Fang Yuan is a fierce and fierce, and carries Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons Becoming a Sword.

Chen Yi looked up at the sky and saw such a powerful Fang Yuan. He only felt that the sky was pouring down to him. His muscles could not help but tremble, and there was no escape.

“There is no need to stop, no need to avoid.” Chen Yi faintly smiled, who is an arrow at the end of its flight, stands up to the chest and faces death.

“Chen Yi adults!” Bai Cangshui and other Gu Immortal called out and wanted to come to the rescue.

But Chi Quyou, Yi Haofang and the others followed Feng Yuan and took action to block the reinforcements.

The huge ghost sword whizzed past and penetrated Chen Yi’s body. Yu Wei did not reduce the Maojiao Mountain.

a moment later, Maojiao Mountain fell apart, and Chen Yi lost his life, his body powerlessly falling down.

“Chen Yi is also dead!” Southern Border, Northern Plains various immortal heart shock.

Fang Yuan has two Heavenly Court experts, and he is very popular.


“Maojiao Mountain is gone, but Undefeatable Blessed Land has not been destroyed!” Fang Yuan brows tightly knit , looks at a pile of rock ruins under his feet.

Heavenly Court detected the location of Undefeatable Blessed Land, but it has never been in the past for years, and even used the Human Dao method to leverage the Undefeatable Blessed Land to extract the successful Dao Marks.

Today, Fang Yuan can’t hurt Undefeatable Blessed Land, let alone destroy Blessed Land.

Just after Chen Yi died, there was also a Gu Immortal sacrifice in the Heavenly Court battlefield.

Yuan Qiongdu !

He sat on the ground and laughed and died.

With his death, the top of Supervising Heaven Tower began to overflow with a healthy breath of Perfection.

“This is the breath of Rank 9 Immortal Gu.”

“Fate Gu !!”

“Yuan Qiongdu Fellow Immortal is a sacrifice…”

“in this case ?!”

The appearance of this aura made the entire Heavenly Court battlefield a stagnation. Longevity Heaven is a big change on the one hand, and Heavenly Court has a bright light in both eyes, and the face is full of surprises.

“Damn! Failed.” Bing Saichuan gnawed his teeth, “Withdraw!”

Seven Extremity All Desolate left, and Fortune Stealing Altar began to retreat.

“What happened? Why do I have a feeling of being empty?” Undefeatable Blessed Land In the battlefield, Fang Yuan suddenly felt.

“Hahaha!” Duke Long laughed and didn’t stop Fortune Stealing Altar.

He came to the Supervising Heaven Tower and entered the top of the tower.

“Fate Gu, Fate Gu…” Duke Long whispered in his mouth, his eyes shed tears.

He is too happy and too excited.

He saw it with his own eyes, the complete Fate Gu is in front of his eyes!

Many years of anticipation of eagerness, how many years of thinking and thinking, finally at this moment, come true!

For Duke Long, fixing Fate Gu is far more significant and complicated than other Heavenly Court members.

Because at the beginning, it was the discipline that he personally taught, and Fate Gu hurts!

“Hong Ting, you made a big mistake, and the teacher finally made up for you. Don’t live up to Heavenly Court, live up to Human Dao! Hahaha, Hahaha!”

Duke Long’s loud voice, then spread throughout the Heavenly Court from Supervising Heaven Tower – “One million years! My Heavenly Court finally mastered the complete Rank 9 Fate Gu again!”


a moment later, Heavenly Court Gu Immortals gathered in excitement, cheering in unison, some people were full of red face, others were crying, and some people died with a smile of satisfaction.

Heavenly Court’s morale has soared to the extreme, while Longevity Heaven’s Bing Saichuan and the others are all gray and white.

The overall situation has been set!

Things can’t be done!

Longevity Heaven was fierce when it invaded Heavenly Court, and decided to retreat when retreating.

More than three hundred thousand years ago.

Central Continent, Aura Peak.

This peak is not a mountain, or more precisely, just a hill.

The mountain peaks contain the rich Qi Dao’s Dao Marks, which has a magical effect. The mountain peak can spit out the fog spontaneously, such as people breathing.

Every few decades or hundreds of years, they will fly away, move elsewhere, continue to breathe, so infinite cycle.

Aura Peak is not much, most of them have the main, this Aura Peak is also like so.

Its owner is Genesis Immortal Venerable, but at this time he is only one Rank 7 Gu Immortal nothing more.

Gu Immortal Genesis in the Aura Peak cultivation, rely on Aura Peak’s breath of breath, and the insight of Qi Dao’s subtlety.

On this day, he suddenly opened his eyes from the dense hole.

It turned out that there was a mortal Gu Master, and he got on his Aura Peak.

He is a little surprised.

To know that he is cultivation, free and unrestrained, just want to comprehend Grand Dao, do not want to be interfered by foreign affairs. So he not only made a lot of arrangements in Aura Peak, but also in the foothills under Aura Peak.

Not to mention the mortal Gu Master, even if most of Gu Immortal came here, he might not be able to discover the existence of his Genesis. Even the magic of Aura Peak will turn a blind eye.

“Now it’s a mortal Gu Master… fun and interesting.”

Genesis Gu Immortal came to the Gu Masters with interest, but he hadn’t spoken yet, and the mortal Gu Master said, “Gu Master Yu Ji, see Genesis!”

“Oh? You know my name? Say, which Fellow Immortal is pointing? Can you let me know the Gu Master’s ability to pass the test I set up?” Genesis’s face suddenly became serious.

With a mortal Gu Master, how can he have such ability, he believes that there must be Gu Immortal take action behind the other side.

