Dragon Imperial Honored Guest ultimate move makes Duke Long stronger and stronger, and every breath is stronger than before.

Looking at the River of Time illusion in the sky, Duke Long’s eyes are full of complex light, he sighs softly: “Red Lotus, your Past Has Forefathers, Future Has New Generations, for the teacher’s saw. Now let You see the Dragon Imperial Honored Guest!”

Duke Long’s words make the Northern Plains expert annoyed.

He obviously does not put the Northern Plains various immortal in his eyes. His eyes are only Red Lotus Demon Venerable.

Northern Plains Many experts are historically famous characters, naturally with heart and pride. But if Duke Long is, they can’t refute it.

Because of their existence at the moment, it is indeed due to Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move!

“old fogey, there is so much nonsense!”

“Hugh to see me waiting.”

“Let you taste my power!”

Digital Northern Plains Rank 8, rushed to Duke Long.

Duke Long sneered, a moment later, dragon roar, and the Purple Gold Dragon Form Qi Vigour flashed continuously.

Hōng hōng hōng !

In the midst of a huge explosion, Duke Long was under the siege of Northern Plains Gu Immortal, charging to the left and dash to the right.

In contrast, the Northern Plains expert was killed by him, and the death and injury quickly expanded.

Hurry up!

Duke Long is too fast, and Northern Plains Gu Immortal is hard to stop.

Any powerful ultimate move takes time to brew.

Moreover, Duke Long’s thoughts were placed on the Fortune Stealing Altar, and there was not much entanglement in the Northern Plains Gu Immortal that blocked him.

“Block him!”

“Duke Long took a break and had the courage to fight me for three hundred rounds!”

“Be sure to stop him.”

Purple Dragon Dragon Qi is fleeting.

The battlefield suddenly stopped, Bing Saichuan suddenly raised his head.

Duke Long finally rushed to the front of Fortune Stealing Altar, his ruthless dragon eye, overlooking the Luck Dao Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home.

“Oops.” Bing Saichuan hangs his cold sweat on his forehead.

a moment later , Duke Long suddenly Daqi, Qi Dao ultimate move again.

Everything is raging, and Heaven and Earth are discolored.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Qi Cover Mountain and River !

For a moment, the Rank 8 Gu Immortals were shocked by the body and mind, feeling an unparalleled weight, hiding the sky and covering the earth to crush themselves.

Many ultimate moves fell apart and chased the Northern Plains expert behind Duke Long, as if the dumplings were launched, each and every one fell to the ground.

Myriad things all silent, Qiankun quiet!

Creak, creak…

Fortune Stealing Altar is tough, with a thin, light golden light stunned against the Qi Cover Mountain and River ultimate move.

The Luck Dao Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home has been unable to fly and was crushed to the ground by Duke Long!

For a time, Duke Long became the only leading role on the battlefield, and Heavenly Court Gu Immortals cast their eyes on shock, horror and joy.

He used the power of one person to suppress the entire battle.

Northern Plains various immortal Although strong, but the arrogant head, but also Duke Long can not help but say.

“Damn! This Qi Cover Mountain and River ultimate move, Duke Long used to be in the Eastern Sea. But at this moment, the ultimate move power, I am afraid that the skyrocketing is not only ten times!” Bing Saichuan’s face is difficult to cover the shock.

Duke Long’s power, extremely abnormal, greatly exceeds his psychological bottom line.

“This dead old man is a bit strong! It seems that I have to order Mao Daddy!” In the distance, Mao Li Qiu and its clone have always hugged Heavenly Court’s two Legendary Immemorial shackles between life and death. Duke Long took off, Mao Li Qiu licked his mouth and wanted to support it.

“Want to go, no way!” Immemorial Blue Jade Crane screamed, suddenly stimulating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, bombing Mao Li Qiu’s clone.

“You stop me!” Evil Tapir 95 hugged Mao Li Qiu’s right hind leg and bites open mouth.

“The two idiots…” Mao Li Qiu was annoyed, and it was helpless to find that he was temporarily entangled in the two goods.

Heavenly Court’s These two Immemorial Legendary Desolate Beasts may not work against the wind, but playing the wind is the trend of the more fights the more stronger is.

The strength of Duke Long is really exciting and has inspired the two Immemorial Legendary Desolate Beast!

“Give me a drive!” Fortune Stealing Altar suddenly ray of the light, steadily rising slowly.

Subsequently, many Northern Plains experts who fell to the ground also applied an extreme move to Duke Long.

Although Duke Long is strong, it can only be forced to suppress for a while. After all, he faces not only the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home created by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, but also the many expert of Huang Jin Tribe in the history of Northern Plains!

“Go to Duke Long!”

“Let Longevity Heaven pay the price of blood!”

“How can Heavenly Court’s majesty be offended?”

Heavenly Court various immortal reacted like a tidal wave to form an offensive and support Duke Long.

The Northern Plains expert had to split a part to counter the outside Heavenly Court’s offensive. In the inner circle, it is the full force of Duke Long.

In Fortune Stealing Altar, Bing Saichuan sinks to the bottom.

Duke Long is standing still and has the upper hand. The number of Northern Plains Gu Immortal is far less than that of Heavenly Court’s side.

Bing Saichuan understands: If there is a Venerable take action, Longevity Heaven’s raid has already failed!

Their goal is to snatch Fate Gu. At present, it seems that self-protection is difficult, and what is the robbing?

In fact, the Longevity Heaven side succeeded at a certain moment, and it was only a little bit different. The bad is bad in the arrangement of Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable’s, which makes Longevity Heaven’s unsuccessful.

