Paragon Celestial Grotto.

Little Southern Border, a broken mountain, stands quietly on the ground.

Although it is broken, it is definitely a crane in a flock of chickens compared with the surrounding mounds.

It is completely different from the ordinary mountain. It is like a crystal cast. It is full of pink and always has a dreamy blur.

It is one of Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm recorded in Human Ancestor Biography – Soul Shaking Mountain!

Fang Yuan’s Divine Sense wanders around and doesn’t scatter: “Soul Shaking Mountain has been fixed to 80%, far more than the previous lifetime.”

In comparison, Fang Yuan’s previous lifetime is much harder.

He did not annex Langya Blessed Land, and his guarding war also cost him a lot of immortal essence reserves. Later, he repeatedly attacked Southern Border and collected dreams. This dealt with Chi Quyou and obtained a large number of immortal essence stones, which supplemented the immortal essence reserve.

Previous lifetime Fang Yuan Fix Soul Shaking Mountain, use Resetting Rivers and Mountains Immortal Gu, and maintain the immortal essence that consumes massive!

Resetting Rivers and Mountains Gu Only Rank 6, Fang Yuan’s immortal essence has only the Rank 7 level, and has been subjected to external oppression. Whether it is Southern Border or Heavenly Court, we must find ways to find Fang Yuan trouble.

For a long time, Fang Yuan’s immortal essence reserves have been lingering around the warning line, which is not enough to save and consume a lot.

But this lifetime, since Fang Yuan has annexed Langya Blessed Land, the situation is completely different.

He became the Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and at the same time Paragon Immortal Aperture condensed a Rank 8 White Lychee Immortal Essence, equivalent to a hundred Red Jujube Immortal Essence. In other words, Fang Yuan’s harvest on immortal essence is one hundred times before!

At the same time, Fang Yuan and Rank 7’s Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus, as well as Langya Blessed Land itself, have a lot of immortal essence stones.

Such a huge background supports Fang Yuan, making him a complete problem in the immortal essence reserve.

Immortal essence With almost no consumption, Soul Shaking Mountain’s repair speed is naturally much faster than the previous lifetime!

Previous lifetime This period, Soul Shaking Mountain has only 30% recovery. But this lifetime, has reached 70%. Soon, Soul Shaking Mountain will be repaired.

If it is the Rank number of Resetting Rivers and Mountains Immortal Gu, it can be higher, and Fang Yuan’s will be faster.

Currently, Resetting Rivers and Mountains Immortal Gu is just Rank 6 nothing more, use it to fix Soul Shaking Mountain, it is just a knife to cut trees.

In Fang Yuan’s hand Although there are Rank 8 Immortal Gu upgrade refining and Long Haired Refining Dao grand formation, it is as good as him, and he is not willing to take the risk of Resetting Rivers and Mountains Immortal Gu upgrade refining.

Unless he gets Regret Gu in the future, he will build Regret Pond.

The success probability of refining gu is too low. In case of upgrade refining failure, Immortal Gu is destroyed, then it is awkward.

Fang Yuan certainly thought about Life-Bound Gu.

Life-Bound Gu’s upgrade refining, even if it fails many times, Life-Bound Gu will be saved and will not be destroyed.

But Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone Life-Bound Gu is Spring and Autumn Cicada. Because Paragon’s body is made by Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, there is no concept of Life-Bound Gu.

“If I can take the body of one Gu Immortal, then Soul Fragment goes over and makes clone. On this basis, change the Life-Bound Gu of clone and then upgrade refining Resetting Rivers and Mountains Gu, which is safe.”

Unfortunately, the method Fang Yuan thought of can not be implemented at present.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t catch Gu Immortal’s captives. He now has a batch in his hands.

His current problem is that the soul is very expensive, the background is thin, and it is difficult for Soul Fragment.

Whenever Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal calculates Fang Yuan, the Yama Emperor ultimate move will start, consuming the Yuan Yuan’s soul background.

Fang Yuan each time makes Pure Dream Seeking True Physique and also consumes Fang Yuan’s Soul Background.

Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is the same.

Exploring dreams also hurts the soul.


Such a kind of, almost let Fang Yuan’s soul overwhelmed.

Especially recently, after Fairy Ziwei’s defeat, Fang Yuan was always calculated three times and five times, which led to the constant urging of the Yama Emperor ultimate move. Fang Yuan was overwhelmed and the Audacity Gu inventory in his hand was almost dry.

Since Fang Yuan was born again, the ink effect has brought many benefits, but it also has disadvantages.

Previous lifetime, he can still support the situation in the soul. This lifetime, but it is very bad, and then, the Audacity Gu is even worse, and Fang Yuan has to use other Soul Dao means to save the game.

These Soul Dao means have different repercussion, of course, no Audacity Gu is excellent.

“There is a one that is not good for me, that is Heavenly Court take action, and it is actually dealing with Dragon Fish business.”

“Heavenly Court now sells a lot of Silver Dragon Fish and Iron Dragon Fish, and it seems to produce Gold Dragon Fish, which will have a huge impact on my Dragon Fish business!”

“This situation has happened in the previous lifetime, but it will be in the future. I did not expect this lifetime, actually happened so much in advance.”

In this regard, Fang Yuan has no way.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was captured by Heavenly Court, Fairy Ziwei is likely to be the thrill of the defeated Langya Blessed Land, and increased the intensity of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Search, which led to adverse changes in the Dragon Fish business.

“It seems that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul really can’t support it.”

“Even if the previous lifetime Longevity Heaven attacked Heavenly Court, he didn’t come out and was imprisoned.”

Fang Yuan sighed and put his emotions in his heart.

