Dragonoid clone plunder The dreams of the four major Dragon General.

In the case of Human Race Gu Immortal, the four Dragon Generals must be attacked, but the Fang Yuan’s Dragonoid clone is the Dragonoid of the genuine. Whether it is the flesh or the soul, it is groundless and flawless.

The four Dragon Generals thus showed their identity, and this secret made Fang Yuan secretly surprised.

He was in the previous lifetime, but at the last minute, he went to Bai Ningbing to control Dragon Palace and Di Cang Sheng, and participated in the final battle. He did not see the four Dragon Generals.

“The original Rank Po, the four Rank 8 Gu Immortal, was actually a slave to the Dragon Palace and was accepted by the Dragon Palace and became the Dragon General!”

“The water here is really a bit deep.”

“Do I have to take the action myself?”

Fang Yuan’s thoughts in the mind are one after another, and they are quickly calculated.

According to his current strength, he also has a great deal of control over the four Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan’s strongest is already Qi Dao means, let alone the size of Qi Dao’s Dao Marks, let the four Eastern Sea Rank 8 be far behind.

“But the other party is also Rank 8 Gu Immortal. I can win and even kill the opponent, but the period must be great and I can’t win.”

“With reference to the previous life Duke Long and the battle of these four people, the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace itself is also smart and can fly away on its own.”

“If I am a strong actionman, I am afraid it will not be beautiful, and it will fall into the same situation as the previous life Duke Long.”

Fang Yuan immediately calculated the most likely scenario.

He came here to secretly collect the Dragon Palace. If he made such a big noise, he exposed his strength in the Rank 8 cultivation base and Qi Dao, which did not match his original plan.

Fang Yuan thinks of it, look at the Luck Cooking Pot on top of it.

The little Dragon Qi, next to the Luck Cooking Pot, was completely covered and submerged by the black clouds, but his eyes were excited and grinning.

Especially in this dark cloud, there is a hint of blue and purple, faintly discernible.

“The sleek green Purple Qi is indispensable, and it is wonderful, representing the possibility of Dragonoid clone becoming Lord of Dragon Palace.”

“Dragonoid clone has only the Rank 7 cultivation base, and the four Dragon Generals are all Rank 8. I haven’t found me yet, so the deception may be small.”

“If the Dragonoid clone follows the regulation, after exploring the dream, it passes the test, not only the Duke Long, but also the four Rank 8 Gu Immortal battle strength !”

“It seems that this Dragon Palace is definitely not a fake Enslave Dao Immortal Gu Home. It is really amazing to be able to enslave four Rank 8 battle strength at the same time!”

“According to the information of the previous lifetime, my time is still abundant.”

After thinking to this point, Fang Yuan decides that the ontology does not move, let the clone try to explore the dream and participate in the test.

This is undoubtedly a solution to maximize profits.

Dragonoid clone Darkly gets the body’s entrustment and immediately returns the dream.

This move has eased the face of the four Dragon Generals.

Among them, Rong Po said: “To participate in the test of Dragon Palace, you must get the body and soul together into the dream. Only the courage of take all on one throw will become the qualification of Lord of Dragon Palace.”

Dragonoid clone does not change from the face, but considering that the body is monitored at the top of the head, it is nodded and promised to fit into the dream.

As soon as he entered his dream, he suddenly fell into a deep darkness.

“Wu Shuai, wake up, wake up.” Someone pushed the Dragonoid clone around.

Dragonoid clone opened his eyes and saw a Dragonoid girl, pure and lovely, with a helpless look, said: “How do you sleep again? The big guy is waiting for you. You don’t forget, today we are And Chen Fu and Zhang Shuang, they agreed on the betting fight time.”

“It turns out that I am called Wu Shuai. Well… I have the cultivation base of Rank 3 Gu Master.” Dragonoid clone immediately checked out his situation.

“Come on, go quickly.” Dragonoid girl couldn’t wait, see Fang Yuan open his eyes and immediately pick him up.

All the way to the sprint, the two came to a school yard.

There are two piles of people in the school yard. They are divided into two directions, and they are confrontational and distinct.

The people in the west are all Human Race teenagers, both men and women, and the first two are proud of their youth.

The guys in the east are all Dragonoid teenagers, the number is a lot less, and the dragons have no heads, and they are being run by the Human Race teenagers.

When Fang Yuan appeared, the Dragonoid teenagers suddenly cheered up, some people cheered, and some people blamed Fang Yuan’s for being late.

“Wu Shuai, you finally dare to show up, I thought you were timid, don’t dare to betting fight.” Human Race over there, one of the two teenagers headed out, screaming.

The Dragonoid girl who has been running along with Fang Yuan immediately replied: “Chen Fu, don’t be arrogant, now Wu Shuai is here, and the custody will drive you scared witless!”

“Less gossip, Wu Shuai, take action! This time, I Zhang Shuang must wash the shame that was defeated in your hand last time!” Another young Gu Master stood up, obviously an acute child, can’t wait to come to the fight.

“Slow.” Fang Yuan waved his hand and deliberately delayed the time. “Since it is a betting fight, what is the bet?”

As he spoke, he looked at the school.

The school yard is arranged in an imposing manner. It is an Immortal Dao gu formation!

This shows that where you are, it is no different. Since there is Immortal Formation, it must be the scope of superpower. And where Fang Yuan is now, it is also the place of this superpower. A school yard can be built into Immortal Formation, which is not a general concern.

Look at the service of both sides, all of which is Da Tong, obviously a sect.

“This betting fight seems to be a grudge in the juvenile.”

“The teenagers here, at least have the Rank 2 cultivation base, look at their appearance, I am afraid it is just cultivation soon, the quality is really high.”

