“Heavenly Court ……” Qin Dingling stands on the Supervising Heaven Tower and looks at the distant view of Heavenly Court.

For a long time, she sighed softly: “The change is big, but it has the outline of my memory. Three more than 100,000 years.”

Standing next to her is Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei looks and respects.

In front of this female immortal Senior, although it is not as good as Duke Long, it is also very scary.

She was originally a Reevered Great Elder of Heaven’s Jealousy Manor in Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects. Originally, she would become a member of Heavenly Court the next day. As a result, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s was forced to become Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s nephew.

Ju Yang Immortal Venerable has built a palace in the Northern Plains, Southern Border, Eastern Sea, Western Desert and Central Continent.

Qin Dingling was the queen of the Central Continent Palace at the time!

After the death of Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, Qin Dingling disappeared mysteriously, and it did not seem to have suddenly appeared in the past few days.

“Qin Dingling Senior’s identity should be correct, but according to historical records, she should be specialized in Metal Dao, how can it become Luck Dao Gu Immortal?” Fairy Ziwei has doubts in his heart.

At this time, Qin Dingling turned slowly, and the slender eyelids transmitted the insight into the world.

She is not a beauty in the traditional concept. Her nose is high, but her nose is sharp. Her lips are thin and her eyes are slender. However, all kinds of things are mixed together to form a unique beauty that makes people feel impressed at first glance.

Her body is taller than ordinary people, her shoulders are wide, she stands tall and full of heroic. A large cloak hangs from the shoulder to the ground.

The cloak material is specific and seems to be a piece by piece of golden armor combination, inlaid, from time to time the cloak surface will flow through a trace of golden streamer.

The large cloak set her body to be more tall and fit. Especially her long legs, also wrapped in tight pieces, black and gold color.

Her temperament is extremely outstanding, as if she is born to be noble noble clan, to be above the mortal beings. When she looks at someone else, because of the height, it is often necessary to use the angle of view. The natural excitement that she naturally exudes makes people unconsciously squinting and staring at her, as if she can only stare at her feet, so that she is not offensive to her.

Qin Dingling: “Fairy Ziwei, I know the doubts in your heart. In fact, my disappearance is intentional. In that year, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable unrivaled beneath the heavens, control the entire era, no one can resist him. Fortunately, he is not Demon Venerable. Although I was forced to be one of his immortals, I also used my own intention to learn Luck Dao’s profound mystery from him.”

“After Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, I also had a lot of experience. I decided to abandon Metal Dao and change Luck Dao. However, I had a Rank 8 cultivation base and I was going to change Luck Dao. It is very risky. I have Heavenly Court. Help, get the chance to sleep prolonging. Turn away the whole body of Metal Dao’s Dao Marks and turn it into a golden dragonfly, bury itself in the depths of Earth Arteries, close the dead, and realize Luck Dao.”

“I didn’t expect this sleep to be three more than 100,000 years. When I woke up here, walking the world, it was alreadys have remained the same, but people have changed.”

Qin Dingling has an infinite emotion.

Three more than 100,000 years, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

The shadow of a huge life that once shrouded her – Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, already gone.

And, later, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable and Paradise Immortal Venerable appeared.

Today, the whole world is facing the wave of Grand Era. According to various signs and predictions, an unprecedented Xeon Venerable will appear.

“So that’s how it is.” Fairy Ziwei spits out one mouthful of impure air, his face is full of surprises and pleasant smiles. “Senior your appearance is too timely. Junior has a flaw, lack of talent, making Heavenly Court repeatedly The main reason for this is that Luck Dao is not enough, and he is so frustrated that the devil is always furious.”

Qin Dingling slightly nod: “I have seen the intelligence. I didn’t expect to have the devil like Fang Yuan. This is a rare generation in the history of Human Race. However, Fairy Ziwei, you don’t have to be arrogant, your decision is correct. It’s just that the other person is insidious and sinister, and at the same time gets the Venerable lost heritage. Especially the latter makes Fang Yuan extremely difficult to cope with.”

“I am waking up this time and returning to the world, I am afraid it is specifically for dealing with Fang Yuan’s.”

Fairy Ziwei Curious: “What is the meaning of Senior?”

Qin Dingling is deeply and deeply laughed: “Fairy Ziwei, my awakening is a mystery. I ask you, who am I to wake up?”

“It’s Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng.”

“right.” Qin Dingling Xu Xudao, “Demon from Beyond The Heavens is not a fate, it is a natural variable. Will of Heaven drives such chess pieces to deal with Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, naturally, with the help of Demon From Beyond The Heavens. Just like the place where the poisonous snake inhabits, it often grows herbs that understand snake venom. Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng is the layer of protection that Heavenly Dao clamps on Ancient Moon’s Fang Yuan.”

Spoke until here, Qin Dingling with an eye-catching look at Fairy Ziwei: “You know very little about Luck Dao, but you can figure out this layer and start to cultivate Fang Zheng promoted immortal. It is not easy.”

“Senior overpraised, Junior only knows how to do my best to maintain my Heavenly Court and guard my justice.”

