckless True Inheritance, means standing.

It was just a defensive moment, but it showed a lot of exquisiteness.

His body has not changed, only the left arm has changed. However, the change of the left arm is not simple, but the Dragon Scale is changed, the arm is changed together, and the power is superimposed.

With such defense, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage is nothing.

But Old Ancestor Qian Bian is not a hard block, but uses the defensive and guiding skills to fly the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage.

“ultimate move is exquisite, personal combat skills are also very outstanding.” Just a single offensive and defensive, Fang Yuan found out the many details of Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

a moment later, he turned to 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage and rushed to Old Ancestor Qian Bian again: “Old Ancestor Qian Bian, you finally got it, then die!”

Old Ancestor Qian Bian furious: “You are a Rank 7 Gu Immortal, taking advantage of Immortal Gu Home, I am taking my life to the luxury? Boast shamelessly!”

Fang Yuan 嗤笑: “Even Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal are dead in my car, you will step into their footsteps.”

Not mentioning Heavenly Court, mentioning Heavenly Court, Old Ancestor Qian Bian is a bit angry: “You have a Demonic Path scorpion, I really think Old Ancestor, I am afraid of you? You are a stock, only know that I am right, but I don’t know. It has long since fallen into Heavenly Court’s calculations. Heavenly Court’s those people, I am afraid they are watching the movie secretly.”

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