
Fáng Family Revered Great Elder Fáng Gong The palm of the hand was suddenly on the table, and got up from the seat, his eyes flashing with angry flames: “This Suan Bu Jin, really greedy! I dare to ask my family’s Stealing Dao True. Inheritance, he has what skills and abilities? But it is a rogue cultivator, Rank 7’s cultivation base nothing more, actually blackmailed to my Fáng Family’s head! Damn! Kill!”

Fáng Gong was angry when he heard the report of Fáng Dizhang.

Fáng Dizhang has calmed down: “Suan Bu Jin really has two brushes. My Fáng Family recruits Suan Bu Jin, and it is also a decision made in response to the time. Suan Bu Jin is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, naturally savvy At this moment, I ask Stealing Dao True Inheritance, and my family is really not very good.”

“What? You really want to give Stealing Dao True Inheritance to him? That’s Heavenly Thief Venerable’s True Inheritance!” Fáng Gong’s eyes are round.

Fáng Dizhang smiled bitterly: “If you don’t give him, he won’t work. How can we take him? Yes, he is now in my family’s headquarters, maybe we can kill him together. But after killing him? Without him Support, I want to refine Bean God Palace, it is very difficult, time is too long. Fáng Family’s situation is very stressful, not long ago there is Rank 8 Gu Immortal hands!”

This is the case of Fang Yuan who sent two major Dragon Generals, but the hands and feet are clean, and Fáng Dizhang has most of the energy involved in the Bean God Palace, so there is no to discern.

Fáng Family believes that this is not the Western Desert’s superfamily, the individual Western Desert Demonic Path Gu Immortal, or the Heavenly Court take action.

Fáng Gong was indulged, but in the end it was Revered Great Elder, and he gradually calmed down.

Fáng Family The status quo nowadays really needs Suan Bu Jin’s contribution. Once the Bean God Palace is mastered, Fáng Family can turn over and change the whole crisis. If in the future, the three major Immortal Gu Homes, such as Fallen Flower Hall and Enquirer Dock, will be repaired, then the Fáng Family’s comprehensive strength is probably superior to most Western Desert Righteous Path superpowers.

Suan Bu Jin is the key to the Fáng Family to change the crisis and climb to the top!

“It’s Gu Gumortal of Wisdom Dao, stuck at this pass, He He He, this Suan Bu Jin has courage and good ability.” Fáng Gong sneered.

Fáng Dizhang knew Fáng Gong and listened to his voice and knew that Fáng Gong had promised.

Of course, when Fáng Family survives the crisis, Fáng Gong will definitely take action to remediate Suan Bu Jin and get out of this bad mood!

Fáng Dizhang said with a smile : “In fact, Suan Bu Jin is still measured. He did not ask for my Wisdom Dao inheritance, nor did he greedy the secret of my family Immortal Gu Home. If he made these two requests, we would really It’s awkward.”

Fáng Family’s foundation is not Stealing Dao.

Never been.

Stealing Dao is just a surprise for Fáng Family’s, calculated from a Demon from Beyond The Heavens.

Over the years, Fáng Family has reached the ultimate in the use of this Heavenly Thief True Inheritance.

The previous counterattack to Dong Luchen, the Immortal Gu Home of Stealing Dao, was broken. This alone has already explained many problems.

Fáng Dizhang said with a smile : “This Suan Bu Jin is indeed deep in Wisdom Dao’s accomplishments. Not to mention these days, I have made a lot of progress with his help. Just looking at his request, the fire is extremely accurate. The old way, neither has been measured and the interests are maximized. This is not easy.”

Fáng Gong also laughed: “He He He, you are very optimistic about this person, and actually praised him.”

Fáng Dizhang’s eyes are slightly brighter: “Talent is a talent, and I will deliberately devalue it for my own sake? If such a talent is really used by my family, it is an excellent thing.”

