Fang Yuan knows that the identity of Suan Bu Jin is just a disguise. The biggest obstacle to joining the Fáng Family is Fáng Dizhang.

Because Fáng Dizhang is the Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster.

Realm like Great Grandmaster is often an expert, difficult character in Rank 8.

But let Fang Yuan use Wisdom Dao means to deal with Fáng Dizhang’s calculations, which is too much trace. After all, Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao Realm is just the Grandmaster level, and his Wisdom Dao is good at estimating and improving the ultimate move.

Rely on Wisdom Halo, in terms of extraductive move, he can be described as the world number one person.

But in response to other Gu Immortal, restraining the calculations of other Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, it is not what Fang Yuan is good at.

Once Fang Yuan joins Fáng Family, Fáng Dizhang is likely to produce bad emotions.

Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is very calm in normal times. If the heart of the lake rises and stirs up some emotions, the meaning is very significant.

Therefore, Fang Yuan arranged Ying Wuxie, pretend to be Western Desert Gu Immortal to attack Fáng Family’s Sky Dew Oasis.

Sure enough, Fáng Dizhang did not doubt Fang Yuan’s body.

Arranging Ying Wuxie to invade Sky Dew Oasis, there is also a layer of intention.

It is to help Fang Yuan to “integrate” into the Fáng Family more quickly.

Suan Bu Jin and Fáng Family have participated in the Bean God Palace battle, but Suan Bu Jin has just joined Fáng Family, Western Desert Righteous Path does not understand, Fáng Family also has doubts about Suan Bu Jin’s loyalty.

At this time, Fang Yuan directly arranged this fight, showing his combat effectiveness, and to some extent loyal to the Fáng Family.

“Just… Fáng Dizhang’s Wisdom Dao Realm is much higher than me. The longer I have been in contact with him, the more likely he is to detect it.” Fang Yuan is secretly vigilant.

Having a Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster as an opponent is a hassle!

Rao is Fang Yuan who owns the Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move and is also at risk of being seen.

In addition, there is still one risk, which is Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie’s means of disguise is not wonderful, after all, Soul Dao is not good at this. In addition, Legendary Immemorial Soul Beast – Qing Qiu is also lurking somewhere in the Azure Ghost Desert.

These are all potential crises and risks.

However, compared to these dangers, Fang Yuan needs the massive Soul Beast to help his Soul Dao cultivation base.

He would rather take these risks!

“Although I have joined the Fáng Family now, Fáng Family has also promised to open up the Azure Ghost Desert, offering me a batch of Soul Beast or Soul Nucleus every once in a while. But they are self-contained and have a collection of Soul Nucleus. The cooperation initial stage should I will hand over the Soul Nucleus in the inventory to deal with me.”

Fang Yuan has already figured this out, so the development of Azure Ghost Desert depends on itself.

Fang Yuan never really thought about relying on Fáng Family’s power to help him hunt Soul Beast. Fáng Family This situation does not make an all-out effort.

In fact, Fang Yuan also didn’t want to let Fáng Family get too much into the Azure Ghost Desert.

Working with Fáng Family, mainly to avoid Fáng Family and yourself. After all, around Azure Ghost Desert, there is only one super power of Fáng Family.

Fang Yuan can’t be stationed at Azure Ghost Desert here, and arrange chess pieces like Ying Wuxie. Once Fáng Family is right with him, it is difficult to deal with Fang Yuan, but it is not difficult to deal with Ying Wuxie.

Fang Yuan has already thought a lot.

This matter, he has to cooperate with Fáng Family first.

Although Fáng Family does not make use of Soul Beast’s efficient means, it also hunt many Soul Beasts every year and collect Soul Nucleus, which increases stocks on the one hand and sells them on the other.

Fang Yuan, even with Suan Bu Jin’s identity, to explore the Azure Ghost Desert alone, will be seen as a pin-up by Fáng Family.

As a super power, and close to the Azure Ghost Desert, Fáng Family has already regarded Azure Ghost Desert as its own dish.

For this potential enemy, Fang Yuan is not feasible to eradicate it in advance, and only cooperate with it. Turning enemies into friends is also a way to destroy enemies.

For Fang Yuan, killing is just a means.

In addition to this means, there are countless other means.

As long as he can achieve his own goals, he is of course more willing to adopt more appropriate and more efficient means, and will not care what this means is.

