“This is the Such As Dream Decree Immortal Gu.” Fang Yuan inspected the Dragon Palace.

Such As Dream Decree is shaped like a skull, a round head, a long body, a pair of pink jewel-like compound eyes, and four pairs of transparent wings. A light view of the wings will reveal a faint colorful glow.

Fang Yuan’s heart is filled with joy.

For a long time, he had an expectation for Dream Dao’s Immortal Gu. Although he has a lot of Dream Dao ultimate move, in fact Dream Dao’s Immortal Gu has always been zero.

For example, the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, Immortal Gu is just the Living Riddle nothing more of the Wisdom Dao genre. Fang Yuan uses a large number of Dream Dao mortal gu to replace the role of Dream Dao Immortal Gu. This also leads to the use of Dream Interpretation ultimate move at each time, which consumes a lot of Dream Dao mortal gu.

After getting the initial stage of Dream Interpretation ultimate move, Fang Yuan got painstakingly and went to one by one to make Dream Dao mortal gu.

If there is a Dream Dao’s Immortal Gu to replace it, there is no such trouble.

Fang Yuan has never had a Dream Dao Immortal Gu. Finally, until now, I started with one, and it is still up to the Rock 8’s Such As Dream Decree!

“Recalling this dream exploration is really thrilling and almost makes me lose myself.” The Dragonoid clone on the side is full of sighs. At this moment, there is still a lingering fear. “If I didn’t realize the advance, I will secretly arrange the Dream Interpretation ultimate move and delay the launch. Otherwise I am afraid it has been a betrayal.”

For the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, Fang Yuan has been used for dreams, but this time is for himself.

However, the reason why Dragon Palace can enslave Rank 8 and create a new owner is, in the final analysis, the utility of dreams. Therefore, Fang Yuan clone used Dream Interpretation on himself, and it was also tit for tat, the right medicine.

The ultimate move is dead and the person is alive.

Gu insect is a magical one.

Of course, the number of layers of the Dream Interpretation ultimate move alone is not enough to counter the Shoulder Dream Decree at the Rank 8 level. This is thanks to the Eastern Sea Four Gu Immortals such as Rong Po and Zhang Yin.

Fang Yuan Ontally nod: “This is indeed the most important and difficult time since I explored my dreams. But before I watched Qi Luck, the blue and purple air was not fake, indicating that you can become Lord of Dragon Palace. There is no possibility of getting lost.”

Before Observing Luck, it was because of the success of saw that Fang Yuan made Clone dream and test.

If there is no such thing as a blue scent, only the result of failure, Fang Yuan has long taken the action.

At this point, the Fang Yuan ontology and the clone already communicated, and both parties were informed of their previous experiences.

Fang Yuan said: “Dragon Palace dreams are really difficult and complicated. This time, the flesh and the soul are all thrown into dreams, and the emotions are inevitable. There is also A Dream Within a Dream, which makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves. “”

“And outside, there is a difficult problem with Heavenly Court. If you don’t pay attention, there will be a big battle, causing the scene to get out of control and get out of hand.”

Don’t look at the Eastern Sea. The two immortals seem to be harmless to human and animals. In fact, it is not a good thing. Previous lifetime, they fought against Dragon Palace and Duke Long. After Duke Long won, Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, they also joined other Rank 8 to invade Hidden Dragon Cavern, never gave up the Dragon Palace competition.

In fact, Duke Long chose peace talks. On the one hand, Fang Yuan played the role of Qi Sea Old Ancestor, and on the other hand, it also has this consideration.

From the whole situation, Fang Yuan this time action is very dangerous, like a tightrope on the edge of the cliff, and it will collapse if you don’t pay attention to the situation.

In the end, there is no danger, so that the situation has been under control, and it is also dependent on Fang Yuan’s devise strategies.

First of all, he explores dreams and is experienced. It is the world number one person. Although this is a clone take action, Fang Yuan also gave him the means of Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation and Dream Interpretation.

Secondly, Fang Yuan formed the Luck Cooking Pot, which can be Observing Luck. Fang Yuan’s did observe the blue gas and knew that there was a successful possibility, so I would try it.

Third, Fang Yuan also dispatched Bai Ningbing as if, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage and Heavenly Court’s five Time Dao Immortal Gu Home in the River of Time, which involved Heavenly Court’s attention. Relying on the previous strategy, Fang Yuan succeeded in deceiving Duke Long, cleverly circling between the Heavenly Court and the Eastern Sea’s local superpowers.

Finally, after 10,000 steps back, even if it fails, Fang Yuan only loses a clone nothing more, the body is still safe, and the basic disk is still there. In the case of a Dragonoid clone, Fang Yuan can rely on the connection between the ontology and the clone to pursue it. Don’t say anything else, the lead of Luck Qi alone, Dragon Palace can’t be lifted.

