When the latest information was conveyed to Chi Quyou, he was standing at the window and looking at the green hills in the distance.

“Oh? Blocking Fang Yuan so quickly? It seems that he is this time, hard to avoid calamity.” Chi Quyou looked a little.

“This Fang Yuan is actually in the Southern Border transcends tribulation, leaving a clue. Hey, even if you want to hit the Rank 8, you shouldn’t be so arrogant.”

“Also… he had knocked back Heavenly Court’s attack before, and then secretly traded with me. It was too smooth. It was inevitable that some of my mind would inflate and look at my Southern Border Righteous Path.”

Chi Quyou believes that Fang Yuan has always been happy because he is too sinister and cunning, has been playing guerrillas, and has not really died with the super forces. If you don’t see the machine, you will often escape.

This time Southern Border Righteous Path The plot is full of secrets. Southern Border The Great Clan looks like a calm, no doubt, and Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal cover, anticipation.

“And Lu Weiyin, if there is no such person to join, our Southern Border Righteous Path may not be so fast, catch up with Fang Yuan. This person is not a contemporary descendant of the music, but Earth Qi from the Disaster and Tribulation. It’s amazing to find the location of Fang Yuan’s.”

Chi Quyou sighed in the heart.

Lu Weiyin’s involvement in this matter has led to a more complicated situation in today’s Southern Border Righteous Path.

This time Southern Border Righteous Path Chasing Fang Yuan, even Lu Weiyin counts, there are three Rank 8, the success of possibility is great.

If it is a success, Lu Weiyin’s prestige reputation will quickly rise, and it will definitely be a presence that needs more attention.

In fact, Lu Weiyin had been in contact with the Southern Border’s Bigighous Path forces a long time ago.

His Southern Border is a Southern Border’s nonhuman gathering place, and has absorbed many nonhumans who have been damaged by Human Race.

These nonhuman are quite beautiful in music with the earth, and according to reliable conditions, many nonhuman have been cultivated into Gu Immortal.

This made the Southern Border Human Race very disgusting and worried, but Lu Weiyin after all is a good-natured person, upholding the original ambition of Paradise Immortal Venerable, and the Southern Border Righteous Path is also not good to attack Lu Weiyin.

For a long time, Lu Weiyin has been excluded from the circle of Southern Border Righteous Path, which is the tacit understanding of all.

However, since this period of time, Lu Weiyin has been dispatched frequently. This time is a high-profile addition and actively participates in the recovery of Fang Yuan. If it is a success, his credit will not be erased, and there will be some authority in the Southern Border Righteous Path.

Chi Quyou is not optimistic about Fang Yuan at all.

Although Fang Yuan resisted Heavenly Court’s invasion of Langya Blessed Land, it is widely believed that Heavenly Court underestimated the background of Langya Blessed Land.

The most important point is that Heavenly Court has never exposed the news of the death of Thunder Ghost True Monarch and Chen Yi.

This makes the heart of Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal generally filled with confidence.

Their confidence is not rumor.

After all, they once chased Fang Yuan and took Fang Yuan out of the Southern Border as if they were walking dogs. If it wasn’t for Feng Jiuge to intervene in the middle, Fang Yuan had already been labeled as a dead dog.

Chi Quyou is more jealous of Lu Weiyin. He has already begun to figure out how to face this more authoritative and contemporary present in the future.

As for Fang Yuan?

Chi Quyou has some regrets.

Whether he is born or dead, as long as he falls into the hands of Southern Border Righteous Path, the deal between Fang Yuan and Chi Quyou is completely over.

This is detrimental to the interests of Chi Family!

Therefore, Chi Quyou regrets.

Although Fang Yuan had attacked Chi Family Resource Point and damaged the interests of Chi Family, Chi Quyou did not hate it at all.

In his view, the results of the Dream Dao that he traded have completely compensated for these losses.

Chi Quyou is even less afraid that Fang Yuan will catch himself and catch himself.

As previously analyzed, even if Fang Yuan came up with iron-clad evidence and couldn’t veto it, it was only Chi Quyou and Fang Yuan’s trading nothing more.

According to Chi Family’s volume and background, there are indeed some losses, but it still cannot shake the roots of Chi Family.

However, if Chi Quyou reported this to Fang Yuan and informed him of the Southern Border Righteous Path’s recovery action, the nature would be different.

This is the enemy to sell friends!

If it is revealed, even if Chi Quyou has a Rank 8 cultivation base, Chi Family will suffer the joint siege of Southern Border Righteous Path. If it is not good, it will destroy the family.

As a leader of one side Righteous Path, Chi Quyou has long been extremely accurate in this aspect.

He will not make this mistake.

If he voluntarily informs Fang Yuan, regardless of whether Fang Yuan has become a prisoner afterwards, Chi Quyou will send the evidence of the enemy to Fang Yuan.

What’s more, he and Fang Yuan have always used the relationship between defense and defense. They are not so good at risking Fang Yuan. They are willing to take advantage of themselves and Chi Family to inform the enemy.

Chi Quyou just has some concerns and regrets.

“If Fang Yuan is desecrated, I hope he will not easily reveal the results of Dream Dao, so that I can fully develop my Chi Family.”

“In fact, Fang Yuan is also an illustrious individual. It’s a pity that it’s going to end here… If he can rise, in the future, the entire Five Regions will be even more exciting.”

When you are in a high position, you must have a good heart.