This is different from the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is the only way to handle things and contradictions.

That is killing!

You are not satisfied? kill!

Are you blind? kill!

I am in a bad mood? kill!

Feeling bored? kill!

Fang Yuan began to inspect Sky Dew Oasis.

Acupuncture trees have been seen before, they are on the periphery, at a glance. The lake in the array is to be able to check in.

The water resources in Sky Dew Oasis are not only large but also more diverse.

Commonly available are Linglong Spring, Yuxi, and bitter perfumes. The rare ones are Divine Strength Water and Black-White Water.

The amount of coffin is large, and there are many immortal materials.

For example, Divine Strength Water, which is water, contains Strength Dao’s Dao Marks, which is now available on the market for Rank 6 Strength Dao immortal materials.

In the mortal story, Divine Strength Water also has a lot of names, often with a mortal leading role to drink a Divine Strength Water, to become a force to fight against the evil Gu Master’s plot.

And because Divine Strength Water is immortal materials, simply drinking belly, without the matching Gourmet Dao means, the Strength Dao’s Dao Marks in the water can kill Gu Immortal!

Therefore, the leading role of these mortals in the story is often after revenge and hate, and they are also dead.

Most important, or Black-White Water.

Black-White Water is Rank 7 immortal materials, located in the heart of the entire Sky Dew Oasis.

White Heaven | daytime, Black-White Water appears white, and at night, it appears black.

Put Black-White Water for a while, face the sky every day, Black and White Two Heavens will rotate, Black-White Water will condense a drop, two drops of Sky Dew.

Sky Dew is transparent, with small droplets on the top and a thin circle. A drop of Sky Dew is about the size of a baby’s little finger.

Sky Dew doesn’t blend together, even if there are a lot of Sky Dew, it’s just a little more than nothing.

The most valuable of Sky Dew Oasis is Sky Dew.

It is Rank 8 immortal materials !

Fang Yuan soon saw the Sky Dew accumulated here in the Black-White Water field, with more than a hundred drops.

Ying Wuxie has invaded here and has not attacked the core. The Sky Dew accumulated over the past six months is still there.

Fang Yuan laughed, unhesitatingly take action, and put 30 drops of Sky Dew into his own pocket.

This is the unspoken rule of the Righteous Path.

But Gu Immortal, who is an expatriate guarding Resource Point, has a secret to deduct some resources and support the tradition of his own cultivation.

Of course, there is no such explicit provision on the bright side.

But basically all the super powers are acquiescence.

Staying at Resource Point outside is usually a chore with risks. If there is no such sweetness, who would be willing to send out?

Fang Yuan has five hundred years of previous life experience, and naturally understands the inside and outside. Taking 30 drops of Sky Dew is the limit of his limits. This resource is of high value and is the accumulation of Sky Dew Oasis for two or three months! If you go beyond this bottom line, Fáng Family will turn his face and tell him that he is corrupt.

“Unfortunately, Nine Heavens is now broken, leaving only Black and White Two Heavens.”

“If Nine Heavens gathers, according to Sky Dew Oasis, it is not Black-White Water, but Rank 8 immortal materials Nine-colored Water. Nine-colored Water is facing the sky, Nine Heavens is spinning, and there are Nine Heavens stars. Shining day and night, every minute, a drop of Nine Heavens is produced from Nine-colored Water.”

Nine Heavens is the Rank 9 immortal materials, and the waters of all things, the rising tides and the Heaven and Earth Three Waters, which are extremely valuable and rare in Rank 9 immortal materials.

Unlike Heaven and Earth, the Nine Heavens star sweat in Heaven and Earth Three Waters has disappeared.

Because Seven Heavens of the Nine Heavens are gone, there are only two days left.

After inspecting various resources, Fang Yuan secretly sighed is indeed the top ten of the Western Desert, Sky Dew Oasis, who observes the grand formation here.

He is now appointed to guard here, and naturally he can borrow grand formation.

Fáng Family also explained some of his grand formations, and Fang Yuan tried one after another to find out the grand formation.

He has the Formation Dao Grandmaster Realm and Wisdom Dao, and he will soon get the income.

Compared to Chi Family, Fáng Family is not very good at the guardian grand formation of Sky Dew Oasis. Therefore, Fáng Family spent a lot of money and planted countless acupuncture trees to support and defend.

Fáng Family, like Chi Family, is good at Formation Dao.

