Western Desert.

Fáng Family headquarters, Blessed Land.


Fáng Dizhang suddenly spit a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.

“Father of the righteous!” Beside him, the adopted son Fáng Yun quickly stepped forward and helped Fáng Dizhang.

Fáng Dizhang was very injured and was still shaking and dizzy when he was standing up.

He quickly inspected his own situation and immediately smiled.

This time was injured, his mind was hit hard, and there was a huge crack, almost splitting his mind in half. At the same time, his soul was also created, and there was a strange green blue glow in the flesh, which radiated the atmosphere of Wood Dao.

Fáng Dizhang sighed and looked at the huge palace in front of him.

The palace is like a mountain, with blue brick and gold tiles, giving off the fresh fragrance of the rich vegetation. Sturdy and solemn, but full of vitality. At the top of the gate, there is a plaque, three letters on the book – Bean God Palace!

“In the end is the Immortal Gu Home created by Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable. It is comprehensive and has no loopholes. I forcibly calculated that I suffered such backlash. I was a little angry with Venerable’s, and I was too anxious.” Fáng Dizhang lamented.

“Yifu, our Fáng Family is still right now, let’s take it slowly.” Fáng Yun advised.

Fáng Dizhang shook his head: “My Fáng Family situation is stable, but it is still not optimistic. The reason why the family did not send it, but was shocked by our ultimate move Stealing Dao, never gave up on us. We must hurry Time, there must be no slack.”

“Yes, the righteous father.”

Fáng Dizhang looked at Bean God Palace and sighed again: “Oh, unfortunately our Fáng Family has no Gu Immortal of cultivation Wood Dao. The heart of this Bean God Palace is Wood Dao. If there is a Wood Dao Rank 7 Gu Immortal to assist me, I There is bound to be no small progress in the calculation of this house.”

There are many Western Desert Sand Deserts, oasis embellishments, and the two major schools of Wood Dao and Water Dao are the least.

In the Five Regions, Wood Dao Gu Immortal number Southern Border first, Water Dao Gu Immortal scale Eastern Sea is the most.

Fáng Yun thought for a moment: “We Fáng Family has no Wood Dao Gu Immortal, but there is also a Wisdom Dao.”

“You mean Suan Bu Jin?” Fáng Dizhang stared at him, flashed a hint of vigilance, and immediately looked at Fáng Yun. “Is he asking you to refer?”

Fáng Yun snorted and shook his head. “No, no, child is just saying this. Suan Bu Jin has never been so implied. In fact, after he joined my family, he has been guarded and never contacted children. ”

Fáng Dizhang This face is a little slower: “Suan Bu Jin this person is not a surname, although he joined the Fáng Family, but we have to count.”

“Father, do you doubt the loyalty of Suan Bu Jin adults?” Fáng Yun scratched his head.

Fáng Dizhang raised his eyes: “If I have his help, there will be progress. But I know that people don’t know, especially the jewels such as Bean God Palace. Even if he didn’t have this thought before, he would see the palace and get along with him. It’s hard to keep greed.”

Spoke until here, Fáng Dizhang Still not assured: “Suan Bu Jin, what’s the recent movement?”

Fáng Yun replied honestly: “There is no movement. But there is another rumor against Suan Bu Jin, saying that he is actually a descendant of Old Man Cracked Soul, the remnant of Demonic Path, being absorbed by my family. There are also rumors that Wan Clan will Investigating this matter will truly verify the identity of Suan Bu Jin.”

Fáng Dizhang suddenly coldly snorted: “This group still wants to hold Suan Bu Jin! But this excuse is looking like a model, at least it is more rumored that he is the devil, Fang Yuan, to be more authentic.”

Fáng Dizhang sneered again and again, but he did not know that the previous rumors were the truth, but the rumors that are now circulating and distorted the facts.

Old Man Cracked Soul This is Wan Clan’s Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, but because of the cultivation mistakes, it becomes mad and unconscious. Old Man Cracked Soul has a Rank 7 cultivation base. After the madness, the battle strength is stronger, causing huge losses to Wan Clan, and also killing the rest of the Righteous Path force of Gu Immortal.

At that time, the Western Desert Gu Immortal World caused a sensation, and then several Rightse Path forces joined forces to kill the Old Man Cracked Soul. Life and death did not find the trace of Old Man Cracked Soul, and eventually Old Man Cracked Soul disappeared, the matter is gone.

Fáng Dizhang pondered then said : “Suan Bu Jin is good, this kind of insignificant ability. He must be. But after he joined Fáng Family, it was normal to be considered a Fáng Family’s vulnerability. It is still necessary to take care of him. Let him concentrate on guarding, don’t let it go easily, and leave it to the opponent. As for his identity, our Fáng Family will clarify for him and give the Western Desert Righteous Path a perfect account.”

Just after these words, Fáng Dizhang’s face changed.

Fáng Yun sees the righteous father’s face is not right, and quickly asked: “What happened?”

Fáng Dizhang’s face is pale and weak, and at the moment it adds a touch of iron and blue: “Suan Bu Jin just wrote, saying that he turned to a Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, is nearby, and is probably a rumor spreader. He I have already gone to catch it at the moment.”

Fáng Yun suddenly stayed: “This?!”

According to the normal regulation, but Gu Immortal, who defies resources, wants to attack, first report to the family. Only after the family has been approved can it be dispatched.

