Fáng Gong lurks near Bean God Palace and looks anxious.

“What happened? Why is there no movement in the Bean God Palace? Is there any change?” Fáng Gong counted the time.

This time Fáng Dizhang The calculation of Fang Yuan is naturally not his personal behavior. He has long been angry with Fáng Gong and the others.

In order to worry about Suan Bu Jin, who is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, Fáng Gong has been lurking outside the palace to guard against accidents.

“Great Elder, please don’t be impatient. 2nd elder made this move, and his strength was above Suan Bu Jin, plus the Immortal Formation and the Immortal Gu Home in the palace, defeating Suan Bu Jin has almost no doubt. In addition, if there is any accident in 2nd elder, and he can’t control the situation, he will definitely send a letter.” 3rd Revered Elder on the side advised.

He is an old man with gray hair and a yellow robe.

“You said.” Fáng Gong nodded, at this moment, a bang, an explosion inside the Bean God Palace.

Fáng Gong and Fáng Huasheng quickly looked at each other and the latter blurted out: “Hands! Immortal Gu Home is self-destructing.”

“Go, go see!” Fáng Gong was very popular, and immediately rushed out and broke into Bean God Palace.

Bean God Palace originally Palace gate tightly closed, but before Fáng Dizhang got Fang Yuan support, has been refined to a certain extent, causing Fáng Gong and Fáng Huasheng to enter directly.

“2nd elder!” Fáng Gong came to the palace and looked at the ruins of the ruins of Immortal Gu Home. He was lying in a Fáng Dizhang with blood and serious injuries.

“2nd elder, you have nothing to do, hold on!” Fáng Huasheng also rushed to the scene and immediately applied treatment.

He is the best in the Fáng Family Gu Immortal, Gu Immortal.

Sure enough, the treatment of his treatment, Fáng Dizhang slowed down, and the consciousnessness was noticeable, and he could speak.

He was weak and said: “Tuan Bu Jin also has hidden strength. Although I succeeded in concealing him, I was also countered by him and needed to recuperate for a while. As for Bean God Palace…”

Fáng Dizhang Unfinished, Fáng Gong reached out and stopped: “2nd elder, don’t mention Bean God Palace. You are our Fáng Family’s think tank, a military division, Fáng Family can’t help you. You have to let 3rd elder rule Good for your injury.”

Fáng Gong is very warm.

Fáng Huasheng also echoed: “2nd elder, you should not be stubborn, your injury is not slight, or listen to Great Elder. Come, I will help you back to the secret room, let me give you the full treatment.”

“Good.” Fáng Dizhang said this, he closed his eyes weakly.

He was brought in the Chamber of Secrets and received emergency treatment from Fáng Huasheng.

The treatment process lasted for a day and two nights.

After the results of the treatment, Fáng Huasheng came to report to Fáng Gong alone.

“What is the situation?” asked Fáng Gong.

Fáng Huasheng said: “There is no problem with Reevered Great Elder. I checked 2nd elder’s bloodline, soul, and body. It’s all fake. Plus Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu, etc. in Ancestral Temple. Nothing is wrong, 2nd elder should be himself!”

It turns out that Fáng Huasheng is not only for the treatment of Fáng Dizhang, but also for the secret task of checking the identity of Fáng Dizhang.

Fáng Gong nodded: “I certainly trust 2nd elder, but the necessary checks are indispensable. Why does the Southern Border Righteous Path become a smile for the Five Regions? They let Fang Yuan mix in. Suan Bu Jin is not the level of Fang Yuan. The devil, but after all is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, there are many ways we have not thoroughly explored it, and we must not be careful. Moreover… before this identity was detected, 2nd elder took the initiative to ask me. Arranged.”

Fáng Huasheng said with a smile : “The two Elders are really worried. In my opinion, although Suan Bu Jin is Wisdom Dao Rank 7 expert, after all is rogue cultivator , background is limited. Our Fáng Family is Super power, almost all to calculate him, and self-destructed a grass-rooted Immortal Gu Home, can be said at any cost! Such a power gap, the removal of Suan Bu Jin, it is not difficult.”

“I want to see people, I want to see the dead. I also didn’t see Suan Bu Jin’s body and soul. This is a bit of doubt.” Fáng Gong also has a trace of gloomy.

