Cloud Bamboo mountain range.

Fang Yuan is high over the air, and Immortal Rank Enslave Dao ultimate move all around.

In the middle!

Desolate Beast Cloud Leopard struggles fiercely in the glow of the ultimate move. But very quickly, this resistance quickly decayed, and eventually they were motionless, staying in place and bowing to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan smiles, opens the Immortal Aperture Portal, and Cloud Leopard drills in obediently.

Not only Cloud Leopard, but also other massive creatures, can’t escape Fang Yuan’s claws.

Cloud Bamboo mountain range is a large Resource Point, full of rich Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks. It is very normal to breed Desolate Beasts and Plants, even Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Fang Yuan quickly searched and had memories of previous life. He knew the location of these Desolate Beasts and Plants.

Soon, he harvested seven Desolate Beast Cloud Leopard, a total of eleven Desolate Plants, namely mist root, White Hair ginseng and gun tip bamboo. There is also a piece of Rank 7 immortal materials – the Cloud Soil that emits seven colors, which is very large.

“The time is very good!” Fang Yuan counted the time.

Previous lifetime, he just spent a lot of time searching for these. But this time because it was the second robbery, the business was skilled and very fast, saving a lot of time.

“Previous lifetime, I just searched for it. In fact, there are still a lot of places in this mountain range, there is no starting point.”

Fang Yuan explored the strange site and found a Desolate Beast Cloud Leopard.

He is using the Enslave Dao ultimate move to suppress, the Langya Earth Spirit in Immortal Aperture is rumored: “reporting to Master, our new Wood Dao Immortal Gu, has been explored with the foot, it is Wood Dao Rank 6 Immortal Gu, Named Complete Bamboo !”

Gu are the true essences of Heaven and Earth. There is no doubt that Complete Bamboo Immortal Gu is the most valuable treasure in the Cloud Bamboo mountain range.

Previous lifetime , Fang Yuan was blocked by the grand formation of Cloud Bamboo mountain range for a while. The two Chi Family Gu Immortal, who are here, are very decisive and destroyed the wild Immortal Gu that was about to take shape before fleeing.

But in this life, Fang Yuan noticed this, just took the action and hit the vital point, breaking the grand formation and placing the unformed wild Immortal Gu under his control.

Chi Family Two Gu Immortals dumbfounded, grand formation was broken too fast by Fang Yuan!

This grand formation also resisted Fang Yuan for a while in the previous lifetime, but since Fang Yuan previous lifetime broke the grand formation, I understand the operation of this array. This lifetime take action will be easy. It broke.

Fang Yuan got a little while, the wild Immortal Gu just formed, he was refined on the spot.

Complete Bamboo Immortal Gu, only the size of the little finger of an ordinary person. It has a long, flat body with a flat front and back cover that covers the head. The head is small. The eyes are semi-spherical.

Fang Yuan used to put it in his hands. Its body and coleoptera are very soft. There are six webs in the abdomen, and the tail end is bright, and the radiance is green and deep.

Overall, Complete Bamboo Immortal Gu is a firefly that glows dark green.

“right right, this Immortal Gu is just for me.” Fang Yuan showed a slight smile.

Fang Yuan eradicates Chen Yi and gets his soul, always in Soul Search.

Chen Yi is the Origin Lotus School Revered Great Elder. When she was young, she got an Origin Lotus True Inheritance – Karma Divine Tree. In the battle of Langya Blessed Land, I got another Origin Lotus True Inheritance – Cause Arrive, Effect Depart.

So, in Fang Yuan’s hand has two Origin Lotus True Inheritance!

However, the root of Cause Arrive, Effect Depart is also the Karma Divine Tree.

The core Immortal Gu of these two ultimate moves, in addition to the Law Dao Immortal Gu, is the Wood Source Gu.

Chen Yi was killed, Void Orifice dissipated, and Gu insect in it had long been self-destructive. Fang Yuan wanted to cultivate Origin Lotus True Inheritance and had to prepare Gu insect himself.

Mortal gu can be solved, but Immortal Gu needs to be prepared.

Complete Bamboo Immortal Gu is obviously Wood Source Gu and can participate in the relevant cultivation of Origin Lotus True Inheritance.

When Chi Quyou manipulates the Highest Universe Buddhist Temple and arrives at the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, Fang Yuan has long since ran away!

Chi Family Gu Immortals stupidly looks at Cloud Bamboo mountain range .

Many people have big eyes and unbelievable expression: “Bare, is this the Cloud Bamboo mountain range? What about our splendid Cloud Bamboo mountain range?”

An old Gu Immortal almost squirted the old blood, and he trembled ly-ly said: “I have been stationed here for a while, operating the mountain range, exhausted my efforts, but I was forced to be Fang Yuan thief! Fang Yuan, you This devil, I am not in harmony with you!”

Some people think, the tone is heavy: “The common Cloud Bamboo we planted here is very large, so we have to use the ingenious Wood Dao ultimate move to get it quickly. Fang Yuan is obviously ready!”

Fang Yuan previous lifetime is indeed a lack of Wood Dao means, and finally left the mass of the ordinary Cloud Bamboo in the mountains, only took the Desolate Plant.

But this lifetime, he came with the advantage of rebirth, of course, is fully prepared.

Fang Yuan designed a Wood Dao Immortal Move specifically for the collection of Cloud Bamboo!

His Wood Dao Realm is not high, but on on Wisdom Halo, it is appropriate to figure out a Rank 6 ultimate move for mortal materials.

He annexed Langya Blessed Land and won several Wood Dao Immortal Gus, which can be used here.

