Hua Caiyun can’t help but smile.

It turns out that all this seems to be a success, but it is a huge trap carefully planned by Heavenly Court!

“This is the case.” Zhang Yin and the others smiled calmly.

Qingyue An and the others reacted.

“In order to give us peace of mind, you actually let me enslave Old Man Bei Feng, it is really speculation.” Shen Congsheng cold voice.

“This is not our plan, nor is it the plan of Duke Long.” Zhang Yin shook his head and was the head of the four. “You know, all your actions have not escaped the calculation of Fairy Ziwei. Let me wait for the lurking.” It is also the arrangement of Fairy Ziwei.”

Song Qiyuan’s gaze was once again projected onto the Dragon Palace: “So, the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is actually an Enslave Dao Immortal Gu Home… It is able to enslave the Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and up to four! And can continue to suppress and enslave Di Cang Sheng … through the ages, this is probably the first Immortal Gu Home of Enslave Dao!”

Zhang Yin and the others have changed slightly.

Qingyue An, Hua Caiyun, and Shen Congsheng all saw Song Qiyuan and immediately understood that Song Qiyuan did not give up.

Although it has been so shocked, but Song Qiyuan and other Rank 8 Gu Immortal expert, is it so easy to give up?

Moreover, although they suffered from the calculations, they were injured, but the battle strength still saved a lot, and continued to fight for competition, there is still great hope.

It’s not that easy to count the Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

The vast majority of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, once mobilized, there is a breath.

Therefore, Zhang Yin and the others did not brew any terrifying ultimate move, and they masked the ultimate move’s breath to be Equal Strength.

It is very rare to be able to hide the atmosphere of the ultimate move.

For now, it is also controlled by Southern Border’s Wu Yong. The rest, even if they are members of Heavenly Court, don’t have it.

Hōng hōng hōng !

The Thunder blasted again.

Song Qiyuan and the others are not willing to give up and fight with Zhang Yin and the others.

Undefeatable Blessed Land battlefield.

Bai Cangshui took Chen Yi and fought back.

Wu Yong and the others took action, trying to force her away from the grand formation behind her, thus killing Heavenly Court’s two Rank 8.

Bai Cangshui is left and right, and the danger is like a ring.

Southern Border various immortal brought great pressure to her, especially Wu Yong, and the breath of any ultimate move was covered by him. Suddenly broke out and made Bai Cangshui very jealous. Even if Wu Yong doesn’t do it, she still has to pay attention to this dangerous person.

“Let me down, you go!” Chen Yi said.

In his peerless squad, Send Off Friend Wind, unable to move a single step, only to die.

At this moment, his sleeves, eyebrows, and hair are dissipating, and his limbs are not perfect. The Terrifying power of Send Off Friend Wind will completely eliminate his limbs and spread to his torso.

Fortunately, Send Off Friend Wind is not contagious, only for Chen Yi, Bai Cangshui has the courage to protect Chen Yi.

“Do you think I am going to save you?” Bai Cangshui secretly sound transmission.

Chen Yi is a little bit stunned.

He suddenly understood.

Sure enough, Bai Cangshui continued to say with sound transmission: “I did this on purpose, not willing to give up on you, put yourself in danger, is to attract the attention of Southern Border various immortal, delay the time for the people behind, let them arrange More Immortal Formation. You are dead, but you can still have some residual heat. I may die too, but as long as I can delay the time. For Heavenly Court, for Central Continent, for the world Human Race, the sacrifice is calculated. what?”

Chen Yi was silent, he suddenly wanted to smile, and at this moment, death seemed to be insignificant.

Although he is very obsessed with and attached to power, he also has the Human Race. Like Bai Cangshui, he is not afraid of sacrifice. Otherwise, Fairy Ziwei will not promote him to a member of Heavenly Court.

But Chen Yi never smiles, but his face is more depressed and painful. He wants to act and cooperate with Bai Cangshui to confuse Southern Border various immortal.

“Let me play a little bit of heat at the end of my life.” Chen Yi calmly, he is dead.

But at this moment, a song was introduced into his ear.

Under such a fierce battle, who still has the heart to sing?

Chen Yi stunned and immediately became attracted to the song.

Like him, there are Bai Cangshui, Wu Yong and the others.

The song is heavy and heavy, and it seems to be full of contradictions and very unique.

At first, the song was just like a small mountain stream, slowly flowing. Later, the creek seemed to be transformed into a magma, expanding into a river, and wandering like a giant dragon in the rolling mountains.

At the same time, the mountains under the magma giant river became a wave, huā huā huā, one after another, ups and downs.

Magma and waves collide and communicate, stimulating water vapor that covers the ground.

The water vapor condenses into one by one clear sky, clear sky seems to be sent to the topmost clouds.

Suddenly flashing flashes and thunder rolls, lightning broke through clear sky, the field of ordinary immortal seems to fall from the cloud, the heart is empty.

Virtual and real, high and low. Sometimes the spirit is flying, sometimes it is violent. Sometimes the back of the bow bends, sometimes fluttering…

In the battlefield, the war stopped, everyone was immersed in the song, forgetting.

But the song suddenly broke, and the abnormal immortal quickly became awake.

Chi Quyou’s face is dignified: “What is this song? Good life terrifying, actually let me wait for it, can’t extricate myself!”

