Hōng hōng hōng ……

A series of violent explosions, Five Gods Hall was blown up in the flames of the sky.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster pedaled Void, step by step, although the face covered some ash, but the whole person was not hurt.

Fortune Stealing Altar took him in.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster said with a smile : “This Five Gods Hall is profound mystery, but it is familiar to me, and I am restrained by my means. This trip is much easier than I expected!”

Between words, a feeling of self-satisfaction emerges.

Bing Saichuan glanced at him, indifferently said: “That is natural. Because of your means of Formation Dao, it is the layout of my Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor until now.”

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster stunned, expression changed, staring at Bing Saichuan: “What do you mean?”

Bing Saichuan looked at him and there was a meaningful smile in his eyes: “Why do you think you attacked Longevity Heaven? Is there the most important sentence in your inheritance? Remember those few sentences Do you think it is unfathomable mystery? You may reverse the order and read the last word of each sentence.”

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster suddenly became suspicious.

He was born as a rogue cultivator, and the turning point in his life was to inherit a mysterious lose immortal Formation Dao True Inheritance, so that today’s achievements.

“I have been getting True Inheritance since I got it, I didn’t pass it. I didn’t pass it. How is Bing Saichuan inside, and so clear about the most important portrayal of special intention in True Inheritance? I don’t understand what this meaning… …invert the order and read the last word of each sentence…”

“Well? Listen to Bing Saichuan and attack Heavenly Court?!” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster whispered and stunned at the sight of Bing Saichuan.

Bing Saichuan while manipulating Fortune Stealing Altar, slowly said: “Rank 9 Venerable Even if it is not specialized in Wisdom Dao, it is already a matter of kind, and it is not difficult to leave behind all kinds of plans to influence future generations.”

“When that year, Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor traveled through Heavenly Court and made a plan for this offense. How to subtly break Five Gods Hall is one of them.”

“It’s just that if he wants to develop the action action segment just and honorable, he will surely leave clues and be noticed by Heavenly Court. So he secretly left inheritance, and Longevity Heaven completely gave up, not interfering with each other, independent of each other, letting Rogue cultivator Inheritance. Because you are not Ju Yang bloodline, despite the completion of Rank 8, Heavenly Court did not expect your means to restrain Five Gods Hall. It is not easy to think of our surprise attack on Heavenly Court’s plan!”

Spoke until here, Bing Saichuan paused, and added: “Law Master, the battle around Fate Gu is far more complicated than you think. Common’s Rank 6 and Rank 7 don’t even have the qualification to participate. Rank 8 Gu Immortal, almost all of them are chess pieces nothing more. Some of the Rank 8 are always on the sidelines, this is what they perceive, they have self-knowledge. Some are involved, but they don’t know the real situation.”

“The true face of this war is the Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable in the past!”

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster Listening to the comeda dazed, whispering in the mouth: “Across the air, Venerable showdown?”

Human Race In history, ten Venerables have appeared one after another. Every Venerable is invincible in its own era and is the highest peak in the history of Human Race, the greatest pride.

Bing Saichuan reveals the truth and makes the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster physically and mentally shocked.

He involuntarily feels that his own smallness, the previous pride of pride, has disappeared.

Bing Saichuan looks at Five Elemental Law Grandmaster A look of surprise, but also comforted: “But you can rest assured that in the past, Venerable, Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor loves the descendants and subordinates. The ancestors have an nickname, known as Immortal Venerable “”

“Venerables have been laid out in the past, and they want to exert their influence at this critical moment. But after the continuous scouring of River of Time, most of these arrangements have changed. Rank 9 Venerable certainly can’t do everything, there will be Mistakes. Many of the layouts have become unfamiliar because of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.”

“There is a large part of it, which was discovered by the later Venerable and has been revised.”

“And Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor is behind Origin Lotus and Heavenly Thief, only Gloomy Soul and Le Di two behind. Venerable is located in the rear. In this respect, the advantage is naturally greater. We raided Heavenly Court and liked a along the way. Hot knife through butter, you can see the clues.”

Bing Saichuan said something about the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster.

Bing Saichuan then chuckled: “So, what does Duke Long count? Can it compare with the layout of Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor? You don’t have to worry too much, you have to win the confidence! This time, my Longevity Heaven will be Successfully won Fate Gu!”

“Capture Fate Gu?” Until now, Five Elemental Law Grandmaster knew about the Longevity Heaven group of people attacking Heavenly Court’s purpose.

“right.” Bing Saichuan nodded, admitted that there is no need to hide at this moment, “Heavenly Court to snatch our Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu, why can’t we snatch their Fate Gu?”

“Why is Heavenly Court the first force in Human Race? This is the key role of Fate Gu worked. We have Longevity Heaven and will surely be able to sprint the throne of the first force of Human Race!”

Central Grand Hall.

Fairy Ziwei looked at the Fortune Stealing Altar, which was getting closer and closer, and looked dignified: “They rushed over!”

Aside, Old Man Zheng Yuan is also deeply worried.

Although the Central Grand Hall is the center of the entire Immortal Gu Home, the defense is weak. Who can think of Heavenly Court’s Central Grand Hall, will it be attacked by the enemy?

Although the Central Grand Hall was once attacked by the three Demon Venerable, it was destroyed. However, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal concluded afterwards and did not strengthen the defense. Because of the Venerable, and the strengthening of the Central Grand Hall’s defense power, it is impossible to block Venerable, so there is no need for this.

