Heavenly Court battlefield.

The killing between the rank 8 Gu Immortal has reached the extreme.

“Longevity Heaven! Your performance is too disappointing!”

“hmph, Heavenly Court’s guys are always soast shamelessly, do the boss for too long, see me pick you all!”

“You and I are both Human Race, and the internal strife is to this extent. Northern Plains various immortal, with bravery, but no faith.”

“I don’t know what you are waiting for!”

There are always Northern Plains Gu Immortal fallen, but every fall of the Northern Plains expert is almost accompanied by the life of several Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

“Northern Plains! Longevity Heaven!” Duke Long was very angry and looked fierce and embarrassed. “Although even matched, my dignified big Heavenly Court is actually so embarrassed…not forgiven!”


Duke Long raised his arms suddenly and finally broke his cage.

But Fortune Stealing Altar and Seven Extremity All Desolate quickly rushed, and the three continued to compete and fell into a stalemate.

“Hurry up!”

“Well, the Refining Dao grand formation has finally been fixed.”

“Yuan Qiongdu will see you next, we will protect you. Unless it is dead, no one can shake this Refining Dao grand formation!!”

The number of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal whispered and occupied the square to form a solid line of defense.

Because Heavenly Court Gu Immortal’s dashing on bravely with no thought of personal safety, Refining Dao grand formation was completed, and the line of defense was reorganized.

Bing Saichuan See you, and quickly abandoned Duke Long, trying to ruin Heavenly Court’s attempt.

“Don’t think about it!” Duke Long burst into tears and, despite all the injuries, tried his best to drag Fortune Stealing Altar and Seven Extremity All Desolate.

Bing Saichuan will not be able to break through, and will quickly dispatch troops.

Northern Plains various immortal Once again, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal suffered heavy casualties, but because of the constant wake-up of members of the fairy tomb, the defense was more unbreakable than before.

“Okay, oh now! Hey?!” Liu Liuliu wanted to sneak in, but immediately, his face changed and his appearance changed.

A large number of jade beads around Heavenly Court Gu Immortal floated and flew in front of him, face Murderous Qi: “Is it you? The murderer of my Heavenly Court Fellow Immortal blood! Your performance ends here.”

“Is it Yu Zhu Zi Senior?” Wang Qiongdu, who was about to enter the battlefield, just saw this scene and was very happy.

Historically, Rank 8 Gu Immortal expert Yu Zhu Zi is best at detecting. From the number of jade bead floating around him, the Immortal Gu in his hands is undoubtedly quite complete. As a result , Liu Liuliu was restrained by him.

“Can win! There are so many Heavenly Court ancestors, we will definitely win!”

“No, to be precise, victory must belong to my Heavenly Court!!”

In the eyes of Yuan Qiongdu, the light of enlightenment flashed.

He entered the gu formation again, just a manipulates, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the Refining Dao grand formation was even more excellent than the previous one.

“so that’s how it is.”

“In order to repair Fate Gu, everyone Senior has added so many Immortal Gu…”

Yuan Qiongdu’s eyes were filled with tears.

The more Immortal Gu used in the Refining Dao grand formation, the less naturally there is Gu Immortal, and the a a result is more likely to die in the battlefield.

This is all sacrifice!

Willing sacrifice.

“Continue to repair Fate Gu!” Yuan Qiongdu sat down, his face calm, but in his heart it seemed to be burning.

Flames are raging!

The scene in the depths of memory in the flames emerged.

Master stood in front of him: “Little Du, do you really sleep late in the mountains? Always so lazy, but Oh!”

Juvenile Yuan Qiongdu wakes up, and immediately the face appears resentment qi: “It’s Master!”

He muttered, not angry – ly said: “Why don’t Master call me back? I like Flame Dao, Flame Dao is the man’s choice!”

“But Little Du, your inborn talent on Refining Dao is amazing, so it takes you to choose Refining Dao cultivation. In contrast, your inborn talent on Flame Dao is too common.”

“But I just like Flame Dao. What kind of style and look is in battle? As for Refining Dao, I always lie in the secret room, constantly refining gu, refining gu. The cost is high, often refining gu fails. Everything is turned into a drift. More importantly, the risk of refining gu is still great, just like fighting. I am more willing to use Flame Dao, dignified to fight the battlefield instead of my refining gu. what!”

Master reluctantly sighs, with a low voice said: “Little Du, you choose Refining Dao, not because of your preference, but because of responsibility. Our Sect Refining Dao lineage, too need genius to regroup! Don’t worry again Your own temper, Little Du. You are already a man, should take responsibility for yourself, understand?”

Juvenile Yuan Qiongdu is not willing to overthrow: “Cut, understand. If this is the Master’s order, I will comply.”

Master sighed again: “It’s not an order, it’s a responsibility. And Refining Dao’s cultivation is also very fun. They will come a day. You will feel this kind of fun. So, with a sense of responsibility, refining gu.”

“How can it be?!”


“I am lazy, I have never had such a moment, I feel the heavy responsibility of my shoulders.”


“There is still this feeling – happy.”

“He He He, Hahaha.” Yuan Qiongdu cocked his mouth and laughed in his heart.

He burst into tears.

“Master, I finally understand your words!”

“Disciple me, didn’t disappoint you!”

“There is no need to distract yourself from protecting your life. If you are there, everything will be worry-free.”

“That’s how in a spurt of energy! Completely repair Fate Gu, fulfill your responsibilities, live up to everyone’s expectations. Then… happy to embrace the coming of death.”