Qiao Zhicai is pale and full of color: “Fortunately, the song is suddenly interrupted, otherwise we are afraid that none of them will be spared.”

“What song is this?” Yi Haofang asked.

A Rank 8 Gu Immortal walked out of the grand formation, he was wearing a red white clothed gown, and he was calm and calm, with a smile: “This is my new Destiny Song.”

It is Feng Jiuge!

“hmph, fate? Great tone.” Ba Shiba coldly snorted.

“Unbelievable! This Destiny Song actually saved my life.” Chen Yi’s cheers came, he only had his torso and head, but Send Off Friend Wind has stopped to dissipate. Although the injury is terrifying, Chen Yi’s fate is guaranteed.

Southern Border various immortal Stay.

Wu Yong’s Send Off Friend Wind is the Rank 8 level. Feng Jiuge’s Destiny Song, centered on Life Armor Immortal Gu, is also Rank 8!

“It’s you again!” Wu Yong stared at Feng Jiuge.

Last time, he wanted to kill Fang Yuan, and Feng Jiuge protected Fang Yuan’s life.

This time, he wants to kill Chen Yi, the same is Feng Jiuge take action, which prevents Chen Yi from sacrificing.

Two times in a row, Feng Jiuge broke Wu Yong’s plan!

And these two times are quite critical.

Rao is Wu Yong. He is a world-class man with a broad chest. He can’t bear the human beings. At this moment, he can’t help but angry intent.

“Feng Jiuge, you really is a peerless genius.” Wu Yong’s eyes are fascinated into a seam, his voice is dull but like a cold wind, ice-cold is thorough, “Come, to make all your ability, I have to learn a good one.” Fan.”

Said, the hurricane scraped.

This is Wu Yong’s infinite wind, which has been raging in the battlefield, just like the giant pillar.

This blow is a full consumption of Wu Da Yong’s Dao Marks!

The infinite wind has lasted for a long time, and the wind is so vast that it is pressed against Feng Jiuge and the others.

Feng Jiuge smiles: “Sir Wu Yong is unpredictable, and only has a sneak edge.”

Bai Cangshui still drags Chen Yi: “Almost, let’s go!”

The grand formation behind the three, then expanded. With such a response, they smoothly returned to the grand formation.

As soon as he entered the battle, Feng Jiuge suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, face like gold paper, crumbling.

“What happened to you?” Bai Cangshui quickly helped.

Feng Jiuge smiled, his face was quite ugly, and his breathing was extremely weak: “I am destiny Song, just a grassroots creation, and half of the songs have not been completed. I have to perform this time and I have suffered a lot.”

“Feng Lao is willing to pay ordinary risk and save the old man. This life-saving grace, old man will not forget forever!” Chen Yi sighed.

“Now Central Continent is in chaos, Southern Border various immortal is coming, I am saving you, but in fact it is for the entire Central Continent.” Feng Jiuge shook his head slightly.

Chen Yi looked at Feng Jiuge and looked at Bai Cangshui again. She thought that both of them were acting on bravely with no thought of personal safety. They couldn’t help but laugh. “No matter how dangerous the situation is, I will not sacrifice, not afraid. Death consciousnessness, the Central Continent will win, Heavenly Court will win!”

Heavenly Court.

Always paying attention to Fairy Ziwei of Undefeatable Blessed Land, spit out the chest and smile.

“A good Feng Jiuge, a good Destiny Song!”

Heavenly Court’s Destiny Gu, Fairy Ziwei knows. Longevity Heaven also has an ambition for Destiny Gu. Heavenly Court wants to seek Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu, Longevity Heaven wants to snatch Fate Gu, is an attempt at fate.

However, the real step is to go ahead, not the two super-existing forces, but one Gu Immortal.

“Feng Jiuge!” Fairy Ziwei whispered in the mouth.

Although she has always been optimistic about Feng Jiuge’s talent and inborn talent, but now she suddenly found out that he still greatly underestimated him.

The sacrifice of Chen Yi, in the eyes of Fairy Ziwei, is a foregone conclusion. Because Send Off Friend Wind is in the middle, there is no solution. Unless you have been strictly guarded before.

Unexpectedly, this historical record was directly broken by Feng Jiuge.

Historically, there has never been a positive crack in the Send Off Friend Wind ultimate move. There is no doubt that Feng Jiuge has once again created history after Da Tong Wind!

Sovereign City battlefield.

There was a burst of cheers, lingering in Sovereign City.

Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting The final Great Competition was successfully completed.

This means that here is no longer the Heavenly Court’s vital point.

The Western Desert Gu Immortal, aware of this, has withdrawn and tried to transfer.

They did not destroy Sovereign City after all, destroying Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

“everything is over.”

“Oh, let Heavenly Court succeed.”

Western Desert Gu Immortal is frustrated, but they don’t want to evacuate. The Central Continent’s side is the growth of the People’s Hero, and they don’t want to let them go so easily.

Fang Yuan is in a heavy mood.

He has tried his best, but there is no way.

Heavenly Court’s means emerged in an endless stream, which made him feel as big as he could.

After all, the Heavenly Court’s background is too arrogant, and Fang Yuan can’t match it.

Although he has repeatedly gained Venerable inheritance, he is also arrogant, and his strength is stunned by leaps and bounds. But Heavenly Court and Central Continent have been through three million years, with countless elite talent generation after generation of hard work!

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