Fáng Gong picked up his eyes and pondered the said: “It is not a simple matter to let Suan Bu Jin’s daring things come true. It is really loyal to my family.”

After some discussion, Fáng Family agreed to hand over Heavenly Thief True Inheritance to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan soon received the contents of True Inheritance.

Sure enough, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, the most essential is Stealing Dao ultimate move.

When Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable was able to create Stealing Dao, it was born from this ultimate move.

Obviously, this ultimate move is significant, it is the source of the Stealing Dao genre!

Fang Yuan looked at it, it was amazing.

In this True Inheritance, Stealing Dao is awesome. Because it steals no longer a simple person or thing, but the entire Heaven and Earth nature. But Dao Marks in the world can steal it!

In addition, there is another content that allows Fang Yuan to look at it and see it.

This is the Stealing Dao Immortal Gu Home in Heavenly Thief True Inheritance – Thieves Den.

“Fang Yuan’s Stealing Dao Realm, but the Great Grandmaster, Fáng Family Gu Immortal will not have such an accomplishment. So Fáng Family’s advantage lies in the construction of Immortal Gu Home, but there is always no way for this Thieves Den to let it break.”

Fang Yuan just looked at a few eyes, and from the related content of Thieves Den, I saw the efforts of Fáng Family in all ages – all tried to mend this Immortal Gu Home.

“Although there are a lot of whimsy, but it doesn’t match Stealing Dao, at most it’s a superfluous degree.”

“But let me fix it, it’s different!”

Fang Yuan’s heart is moving.

But he asked for the content of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, which is already the limit. Fang Yuan knows: Fáng Family almost turned his face and forcibly endured. Even if Fáng Family gave True Inheritance quite a bit, but they should be remembered.

If you ask for Thieves Den further, it will be too much, far beyond the Fáng Family’s bottom, they will never agree!

“Furthermore, I am Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal and I am too interested in Stealing Dao. It is also a huge doubt.”

“Fáng Dizhang didn’t have any doubts, but it’s because I’m laying a good foundation. I’ve stolen Ghostly Great Thief Hand before I used the extreme move and killed Wan Lianghan, which gave Fáng Family an early impression. It’s natural.”

“Just this True Inheritance, is it the entire content of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance?” Fang Yuan couldn’t tell, at least he didn’t see anything in his content. But this is not allowed, because Fáng Family has Wisdom Dao Great Expert Fáng Dizhang.

“If I take action at this moment, what will happen directly?” Fang Yuan thought again.

It is not difficult to deal with Fáng Family by its own battle strength. Fáng Gong is strong, but it is quite rare today, Strength Dao Rank 8 Gu Immortal, but still can’t match Duke Long. The gap between him and Fang Yuan is still a bit different.

However, Fang Yuan may not be able to fix the sound. Fáng Gong used to force Chen Yi, and the strength is Rank 8. At the same time, it is Fáng Family’s headquarters, and there are many layouts. Fang Yuan still doesn’t know.

The biggest possibility is the outbreak of the war, which is known to the world. At that time, not only is Fang Yuan’s identity exposed, but the Western Desert Righteous Path super power will also find the best reason to help Fáng Family encircle the devil, swarming and dealing with Fáng Family. And Heavenly Court will never be idle. With such a good opportunity, Gu Immortal will definitely be dispatched to take action.

Fang Yuan thought for a long time and decided to help Fáng Dizhang to maintain the current situation.

This is the solution that best suits his interests.

Fang Yuan read Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, and no longer shouted tired, but “work together” with Fáng Dizhang to strengthen Bean God Palace. At least Fáng Family looks like he is doing his best.

Progress is still difficult, but the time after time has accumulated, and finally the quantitative change has caused a qualitative change – the Bean God Palace opens and Gu Immortal is free to enter and exit.

This is a huge progress!

Fáng Family is excited and excited, Fáng Dizhang also smiles. Their saw Fáng Family’s rise!