Because Dragon Palace was the product of the Red Lotus era, and Luck Dao was later created by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable.

It is precisely because of this kind of reason that Fang Yuan this time faces Heavenly Court, Eastern Sea Gu Immortal, and the four Dragon Generals, in order to make a face-to-face effort, to take care of each other, to form an attackable and retreatable advantage, always control Lived in the big picture.

Of course, there are risks.

In the case of a Dragonoid clone loss, Fang Yuan’s current Dream Dao approach is almost completely lost.

After all, Dream Interpretation ultimate move and Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation ultimate move are in the hands of clone.

This risk still has to be taken.

What is the risk of doing a major event? Moreover, this time is about a Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home like Dragon Palace!

As for the will of Wu Shuai, there is no such thing.

There is no will, and it can grow into a dream for millions of years.

The reason why Dragonoid clone became Wu Shuai was actually the transformation of Such As Dream Decree, which distorted his original will, and made Dragonoid clone once mistakenly thought that he was Wu Shuai and was born again.

Fang Yuan’s will, how could it be so easily distorted?

Even if it is blinded for a while, it will be noticed in the future, and then gradually wake up. Unless it is a Dragonoid clone staying in the Dragon Palace all day, self-imprisonment, always influenced by the Such As Dream Decree.

Wu Shuai’s consideration and arrangement were really painstaking, and this thought is worthy of appreciation.

After Fang Yuan’s body knew about the experience of clone, he also moved and praised him: “It’s a personal thing!”

Unfortunately, Wu Shuai failed.

This is not his wrist is not smart. If not, how can you fight the martyrdom of Central Continent Ten Great Sects and run Southern Splendid Island?

His talent inborn talent is also very powerful. For this reason, he was cultivated by his father from a young age, and was seen by Green Ant Scholar. The final achievement of Rank 8 was that he was assisted by external forces, but his own ability was the most important.

Regrettably, the enemy he has to face is too powerful. Not to mention Heavenly Court, a single Duke Long is enough to solve the Dragonoid family. Not to mention a Duke Long, there is a star behind Duke Long.

Will of Heaven shows that Dragonoid is a luxury, this is the trend of Heavenly Dao. However, Constellation Immortal Venerable is truly terrifying, and it is a way to blend Will of Heaven with its own will and confuse Heavenly Dao.

It was this hand that led to the three Demon Venerable follow the past and herald the future, and did not destroy Heavenly Court until the last Red Lotus Demon Venerable, which hurt Fate Gu. Rao is this small achievement, and it has exceeded the imagination of the world. After all, Red Lotus Demon Venerable is not what Demon from Beyond The Heavens!

Therefore, Wu Shuai’s failure was doomed at the beginning.

Even Demon Venerable failed, let alone his Wu Shuai?

Wu Shuai can sacrifice, Heavenly Court absolutely thousands of members also do not sacrifice. Duke Long has killed the Dragonoid family, isn’t it a sacrifice? Constellation Immortal Venerable has sacrificed himself.

From Wu Shuai’s life, Fang Yuan’s body can feel the power of Heavenly Court’s!

The background of this organization is really too deep.

The fairy tomb is deep, I don’t know how many Rank 8…

Million years later, Duke Long is still alive…

Genesis Immortal Venerable, Constellation Immortal Venerable, Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable, Duke Long, Fairy Ziwei, Chen Yi, Thunder Ghost True Monarch are all important…

As such, the ready to form a general trend, suppressing the passage of the ages. Even Demon Venerable can’t be reversed.

Just think about this, it is suffocating! It is no wonder that Song Qiyuan and Shen Congsheng are extremely jealous, shortly scattered, and Five Regions are one, increasingly anxious.

Fang Yuan is to reverse this trend!

“Only destroying Fate Gu can make Eternal Life possible.”

“If I fail, is it in the future, will future generations know about my deeds and move them?”

“hehe, it’s just moving more than that.”

Simply inspected the Dragon Palace, Fang Yuan added both clone and Dragon Palace to Immortal Aperture, and called Xueeer, Shi Shicheng and Mo Tansang.

Fang Yuan and their team mobilized Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions and quickly evacuated the Eastern Sea.

Since Fang Yuan has swallowed the gas phase Celestial Grotto, the ultimate move is not practical. He had to pick up the Roads Open In All Directions ultimate move.

Far Ancient Battle Formation does have its own unique advantages. Of course, Fang Yuan can also travel with 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage. The speed of this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is not bad. However, this house is still fighting in the River of Time.

Even if Fang Yuan had it on hand, he didn’t want to take it out and travel. After all, it was too conspicuous.

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