Now it seems that when Ju Yang Immortal Venerable traveled to Heavenly Court, I am afraid I can see the flaws here. Longevity Heaven’s raid, actually played Heavenly Court a completely unprepared, leaving Fairy Ziwei and the others into a deep passive position.

“It seems that the real loophole is not a deficiencies in the defensive, but a flaw in the mind.” Fairy Ziwei felt a sigh of relief and suddenly said, “I seem to have missed something important. What is it…”

“After the Fate Gu was completely repaired, how long?” At this point, Duke Long asked.

Fairy Ziwei manipulates Central Grand Hall, who understands the situation in the Refine Furnace grand formation after the great hall, her mood is getting heavier, and immediately replies: “At least three hours.”

“Three hours…” Duke Long’s heart was slightly hi, “My life essence is almost exhausted, but God pity me, three hours is not long, I can see the repaired Fate Gu. Let me come down.”

Fairy Ziwei worriedly said : “Duke Long, the injury on your body is not yet…”

Despite the intense treatment of Heavenly Court, the injuries on Duke Long still exist. This is the result of the siege of the Eastern Sea group of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Duke Long can not be cured in a short time.

Duke Long smirked: “The people who will die, some injuries are harmless. Moreover, I have the ultimate move Dragon Imperial Honored Guest. In the last moments of my life, the big Five Regions, who can match me?”

He has a pale face, but reveals absolute confidence and domineering!

Fortune Stealing Altar is like a giant beast, slamming down at the Central Grand Hall.

The air was torn and the wind whistled.

This is going to be a hit, and the Central Grand Hall is bound to become a ruin.

But at this moment, a small silhouette suddenly appeared and blocked in front.

“Duke Long!” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster whispers.

“Crush him.” Demonic Ox sighs.


Just like the hills of the Fortune Stealing Altar, the suddenly stagnant in the air.

And blocking it is just a Dragon Claw.

Duke Long hovered in midair, figure completely motionless, and his right hand has changed to the sly Dragon Claw, buckled on the Fortune Stealing Altar, so that it can no longer score a point.

“This?!” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster was shocked.

Demonic Ox also eclipsed this: “With him alone, it is so easy to block Fortune Stealing Altar? Unbelievable! If you don’t see it, I will never believe this.”

Kā chā 嚓……

Dragon Claw slammed into the Fortune Stealing Altar surface, and a path of cracks quickly spread around the Dragon Claw.

Fortune Stealing Altar quickly burst into a dazzling brilliance, brewing the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and indiscriminately bombing Duke Long.

Duke Long’s silhouette stood up in the explosion.

嗷áo hǒu ……

The smell of a stock of scorpion broke out from him.

These breaths condense into one after another, quickly entangled in Fortune Stealing Altar, and smashed back.

“What is this? Duke Long didn’t show it in the Eastern Sea!” Demonic Ox narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly his flash of light flashed, his mouth whispered: “There is no invincible Immortal Gu, only the invincible Gu Immortal.”

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster was shocked.

The power of Dragon Qi ultimate move is boundless, and the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster is very clear that if he personally faces it, he can’t resist two or three rounds. Fortune Stealing Altar is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home and has been suppressed by Duke Long!

The Longevity Heaven group of people has been victorious, Supervising Heaven Tower is in sight, but because of Duke Long’s block, the victory quickly became an unreachable dream.

Duke Long is only one person, which constitutes a scorpio, an insurmountable glory!

“It’s all about Rank 8. Why can the gap be so big? Bing Saichuan, how can this be good?” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster has nothing to do.

The gap between the enemy and me is no longer a brave weapon.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster looked at Bing Saichuan, but Bing Saichuan disappeared without knowing it.

Where did he go?

a moment later, Bing Saichuan suddenly revealed the figure over Duke Long.

The long-awaited Time Dao ultimate move suddenly slammed into the back of Duke Long.

“Successful?” Bing Saichuan suddenly pupil of the eye.

Duke Long completely motionless, a fabulous Dragon Qi, brought out a rush of Dragon roar, audidly a glimpse.

Longkou bites Bing Saichuan and rises quickly, controlling it in the air.

Bing Saichuan, while relying on his own defense and support, broke out the ultimate move in an attempt to smash Dragon Qi restraint.

But all his efforts ended in failure.

Dragon Qi is not indestructible, but the speed of recovery is too fast.

“You obviously have been injured… This is not your normal battle strength!” Bing Saichuan gnawed his teeth.

“How do you know my found mystery of the Dragon Imperial Honored Guest ultimate move?” Duke Long glanced at Bing Saichuan and immediately focused on the Fortune Stealing Altar.

The Fortune Stealing Altar surface has been cracked completely spread, it has been wrap up by countless dragon phantom, and a large number of Gu insects continue to die. Fortune Stealing Altar is unable to break free, and this situation continues, and Fortune Stealing Altar is only the result of destruction.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster: “Let me go out, I would rather die in Duke Long’s hands than to die here.”

Demonic Ox is silent.

Bing Saichuan suddenly smiled: “I am not your opponent, but what about it? I still have a backhand! Please – Infinite turned!”

“What?!” this time, finally it was Duke Long’s turn to be shocked.

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