Wu Shuai is wise and decisive, full of vision and temperament, and has no weakness in the vast majority of Dragonoid Gu Immortal. The Dragonoid family has grown in strength as he develops.

In the dark, he has been secretly raising resources and has always been obsessed with building a Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home.

However, the good times are not long, and the growth of the Dragonoid family has been increasingly criticized by Human Race, and more and more secrets are being made. Many people are jealous. In fact, even Wu Shuai himself admits that the reason why the Dragonoid family has become strong is to invade the interests of Human Race Gu Immortal.

Just because of Duke Long, a lot of things Human Race Gu Immortal won’t openly.

Duke Long is a long life, and the day is celebrated.

The red word on the hall is extremely eye-catching.

Duke Long sits in the main position, surrounded by Dragonoid.

One after another Dragonoid Gu Immortal came up one after another and sent their well-prepared birthday gifts.

“Father, I wish you a blessing, and life is like a sea.” A Dragonoid Gu Immortal sent a bundle of White Flood Dragon Grass.

This grass is the Immemorial Desolate Plant, which contains the Dragon Attribute, which is like the White Flood Dragon. The scales and the Dragon Horn are very delicate.

“Father, I wish you a happy day, Changming, Songhe Changchun.” Another dragonoid Gu Immortal presented a nephrite cherry.

“Father, the son is here to congratulate you…” The father of Wu Shuai is also on the stage.

Duke Long’s face is slightly clean, just nodded, and there is a waiter next to him who will put these gifts inside one after another.

After the rotation of the sons, it is the turn of the grandchildren.

At this time, Duke Long’s face became soft and it showed a smile.

“grandfather, grandson gives you a birthday! I wish you a blessing like Eastern Sea, Shoubi South Mountain. This is the Desolate Beast that grandson has personally hunted for you. I hope grandfather can like it.” A Dragonoid boy squatted on the floor with both hands There is a plate with a delicate little seahorse on the plate.

“This is Desolate Beast. It’s very fast and it’s hard to kill.”

“Seventh Young Master is just the Rank 6 cultivation base. It’s already very difficult to kill it. I didn’t expect to catch it!”

“I heard that Seventh Young Master was lurking in the seabed for a month and was not moving for a month. This filial piety is really touching.”

There are many people around, and there are also Human Race Gu Immortal participating in this grand birthday feast.

Xiaoqi is Duke Long’s favorite grandson. Duke Long’s face is full of loving smiles. He took the plate with the little hippocampus and said, “Good, little seven, your gift, grandfather took it.”

However, it is Wu Shuai’s turn to live, Duke Long is a convergence of smiles, but only look at Wu Shuai: “Small eight, at present, grandchildren are the greatest achievements of you, but you have to remember the truth.”

“Yes, grandfather.” Wu Shuai resigned.

Late in the night of the birthday banquet, Duke Long secretly sent people, summon Wu Shuai went to the study.

“The Southern Splendid Island, you give it back, little eight.” Duke Long said directly.

Wu Shuai was shocked and reluctant to say with a smile : “grandfather, you don’t know, this Southern Splendid Island, but I won it, grandson can plan to use this island as a home, place my clansman We.”

Duke Long’s face was slightly clean, and there was a little severe light in his eyes. Wu Shuai had a slight pain in his face: “Wu Shuai, don’t think that your little cleverness, no one can see it! Southern Splendid Island is the territory of Wind and Cloud Residence, but You are trying to get it. What do you want to do? The clansman who leads you well, is it not good to stay in sect? Why do you want to migrate to the ethnic group and move to Southern Splendid Island? You tell me, what are you? What do you want to do?”

Wu Shuai held his breath and was silent for a long while. This is the way: “grandfather, grandson has no ambitions, just wants to bring clansman a better life.”

“A better life? It’s a bigger ambition!” Duke Long sounded down.

Wu Shuai is trembled, Chen Dao: “grandfather, even if this is ambition, what about it? don’t tell me We should not have ambition? Don’t tell me We should not fight for better Life?”

“Why must you live here? grandfather, you don’t tell me. I don’t know how these Human Race Gu Immortal, crowded us and crushed us?”

“What is crowded? What about crushing? Over the years, grandfather has repeatedly heard about your deeds. Do you know why I love Xiaoqi? Because he thinks the world is beautiful, the heart is kind, never has anyone, The dragon is divided. And you? But I often rely on my name, in the outside world, to swallow the territory of other people, the benefits of corruption sect, quickly stop your actions!” Duke Long sigh.

“grandfather, if it weren’t for these Human Race Gu Immortal, would we do that?”

“What Human Race, Dragonoid, Dragonoid is Human Race, what is the ethnic group?!” Duke Long refutes.

“There is no ethnic group, what is the Dragon Horn on my forehead, what is the dragon tail behind me?” Wu Shuai angered and screamed, “grandfather, you are the Human Race identity converted into Dragonoid, in your career. Most of the middle is Human Race, and Dragonoid’s life is just a small part in your life history.”

