Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Own Luck True Inheritance has already elaborated Luck Qi’s various discover mystery.

In general, Luck Qi is divided into seven colors: black, gray, white, red, yellow, cyan, and purple. There are also other variegated colors, but basically a mixture of these seven colors.

Luck Qi’s form is strange, and it is related to the specific person and the person’s physical state and his own state.

Take Fang Yuan himself, he and his clone’s Luck Qi form and color are very different.

Fang Yuan has mastered the complete Ju Yang Own Luck True Inheritance and some Ju Yang All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance. Just look at the color and shape of these Qi Lucks and you will know the state of the object and calculate a lot of information. .

In the Luck Cooking Pot, there are Observing Luck Immortal Gu, Time Luck Immortal Gu, Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu, Qi Luck Immortal Gu, Connecting Luck Immortal Gu, etc. The power of these Luck Dao Gu insects can only be regarded as the basic skill of Luck Cooking Pot. use.

The power of this Immortal Gu Home most important is – cooking.

The shape, color and scale of its own Luck Qi represent the current changing trend of the characters.

Suppose that Fang Yuan now has a strong black 棺Qi Luck, indicating that he is facing a death trend. Fang Yuan can use the Luck Cooking Pot to boil the black 棺Qi Luck and upgrade its new Qi Luck from the pot.

For example, fortune, peach blossom and so on.

Ju Yang Own Luck True Inheritance is to study Luck Qi and how to change his Qi Luck. And Luck Cooking Pot is the peak masterpiece in this True Inheritance, with which you can cook Luck Qi, which is what kind of class, and then transform it into what you want.

“However, I now have a Rank 8 cultivation base, a Luck Cooking Pot but a Rank 6, and I can’t influence my body’s Qi Luck.”

“But my other clones, the cultivation base is the only ones that are Rank 7, and most of them are mortal.”

“Just take the freshly cooked food, support the past, the effect should be immediate.”

After Fang Yuan tried it out, he continued his closed-door cultivation and practiced his own Qi Dao ultimate move.

Luck Cooking Pot is of course to upgrade the Rank number, but now Regret Gu is still in the Celticial Grotto of Dark Blue Dragon Whale.

Fang Yuan can order Hairyman Gu Immortals 肆 refining Rank 6 Luck Dao Immortal Gu, but refining them to the Rank 7 level is still a lack of favorable conditions.

Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto.

Fang Yuan clone Zhan Budu Walk slowly.

Noisy around, people are like a shuttle.

“This is the largest Gu Master market in the city. It is quite prosperous.” Zhan Budu observed it.

He is now cultivation base but Rank 1 nothing more, still too young.

And shy in the bag, this time here is just collecting intelligence and deepening the understanding of the surrounding environment.

“Gu Master cultivation needs resources, but I am poor and white. The most urgent task is to make money.”

Zhan Budu has a young face and a confident heart.

He is Fang Yuan’s Soul Fragment, with the vision of Gu Immortal. Looking for some mortal Gu Master’s way of making money, isn’t it simple?

But after careful observation, Zhan Budu’s eyebrows were covered with a faint sorrow.

“The Gu Master here is called War Beast Envoy. Although Gu insect is also used, these Gu insects are for the purpose of to cultivate War Beast, and wild beast, plant fit. There is no example of Gu Master fighting alone.”

Fang Yuan turned around the market and found that there were few Gu insects, and most of the stores were selling Beasts and Plants.


“This Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto, with Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation ultimate move shelter, is extremely easy for Gu Master to fit with Beasts and Plants.”

“If you change to the outside world, you have to pay more than ten times the price to do the same.”

“Because the route with Beasts and Plants fits together, it’s too easy and too dominant, causing the orthodox gu cultivator to be buried.”

“Of course, this is also related to the beasts of the beasts.”

The beastly sinister died because of the injury of the First Myriad Tribulation. This piece of Celestial Grotto used to be carefully operated by him. Deliberately battling this situation should be beneficial to management.

After all, the Human Race in the Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto is really big.

Zhan Budu wants to Raise here, naturally can not use the gu cultivator orthodoxy, but should do as the Romans do, also become War Beast Envoy.

Being a War Beast Envoy is easy said to be difficult and difficult to say – you need Gu Master to have a wild beast or plant that can be successfully combined.

This is the most basic.

Then go to War Beast Guild, pay for registration, and become a member of the guild.

In Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto, War Beast Guild is the largest and only super power.

If Zhan Budu joins, it will become the lowest level War Beast Apprentice. Above the apprentice is War Beast Emissary, the backbone of War Beast Guild.

Above the War Beast Emissary is the War Beast Brave Warrior, which must be the Gu Immortal cultivation base, often serving as the city lord.

Above the War Beast Brave Warrior is the only War Beast King.

The organizational structure is quite simple and rough.

Zhan Budu now lacks not only the corresponding Gu insect, but also the lack of War Beast and War Plant. Especially the latter, the price is high.

Zhan Budu collected enough information and has a fixed mind.

“According to my plan, for about a month, I have enough money to buy Gu insect.”

“With another month, you can acquire the lowest level War Beast.”

“First buy the fangs and use it for a while. This wild beast is greatly underestimated by the world. It is really cheap.”

