“It turned out to be Duke Long!” Fang Zheng saw Duke Long and was surprised and happy.

He knows Duke Long’s identity, and in fact, he and Duke Long have also taken care of it.

“If it wasn’t for Duke Long, I was already dead. There is Duke Long, I should be safe.” Fang Zheng no longer rembling in fear, feeling a burst of peace of mind.

He knows what Duke Long is and what else, this is Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s Master!

Fang Zheng then fixed his eyes and looked at the person who almost killed his life – Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

I saw the old man in a white robe, big sleeves fluttering, a large white beard hanging to the feet, his face is solemn, full of temperament, the mist around him, and added a few cents to him.

Fang Zheng certainly can’t recognize that this is Fang Yuan’s pretending, can’t help but curious about the identity of the old man: “This old man is also the Rank 8 cultivation base, but it is not the Rank 8 Great Expert in Eastern Sea Gu Immortal. Number. Who is he?”

Not only is he curious, but Duke Long is also very curious. However, the Eastern Sea is vast, and the resources are the first in the Five Regions. It is also normal to have one Rank 8 characters.

Immediately, Duke Long said with a smile : “Qi Sea Old Ancestor … You are a Rank 8, you can call Zong Zuzu, but it is OK. But in front of me, called Qi Sea, the tone is not small.”

Fang Zheng hearing that, the heart of the move: “Right, Duke Long adult is to repair Qi Dao, then repair Transformation Dao, is a rare double! The Eastern Sea Rank 8 old man, is also cultivation Qi Dao, but committed In the hands of Duke Long, tut tut.”

Fang Zheng is not only silent for Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

At this time, he heard Duke Long’s voice sinking and asked: “Let’s say, you are waiting here, ambushing me, etc. What is the purpose? What is your relationship with Fang Yuan?”

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised and secretly pondered: “How can he directly link my identity to the true identity?”

On the surface, Fang Yuan is a sneer: “old man is Eastern Sea hidden cultivator, people don’t make me, I don’t commit crimes, but you have a great ambition, and you want to annex the Five Regions. The future is to find the trouble of the old man. I want to get rid of me soon.”

Duke Long frowned and retorted: “Qi Sea Old Ancestor, you must be challenged by Fang Yuan. We are laking hatred and enmity, you and I are even the first time to meet, how can you be embarrassed?”

“Fang Yuan is deceived by nature, and you can’t ignore it.”

Fang Yuan coldly snorted: “The old man did not believe at first, but Fang Yuan is telling many secrets of the old man and giving conclusive evidence. He is born again from the future, I don’t believe him, I believe you can’t?”

Duke Long’s brow wrinkles tighter.

Fang Yuan’s obituary is a bit lame.

If you rely on Heavenly Court’s past and present actions, Duke Long can still get evidence. But Duke Long can’t refute any kind of behavior in the future of Heavenly Court, or even he is not sure!

Even Duke Long has some thoughts in his mind: “Rank 8 Gu Immortal 岂 is so easy to deceive? Fang Yuan said that moving this Qi Sea Old Ancestor to Heavenly Court, I am afraid sometime in the future, Heavenly Court really took action on Qi Sea Old Ancestor. In this case, the words are persuasion are useless.”

Duke Long sighed and thought that his trip was to find Duke Long, and the result was blocked here. Qi Sea Old Ancestor is obviously to stop him, so speculation that Fang Yuan is likely to start with Dragon Palace.

“It seems that I have a quick battle in this battle!” Duke Long flashed a touch of determination!

After all, he was deceived by Fang Yuan.

This is not only because Fang Yuan has improved the Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move, but also with Qi Dao. The main reason is that Qi Sea Old Ancestor is showing the true Rank 8 cultivation base at the moment.

Duke Long has always believed that Fang Yuan is Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

Not just Duke Long, Wisdom Dao Great Expert Fairy Ziwei, but even the entire Heavenly Court, even all the same all day.

Unlike previous lifetime, this lifetime Paragon Immortal Aperture’s secret has not been exposed.

Fang Yuan is doing very well at this point.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Dragon’s Claw Strike !

Duke Long is determined to be sure, almost without thinking, no hesitation, take action.

This is the Transformation Dao’s ultimate move, and immediately there is a claw mark printed in midair.

Fang Zheng cried out in surprise in Pine and Crane Pavilion. I didn’t expect Duke Long to take the lead and take sneak attack!

But the body of Qi Sea Old Ancestor, although hit, was turned into a cloud and immediately dispersed.

Fang Yuan has long been guarded against Duke Long, and here is also the battlefield of his Immortal Dao, so dodge and take it easy.

Duke Long looks the same, this is just his temptation.

Now he tempted it, and it really was the battlefield of Qi Dao. The Transformation Dao’s power was suppressed quite seriously.

In this case, the conversion means is good.

Duke Long didn’t turn around and reached out and pointed at the back.

The airflow spurted and quickly covered a layer of air bubbles on the Pine and Crane Pavilion, wrapping the Pine and Crane Pavilion in it.

“many thanks Duke Long!” Fang Zheng didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly thanked him.

Duke Long ignored him and ignited another ultimate move. He brewed for a moment, pushing his palms and launching several Qi Dragons.

The semi-transparent Qi Dragon, which wanders quickly, will take the initiative to attack once it finds the Fang Yuan’s trail.

“Duke Long is really not the usual Rank 8 Gu Immortal!” Fang Zheng saw these Qi Dragon, one after another are more than ten feet long, powerful and powerful, and smart and handsome, suddenly praised.

But at this moment, Duke Long suddenly looked up and saw the sustained light appear.

“What sound?” Fang Zheng also heard a huge roar and quickly looked up.

a moment later, his mouth is wide and his pupils are shrinking.