“But what about us?”

“grandfather, have you ever thought about it! We were born Dragonoid. We were born with a horn on our head and a tail behind us.”

“I was educated by my parents when I was young. They told me that we came from Human Race. But from a young age, my peers around me teased my looks, crowded me, pulled my dragon tail, and provoked my Dragon Scale. Tell me, I am different from Human Race!”

“After growing up, I have repeatedly discovered that not only my peers, but even the Human Race teachers look at me with a different view, but the surface mountain does not reveal nothing more.”

“If I fail, they will say that this is Dragonoid, and it is normal to lose to Human Race. If I succeed, they will tell us that a Dragonoid can actually do this. Is it a trick?”

“Those Human Race always thought they were the highest Rank and used our Dragonoid as the Lower Rank race. Why?”

“Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways, but our Dragonoid is not bad. We have Enslave Dao’s Dao Marks when we were born. The pure physical fitness is far surpasses Human Race. If the Human Race Gu Master uses Gu insect, their Fist and kick Even the Dragon Scale on our body can’t be broken. What’s even more rare is that we have a long life span and Human Race but each and every one are short-lived ghosts.”

“Many of Gu Immortal, for life prolonging, turned into Dragonoid. Clearly abandoning the identity of Human Race, but still depreciating the existence of Dragonoid, all but the past decadent concept for nothing more.”

“Enough!” Duke Long suddenly slaps the table and interrupts Wu Shuai’s words. His face is blue.

“Not enough.” Wu Shuai’s voice was smooth. He bravely turned against Duke Long, facing the pair of stressed dragon eyes. “grandfather, you created the Dragonoid life prolonging method. Without you, there is no Dragonoid. You are our Old Ancestor of Dragonoid, but why have you been biased towards those Human Races? We are your family! Southern Splendid Island I will die if I die. If grandfather insists that I do this, unless It is let me die.”

After saying this, Wu Shuai didn’t look at Duke Long’s face again, turned directly, and even took a few steps to open the door.

Duke Long didn’t get up and stopped, he was still sitting in a chair, and his mood was very complicated.

“Oh… the grandchildren each and every one grow up and have their own ideas.”

“But they never really put the big picture of Human Race in their hearts.”

“Is it usually neglected to teach? Or is the Dragonoid community already a flood, and I am just the one who opened the gate and nothing more?”

Designed by Wu Shuai, Wind and Cloud Residence wakes up and uses Duke Long to mediate the incident in an attempt to reclaim Southern Splendid Island, but Wu Shuai is persuaded to do so.

Of course, Wind and Cloud Residence did not give up, using various means, and Wu Shuai was in a dilemma.

Wu Shuai soldiers will block the water to cover the land, see the move, and struggle to maintain the situation. Duke Long didn’t come out to help this grandson, but most of the other Dragonoid Gu Immortal have take action, just plain or dark.

Thanks to the help of these people, coupled with Wind and Cloud Residence scruples Duke Long, the means were not overwhelming. After all, Wu Shuai successfully migrated to the ethnic group and thrived on Southern Splendid Island.

But the things of Southern Splendid Island are not over.

Over the past 100 years, Wind and Cloud Residence has been obsessed with taking action from time to time, trying to get Southern Splendid Island back.

Wu Shuai, the means of not one drop of water can leak out, so that Wind and Cloud Residence can never succeed.

“A hundred years of planning, now is the ultimate result!” On this day, Wu Shuai looked at the Immortal Gu Home in front of him and shed tears of excitement.

When he first wanted to capture Southern Splendid Island, he needed a secret place to build Immortal Gu Home.

The father of Wu Shuai is also on the side, with an incredible look on his face: “You are really amazing! My son, you are more capable than father.”

“Although these years, the major sects have blocked and suppressed my Southern Splendid Island, but I have been fortuitous encounters, and have repeatedly won resources. At the same time, there are many Dragonoid Gu Immortal lining and contribution, which finally took a hundred years to make This Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home.” Wu Shuai smiled. “Give me another hundred years and say that there is a Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home.”

“Is this house not named yet?” asked the father of Wu Shuai.

“Gu Immortals in the family have their own suggestions, but I named it as the main manpower, and called it Dragon Court!” said Wu Shuai, the voice is high, and the eyes are shining.

“Dragon Court?” The father of Wu Shuai is getting that color change. “Is this… a little inappropriate?”

“Hahaha, what’s wrong? It is to echo Heavenly Court!” Wu Shuai said with a big smile.

“Children, you might as well think about it. In the eyes of those Human Race Gu Immortal, the name Dragon Court is not in line with Heavenly Court, but in court.”

“hehe.” Wu Shuai sneered twice. “What do they think, that’s their business.”

“Can’t say that, after all, Human Race is the overlord of Five Regions.”

“father.” Wu Shuai raised his hand. “You don’t have to say more, I’m determined, it’s called – Dragon Court!”

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