“Hahaha, that’s good, this is my Heavenly Court’s consciousness, even if it’s been three more than 100,000 years, it’s never changed!”

Qin Dingling smiled a few times, and was very pleasant, paused, and continued: “Demon from Beyond The Heavens Fang Yuan is a variable, and Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng is the restraint of his existence, which will change due to the change of Fang Yuan’s. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul failed, but Fang Yuan was out of control of Will of Heaven’s. He was getting stronger, no flaws, growing fast, and it was so horrible that even Heavenly Court was a little helpless. So, to curb this change Then, with Fang Zheng, I woke me up and made my birth happen.”

“Life is a fixed number, and operation is a variable. The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the strength of Gu Immortal, the inherent luck condition is very ambitious. This is because their mind, one action, can cause great changes around. Yuan is quite strong on Luck Dao, but you cultivated Fang Zheng and made him a fairy, so the variables are big enough, so I have the advantage of waking up and restraining him. Next, I guess there will be A similar situation happened. Fang Yuan, the devil, will not last for too long.”

Spoke until here, Qin Dingling 叮嘱Fairy Ziwei: “You still have to work hard to cultivate Fang Zheng and make sure he is safe. As long as we set out to follow this, we can tweet the results for half the effort.”

“Junior understands.” Fairy Ziwei’s eyes are bright.

Until now, she dealt with Fang Yuan, and she did not make a big difference. The main reason was that Fang Yuan was swindling and swindling, and she was not able to predict his position.

Although Fairy Ziwei understands the meaning of Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng, but does not pay much attention to it, she believes that she and Heavenly Court’s power, laid out on Fang Zheng, is only a support role.

But now with the reminder of Qin Dingling, Fairy Ziwei understands that Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng is the best focus of restraining Fang Yuan’s!

She had previously cultivated Fang Zheng promoted immortal and had received good results – triggering the emergence of Qin Dingling.

As long as she continues to cultivate, people like Qin Dingling will appear more.

“The stronger the strength of Fang Zheng, the greater the huge luck condition will be, so that more changes can be made. These changes are the Will of Heaven layout, specifically to clamp Fang Yuan’s.”

“In this case, it is based on Fang Zheng and supplemented by Heavenly Court.”

Fairy Ziwei judged the situation, was wise and wise, and immediately made the most correct strategic adjustment.

“Oh, there is one more thing. I have a lot of Immortal Gu remnant formulas here, but I was secretly inspecting and figuring out at Ju Yang Immortal Venerable. These Gu Formulas are all about Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Luck Dao Immortal Gu, but also Please correct your calculations and then refining.” Qin Dingling took out an Information Dao mortal gu.

Fairy Ziwei quickly took his hands: “Junior must make every effort to calculate, please feel at ease!”

Immemorial White Heaven, Five Phases Celestial Grotto.

Fang Yuan has recently been in this closed-door cultivation.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Myriad Thought Sword Waterfall !

Hong long!

With a loud noise, the White Phase Ultimate Move suddenly descended into a magnificent waterfall, and the silver white waterfall was magnificent and slammed into the zombie will at the bottom of the Heavenly Image ultimate move.

Every drop of water in the waterfall is a single thought head, and the appearance looks like a sword.

The waterfall slammed and instantly bombarded a huge pothole, eliminating the will of massive.

After a few breaths, the waterfall disappeared. On the dead willcontinent, a huge lake appeared, and the water in the lake was a flowing sword.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Swordsman!

Fang Yuan thought about mobilizing and then urging a trick.

After this move, the waves of the lake rolled, as if boiling, and then one after another, jumped out of the lake. They each and every one look like Fang Yuan, holding a long sword, constantly slashing at the will of the dead, each shot can split a huge gully.

Both of these moves are not small, both of which are created by Fang Yuan.

Myriad Thought Sword Waterfall is centered on the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu and houses Sword Dao’s Profound Truth. It is much better to deal with the zombie will than to use the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu.

The ultimate move Swordsman is a combination of Sword Dao and Human Dao, which was created after Fang Yuan was promoted to Human Dao Grandmaster.

After a long time.

Suddenly, the crane rang through the entire Five Phases Celestial Grotto.

The white crane in the sleep, as if waking up from sleep, stretches his posture, and his neck is bright and graceful.

“Finally, I have mastered Heavenly Image ultimate move again!”

“haha, it saves more than half of the previous lifetime.”

“It seems that it’s time to leave and go to Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto and Splendid Script Celestial Grotto.”

Fang Yuan laughed, the eyes of the eyes flashed.

Good things are in pairs, and at this time, he heard the report of Langya Earth Spirit: another Luck Dao’s Rank 6 Immortal Gu was made.

Fang Yuan has not yet obtained Regret Gu and does not want to upgrade refining Immortal Gu for Large Scale.

But he extorted the Southern Border Righteous Path and got a lot of Luck Dao immortal materials. Recently, this period of time is mainly to refining Luck Dao Immortal Gu!

Immortal Gu is the only one, he refining, there is no chance for others.

Paragon Immortal Aperture has been developed right, Fang Yuan has strong financial resources, and the district is completely X 5000. The Range 6 Immortal Gu is fully affordable!

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