I saw a majestic Blade Qi, a long hundred zhang, wide and thick, like a sword of the gods, slashed down, to split this Heaven and Earth in two!

Blade Qi is so vast, rolling up countless wind and thunder, Fang Zheng is stunned. Under this huge Blade Qi, he is a small ant, the former mighty Qi Dragon, also instantly smashed into a snake.

At the end of the crisis, Duke Long snarled and spurred the ultimate move.

Qi Barrier !

Qi Barrier is the most common defensive ultimate move of Qi Dao, but Duke Long’s approach at this time is not simple.

He used combo to continually motivate Qi Barrier three times.

Qi Barrier is the first layer, then it swells twice, thicker and more tenacious, as if is the integration of three Qi Barrier overlays.


Blade Qi bombarded the Qi Barrier and made a deafening blow.

Even in the Pine and Crane Pavilion, Fang Zheng is also black, his eyes are dizzy, and the ear splatters with blood.

Qi Barrier collapsed, and Blade Qi also dissipated the vast majority, leaving only some residual aftermath, all at an arrow at the end of its flight.

The Pine and Crane Pavilion is like a small seesaw, and it’s tumultuous and violent in this aftermath.

Fang Zheng finally stabilized the Immortal Gu Home, whitewashed, breathing for breath, battered and exhausted.

“This Eastern Sea Gu Immortal, how can it like this strong?!” Fang Zheng is still horrified, the previous sense of security is gone.

Duke Long is unscathed, but his face is dignified, no longer a relaxed color.

He looked up at Fang Yuan and Fang Yuan was at an altitude, and the two sides were far away.

Just the case of Blade Qi, the breath naturally revealed the position of Fang Yuan’s.

Duke Long slowly lifted off, said to Fang Yuan: “A good move, Blade Qi, although not ingenious, is majestic. But how many tricks can you motivate?”

Fang Yuan smiles and calms down.

Before that, the ultimate move, because the power is too arrogant, Duke Long mistakenly believes that Fang Yuan has been running for a long time before it is motivated.

This kind of cognition is of course right, but Fang Yuan is a special case in the special case.

“Oh? You are talking about this, but I am free to do that’s all.” Said, Fang Yuan extended his index finger and tapped at the Pine and Crane Pavilion.


The majestic Blade Qi, as before, slammed into the crowd and slammed it down.

Fang Yuan points the index finger again.


Another pair of Blade Qi, the mighty, just like the Creation of the World, just follow the previous one.

Fang Yuan, point your index finger again.

Bang!! !

Third Blade Qi, the weight is not reduced, even a faint big round.

Fang Zheng froze and stay on the spot!

“You are…” Duke Long was also a shock, and the other party ushered in the Blade Qi ultimate move, which was as simple as drinking water.

But how is this possible? !

Nothing is impossible.

Fang Yuan’s Qi Dao’s Dao Marks is a huge, breakthrough million mark! Coupled with the increase in the Qi Dao battlefield here, it is reasonable to do this.

Duke Long certainly has Qi Dao’s Dao Marks, but the number is just Fang Yuan’s 30% nothing more.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has a stroke of Blade Qi, he has to use three strokes of Qi Barrier to be able to stand up.

“The other side’s battle strength is vast, the Eastern Sea is hiding such a character! Hehe, interesting.” Duke Long’s eyes in the light of the severe light, was inspired by the infinite fighting intent.

He looked up, the three Blade Qi, simply hiding the sky and covering the earth, is approaching.

“It’s been a long time, there is no such a challenging battle.” Duke Long took a deep breath, a moment later The momentum of the sky suddenly broke out.

The dragon roar sounded and he flew directly to Blade Qi!

Fang Yuan and Duke Long fought fiercely, but in the seabed dream, it was a warm and peaceful.

“Junior Sister, be careful, I have been doing this for a long time.” Dragonoid clone smiled.

Tai Qin, a girl with yellow eyebrows, smiled and said: “Senior Brother, you have been prepared for it, though.”

“That’s good.” Dragonoid clone waved his hand and suddenly the ant swarmed and merged into a golden river, rushing to Tai Qin.

Tai Qin also waved a bunch of flying ants from the ground, and gathered like a river to recoil.

The two ant colonies collided in midair, but they did not fire, but instead merged and merged with each other, and there was no damage at all.

The ant colonies meet in mid-air and are completely integrated into one another, regardless of each other.

Under the golden light, Fang Yuan’s Dragonoid clone stared at Tai Qin.

Tai Qin bravely looked at each other and raised two Hong Yun│Red Clouds on his cheeks. His eyes were also inconceivable.

“Junior Sister.”

“Senior Brother.”

The two men walked towards each other, embraced with deep affection, and the ant colony fluttered around them.

After a period of warmth, it was a farewell moment.

“Junior Sister, I have to go. Hey, I want to be with you forever, but… Father is hard, I am a family. These years are really bitter.” Dragonoid clone Kissing deeply Tai Qin.

Tai Qin shook his head: “I don’t suffer, Senior Brother, you are involuntarily, and all this is my willingness. I am always here, you are always here, I am.”

When the Dragonoid clone rushed back to the Calligraphy Pavilion, it was already midnight.

The moonlight is clear.

He faraway the pavilion of the peaks and peaks of the mountain, and his heart rises in sorrow.

Just then, in a shadow, a Dragonoid Gu Immortal sneaked up and met with Dragonoid clone.

“Brother, when you are not there, Mrs. Yu has a secret meeting with Fan Ji.” Dragonoid Gu Immortal reported that his face was not pleasant.

“hmph, this slut.” Dragonoid clone suddenly gloomy down, at the same time, a feeling of anger emerged from the bottom of his heart.

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