“Hahaha, the other is Wisdom Dao, it’s not Transformation Dao. The details of 2nd elder, even if I don’t say it, I can guess it. It’s nothing more than Suan Bu Jin’s temporary counterattack, Strong Dao is fierce, causing more intense conflicts and explosions. Leading to his own bones, the soul disappeared.” Fáng Huasheng said.

In the hospital bed, Fáng Dizhang opened his eyes.

“Reporting from Fáng Huasheng, one day and one night has passed. It seems that I am bullying!” Fáng Dizhang Dark Dao.

He is not really Fáng Dizhang, but Fang Yuan’s clone!

Time is back to the moment of Fáng Dizhang’s calculation.

“Suan Bu Jin, brother, I know I can’t live with you.”

“But there is no way, Fáng Family’s situation, you are also saw, for Fáng Family’s tomorrow, please die.” Said, Fáng Dizhang gave a deep tribute to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan panicked and screamed.

Fáng Dizhang turned cold: “You are also a Fáng Family person, and you can be killed. Rest in peace.”

Bone barely fell, he launched the last resort.

No movement.

“Well?” Fáng Dizhang gave a slight glimpse and started again.

Still no movement!

“What’s the matter?!” Fáng Dizhang 瞳 s s s s s s , , , , , , , , s s s s s s s s s s

He was incredibly looking towards Fang Yuan: “You actually interfered with this Immortal Gu Home!”

Fang Yuan’s panic on her face suddenly disappeared, revealing a hint of conspiracy and sorrow: “Oh, yeah, it’s really bad, you found it!”

“How is it possible? The whole set up formation is my own manuals, you just mentioned a few suggestions more!” Fáng Dizhang spoke until here, revealing the gloom, “could it be that…”

“Hahaha!” Fang Yuan applauded. “It’s Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster. It’s so quick to react. Yes, I just mentioned a few suggestions, but you have adopted it. Immortal Gu Home arranged according to these suggestions. In many ways, it is in line with Bean God Palace. You arrange gu formation outside the palace, Gu Home in the palace, all in order to infiltrate Bean God Palace, forcibly refine it. But on the other hand, Bean God Palace also penetrates into your Gu formation, Gu Home went. And I can affect Bean God Palace.”

Bean God Palace is like a treasure chest with a lock. Fáng Family’s gu formation, Gu Home is like an iron bar embedded in the gap of the treasure chest. With a huge force, you can use a wrench to break the lock of the treasure chest, and then let the treasure chest cover open. But at the same time, the treasure chest of Bean God Palace is like a big mouth, biting the iron bars.

What Fang Yuan is doing now is to influence the Bean God Palace, let it force and bite the iron bars, which has caused the current situation – Fáng Dizhang has clearly launched the means, but there is no movement.

Fáng Dizhang YuanFang Yuan: “actually who are you exactly? It’s not easy to do this! First of all, you have to have a very high level of Formation Dao, and secondly, you have to have a secret means of influencing Bean God Palace. ”

Fang Yuan lightly smiled, although his Wisdom Dao Realm is not as good as Fáng Dizhang, but it is Grandmaster. Formation Dao Realm is also Grandmaster, which is the double Grandmaster Realm.

Therefore, as early as Fáng Dizhang changed the Immortal Formation of the uterus and laid out the Immortal Gu Home in the palace, he already saw that Fáng Dizhang was trying to figure out the wrong.

Fang Yuan is not surprised and angry, but a surprise. He did not send it, he would count it, and Fáng Dizhang thought that the situation was under his control. In fact, he had already been seen by Fang Yuan.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Karma Divine Tree !

Fang Yuan’s shoulders and heads, and soon formed a blue smoke, forming a huge god wood. The branches of the gods are lush, green and verdant, with a few sparse fruits on the leaves.

For a moment, Bean God Palace began to sway.

Fáng Dizhang rounded eyes, both shocked and angry, pointing to Fang Yuan: “You turned to Heavenly Court! You mean this littleman!!”

Karma Divine Tree ultimate move He is familiar because he once fought with Chen Yi and saw this ultimate move.

