Fang Yuan looked at Stealing Life Immortal Gu.

This Immortal Gu is shaped like a bee. It has the size of an adult fist. The body is stained with gold and black, and the body is covered with a thin layer of scarlet halo. Once the flying dance is up, this layer of scared red light halo will be greatly rises.

The most striking thing is the bee’s tail, very sharp and slender, and the length of the far surpasses the bees themselves, the length of the adult forearm.

According to rumors, Stealing Life Immortal Gu is the first one Immortal Gu from Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable when he was young.

Fang Yuan looks at Stealing Life Immortal Gu, I can’t help but overflow: “Speaking of Heavenly Thief, although it’s Demon Venerable, it’s actually temperate, not killing, not like Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable. But it’s because of this temperament. He only created the genre Stealing Dao.”

Fang Yuan still knows more about Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable.

Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable is Demon from Beyond The Heavens. He wants to go back to the original World, but his temperament is peaceful, he is not good at killing, he has to accumulate resources, keep cultivation, and find the possibility of going home.

How to do?

In the face of this problem, Stealing Dao – is the beautiful answer he gave!

Ten Great Venerables is the most outstanding figure in the history of Human Race.

After Fang Yuan was born again, he was more interested in these Venerables and paid more attention to them.

It can be said that Fang Yuan previous lifetime revolves around the restoration of Fate Gu, Venerable worked with a pivotal role, each time Venerable’s take action almost subverts the entire battle.

Venerable’s invincible power, Venerable’s far-reaching calculations, left a deep impression on Fang Yuan.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s mind flashed.

“Infinite, Stars, Genesis, Origin Lotus, Ju Yang, Red Lotus, and Happy Land have all participated in the fights of the Five Regions in a variety of ways.”

“The rest of Heavenly Thief, Reckless, and Gloomy Soul have not taken action.”

“No, Gloomy Soul has been captured, only a group of souls, how can there be hands-on ability. I inherited Shadow Sect True Inheritance, leading the participation in Shadow Sect, it can be counted as his take action.”

“Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is extremely powerful, murderous nature first, and after the death, it has accumulated strength to reach the Terrifying Realm of the Grand Continental at least Great Grandmaster. Realm alone is the first in history and surpasses all Venerable.”

“But he also has to obey the most fundamental regulation, no immortal essence, no Gu insect, only a group of Remnant Soul, a clever woman is difficult to be without rice, and is held dead by Heavenly Court.”

“So Heavenly Thief, Reckless, Demon Venerable, have you ever thought that there will be a fight in the Five Regions?”

“It should be able to count it. After all, Genesis and Infinite have figured out and left behind. The two climbing foundations are equal to the Rank 9 Venerable, and they are the people of later generations. How can they not be?”

“They counted in this battle, then did they leave any means of intervention?”

“Heavenly Thief may have a heart to return, then Reckless? In history, he also attacked Heavenly Court’s Demon Venerable. His means of leaving behind may be high.”

“The previous life is not revealed, but can I find the means that Reckless left behind in this life and use it?”

Fang Yuan thinks of it, can’t help but it’s a bright idea!

In the face of Heavenly Court, unless he becomes a Rank 9 Venerable, he has to borrow.

At this time, the Langya Earth Spirit standing on the side interrupted Fang Yuan’s thoughts: “Fang Yuan, you now have Rank 8 Stealing Life Immortal Gu, and the Rank 8 Immortal Gu on hand seems to have been up to five! tut tut, it is incredible Ah, you are just a Rank 7 cultivation base, and you have five Rank 8 Immortal Gu! An example of your history is also can be counted on one’s fingers.”

Langya Earth Spirit tut tut is amazing and sighs.

Fang Yuan got Stealing Life at the moment, and there are Manner Gu, Intelligent Sword Gu, Years Flow Like Water, and Controlling Soul Beast. It is indeed the Five Immortal Gus.

This is certainly not Wisdom Gu, because Wisdom Gu is up to Rank 9!

Langya Earth Spirit has always been very concerned about Fang Yuan, so I still know more about his situation.

Fang Yuan laughed, but I didn’t care.

Don’t tell me He also wants to tell Langya Earth Spirit, in the future he will get Spring, Summer, Atmosphere, Regret Gu, these Rank 8 Immortal Gu?

Say, will you scare the Langya Earth Spirit?

“It’s just this Stealing Life Immortal Gu. There are drawbacks. The Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable stayed, but I was afraid that it would bring too much trouble to all beings, so I only left three chances to use it. The previous lifetime 琅琊 Guard war, Three chances were used up, killing Thunder Ghost True Monarch, and then Stealing Life was directly destroyed by Chen Yi using the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move.”

“This is not the whole flaw of Stealing Life. Using Stealing Life Immortal Gu alone, the enemy and the enemy will not be able to deal with the enemy, but it will endanger themselves. This is very embarrassing.”

“So after getting Stealing Life Immortal Gu, I have to figure out some ultimate move, at least to change this drawback.”

“If it is possible, it would be better to solve the three-time limit of Stealing Life Immortal Gu.”

Fang Yuan’s thoughts in his mind are fleeting.

However, he also knows that Stealing Life Immortal Gu’s three use opportunities are Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s lifetime restrictions. It is very difficult to break, and hope is extremely embarrassing.

Think of it here, Fang Yuan vs. Langya Earth Spirit lightly smiled: “Revered Great Elder, this Stealing Life Immortal Gu seems to have only three chances to use it? Reevered Great Elder can figure out what is going on?”

Langya Earth Spirit was shocked.

Fang Yuan actually saw it!

How is this possible?

This is the hands and feet of Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, even if you can’t find it yourself. From the outside, there is no clue and everything is normal.