Yuan Qiongdu with a smile, urging forbidden move. Once this trick is used, no matter what the refining gu is, he will die.

But what does it matter?

There are some things that are far more important than personal death!

Hidden Dragon Cavern battlefield.

Eastern Sea Four Gu Immortals surrounded the Dragon Palace in the center and continually bombarded.

The four Dragon Generals were suppressed and could only be defended by the Dragon Palace.

“It seems that you are turning into Dragonoid, not without cost!”

“Come out, aren’t you going to count on me? Are you going to shrink in Immortal Gu Home now? A group of cowards!”

“You are too small to see me waiting.”

Song Qiyuan, Qingyue An and the others are angry and rush to send out a powerful ultramate move, which will suppress the enemy.

The clay figurine has three points of fire, not to mention the four Rank 8 Gu Immortal of the Eastern Sea’s. Duke Long’s calculations, the rebellion of Zhang Yin and the others, allowed them to break out at the same time, and exerted a powerful and extraordinary battle!

Among the Five Regions, the gentleness of the temperament is the first in the Eastern Sea.

But like the turbulent waves, the calm sea is also full of turbulent and arrogant side.

When the Eastern Sea people are really irritated, people will learn what it is called terrifying.

Suddenly, the attack of Song Qiyuan and the others was a stagnation.

“somebody is coming!”


“Obviously, it’s Heavenly Court’s reinforcements!”

Song Qiyuan and other four people quickly changed formation, the two continued to storm Duke Long, and the other two flew out against the enemy reinforcement.

“The old man can only send everyone here.” A Heavenly Court Gu Immortal old man smiles and the figure turns into a rays of light.

His life essence is exhausted.

“Qin Song, you have peace of mind. Next we have it!” Several Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, carefully selected by Fairy Ziwei, looked solemn.

“It’s ridiculous, running over, just to show us the scene of your old death?” Hua Caiyun and Shen Congsheng rushed over.

“Eastern Sea thief, you want to touch the Dragon Palace!”

“A half foot stepped into the old bastard in the coffin, isn’t obediently dead?!”

Hōng hōng hōng !

Both sides remarked, and the war broke out.

Undefeatable Blessed Land battlefield.

“ao 吼——!”

The sound of countless Flood Dragon gongs resounded throughout the battlefield.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons !

It combines the ultimate move of Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation, Ten Thousand Me, Yama’s Child, Yama Emperor, and Meeting Past Acquaintance to go on stage again.

“He is – Fang Yuan!!”

“Fast, maintaining grand formation can’t make him succeed.”

“Fang Yuan, hello!”

Fang Yuan sneered: “Now want to stop me? Late!”

Thanks to Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, his one-shot hit the attention of Central Continent Gu Immortal at a critical moment, allowing Fang Yuan to successfully display the ultimate move.

Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons are extraordinary, not only are forformable power, but also difficult to kill. After all, this trick completely consumes Soul Dao’s Dao Marks on Fang Yuan, which is very similar to Wu Yong’s infinite wind.

Although the Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation is strong, the inner core is still weak, and it has been ravaged by Fang Yuan’s countless Ghost Flood Dragons, and there is a tendency to fall apart.

Fang Yuan incarnation into Yama Emperor, next to Ten Thousand Flood Dragon 嘶吼, a detached point of view at the Central Continent Gu Immortal, Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation from the core, from the inside out, constantly collapse.

The grand formation collapse brought Central Continent Gu Immortal a strong backlash. For a time, without the Fang Yuan take action, there were countless serious injuries.

“Fang Yuan, he really succeeded.” Wu Yong whispered in his mouth and his face was a bit complicated.

“Fast, attack!” Sovereign Yao yelled, sweeping the old man’s sorrowful gesture, leading the charge, great ten thousand zhang.

“I am going to deal with Crown Prince Feng Xian, you are going.”

Maojiao Mountain, which is hosted by Undefeatable Blessed Land, is revealed.

“I want to fix Fate Gu, hey, delusion! Although it’s a pity to destroy Undefeatable Blessed Land, but stop it.” Fang Yuan snorted, his fingers, like the emperor, countless Sword Flood Dragon swooping down, just like magnificent Army with thousands of men and horses !

“With me, Fang Yuan, you can’t think about it!” At the crucial moment, a silhouette appeared and blocked before the Ghost Flood Dragon.

Rank 8 Flame Dao expert – Li Huang!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Reckless Sun Fire Clothes !

Countless Ghost Flood Dragons have not been close, and they have been drunk and smoldering.

“With my Li Huang here, I will never let any of you rush over!” Li Huang shouted.

“Yeah… then let’s try the combo of Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons.” Fang Yuan’s eyes glow flash.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons Becoming a Sword !

A few breaths of time, thousands of Ghost Flood Dragon condensed one, forming a huge black Dragon Mark soul sword!

The soul sword hovered in the air, only pointed the tip of the sword at Li Huang, but did not stab.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Unrestrained Seal !

Fang Yuan played Unrestrained Seal, the sword in the middle.

a moment later, the soul sword swiftly stabbed.

Li Huang hesitated. The speed of the soul sword is amazing, but it can still be avoided depending on his speed.

But now, he can’t hide! Only face to face!

The soul sword is quiet and silent, passing through Li Huang.

The flame dissipated, Li Huang’s face turned pale and pale, and his eyes widened with an expression of unbelief, and he fell down like a broken kite.

“Don’t stop me from joining each other? Courage is commendable and foolish.” Fang Yuan glanced indifferently.

Li Huang died.

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