Chi Quyou really regrets the tragic end of Fang Yuan’s upcoming arrest.

At the same time, it is on the other side of Southern Border’s.

Fang Yuan is surrounded by Southern Border Gu Immortal and has a morale of rainbow and aggressive.

The old woman, headed by Rank 8 Time Dao Gu Immortal Xia Cha, looked at Fang Yuan and sneered: “Fang Yuan thief, you finally fell into my hands.”

Fang Yuan looked at her and thought: “It’s still the old line. According to the memory of previous lifetime, then you should laugh.”

Fang Yuan looks to Xia Cha’s side.

Sure enough, a moment later, Shang Family Gu Immortal Shang Huzhang standing next to Xia Cha laughed: “Lu Weiyin adults take action, it really is extraordinary, really this time to find this devil!”

(Fang Yuan: The same line, that is, the smile is more exaggerated than before. In public, Lu Weiyin’s flattering is because Shang Family has seen the unique output of the earth nonhuman?)

“Kill, kill this demon, revenge for my Southern Border Righteous Path!” Tie Ou Zhong tongue spring thunder, murderous-looking.

(Fang Yuan: I finally got to change the line, but it’s still Da Tong.)

“I finally caught Fang Yuan.” Liu Hao thought. He is the Heavenly Court, this time with the Locking Space Immortal Gu, ready to go, once Fang Yuan has signs of driving Fixed Immortal Travel, he has to push the Locking Space Immortal Gu as the core Immortal Realm Ultimate Move!

Liu Hao is much more nervous than the previous lifetime.

Because of the previous lifetime, he only needs to motivate the Locking Space Gu, but this lifetime because Fang Yuan mastered the ultimate move Cuizhuzhu in advance, which led him to use the Locking Space Gu alone, can not restrain the Fang Yuan, must use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Of course, Heavenly Court does not lack this type of ultimate move. Even if it is missing, Fairy Ziwei can calculate improvements.

Liu Hao’s reason for the tension is that this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is not very skilled. To be used in combat, it is likely to trigger failure.

If the failure of the promotion fails and the expectations of Heavenly Court are disappointing, then it is very embarrassing!

“Don’t be nervous, there is me.” Just then, the other side of the Rank 7 Gu Immortal saying with sound transmission.

Liu Hao looked at him.

“Don’t look at me!” Suddenly, the Rank 7 Gu Immortal sound transmission coldly shouted.

Liu Hao has a big roll one’s eyes, so people are pretending to be the cultivation base and the face of the Southern Border Rank 8 Gu Immortal Ba Shiba!

“There is this person, but we have three Rank 8. This time it is not an attack on Langya Blessed Land. Fang Yuan does not have a grand formation to help… Once I start the war, I should have many opportunities to calmly push the ultimate move. Liu Hao analyzed in his heart, and the emotions of worry really eased a lot.

However, a moment later.


Grand formation opens and merges Southern Border Gu Immortal with Fang Yuan.

“Damn 咧!” Liu Hao’s eyes are going out, almost roaring, “How come there is a grand formation?!”

In the grand formation, the earth is round and round, forming a blue sky.

Southern Border Groups are all changing.

“This is a trap!” someone shouted.

Lu Weiyin is silent, and Xia Cha’s eyes are getting colder and colder, staring at Fang Yuan.

“Sure! We have a lot of people, a Fang Yuan in the district, what is it?”

“right. We have Xia Cha, and Lu Weiyin, not afraid of any of his Immortal Dao battlefields!”

Liu Hao said: “Which is so easy to arrange Oh! immortal grand formation? It can be triggered so quickly, more likely it is Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move. But Fang Yuan is a bit stupid, using the Immortal Dao battlefield, he himself Can’t run.”

Southern Border All immortals is an elite generation that quickly stabilizes the mind and revitalizes morale.

At this time, Lu Weiyin slowly said: “This is not the battlefield of Immortal Dao, but a super grand formation.”

“Time Dao grand formation.” Xia Cha added a sentence.

(Liu Hao mouth twitching: said for a long time, or immortal grand formation!)

“Two eyes are like a torch.” Fang Yuan smiled and admitted, then he waved his sleeves.

The door is closed, now put the dog, oh no, put Zodiac Beast!

Awoo Awoo! 吼roar! gu gu ! Gā gā gā !

A huge vortex produced out of thin air, and the numerous Zodiac Beasts were like raging tides that poured directly into them.

These Zodiac Beasts have monkeys, snakes, dragons and tigers, and they come in different shapes, at least Desolate Beast, with a lot of Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Fang Yuan has disappeared in place.

The wild Zodiac Beast was not very intelligent, and soon the fierce eyes were directed at these Southern Border Gu Immortal, revealing fangs and charging.

“Kill them.” Xia Cha ordered indifference.

Lu Weiyin sighed.

Southern Border The crowds are firing and fighting with these Zodiac Beast!

Liu Hao has a big sleeve and a lot of flying edges all around. Whenever he goes, Zodiac Beast is all cut and broken.

(Fang Yuan is in the array core, quietly: You should be in this Heavenly Court, and I will always pay attention to the ink effect. Locking Space Gu should be in your hands?)

Liu Hao, while fighting, thought about it: “It seems that there is a Time River Branch hidden here. Fang Yuan is a masterpiece. This grand formation is similar to Feng Jiuge’s. It is strange! How do I keep my heart? Hairy?”

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