But the difference is that Fáng Family specializes in Immortal Gu Home and Immortal Gu Home can be regarded as the Immortal Formation of mobility.

Chi Family is good at arranging fixed grand formations, which is the mainstream of Formation Dao.

More critically, Chi Family has a Formation Dao Great Grandmaster – Chi Quyou!

To the Formation Dao Gu Immortal of the Great Grandmaster Realm, the Immortal Formation can be arranged with the natural Dao Marks. Not only can Immortal Gu be saved, but it can also be on the favourable location, while strengthening defenses while supporting operations, fueling production in Resource Point.

Fáng Family has a grand formation in Sky Dew Oasis, which consumes a lot of Immortal Gu. But the main utility of grand formation is to increase Sky Dew production and not focus on defense.

“But the Fáng Family’s specialty is also very strong.”

“There are several Immortal Gu Homes, not only highly mobile, but also on the Immortal Gu Home, Fáng Family’s Rank 6 Gu Immortal can fight against the Rank 8 enemy.”

“If I am the head of the Fáng Family, in the face of this situation, I might as well try to gather strength, first smashing the enemy all the way, showing fierceness and shocking other Western Desert Righteous Path forces.”

“It’s just the size of this, you have to pay great attention. If you don’t grasp it well, you will be ignited by fire. The intensity is slightly smaller and it will not be deterrent.”

Fang Yuan is also trying to figure out the Fáng Family and Western Desert Righteous Path forces.

This period of time He wants to close-door cultivation, constantly digesting the results, improving the ultimate move, not important in the Southern Border or in the Western Desert.

The time is tight.

Arranging from the Southern Border Righteous Path and forming a team to chase him is already near.

Overturning the Heavens Sand Sea.

The huge Sand Wave, a wave of ups and downs. In the moonlight, white sand is like snow, Sand Wave often rises a few zhang high degrees, and imposing manner is one of the famous scenes of Western Desert.

Fáng Family’s Gu Immortals secretly lurked in, close to the Treasure Moon Oasis in the sand.

“According to the intelligence, Dong Luchen of Dong Family has come over. Act now!” Fáng Dizhang quietly sound transmission.

“Good!” Fáng Gong suddenly burst out, imposing, and directly into Treasure Moon Oasis.

Dong Luchen is flying up, and the Rank 8 is also hiding the sky and covering the earth. He surprised and angry. “Fáng Gong, I am not going to find you trouble, you are coming to me!”

Fáng Gong snarled: “Do not talk nonsense, come to war.”

The two Rank 8 Gu Immortal played against each other and set off a thunderous thunderstorm.

Dong Luchen got into a passive position and was a little bit confused because he had to be distracted to protect Treasure Moon Oasis behind him.

He is arguing with Fáng Gong’s offensive, gloomy: “You Fáng Family is waiting! You are free to attack other Rightse Path forces, you destroy the regulation, and it will not be long before there are joint sanctions of the Great Desert of the Western Desert!”

“Yes? Your Dong Family is not threatening recently. Is Treasure Moon Oasis ever attacked by my family sneak? You just can’t get the evidence, but I am kind enough to help you and send the evidence.” The broken Immortal Gu Home rises above the sound of Fáng Dizhang.

Dong Luchen is even more angry: “Fáng Dizhang, your district Rank 7 dare…”

If you haven’t finished, Fáng Family’s Immortal Gu Home will spur an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

The honest intent on Dong Luchen’s face disappeared and was replaced by shock and fear.

“This is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, don’t tell me is?!”

“Yes, it was the Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable that used to create the ultimate ultimate move – Stealing Dao!” Fáng Dizhang replied.

“No!” Dong Luchen loudly roared, turning to look at Treasure Moon Oasis.

Under the Stealing Dao ultimate move, countless natural Dao Marks in Treasure Moon Oasis reveal the image. They are long and short, and most of them are silk threads, weaving each other to form a form full of profound mystery. Some of them are like nets, while others are like entangled wool, and some pile up like hills.

Dong Luchen tried to stop, but it didn’t work.

He had a corner of the eye and could only look at these Dao Marks and put them into the Fáng Family’s Stealing Dao Immortal Gu Home.

This is the power of the Stealing Dao ultimate move!

By urging this move, Dao Marks can be directly stolen.

When Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable created this move, it only accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, which led to the qualitative change and officially created the genre of Stealing Dao.

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