Even the former Earth Spirit used the various Refining Dao methods to find the Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s limit.

Fang Yuan just looked at a few eyes, he came to understand it? !

Langya Earth Spirit was shocked and asked, “How did you find out?”

As soon as the words were exported, the face of Langya Earth Spirit changed again, because such a question undoubtedly confirmed Fang Yuan’s words.

He coughed and looked 尴尬-ly said: “I didn’t mean to hide you, I was going to say it.”

Earth Spirit can’t lie, but it can also be tempted. Like the Black Hair Earth Spirit in front of you, you are ambitious and your leadership is quite right. His predecessor, White Hair Earth Spirit, is better at forbearing and runs Langya Blessed Land to get rich.

Black and white Earth Spirit, each with its own strengths.

Black Hair Earth Spirit “Intended to tell the truth”, specifically “When Fang Yuan finds the cat tired, tells the truth”, it is not a lie.

Fang Yuan looks at Black Hair Earth Spirit ,like a smile yet not a smile : “Revered Great Elder, it would have been replaced by Refining Dao. It wouldn’t work with these Immortal Gus. Now Stealing Life is in this state, more I have to add some things to make up the difference.”

Black Hair Earth Spirit made a white of the eyes and muttered: “Of course I know. You say, what else do you need?”

Fang Yuan smiled at the corner: “I have a proposal.”

He said the proposal, the idea is to deepen cooperation with other tribes, using the background of Langya School in exchange for Time Dao Immortal Gu in the hands of three different races.

Langya Earth Spirit can’t help but be surprised: “Change Time Dao Immortal Gu? So, Fang Yuan, do you want to develop into Time Dao?”

Fang Yuan nodded.

it is necessary.

Now, he has not eradicated Xia Cha, lacks the Spring Time, Summer, Autumn, Winter four Time Dao Immortal Gu, nor has he got the Rank 7 blade from Tie Ou Zhong. The Time Flying Edge ultimate move can’t be used.

The Time Dao Immortal Gu on Fang Yuan comes mainly from two parts, the main part is Hei Fan True Inheritance, followed by some Gu insects left by the Graceful Battle Stage.

Fang Yuan’s Refining Dao Realm is the Quasi Supreme Grandmaster, and his Time Dao Realm is the same!

Plus, Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is still in the River of Time, and Fang Yuan has to sway the River of Time.

Of course, you need the tough strength of Time Dao!

Langya Earth Spirit nodded: “Then I will give up this old face and talk to other tribes. Fang Yuan, the key now is Heavenly Court. We have to quickly remove the unfavorable Dao Marks from Blessed Land and then as soon as possible. Secret migration is what it is.”

Fang Yuan quickly comforted the anxious Black Hair Earth Spirit: “I have a lot of heart, rest assured. I collect these Time Dao Immortal Gu, also to deal with Heavenly Court. The disadvantage of Dao Marks in Langya Blessed Land, I also have some coping Solution, I will improve our Super Immortal Formation over time.”

“You can do it.” Black Hair Earth Spirit patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder and left.

He was extremely efficient and soon settled, handing Time Dao Immortal Gu to Fang Yuan.

At this point, it is the collection of Langya School itself, plus the exchange of nonhuman hands, there are five Time Dao Immortal Gu, three Rank 6, two Rank 7.

Rank 7 has Time Hiding Immortal Gu, Time Hand Immortal Gu, and Rank 6 with Immortal Gu yesterday, ten days, and years.

The most helpful to Fang Yuan is Time Hiding Immortal Gu, which can be invisible to Gu Immortal, and Fang Yuan is overjoyed.

Time Hand Immortal Gu is the culmination of the attack, urging it, will send a fine needle to assassinate the enemy.

The other three Rank 6s are unsatisfactory, at best as support Immortal Gu.

one day later.

A large number of Rank 8 immortal materials squatted and made a colorful whirlpool.

Wisdom Gu is actively involved in the whirlpool, like a cat smelling fishy.

Fang Yuan opens the Paragon Immortal Aperture and pulls the colorful vortex into his Blessed Land.

At the beginning, the Langya Earth Spirit relied on this method to scam Wisdom Gu from Fox Immortal Blessed Land to Langya Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan previous lifetime This method is also used.

This time, although he is familiar, but pretended to be unfamiliar, he is amazed at the means of Langya Earth Spirit.

Concealing the secret of rebirth again, we must start from these details.

Although Black Hair Earth Spirit was praised by Fang Yuan, the loss of the heart has already been revealed.

“Hey, I feel like my heart is empty.” Black Hair Earth Spirit sighed deeply, but he had a long history of Wisdom Gu. Unexpectedly, it was Fang Yuan’s. In the whole process, Black Hair Earth Spirit also took a lot of Longevity Gu.

But there is no way, in the second invasion of Heavenly Court, in order to prevent Wisdom Gu from falling into the hands of Heavenly Court, Black Hair Earth Spirit is not willing, but also has to hold his nose and bow his head!

“This Immortal Gu Formula, you are carefully examined, then we will refine this Immortal Gu.” After Fang Yuan took back Wisdom Gu, he handed it over to the Langya Earth Spirit for an Immortal Gu Formula.

Langya Earth Spirit Take a closer look: “Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu?”

“right. This is a great use for me, it can greatly improve my battle strength, and it is very helpful to deal with Heavenly Court.” Fang Yuan said as he walked out of the mountain valley. “You are ready, I will go out.” Search for the main four immortal materials.”

“Hey, wait, are you trying to improve the grand formation of Blessed Land?”

Fang Yuan didn’t return, just waved his hand: “Reassured, I have a lot in my heart.”

Langya Earth Spirit: “…”

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