However, Suan Bu Jin’s move was an obvious sequel, and he directly dispatched it and then reported it. Regardless of whether Fáng Family agreed or not, he opened the guarded place and acted directly.

“In the end is the rogue cultivator, the wild is difficult to tame!” Fáng Dizhang hates tooth itch, but this time, he suffered heavy damage, can not be extrapolated.

He had to contact Fáng Family Revered Great Elder Fáng Gong and let him support Suan Bu Jin as soon as possible.

Fáng Yun on the side is a bit puzzled: “The father of the righteous, the situation may not be so bad. Let Revered Great Elder support, is it a little too big? Suan Bu Jin is a Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, his attack is definitely a projection If you are too, you will be sure.”

Fáng Dizhang’s face is very gloomy: “Suan Bu Jin is indeed outstanding, but he is arrogant, I am afraid it will be counted. If the Roundeous Path deliberately attracts him, setting up the serial meter is bad. Once he is captured or killed, those If the family creates an iron case, you can fall into my Fáng Family at will, and then further suppress my family.”

“Of course, this is only a possibility. I hope I am pessimistic. The key is that at this juncture, our Fáng Family does not allow such mistakes.”

Fáng Yun listened, this is suddenly realized, and his face is hard to look. He barely said with a smile : “Is things supposed to be so serious?”

Things are so serious!

When Fang Yuan was killed, Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Wan Lianghan was calm and calm: “Suan Bu Jin, you are finally here, let me wait.”

Saying, the already ambushed Immortal Dao battlefield started and put Fang Yuan in it.

“It turned out to be a trap!” Fang Yuan disguised Suan Bu Jin sneered, his eyes flashing, and the look at three Gu Immortals approached him.

These three Gu Immortals are all Rank 7.

A tall and thin body, covered with azure robe, surrounded by whirlwinds, surnamed Wan Ming, confident and calm: “Suan Bu Jin, loss you or Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal! So easily fell into my trap. ”

Second place Gu Immortal Wan Haoguang, not seen, covered with a layer of light armor, emitting a huge amount of heat. There is a loud voice in the heavy light armor: “Suan Bu Jin, if you know each other, obediently surrender, turn to my Fáng Family, and testify to Fáng Family, we will not embarrass you, but also treat you as a guest!”

The third Gu Immortals is the Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, which is seduce Fang Yuan. It is called Wan Lianghan. His forehead is swollen and his face is ugly. At this moment, he is said with a smile: “Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal, you are Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. The situation before the white of the eyes. Even if you escape today, there will be a lot of trouble to find you in the future. You should not join Fáng Family’s at this time.”

Fang Yuan is cold and cold, just sneer.

He is now pretend to be Suan Bu Jin, appearing thin, long hair shawl, double freckle white, a pair of black scorpions, containing vicissitudes of life and wild vision, listening to the three immortals, and being trapped in the Immortal Dao battlefield, but there is no slight shake.

This is of course!

Because Fang Yuan’s strength is hidden, let alone three Rank 7, even if it is three Rank 8, he is not afraid.

Wan Clan three immortals thought that Fang Yuan was calculated. I don’t know that Fang Yuan came back from Southern Border to solve them and stir up the Western Desert!

Recently, Wan Lianghan has repeatedly calculated Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan has Yamabeeror ultimate move defense, no flaws at all, but it also weakens the soul background, not bothering, this time they are imperative.

Fang Yuan immediately opened the Immortal Aperture Portal and released Soul Beast.

One by one Desolate Rank Soul Beast and Far Ancient Soul Beast released, making Wan Clan three immortals very surprised.

Doesn’t it mean that he is Gu Immortal of Wisdom Dao? How can manipulates so many Soul Beast?

“In this battlefield of Immortal Dao, no more Soul Beast is useless!” Wan Xiao launched the Immortal Dao battlefield and suddenly picked up a huge tornado and slowly oppressed.

Soul Beast is closely united by Fang Yuan’s, and is moving more and more with Fang Yuan.

“How does he have so many Soul Beast in his hand?” Wan Clan three immortals became more and more surprised. This Suan Bu Jin is obviously Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and manipulates Soul Beast army. This is too bad.

The tornado is faster, approaching Fang Yuan’s Soul Beast army.

Soul Beast, stunned, but the hurricane in the Immortal Dao battlefield is like the Heaven and Earth, but it is weakened and the position is extremely stable.

Fang Yuan automatically hands and pushes the ultimate move to block the tornado.

Ten Thousand Me three immortals I saw it, and the surprise in my heart was a little slower.

Fang Yuan used the Wisdom Dao ultimate move instead of the Soul Dao ultimate move.

“It doesn’t work like this. His Soul Beast seems to be endless. I have to take action!” Wan Haoguang shouted.

“Go, we both cover you.” Wan Lianghan snorted.

Wan Haoguang entered the Soul Beast army and he was extremely fast, taking advantage of Light Dao.

Every time Fang Yuan mobilized the Soul Beast army and encircled him, Wan Lianghan and Wan Xiao ushered an ultimate move to cover Wan Haoguang.

With good cooperation, Wan Haoguang rushed into the middle circle.

Fang Yuan changed his face and released four Soul Beast.

“Well?” Wan Haoguang slammed and screamed, “Immemorial Soul Beast!”

Wan Lianghan and Wan Xiao are both unbelievable: “Is it still four?”

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