Huā huā huā.

The sound of the waves was introduced into Fang Yuan’s ear, accompanied by the sound of seabirds clearing the clouds.

The Eastern Sea is in front of the sea, sparkling in the warm sunshine.

The sea breeze is refreshing and refreshing.

Fang Yuan’s heart has a slight loss: “Sure enough, the time is not yet…”

He used the ultimate move, from the Southern Border to the Eastern Sea, to find the Dark Blue Dragon Whale.

Now for Fang Yuan, mastering Regret Gu is a wonderful thing.

Because he wants to upgrade refining a large number of Rank 6 Immortal Gu, improve his overall strength. Regret Gu is at hand, can detract from his numerous losses and minimize the risk of refining gu!

In fact, he has been here many times since he was born again.

This Sea Territory is where his previous life followed Miao Mingshen and the others and saw Dark Blue Dragon Whale.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan has not waited for Dark Blue Dragon Whale.

“Maybe I should start with Miao Mingshen and directly rob him of the means?”

“With that means, I can find the exact location of Dark Blue Dragon Whale myself.”

This idea flashed through Fang Yuan’s mind and he quickly assessed the risks involved.

To do it, Miao Mingshen is not difficult to deal with. Fang Yuan can even use the identity of Chu Ying and Wisdom Dao to design and frame them.

The real risk is that Fang Yuan doesn’t know what this means is.

If it is the usual Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, that’s all. I am afraid that it is something strange and eccentric, and I am afraid to take it easy.

According to Fang Yuan, the latter’s possibility is not small. Because of the five hundred years of previous life, I have never heard of someone stealing this means from Miao Mingshen.

Eastern Sea also has Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Miao Mingshen but Rank 7. His approach is related to Paradise True Inheritance. It is impossible to prevent Rank 8 Gu Immortal from being tempted.

But these Gu Immortal seem to have no desire to take action, which shows that the water inside is still relatively deep.

“According to the trajectory of previous lifetime, I am waiting for it, and I can follow Miao Mingshen.”

“But this method also has a drawback, that is, the ink effect. Previous life Miao Mingshen chose Chu Ying, after hesitating, this lifetime will he still choose Chu Ying?”

Fang Yuan uses the green move to return to Southern Border again.

Currently, Southern Border in Five Regions is the safest. Even if the Southern Border Righteous Path is to deal with him, he has a large number of prisoners in his hands to speak the conditions, and he knows the most about the Southern Border’s situation.

Fang Yuan was not in a hurry to start with Miao Mingshen. His rebirth plan went smoothly and was well thought out. Even if Fang Yuan wanted to kneel down on Miao Mingshen, it would be a bit too hasty.

Everything must be on the fire, waiting for the timing to mature, one thing to do step by step, regular and thorough.

Sometimes life needs to be fast, sometimes it needs to be slow.

Too fast, the fire is too big, and the good things are burnt. It’s too slow, the fire is small, it’s always hot, and it’s a waste of time.

The speed of the speed, Fang Yuan already mastered very well.

Next his main job, still clone!

He needs to condense a Dragonoid clone.

Bai Ningbing’s mastery of the Dragonoid change has been obtained by Fang Yuan, who has long studied this method.

This method is called Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu, which means that Gu Immortal regards himself as a coffin, combines Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire, refining, and finally changes the race, completely becoming Dragonoid.

This method has a success rate of less than 1%, and in the process of refining gu, all of Da Im Marks of Gu Immortal will affect the final result.

When Fang Yuan first saw it, he was amazed at the whimsy of this method.

Later, he discovered the inadequacies of this method.

This method was created by Duke Long. Duke Long is good at Qi Dao and Transformation Dao. It is not very profound in Refining Dao. It relies on the contact of Qi Dao and Transformation Dao.

Fang Yuan is Refining Dao Quasi Supreme, and this method can make a huge improvement in Refining Dao. After the improvement, the success rate will increase a lot, and it is even possible to reach 10%.

That is 10%.

This probability is already the limit of Fang Yuan’s improvement, and it can’t be improved any more.

Because the Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu method is essentially the ultimate move of Human Dao, involving Transformation Dao’s Profound Truth.

Fang Yuan’s Transformation Dao Realm, not comparable to Duke Long. This is especially true for Human Dao Realm.

Therefore, the Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu method is also a good material, allowing Fang Yuan comprehend to come out of Human Dao’s littleessence.

“What really hinders me is Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire!”

Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire is a rare artifact in Rank 9 immortal materials, Heaven, Earth, Human three flames.

White Phase’s Celestial Grotto has a group originally, but has been used by Bai Ningbing. There is nothing in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Public offer in Treasure Yellow Heaven?

No, Fang Yuan has a better choice!

Xia Family headquarters.

In the great hall, the atmosphere is dignified.

Fang Yuan’s is still the first to be sent to Xia Family.

“Fang Yuan thief, sinful, damn! The kill!” Xia Feikuai whispered, his face stunned.

The rest of Xia Family Gu Immortal is also a look of sorrow.

But in addition to anger and hatred, these Righteous Path Gu Immortal also have a dreamlike unreality.

Dignified Xia Family, super power, there will be such a day, being blackmailed by a Demonic Path Gu Immortal!

The ransom of the blackmail is actually the strongest of Xia Family, the foundation of Xia Family, and the leader of Xia Family – Revered Great Elder Xia Cha! !