Langya Blessed Land is rich in treasury. White Hair Earth Spirit dominates Blessed Land. It has a very long time and has been running 100,000 years. There are several Immortal Gus in every mainstream genre. They are not systematic, they are all Earth Spirit refining, or they are prepared to study the problem of Refining Dao.

Fang Yuan used the wood bud Immortal Gu, which was used to form the bacterium.

Chi Quyou’s face is covered with clouds, and the hidden hands in the big sleeves have already pinched the beads a fist.

“Fang Yuan…” He secretly gritted his teeth, and his previous fantasies shattered.

Fang Yuan is for Chi Family!

But Chi Quyou absolutely can’t figure out why Fang Yuan wants to target him, against Chi Family.

When you first chase you, the entire Southern Border Righteous Path has a share. The most hated with you is Wu Yong, you go to Wu Family. If you suspect that Wu Family is strong, you will bully the weak, such as Qiao Family or something.

Our Chi Family is not weak, and it is always in the upper level in the Southern Border Righteous Path!

Who do I provoke, who are you to deal with?

Where can you not understand me, can I change it?

You can say it, can’t you?

Between people and people, the focus is on communication!

The most annoying thing is that you are such a person! If you do not move, you will engage in a raid, and if you do damage, you will plunder! The key is still silent!

Why are you doing this? You bastard!

Not just Chi Quyou, Gu Immortal of the entire Chi Family feels feel wronged and feels awkward.

“Why is Fang Yuan clearly targeting us, and it is obviously deliberately fully prepared. What is he trying to figure out?”

“We have to figure out this first, this will be our first condition for dealing with Fang Yuan’s.” Chi Quyou pondered for a moment and said.

He put down his previous luck and decided to deal with Fang Yuan.

Don’t deal with him, Chi Quyou is not good for the family.

Demonic Path Gu Immortal is often alone, but Righteous Path does not work, maintaining an organization, and must not rely solely on personal preferences and personal freedom. As far as Chi Quyou is concerned, even with the Rank 8 cultivation base, he has the care of the bloodline descendants.

Cloud Bamboo mountain range For Chi Family, it’s not just a large Resource Point.

When Chi Family started, Chi Family ancestors saved money, grit his teeth, and built the Cloud Bamboo mountain range.

Cloud Bamboo mountain range provides a stable source of economic growth for Chi Family.

Cloud Bamboo mountain range is the glorious history of Chi Family, with Chi Family’s consciousnessness.

Fang Yuan’s looting of the Cloud Bamboo mountain range is itself a violation of the pride of Chi Family Gu Immortal and the historical feelings of Chi Family.

Just then, Chi Quyou and the others re-requested Chi Family Gu Immortal’s help.

“Report –! Fang Yuan suddenly appeared in Fengyanshan and is currently exhibiting the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move, attacking Protecting Mountain grand formation.”

“Report –! Fang Yuan appears outside the cave, and is temporarily blocked by the grand formation outside the cave, mysteriously disappearing.”

Unlike before, Fang Yuan suddenly appeared in two locations.

Chi Family Gu Immortals is amazed, don’t tell me Fang Yuan and two are not?

“One is pretending, one is real?”

“Or Fang Yuan’s clone, it’s also possible.”

“No, according to the time in the information, Fang Yuan first appeared in the cave, then used Fixed Immortal Travel to attack Fengyanshan.” Chi Quyou calmly analyzed.

“as a result, is Fang Yuan still in Fengyanshan? We must rush to support immediately!”

“But why did he send it to the cave before? Is this more than that?”

“Maybe he found that the guardian grand formation is very powerful, so he chose Fengyanshan, which is easier to attack?”

“No, these two are giant Resource Points, and the guardian grand formations are equally powerful. There is no obvious strength or weakness.” Chi Quyou wondered, and suddenly his mind flashed.

He is quiet: “Rescue rescue.”

“This is the only way! If the giant Resource Point is broken by Fang Yuan, then our Chi Family will be hurt.”

“But will this be Fang Yuan’s plan, he wants to induce us to divide?”

“Fang Yuan’s strength is not what it used to be, it is no longer the time before we were chased. The characters like Feng Jiuge have been planted so badly…”

Chi Family Gu Immortals is hesitant and jealous of Fang Yuan.

“Do we want to ask for help?” Suddenly there was one Gu Immortal started talking.

In the entire Highest Universe Buddhist Temple, there was a silence.

This is actually what most of Gu Immortal wants to say, but it doesn’t say nothing more.

In the silence, the eyes of Qunxian went to Chi Quyou.

Chi Quyou was frosty, coldly shouted: “The other party is just a Rank 7 Gu Immortal! And my family is only being attacked by two Resource Points, which makes us in a big mess, go outside to ask for help? We Chi Family can not afford to lose This person! Who is still dead? Chi Family is only the old and the weak women? Haven’t had a fight with Fang Yuan, actually want to ask for help? Your courage? Your bravery? You are Chi Family. Glory?”

The group of immortals bowed their heads and was screamed by Chi Quyou.

Chi Quyou trained them to stop, and immediately ordered: “Just as I said! I went to Fengyanshan, you manipulates Highest Universe Buddhist Temple, support the cave. Support as soon as possible, but don’t mess up the square. The guardian of the giant Resource Point Grand formation, not so fragile. Keep in touch!”

“Yes, adults!”

No one opposed Chi Quyou’s order.

As far as the current position is concerned, they are closer to Fengyan Mountain and farther away from the cave. So Space Dao Immortal Gu Home Highest Universe Buddhist Temple, straight into the hole. Chi Quyou is not fast enough to support Feng Yanshan.

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