“It’s too late to go again. Everyone, please force Having common wishes, counterattack Heavenly Court! The other party has used Onceering Fate ultimate move, within a short time, will never use the second time. This is our last Opportunity!” Bing Saichuan.

Gu Immortals reacted immediately, biting his teeth and rushing to kill.

Bing Saichuan is right, Supervising Heaven Tower’s is extremely fast and they can’t escape.

Of course, no one has ever thought of using Gu Immortal around to delay for themselves, so as to get the time to escape.

But the key is that Central Continent is too big, they are now deep into Central Continent, even if the scattered escape of each and every one, Supervising Heaven Tower also has enough time to eradicate one after another.

As a result, Southern Border and Northern Plains were all trapped in Danger Realm and had to fight.

This is a good kill, killing murky heavens dark earth.

Northern Plains and Southern Border various immortal know that their situation is extremely dangerous, and there is no trace of their hands. They have come up with the means of life and exhaustion.

Heavenly Court’s side was aggressive when it was chased, but after being attacked by the coalition forces in the north and the south, it fell into a disadvantage.

“Fairy Ziwei, Fate Gu’s news of repairing success has been announced to the world?” Duke Long to oversee Supervising Heaven Tower, contact Fairy Ziwei.

Immediately, Fairy Ziwei responded: “It’s already spread the message to Treasure Yellow Heaven. Not only that, but Duke Long’s current battle scene is also being spread around by Human Dao.”

Since the Rank 9 Fate Gu has been completely restored, Heavenly Court naturally wants to spread the news and raise its morale to make the enemy feel terrified.

As a result, Heavenly Court can pack people’s hearts and even directly dismiss Gu Immortal, who is still messing around and searching for resources in the corner of Central Continent.

The previous Duke Long command just spread the Fate Gu message. But Fairy Ziwei did a step closer, and she simply spread the battle of Undefeatable Blessed Land around.

For a time, the mortal of the massive and the Gu Master, a large number of Gu Immortal were informed of the battle.

Heavenly Court’s move demonstrates their confidence to win!

It is also clear that Heavenly Court, which has the Rank 9 Fate Gu, has a huge advantage on the battlefield.

Fairy Ziwei takes the opportunity to showcase Heavenly Court’s force, and the Southern Border and Gu Immortal of the Northern Plains elite will be wiped out. Central Continent and Heavenly Court’s will rise to the top!

Duke Long understands the meaning of Fairy Ziwei, but he can’t help but gently frown.

“At the moment, the north and southvarious immortal are trapped in Danger Realm. It is like a beastly beast, and it has a sorrowful ambition, so we are falling into the wind. Although this is only a temporary situation…”

Duke Long understands the deep meaning of Fairy Ziwei, although it is somewhat rash, but since she has done so, he will actively cooperate.

To maximize the strength of Heavenly Court, not only announced the announcement of the success of the Fate Gu, but also showed a strong battle strength, making people completely chilly, not dare to confront Heavenly Court.

This time Gu Refining Grand Meeting, the other four domains of Gu Immortal have take action. They raged in Central Continent, searching for cultivation resources, which greatly damaged Heavenly Court’s voice.

Now to reinvigorate the sound, Heavenly Court’s side will show the superb battle strength, and the current north and southvariate immortal will be wiped out, so as to restore the prestige, inspiring people, let the other four domains Gu Immortal deeply jealous, and then dare not offend.

Withering Fate ultimate move is undoubtedly the best choice.

It is an extreme move at the Rank 9 level, because the Fate Gu is completely fixed, and the formidable power is more terrifying.

But at this time, it will take some time to show up.

Withering Fate ultimate move does not motivate frequently.

“It seems that I have to do it myself. Otherwise, the situation is spreading everywhere. My Heavenly Court various immortal is being pressed and pressed, and the face is not good.”

Duke Long arranged for several Heavenly Court Gu Immortal to take over from Supervising Heaven Tower, and he slowly floated out.

“Duke Long is out, be careful!” Bing Saichuan knows Duke Long’s terrifying and reminds him.

“Let’s do it together!” Sovereign Yao shouted, and Fang Yuan and the others responded quickly.

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House and other Immortal Gu Home screened these Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

When Duke Long first came out, it fell into the siege of Fang Yuan and the others.

Counting the Rank 8 ultimate move, it’s a slap in the face.

“Be careful!”


“Get away!!”

Central Continent, especially in the 10 Great Ancient Sects, a large number of Gu Immortal exclaimed.

Through the changing images, they saw Duke Long being besieged, anxiously worried and angry.

Hōng hōng hōng ……

A burst of indiscriminate bombing, picking up the sky and dust.

In the smoke, Duke Long’s huge silhouette is standing still.

The nine-headed dragon phantom on his body, suddenly stretched out, brought a gust of wind, and instantly scattered the smoke.

Duke Long looked calm and still hovered in the same place.

The indifferent dragon eye glanced around him, Duke Long said: “Just like this juggling, do you want to tickle me?”

“Strong! really strong!” and Duke Long’s first encounter with Sovereign Yao and the others, all of them have a big shock, even though they have already got the first-hand report of the Heavenly Court battlefield from Bing Saichuan.

Bing Saichuan secretly gritted his teeth and his eyes showed a faint color: “He is several times stronger than before! There is no Seven Extremity All Desolate, and the semi-disabled Fortune Stealing Altar will not be his opponent. What should I do?” ”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons !

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Scars!

Fang Yuan and Heavenly Monarch Baiju also urged the ultimate move, while Sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, Ghost Flood Dragon was over the sky, and the other side of the gray centipede was flying all over the sky.