If someone told Xia Family Gu Immortal before the ambush, Xia Family Gu Immortals would make a few slaps, smile this person: Give me a little more.

But at this time, Xia Family Gu Immortals only had the urge to beat a few slaps: How did this matter fall to the point where it is now?

Xia Zhao, the Xia Family 2nd Revered Elder, is the most stressed person. He lamented: “The Information Dao mortal gu, you all watched, and Fang Yuan asked us to come up with Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire. What do you think of everyone? Let’s talk about it.”

The Xia Family group looks at each other and does not speak.

Xia Zhao had to name it, looked to Xia Feikuai: “You, you just didn’t scream loudly? Say what you mean.”

Xia Feikuai was impatient and angry with Fang Yuan, but at the moment he was indulged for a long time. He said: “Fang Yuan, the evil thief, can even kill Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal. Although it is a Rank 7 cultivation base, it is too wicked. If he really wants the life of my family Xia Cha, there will be no consideration. Maybe we can unite with other families? Fang Yuan blackmails us, and certainly extorts other families!”

As soon as this was said, Xia Liupei immediately retorted: “What we lost is Revered Great Elder. How can those outsiders rely on it? Now they want us to lose Xia Cha adults! Since Fang Yuan will definitely extort other forces, you can see what forces are contacting us. ?”

“You!” Xia Feikuai blinked, but couldn’t say the rebuttal. For a long time, “Even if we want to compromise, but Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire, we don’t have it.”

“My family does not mean that no one else.”

“Maybe Fang Yuan, the devil just wants to raise a high price first, and then wait for us to negotiate?”

Xia Family Gu Immortal made a speech.

Like the previous lifetime, the biggest character of Xia Family was planted in Fang Yuan’s hand, and Xia Family Gu Immortal was only certified and was extorted by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s response is very straightforward: “Don’t talk to me about other things, I want Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire! I don’t care how you get it, come over and we can continue to talk, otherwise Xia Cha’s life? Hehe.”

Fang Yuan is more calm than the previous lifetime.

Previous lifetime He blackmailed the Southern Border Righteous Path, and there are many elements of temptation.

He knows himself and knows the bottom line of every Gu Immortal, and Xia Family is eaten to death.

Although this lifetime Xia Family and Ba Family have been captured by Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the situation of Xia Family is still the worst, because Ba Family also has a strong Rank 8 candidate – Ba De!

Therefore, the first object that Fang Yuan first extorted is still Xia Family.

Xia Family does not have Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire and is also expected by Fang Yuan’s. Because he has long searched the soul of Xia Cha, and did not find anything in the library.

If it is the other family’s Rank 7 Gu Immortal, perhaps not knowing all the treasury, but Xia Cha is well known as the Revered Great Elder.

In fact, Fang Yuan really doesn’t know which of the Southern Border Righteous Paths has a collection of Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire.

It is possible to collect the collection, but the Rank 9 immortal materials are pressed at the bottom of the inventory, not the Revered Great Elder.

It is also possible that there is no this fire for the entire Southern Border Righteous Path.

Fang Yuan Regardless of this, this headache, he is ready to let Southern Border Righteous Path give him a headache.

In the Fang Yuan’s project, the Dragonoid clone is also a major event.

Because of this clone, it is about getting to the Dragon Palace!

Fang Yuan’s intelligence about the Dragon Palace is actually unknown, but he at least figured out that the Dragonoid identity is the key to inheriting the Dragon Palace.

Previous lifetime , Bai Ningbing Being Lord of Dragon Palace is the best example.

Fang Yuan continued to close-door cultivation while extorting Southern Border Righteous Path, trying to digest the results.

Soon after, the Time Flying Edge ultimate move was successfully improved, and the new ultimate move was three points stronger than the previous lifetime!

This is because Fang Yuan’s Time Dao Immortal Gu is far more than the previous lifetime.

Not only because of the annexation of Langya Blessed Land, but also because the previous generation suffered from the Southern Border group, many Time Dao Immortal Gus were preserved.

Another point is that Fang Yuan has even counted some Time Dao Immortal Gu in the Southern Border Righteous Path treasury.

First is Xia Family, then Ba Family, then Yi Family.

Yi Family’s Gu Immortal Yi Yang, the Yi Family Revered Great Elder’s dear bloodline, is the successor to Revered Great Elder’s deliberate cultivation.

The fourth place is Chi Family.

For Chi Family, Fang Yuan’s attitude is very amiable: “Chi Quyou brother, who are the two of us! This time can capture the Southern Border group, and thanks to you. Your home 2nd Revered Elder I will directly put it back to you “”

Chi Quyou looks dark and looks like a pot!

“Don’t call it so intimate!”

Chi Quyou is extremely responsive.

He found himself on the Fang Yuan’s thief boat and couldn’t come down!

These days, his mood is very heavy.

Because he knows that Fang Yuan is able to capture the Southern Border group, the most crucial reliance is the dream. And these dreams are that he secretly traded to Fang Yuan’s.

If you let Southern Border Righteous Path know this big secret, not only Chi Quyou, but even Chi Family is at stake!

Dream trading has become Chi Quyou’s heart disease, and he now wants to stop this dangerous business, but is it possible?

Thinking of what I have to face is a character like Fang Yuan, Chi Quyou is in the heart of ice-cold.

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