“With strength, I can join War Beast Guild and use it as a platform to take on tasks and quickly expand my strength.”


Just then, Zhan Budu heard a shout: “Be careful!!”

He quickly looked at it and saw a dark object in the sky, which was falling rapidly.

In the higher air, there is an old man manipulated the giant bird, falling quickly, wanting to grab the dark thing, but it seems too late.



The people around me suddenly disappeared.

Zhan Budu also took a quick step and ducked under the roof of a store.


Almost a moment later, the darkness is on the steps of the store and broken.

The broken pieces are splashing around, and the people around them are mournfully wails.

Zhan Budu was the closest, but one of the unexpected hairs was not hurt.

“This is…an egg?” Zhan Budu looked at the egg high in front of him, and he felt in his heart. “This breath is obviously a Desolate Beast egg.”

I was thinking, the eggshell was broken, and a cute little vulture was drilled from it.

The singer looks at Zhan Budu, screaming, and immediately slammed Zhan Budu and touched Zhan Budu’s cheek with tender birds.

“How can it like this?!” The old man riding a giant bird, then landed on the ground, looks at such a scene, some dumbfounded.

“Old grandfather Hello, my name is Zhan Budu.” Zhan Budu has the knowledge that the old man in front of the white of the eyes is one Gu Immortal, who dare not neglect and immediately get up and salute.

Old man hasn’t talked yet, the little eagle that was pulled out by Zhan Budu’s palm, flew to Zhan Budu’s side and gently patted Zhan Budu’s back with his wings.

The look of the old man was incomparably complicated. He looked at the little eagle and looked at Zhan Budu: “Hey, my Old Partner has been pregnant for more than 30 years and suddenly laid eggs today. This egg is so unfortunate. When I came here, I hatched a small arrow-tailed carving. The first thing that the small eagle saw was the young boy. It treated you as a close relative.”

Zhan Budu is dumbfounded and hurries: “Old grandfather, I am sorry, I, I didn’t mean it.”

Gu Immortal old man hehe smiled: “You call Zhan Budu? Then I will call you Little Du. Little Du, don’t be nervous, I don’t blame you. Even I have to apologize to you. After all, I’m almost going to get you.”

“It seems that all this is the fate of the arrangement. If my grandson is still alive, it is as big as you. Little Du, are you willing to cultivate with me? Your accepted small arrow recognition, future Maybe it could be War Beast Brave Warrior.”

“War Beast Brave Warrior?” Zhan Budu suddenly had big eyes, shimmering, innocent and excited.

He clenched his fists: “My biggest dream is to become War Beast Brave Warrior! Old grandfather, can I really do it? Can I really cultivate with you?”

Old man laughed heartily : “Little Du, can you be War Beast Brave Warrior and see your future efforts. But now, let’s go first.”

“Okay, old grandfather.” Zhan Budu, along with the old man, rode on the tail of the eagle, and in the eyes of the crowd, flew away.

“Oh my God!”

“What have I just saw?”

“This boy Luck Qi is also very good?”

“Just the old man, it seems to be the city lord of Mountain Cliff City.”

“He is Mountain Cliff City city lord ?Oh! I heard that recently Mountain Cliff City city lord is coming to our city to discuss what major event with our city lord.”

The surrounding people are like fried pots, and the discussion is getting louder and louder.

“Who is that boy? It seems to be called Zhan Budu? Luck Qi is so good!”

“Hey, why didn’t you just be me?”

“I knew this before, I just pushed him out.”

“I’m going to go! Zhan Budu is a poor boy. It’s obviously a poor boy. I didn’t expect to be seen by a great War Beast Brave Warrior. This is a salted fish turning over and flying to Heavens.”

“He is also recognized by the small arrow tail carving! This is immortal beast, immortal beast!”

“Yeah, compared to immortal beast, the Beasts and Plants in the entire market are slag, even the other birds can not match!”

Some Mortal Qi have to jump and confess, why haven’t they seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Some people have big eyes, their eyes are red, and some people yell and spit.

Splendid Script Celestial Grotto.

A poetry is being held.

The famous big talents looked at the students sitting at the lower end of the church, laughed: “Liu Zhen is really a prosperous style. I think the high school students are full of enthusiasm. It seems that the professor of ginger virtuous brother is quite fruitful.”

“Brother Shen overpraised, these younger students are all very shallow and not worth mentioning. This time, let them watch the fight between you and me, it is their creation.” Private. Mr. Jiang modestly said.

Shen Dacai’s handcuffs: “Ginger virtuous brother, you and I’m fighting. It’s just a matter of staying up. Then, let’s take the drums and pass the flowers, choose three students to come and offer poems, so that I can appreciate some of the younger generations. Wencai, how?”

“Alright.” Mr. Jiang indulged, nodded promised to come down.

Suddenly, the eyes of many students under the stage lit up.

This is a good time for a rare event. There are two great talents on the stage to oversee. No matter what the poems are, as long as the go on stage is unveiled, it will be famous for thousands of miles.

The drums started.

“Choose me, choose me!”

“Through it, come to me.”

“oh! The drums stopped.”

“Who took the safflower? Please come up with a poem.” Shen Dacai opened his eyes, said with a slight smile.

In the burning eyes of everyone, Li Xiaobai touched his nose and went to the stage.

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