Now that he saw this reappearance, he did not immediately think of Fang Yuan, but felt that Suan Bu Jin had turned to Heavenly Court and Heavenly Court gave him the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move and asked him to retrieve Bean God Palace.

Fáng Family has taken Heavenly Court as the chief enemy since he robbed Bean God Palace and ran away from Chen Yi.

Fáng Dizhang was sweating on his forehead and he was scared. Because he naturally thought: If it is the Heavenly Court’s conspiracy, then Suan Bu Jin must have a response, maybe Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal has lurked outside the headquarters Blessed Land!

Seeing his misunderstanding, Fang Yuan did not explain, but urged Karma Divine Tree ultimate move.

This is his first time, Zhengda brightly urged this move, Fang Yuan soon found that Bean God Palace should be with this move, gradually give up the guard, began to accept the owner of his ultimate move.

Soon, Fáng Dizhang was unable to move a single step.

Immortal Gu Home itself has the effect of imprisoning Gu Immortal. This power was originally Fáng Dizhang against Suan Bu Jin. As a result, Fang Yuan’s influence was much greater than that of Fáng Dizhang, and the pressure on the Bean God Palace led to Fáng Dizhang. The prisoner in the cage.

“Okay, a Suan Bu Jin! I admit defeat, kill me.” Fáng Dizhang sneered, not afraid of death.

Life and death, full of demeanor.

Fang Yuan also sneered: “You want to use death to trigger the Life Tablet Gu and other mutations, so as to inform the outside of Fáng Gong and the others? This consciousness is very good, but I will not be fooled. I will take you Soul, then use your Soul Fragment to occupy you, your body will not die, your soul will not die, so Life Tablet Gu will not mutation.”

“In the future, if I have a Fáng Dizhang clone, I will replace the real you and lurk into the Fáng Family. I will search for your soul, and all the experiences, memories, and intelligence will be clear.”

“hmph! Impossible! You are dead this heart.” Fáng Dizhang coldly snorted, “Do you think that the soul of the separation can not be checked? What is the condition of my soul, the record is recorded in the Fáng Family, any The same is your flaw.”

“Besides, your time is too little. Before the action, I agreed to the time limit with Revered Great Elder and the others. When the time limit comes, they will kill me and help me!”

“At that time, even if you have Heavenly Court’s reinforcements, can you support a few rounds? The angry Fáng Gong Great Elder will surely first make you a bolognese!”

“So, Suan Bu Jin, I am working with my Fáng Family. Heavenly Court is using you, although it is calculated for me, but it is your life.” Fáng Dizhang said.

He is worthy of the Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster. His words are sharp and his logic is strict. He turned against Fang Yuan in turn! It is still very reasonable to say it.

Fang Yuan smiled, deeply looking at Fáng Dizhang.

Fáng Dizhang had been staring at Fang Yuan all the time, and he looked at him like this, his face changed again.

Because he thought of a more horrifying truth.

“You will count on your calculations and have confidence. There must be a reason. To complete this plan, you must have the solid accomplishments of Formation Dao and Wisdom Dao, and the means on Soul Dao must be even more outstanding!”

“No, you are not sent by Heavenly Court!”

“You! You are Fang Yuan!!”

Fáng Dizhang is pale.

He is lost.

The other party mastered the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move, not necessarily Heavenly Court, because Chen Yi was killed by Fang Yuan. This matter was long ago and was discovered by Fang Yuan himself.

Pā pā pā.

Fang Yuan applauded: “I really want to be Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster.”

Fáng Dizhang blinked again and again, swallowing a slobber: “Fang Yuan, we can cooperate. There is no need to make such a degree, please believe that our Fáng Family’s strength and sincerity…Eh!”

Fáng Dizhang suddenly rounded his eyes and couldn’t speak.

His forehead was straight and his face was red, as if he had been caught in an invisible hand and pinched his throat and nose so that he could not breathe.

During his conversation with him, Fang Yuan has of course been working hard to influence Bean God Palace. Finally this influence, reach the point of qualitative change!

“Fang, Fang Yuan, everything… well… discuss…”

Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head: “As a Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster, it’s a pity to die. But you… I know too much.”

“Hey.” a moment later, Fáng Dizhang his eyes turned white, vomiting foam, suddenly twitched twice, completely fainted.

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