“My Longevity Heaven has failed, but your Heavenly Court may not be successful!” Bing Saichuan flashed cold light in his eyes, and he ordered it to destroy the Refining Dao grand formation!

Since you can’t grab the Fate Gu and you can’t completely destroy the Fate Gu, then the Heavenly Court repair will also fail!

Only in this way, the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting will not be the last one, and the Heavenly Court will definitely be held to continue to repair the Fate Gu.

In this way, the other four domains can have a chance to breathe.

Only in this way, in the future, Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, Heavenly Court will be strictly guarded, and there is no opportunity for Longevity Heaven to make a surprise attack.

But it was also a last resort, and the situation forced it, and Bing Saichuan had to make such a choice.

“Good!” Demonic Ox and Five Elemental Law Grandmaster received an order and immediately began bombarding the nearby Refining Dao grand formation.


Cong Yan spits a mouthful of blood, his face is suddenly white.

But his face smiled: “hmph, you think Fairy Ziwei, you want to arrange me in the array, what is it for? Not to prevent your dog from jumping off the wall!”

Both Demonic Ox and Five Elemental Law Grandmaster frowned.

They found that their attack on the Refining Dao grand formation was taken over by Cong Yan alone. This is Cong Yan’s exclusive Law Dao, which can transfer damage to yourself.

“How can I destroy grand formation?”

“With us, you can’t think about it!”

In addition to Refining Dao grand formation, Heavenly Court Gu Immortals formed a heavy line of defense that blocked the impact of the Northern Plains expert.

Bing Saichuan changed his goal and tried to destroy the Refining Dao grand formation, which is also a must for the enemy.

Heavenly Court had to guard against the Refining Dao grand formation.

As a result, both sides attack and defend, forming a subtle stalemate.

Heavenly Court’s side, most members defended Refining Dao grand formation, Duke Long was the main attack on Fortune Stealing Altar.

On the Northern Plains side, it is the main defense Fortune Stealing Altar, and the rushing Refining Dao grand formation.

Although Duke Long has been besieged by many Northern Plains experts, he still has the spare capacity to take action on Fortune Stealing Altar.

Fortune Stealing Altar with the heavy strike of Duke Long time after time, still standing still, reflects the majestic defense of this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home.

In fact, Fortune Stealing Altar’s approach is more than that. For Duke Long, there is still potential for counterattack.

But the main purpose of the current Fortune Stealing Altar is to maintain the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move.

If it is to use its own other means, then this Past Has Forefathers will be interrupted.

At the end of the day, Past Has Forefathers is the Time Dao ultimate move, which is incompatible with the approach of Fortune Stealing Altar itself. If there is a means of discovering Picture Dao before the original Lotus Immortal Venerable, I am afraid it will not be so embarrassing.

Bing Saichuan’s heart is bright: once the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move is interrupted, the whole situation will turn sharply. Only by maintaining this ultimate move can we contend with the constantly awake Heavenly Court members.

As time went by, the battle became more intense, and there were more and more deaths of Gu Immortal.

Duke Long’s bombardment from time to time made Bing Saichuan’s heart tremble. He doesn’t know when Fortune Stealing Altar can support it, maybe a moment later, the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move will be interrupted.

Once this is the case, then Longevity Heaven is bound to lose.

Despite the fact that both sides have attack and defense, with the strong explosion of Duke Long, the situation has changed. Heavenly Court has a slight upper hand and Longevity Heaven is in a weak position.


A Thunder Dao ultimate move bombarded the back of Duke Long.

But Duke Long’s male body didn’t even tremble, and the smoke behind it dissipated, revealing his broad back.

His back is already covered with Zijin Dragon Scale.

With the effectiveness of the Dragon Imperial Honored Guest, Duke Long’s body has become larger and larger, and the size of the body has expanded to twice the previous level.

His Dragon Claw is more and more sharp, the dragon tail stretches stronger and more slender, and his Dragon Horn originally is just a short cut, but at the moment it is mad and grows like an adult antler, as if the crown was worn by him. On the head, it shows incomparable honor and prestige.

Every moment, Duke Long is getting stronger!

Bing Saichuan in Fortune Stealing Altar, and many of his Northern Plains Gu Immortal, he felt very deep.

“This is a monster!” A Northern Plains expert hates the channel.

“Monster? Hahaha, our Seven Immortals of the North Star’s favorite, monster!” Just then, from the River of Time’s illusion, seven Gu Immortals.

“Ah! It’s them.” Bing Saichuan saw this and was surprised and happy.

The Seven Immortals of the North Star are from the Huang Jin Tribe. There are three Rank 8 and four Rank 7, which are the same era figures in the history of Northern Plains.

In their time, the Immemorial Legendary Desolate Beast was in turmoil, making the Righteous Path suffer huge losses every year. Therefore, Huang Jin Tribe united, selected seven people, trained Far Ancient Battle Formation, spent several years calming the rebellion, capturing Immemorial, suppressing Legendary, and the great power of Northern Plains.

Far Ancient Battle Formation – Seven Extremity All Desolate !

For a moment, the seven Gu Immortals turned into a three-armed, four-armed, black gold giant behind a huge steel runner.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Piercing Wing Blade !

The black gold giant’s right arm is like a knife, and he takes out a majestic Blade Light phantom and cuts it to Duke Long.

“Piercing Wing Blade?!” Duke Long pupil of the eye suddenly shrinks, sensed the crisis of life.

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