He has no time to waste.

One minute and one second must be won, maybe in the future, this extraordinarily accumulated accumulation can help him.

Fang Yuan’s rebirth is progressing and thorough, and it is very smooth.

Langya Blessed Land was annexed by him, which made him jump to Rank 8 Gu Immortal. He swallowed the Big Four, and the background skyrocketed.

Human Dao Realm also broke through to the Great Master level.

Chi Quyou traded with him again, and the transaction was more beneficial to him than the previous lifetime.

And Fáng Family is also preparing to absorb him, and the prospects for opening up the Azure Ghost Desert are bright.

The future of all kinds of changes and achievements is completely impossible!

Fang Yuan still has no slack.

He knows that the next is the negotiation of the major leaders of Southern Border, and finally establishes the chasing team that crusades him.

On the one hand, Fang Yuan’s active attack is a huge challenge for the Southern Border Righteous Path, and the Southern Border Righteous Path must respond positively.

On the other hand, Wu Family, Tie Family, Ba Family, and so on, also want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain profits, increase their fame, and improve their own voice.

“It should be some time.”

“Because Southern Border’s big Righteous Path families have to negotiate a result, it is still difficult.”

“They have to talk to each other. After all, the trenches have emerged one after another. Great Clan has proliferated many new contradictions and embarrassment in order to compete for natural resources.”

At this moment, Tie Family’s Fire Beacon Tower laying plan is still on hold. Although Tie Family has been implemented, it has always been blocked by all ethnic groups.

Not to mention the Southern Border Major League.

Wu Yong has such ambitions, but if it is proposed at the moment, it is a joke!

Fang Yuan has a lot to do.

First, he wants to improve the ultimate move. Focusing on Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel, this move uses a combination of almost all of Space Yuan’s Space Dao Immortal Gu, many Refining Dao Immortal Gus, and a large number of support mortal gus.

This ultimate move has been used many times, and it is completely exposed.

Although Chi Quyou secretly trades with him, he will definitely collect relevant information and look for Wisdom Dao helpers to calculate the trick and find out the restraint.

In order to prevent restraint, Fang Yuan must be improved, at least to ensure that there is a modified version in hand, just in case.

Because now, Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie and the others are still cultivation in Stone Lotus Island.

Roads Open In All Directions ultimate move, I can’t use it for the time being. Although Xue’er, Mo Tansang, and Shi Shicheng have become substitutes, the number of the Fang Yuan ontology and their drills is relatively small, and there are still many gaps from the real mastery.

Fang Yuan is now heavily dependent on the Roads Open In All Directions ultimate move and the Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move. If in the event of an accident, these two methods are not working well, and Fang Yuan is surrounded again, which is dangerous.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the ultimate move of Fixed Immortal Travel, in case of the case, is Fang Yuan’s retreat.

Second, Fang Yuan wants to fix Spring and Autumn Cicada.

He is currently using Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to help the weak Rank 6 Spring and Autumn Cicada recover faster.

Once again, Fang Yuan is actively adjusting its business projects. The Dragon Fish business has been greatly affected. Heavenly Court has a big family and Fang Yuan is absolutely competitive. In the original business in Langya Blessed Land, many of Fang Yuan needed to meet their own needs, and the rest had to change their business strategies to suit today’s Fang Yuan.

In addition, Fang Yuan also disguised his identity in Treasure Yellow Heaven and acquired Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

The idea of ​​the Immortal Gu Home prototype and the calculation of the Resetting Gu ultimate move are all underway.

Fang Yuan wants to create his own Immortal Gu Home.

Previous lifetime His Immortal Gu Home prototype was repeatedly destroyed or disfigured. Such a bad experience, in his opinion, is his valuable experience, which has benefited him a lot.

The rich harvests since rebirth were quickly digested by Fang Yuan. He grabs every minute and every second, and grows fast every moment!

A few days later.

Western Desert, Fáng Family headquarters.

“Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal Joining my family this time is a great event for my family for centuries! From today, the name of Fellow Immortal will spread throughout the Western Desert, and even the other four domains.” Fáng Family Revered Great Elder Fáng Gong warmly held Fang Yuan’s hands.

Fang Yuan laughed, and the hand was pumped back.

This old guy in front of him seems to be heroic, but it is very insidious. Fang Yuan had witnessed this, and the old fogey sneak attack concealed Chen Yi. In the Bean God Palace, Chen Yi was beaten and swollen.

“I joined Fáng Family, Fáng Gong personally greeted, and also took Fáng Dizhang, and I couldn’t wait to spread the news out. It seems that Fáng Family’s situation is really bad.” Fang Yuan thought in his heart and looked at Fáng. Dizhang, laughed at him.

Fáng Dizhang’s heart is inexplicably tight, he secretly surprised: “What is going on? Why is there a very bad feeling?”

a moment later, Fáng Dizhang, Fáng Gong’s face has changed slightly.

Fáng Gong angered: “Great courage! There is Demonic Path Gu Immortal invading my family’s Sky Dew Oasis. Does this mean that my Fáng Family is weak now?”

Fáng Dizhang’s face was so heavy that he stared at Fang Yuan. “It’s a bit complicated. It’s not necessarily Demonic Path Gu Immortal take action. It’s the trajectory of those forces, especially when Suan Bu Jin Elder just joined us in the delicate moment. We just posted the news in Treasure Yellow Heaven and this happened…”

Fang Yuan was shocked by coldly snorted, looking gloomy: “Let me deal with this matter.”

Fáng Gong and Fáng Dizhang quickly looked at each other, Fáng Gong clap his hands: “Okay, then we are looking forward to guest elder your good news.”

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