“The highest cultivation base is me, and the opposite Human Race teenagers Chen Fu, Zhang Shuang, are all Rank 3 cultivation base, proper juvenile genius. Under this, it is the Dragonoid girl who came to me. The cultivation base with Rank 2 peak.”

“Wu Shuai, you have to take a nap, I have already taken a bet. You see!” Chen Fu said, from the arms to the soles of one Gu Insect.

Fang Yuan took a closer look, is a Rank 5 Gu, named as a coach.

Hanging handsome 蛊appearance is a saw tree Lang, that is Tianniu.

The body of the beetle has a long cylindrical shape with a slightly flat back and two long antennae on the head. This is a handsome 蛊is also like so, the body is like a sapphire land, a pair of tentacles is very slender, ten times longer than the body, like two long red ropes.

Dragonoid clone is slightly surprised.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu has a lot, mortal gu, he has long been in the eyes. But this is different. Although it is mortal gu, it is Human Dao Gu insect and Enslave Dao. It has been in the Middle Continent history and it has disappeared.

According to rumors, the effect of the coach is very good, and there are other similar Gu insects, which match the set and complement each other.

Dragonoid clone’s Realm and Fang Yuan body interoperability.

The Fang Yuan body has the Human Dao Grandmaster and the Enslave Dao Great Master Realm, as does the Dragonoid clone.

As long as it is a Great Master Realm, you can produce the corresponding intuition.

At this moment, Dragonoid clone immediately had an intuition: “With this dream, I can get the Gu Formula.”

“No wonder my Qi Luck Xiao Zilong is eager to try! This Enslave Dao dream is indeed my big chance!”

After thinking to this point , Dragonoid clone is not heated by the heart.

As early as on the way to running, he explored how much Wu Shuai’s Gu insect is, what is it, and he has some preparations for the means he can use.

Just how to betting fight, but he is not too clear.

Immediately, Fang Yuan said with a smile: “If that’s the case, then come on, let me let you go, you take the action first.”

Zhang Shuang was run like this, and the young innocent face immediately emerged an angry intent: “Well, Wu Shuai, since you are so big, look down on me like this, I will fulfill you!”

He took out more than a dozen primeval stones from his arms and sprinkled directly on the ground of the school.

The school ground itself is an Immortal Formation, and the primeval stones fall to the ground as if they were in the water and immediately swallowed by the ground.

Then, one by one of the ants was drilled from the ground.

Zhang Shuang drums his eyes and mobilizes to start enslaving these ants.

Dragonoid clone was taken aback again: “This ant is not a common ant, with the natural lines of each and every one on the back, forming the Human Race text. Is it the Ant Legion in transit?”

Dragonoid is not an Innate Earth, it is a man-made nonhuman race.

Ant Legion and Dragonoid are about the same nature, not natural produce, but created by Gu Immortal Great Expert.

This Ant Legion was converted to Enslave Dao Gu Master, which greatly eased the feeding problem.

A small amount of Ant Legion can be used for normal training, and a large number of Ant Legion, which forms an ant wave, is also powerful.

Zhang Shuang has a good strength and soon enslaved more than a dozen yellow ants.

At this time, new ants were drilled from the ground, which was slightly larger than the previous ants, and the ant body appeared black.

Zhang Shuang was overjoyed, quickly diverted his attention and began to enslave these black ants.

Yellow ants have natural words – work.

Black ants also have natural lines – soldiers.

At this point, the Dragonoid teenagers are in a hurry. The Dragonoid girl next to Fang Yuan shakes Fang Yuan’s shirt directly: “Wu Shuai big brother, you have to start. If this betting fight loses, you have to put Life-Bound Gu Lost. The other side is mean shameless, there are already more than a dozen workers, three soldiers.”

“Okay.” Fang Yuan laughed, sitting directly on the ground, focusing on the ants on the ground.

He urged an ultimate move, which is a method of witnessing, enslaving ants, and the effect is excellent.

A few breaths, dozens of ants on the ground, all gathered around Fang Yuan’s.

Among them, there are workers and ants.

This result suddenly overtook Zhang Shuang.

Human Race The teenagers suddenly exclaimed, and the Dragonoid teenagers were amazed, and they all cheered and cheered.

Zhang Shuang is incredibly looking at Fang Yuan. When Fang Yuan sees more and more ants in front of him, he is several times more like him. His face is pale as paper.

“I lost!” Zhang Shuang is also simply, “but what is your ultimate move?”

The ultimate move is exquisite, the power is good, and the more important thing is that Fang Yuan’s soul background is very strong at this moment, which is much stronger than the mortal Gu Master, let alone this kind of boy.

Fang Yuan didn’t know it. He just had nothing more than that, so he avoided talking: “Are you losing, bet?”

Zhang Shuang coldly snorted, hand over the handsome man to the Fang Yuan’s hand, then turn and leave.

Chen Fu looked at his face and left a message when he left: “Wu Shuai, I didn’t expect you to be so insidious, secretly refining a powerful Enslave Dao ultimate move. Don’t be too proud, we will get back sooner or later. Come!”

“Yeah! We won, Wu Shuai, you are amazing!”

“What really is Wu Shuai.”

“haha, that’s funny. Just Zhang Shuang and Chen Fu’s face are really ugly.”

Fang Yuan smiled and was about to respond to the teenagers who were jumping around, but suddenly saw these teenagers each and every one with wide eyes, and the look and movements suddenly became stagnant, and they were simply looking towards Fang Yuan.

“father…” they whispered together.

Fang Yuan turned and saw a Dragonoid Gu Immortal gloomy, staring at him.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but tremble: “Duke Long?”

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