But Gu Master Yu Ji is shaking his head: “Genesis is on the fairy, Littleman did not get any Gu Immortal’s instructions, but with the instructions of Fate Gu.”

“Fate Gu? Hey, you’re talking nonsense. This is up to Rank 9, kept by Stoneman Royal Court, and the number of Rank 8 Stoneman Gu Immortal is in charge all year round, you…” Genesis hasn’t finished, suddenly his eyes wide open.

The mortal Gu Master Yu Ji squats on the floor while his hands hold one Gu Insect.

Rank 9 is full of breath, not Fate Gu, which one?

For a moment, Genesis was also a bit messy, and the calm heart of the lake set off a storm. He forced himself to calm down: “Yu Ji, you got up, how did you steal this Fate Gu, and how can you bring this to me?”

“And you said that you are guided by Fate Gu? But as far as I know, no one Gu Immortal can use Fate Gu, only Heavenly Dao can control this. How can you take advantage of Fate Gu?”

Yu Ji is familiarly said: “Littleman is the slave of the Stoneman family of Revered Great Elder, who has been secretly replacing the Master. He is responsible for cleaning the Stoneman Temple and keeping the Fate Gu clean. I don’t know which day, Littleman found that it is close to Fate Gu. , you can perceive the fate of the arrangement, the trajectory of all life.”

“Littleman is the guide of the enclosed Fate Gu, knows a lot of future things, and understands his mission. Then, Littleman sneaked into the Stoneman Temple with Featherman Gu Immortal, and the turmoil caused by the discovery, Fate Gu Take it away. Take advantage of Dark Dao in the Stoneman Temple to escape.”

“Fate Gu is in the hands of Littleman, and he is actively convincing. Although it is full of thrills on the way, no matter what Gu Immortal or means, Littleman can know ahead of time through Fate Gu, and is fully prepared to escape. So there is no danger, no end. It’s time to find your immortal.”

Genesis listened to these words and involuntarily looked at Gu Master Yu Ji.

Yu Ji said it was easy, but when he was full of scars, he could see how hard and hard he was.

“You don’t have to be humble. In my opinion, although you are on the Fate Gu, you can do it with the mortal Gu Master. You have the courage to do it!” Genesis praised and calmed down.

He asked again: “Then why are you, do you want to steal this Fate Gu and bring it to me?”

Yu Ji said: “reporting to Xian, not Littleman stealing Fate Gu, but Fate Gu wants to come over and put it into your hands. You are the master of Fate Gu, this littleman has been from Fate See it on Gu. Not only that, but you are still on the stage… Well, please let me know what you think.”

Say, Yu Ji hangs his head and raises his hands, giving Fate Gu to Genesis Gu Immortal.

Genesis was suspicious. At the moment he took over Fate Gu, his eyes flashed through countless images, and the massive information was instilled in his mind.

He suddenly lost, everything realized!

“It turns out that Yu Ji can use Fate Gu, but Fate Gu makes him a change in saw heaven and Earth, the life track of everything.”

“In the fate, the nonhuman races of the Five Regions will fall. The Human Race will replace it and become the Heaven and Earth leading role, stepping on the different different races and becoming the new hegemon!”

“Human Race is awesome!”

“And I, and Gu Masters Yu Ji, are the key people who led the rise of Human Race and took over the challenges and repression of all the different races.”

Understood everything, Genesis was shocked and mixed with joy.

He can’t be happy!

Because he is also a member of Human Race.

Although he made Gu Immortal, the status of Human Race is very low. Most of the Human Races are slaves, which are sold, abused and squeezed by the different different races.

Not only the mortal and Gu Master of Human Race, but Gu Immortal of Human Race, also has a low status in the communication circle of Gu Immortal. Many of Guy Race’s Gu Immortal, and even the slave of the different race!

Human Race Gu Immortal, like Genesis, is free, but one day will be surrounded by multiple nonhuman Gu Immortal. If you are unfortunately captured, you will become a slave of the different race!

“How much I want to fight, but even if it has become Rank 7 Gu Immortal, it is not the opponent of many different race Gu Immortal expert. So, I only thought about the cultivation of cultivation, I want to create my own genre for Human Race.”

“And now there is already a show in Fate Gu, the future belongs to our Human Race. In the future, I will be the leader of Human Race Gu Immortal, creating Qi Dao and leading the rise of Human Race!”

“Human Race is awesome!”

“This is Will of Heaven! This is the big trend! This is the heart!”

Thinking of this, Gu Immortal Genesis is full of excitement, holding the Fate Gu, laughed heartily in the palm of his hand.

He burst into tears.

Yu Ji also grinned and he is also a member of the Human Race.

Human Race is oppressed by nonhuman races, long time! Bitter!

Heave a long sigh, Genesis cleans up his feelings. He looks at Fate Gu in his hand and sighs: “Yu Ji, you are the hero of my Human Race! Great hero!”

“You brought out Fate Gu, even if we can’t use it, but this is the biggest banner. I don’t want you to say that I have already resisted the heart of the different race. But our Human Race Gu Immortal is rare, but more difficult. Yes, most of these Human Race Gu Immortal are slaves. They are slaves, like ants, without a dignity, but they dare not offend their masters. Because they know how much they are compared with nonhuman races. Little, how fragile Human Race is!”

“But now, with this Fate Gu, we can tell the world that all Human Race Gu Immortal will understand – the future is ours, Human Race is a thrill!!”

“Fate Gu will evoke the courage they have lost, evoke the hopes in their hearts, evoke their conscious desire! and unite all of us around us.”

“This is a banner!”

“This is the rise of my Human Race, the flag of the world!”

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