Two sides ultimate move Like a tide, one left and one right, one up, drowning Duke Long.

Central Continent, countless spectators exclaimed and worried about Duke Long.

In the middle of the sea, Duke Long remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs: “Good moves… but not enough!”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Qi Flow Scissor.


In the huge roar, the hustle and bustle of the sea swelled.

The Qi Flow Scissor flew around and wherever it went, the Flood Dragon was as fragile as paper and was easily cut. The scorpion group is even more unbearable, and the broken body is shattered and sprinkled.

Seeing Duke Long safe and sound, the entire Central Continent is a piece of jubilation.

“mother, is the Central Continent’s immortal on the head?”

“Duke Long, legendary Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s Master! How powerful is this.”

“Heavenly Court take action, I still have to withdraw first.”

“The resources have been searched a lot. Let’s leave here and say.”

As Duke Long and Fairy Ziwei expected, the invading Gu Immortal began a massive retreat, and Central Continent’s morale continued to rise, and it was a concerted event, Million People One Mind.

“The consumption tactics have no effect at all.” Heavenly Monarch Baiju looks pale.

“Next, my turn.” Duke Long lightly snorted, dragon phantom suddenly flashed, the whole person suddenly disappeared.

“So fast!”

“Where have you been?”

Yi Haofang suddenly heard the alarm in his heart, he suddenly looked up and saw Duke Long on his head.

Dragon Claw bombarded, and Yi Haofang only had time to raise his arms.


A loud noise, Yi Haofang was shot by Dragon’s Claw Strike, 50~60, and slammed on the ground, pulling out a huge deep pit.


Yi Haofang spit a mouthful of blood, his face is stunned.

Just a blow, not only broke his defense, but also caused him to be seriously injured.

The dragon phantom flashed again and Duke Long appeared again in front of Yi Haofang.

But immediately, Five Elemental Law Grandmaster, Chi Quyou, left and right, appeared on the side of Duke Long.

Although they can’t see Duke Long’s silhouette, they can’t keep up with his speed, but their combat experience is extremely rich. It has already been determined that Duke Long will continue to attack Yi Haofang.

After all, it is better to break the finger.

“Duke Long, you fall into trap !”

“You are trapped inside us.”

One South and One North, the two major Formation Dao Gu Immortal take action at the same time, set up formation instantly.

“Small Formation also dared to trap me?” Duke Long snorted, and the male body was shocked and angry.

Grand formation is like a glass broken, Chi Quyou, Five Elemental Law Grandmaster are each groaned, received backlash.

But Duke Long was also blocked, losing the opportunity to kill Yi Haofang.

Yi Haofang took the opportunity to get out of the pit and quickly healed himself, and his heart was still cold.

Duke Long is so powerful that it is incredible.

You know, Yi Haofang is a well-known Rank 8 expert in the contemporary Southern Border. He actually played two or three rounds and was almost killed by Duke Long.

“With such strength, I am afraid that only Venerable can be used.”

“Duke Long is far ahead, whether it’s defense, attack or kill. Even if I wait for him to besiege him, he can do it.”

“Who can block such a Duke Long?!”

The north and southvariate immortal are all chilling, and there are many awkwardness.

Duke Long simply can’t contain it, not to mention a Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home with a full Fate Gu – Supervising Heaven Tower.

How is it good?

In response to the doubts in the heart of the ordinary immortal, the rumbling sounds, the earth suddenly rips open.

A huge seam, spread quickly, and inserted into the battlefield.


a moment later, the ground burst, countless earth and stones, as if it was a dark tsunami against the sky, rushing out.

A huge Dragon Head is like a hill flying.

Longkou big Zhang, dragon tooth is awkward, like a gun, flashing a heart-rending cool glow.

“Duke Long, I want to break you down!!” giant dragon.

Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast – Di Cang Sheng !

“Well?” Duke Long flashed a look of surprise, coldly snorted, and no dodge or evade, backlash.

One fairy and one beast killed each other and fell into a stalemate.

“When is Di Cang Sheng so strong?” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was shocked.

“It seems that because the Five Regions are about to be one, Earth Arteries is unified, there is this war, the sacrifices are numerous, and the Central Continent Heaven’s Fury grievances have made Di Cang Sheng soaring!”

“Just… Di Cang Sheng is not trapped in Hidden Dragon Cavern, how could it suddenly appear here?”

The fairy is inconspicuous and has many problems.

However, they all know that Di Cang Sheng, which Duke Long personally suppressed, was the natural reason for Di Cang Sheng to find Duke Long at the moment.

As Duke Long once said in Heavenly Court, Di Cang Sheng’s battle strength skyrocketed and rivaled Duke Long himself.

“Well, this Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast is the strongest presence in today’s Immemorial Legendary!”

“very good, it’s a road to heaven.”

“Hey, let’s get out now.”

“Can’t withdraw!” Fang Yuan is shouting. “The moment is a good opportunity for offense! Duke Long is arrogant and entangled by Di Cang Sheng. Now let’s go to Supervising Heaven Tower and destroy Fate Gu!”

As he said, Fang Yuan took the lead and rushed to Supervising Heaven Tower.

Bing Saichuan reacted first, and he screamed and summoned Northern Plains various immortal, follow closely from behind.

Southern Border various immortal then launched a crazy offensive.

“You dare!” Duke Long was in a hurry, but he was entangled in Di Cang Sheng and could only rush to the past at the sight of Fang Yuan and the others.

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