However, the next fact is like pouring a cold water into the heart of Fáng Family Gu Immortal.

No matter how hard Fáng Dizhang strives to strengthen Bean God Palace, there is no progress. This is in stark contrast to the previous one.

“It seems that to the extent that the structure inside Bean God Palace is not what I have calculated before, but it has undergone earth-shaking changes!”

“We can only make new progress if we change the entire Wisdom Dao grand formation.” Fáng Dizhang said to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded: “But how to change this Wisdom Dao grand formation? Before that, we have to spy on Bean God Palace to learn more. Hey, if there is a Wood Dao Great Expert to help us, it is much easier. Now relying on our two Wisdom Dao, we can only guess!”

Fáng Dizhang smiled bitterly: “Is there any good way to guess at the moment?”

The Bean God Palace was tempered, and it fell into bottleneck.

Bean God Palace is worthy of the original creation of Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable. The more research Fáng Dizhang and Fang Yuan are, the more they feel the majesty and exquisiteness.

Fáng Dizhang did not find a good way to search for the intestines.

Fang Yuan has a lot of ideas, but not all.

Since this period of time, he has not had the opportunity to display the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move. If you show this trick, it will definitely open the situation!

“Sit and sit here and think hard, not in line with my cultivation. I still go out and go shopping, and I have a lot of inspiration.” Fang Yuan retired and took the initiative to leave.

Fáng Dizhang and Fáng Gong couldn’t help but mourn that they still need Suan Bu Jin’s efforts in the future, so they had to leave Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan left the Fáng Family and apparently entered the Azure Ghost Desert, but in the dark he began to explore the dream.

This period of time, his deal with Chi Quyou has continued, and he used the second aperture mortal gu to continue extorting Southern Border Righteous Path, specifically to raise Wood Dao’s dream.

Don’t have Wood Dao Great Expert help?

It doesn’t matter!

I am a Wood Dao Great Expert myself, isn’t it alright?

Fang Yuan’s way of breaking the game is simple and rude.

These Wood Dao dreams can’t help him. On the experience of exploring dreams, Fang Yuan already is the world number one person. Duke Long’s stream, even gave him no qualification for shoes!

Fang Yuan’s Wood Dao Realm has always been nothing special, and there has been no in-depth contact with the previous life of 500 years.

But not long after, he became the Wood Dao Great Master.

After a few days outside, he became the Wood Dao Grandmaster!

The dream in his hands was once again consumed, and Fang Yuan was confident. He went back and studied Karma Divine Tree and Bean God Palace.

Suddenly, there are countless programs that come to mind, and most of them are very feasible!

“It seems that I should improve the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move.”

“But to improve this ultimate move, it is necessary to refining the appropriate Wood Dao Immortal Gu! These Wood Dao Immortal Gus are not suitable now.”

Fang Yuan is hesitant.

If you want to refining Wood Dao Immortal Gu, of course it is feasible. After all, he holds the Langya School in his hands!

But as a result, Luck Dao Immortal Gu can’t take care of it.

Eastern Sea Soul Searched Fang Zheng and informed Qi Sea Old Ancestor, so Fang Yuan knew Heavenly Court and knew Qin Dingling.

From the situation of Hairyman Gu Immortal refining Luck Dao Immortal Gu, he also calculated that Heavenly Court is also rushing to Luck Dao Immortal Gu. Although most of them have not robbed Fang Yuan, a small number of them have been succeeded by Heavenly Court.

Now turning the gun, the Large Scale refining Wood Dao Immortal Gu means that Fang Yuan gave up the Luck Dao Immortal Gu.

However, if perseverance rushes to Luck Dao Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan only relies on the current Karma Divine Tree ultimate move, and it is quite difficult to conquer the Bean God Palace.

Fang Yuan has a hunch in his heart, and the timing is very valuable. If you waste this opportunity and want to plan Bean God Palace, hope is extremely embarrassing.

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