Central Continent.

A happy island is suspended in the sky, which is the residence of the Great Ascension Pavilion.

A refining gu Great Competition has come to an end.

The three Gu Immortals, who guarded the island, also relaxed.

One looked at the clouds outside the island and stretched out: “It is finally over. This year’s Gu Refining Grand Meeting is the most tired one since I supervised.”

“haha, yeah. There is no way. Fang Yuan’s devil’s head is too fierce. Many people in the outer world are also ill-conceived.”

“Fortunately, this mission is over, I invite two to drink.”

“Oh? Fellow Immortal’s Jiuliu Qiong I have long been known for a long time. I didn’t expect to have this taste today.”

“Hahaha has a reputation for being acclaimed.” The praised Gu Immortal waved his hands and suddenly looked stagnate.

“Eh!” He was full of horror, and his body was stiff and rocky. When he fell down and fell to the ground, he died completely.


“The enemy! His soul is gone!”

The remaining two, Rank 7 Gu Immortal turn pale with fright, quickly propped up protection.

Then, they saw the Gu Masters participating in the field, one after the other, they fell down and died on the spot.

The two Gu Immortals saw the corner of the eye, and they were extremely angry. They just had to audited the sneak attack.

“It’s so cruel, it’s a slap in the hands of the mortal Gu Master!”

“Get out, which Demonic Path Evildoer is it, will Dark Arrow hurt people?”

Two Gu Immortals amnesty.

The Great Competition is already in chaos, and people are falling.

“You want me to come out?” a laugh came out. “That’s what you want.”

In the laughter, Ying Wuxie reveals the figure.

“heretical path of the devils, die!” Two Gu Immortals gnashing teeth, rushing directly to the past.

Ying Wuxie stood still and did not move, only looked at them with a playful smile.

On the way to the killing of Gu Immortals, suddenly his face changed dramatically and his speed plummeted.

“I, we… actually took the trick?!”

“Clearly just…”

“What is this means?”

The two Rank 7 Gu Immortal fell to the ground and looked up at Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie laughed, put away the bodies of three Gu Immortal.

“Your Immortal Aperture, Sect Master is all you need.”

He looked back and finally glanced at the entire test site. The people who did not stand there were all fallen bodies.

After a while, Ying Wuxie flew out of Xiaoyao Island. The entire Xiaoyao Island was dead, and no one survived.

At the same time, the Phosphorescent Light River is upstream.

Hei Loulan: “Immortal Formation also wants to stop me?”

The voice has not fallen, her momentum has skyrocketed, permeate heaven and earth, radiating all directions, and rolling the boundless.


An ultimate move is played, and the ultimate defense Immortal Formation is completely blasted.

Puff puff.

The number of Gu Immortals who guarded this array, vomited blood and suffered backlash.

Hei Loulan snorted and his Strength Dao phantom layered into Gu Immortal.

Hundred Sector Woodland.

Bai Ningbing stepped on the snow and walked leisurely.

The bamboo forest of originally lush and green has been frozen by frost, like a bug in amber, motionless.

The grass is also covered with snow, and there is no life.

In the center of the bamboo forest, hundreds of mortals, Gu Master, were frozen into ice sculptures.

Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie, these three have been cultivation in Stone Lotus Island, blessing Future Body ultimate move, borrowing the future state, the battle strength is soaring, becoming the elite expert in Rank 7, the ordinary characters are not Their opponents.

Seeing them like this, Fang Yuan is also very pleased. With the blessing of the Future Body, the three were finally promoted by leaps and bounds.

“These three are all illustrious individuals, and the talent is great. Once the strength of the battle is lifted up, it immediately eclipses the same level of Gu Immortal. Now let’s see how Heavenly Court reacted.”

Heavenly Court.

The new battle report came, and Fairy Ziwei’s face sank again.

She ordered Heavenly Court to charge Time Dao immortal materials in Treasure Yellow Heaven at a high price. The results not only did not limit the promotion of Fang Yuan’s, but now even the three subordinates of Fang Yuan’s have such strength.

The battle report was handed to Duke Long, and Duke Long saw the battle image in it. The light in the eye was flashing and it was unmovable.

Fairy Ziwei didn’t recognize it, but Duke Long saw it at a glance.

He was silent for a moment, and this said: “A good Fang Yuan! I am a little kid.”

Fairy Ziwei is puzzled: “Duke Long, what are you saying?”

“The reason for the skyrocketing strength of these three people is the ultimate move – Future Body.” Duke Long said solemnly.

“Future Body ?”

“This was the creation of my big discipline. When he used Spring and Autumn Cicada to regenerate and lost the Immortal Venerable cultivation base, in order to make up for this, he developed the Future Body ultimate move.” Duke Long replied.

This time it was the turn of the Fairy Ziwei complexion greatly changed.

She is frowning and unbelievable – ly said: “Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s memory I have checked, he has harvested Red Lotus’ True Inheritance and there is no Future Body. In this case, Fang Yuan has acquired a copy of Red Lotus ‘ True Inheritance ? Otherwise, how does the Future Body do it? The River of Time is clearly blocked by us.”

Duke Long shook his head slightly: “It’s no longer important to say this now. It seems that we should keep an eye on Fang Yuan’s movements and say that he has some special means in his hands…”

Duke Long can’t despise Fang Yuan again.

Or, he would never dare to despise Red Lotus Demon Venerable!

For a time, Fairy Ziwei and Old Man Zheng Yuan were all in a heavy mood.

The shadows brought by Red Lotus Demon Venerable once again shrouded their hearts.

But then, Fang Yuan is no longer showing up, only Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie continue to take action, many wins and few losses, and loudly Central Continent.

“What exactly is Fang Yuan doing?”

“Is he sneaking and wanting to get a grand formation?”

Fang Yuan do not act, it’s the turn of Heavenly Court. This kind of threat is like a bow open, and the state of the arrow is not shot, which is worrying.

Fang Yuan is waiting.

But he never waited until Duke Long appeared.

“The situation is getting more and more troublesome.” Fang Yuan secretly gritted his teeth and felt bad.

Duke Long still does not show up, Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting has been repeatedly destroyed, and there are constant victims, but it is still going on.

Especially when the Great Competition went on, the remaining Gu Masters were less and less, the location of the Great Competition was also reduced, and the number and strength of Central Continent Gu Immortal’s defensive numbers were significantly improved.

Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others began to accompany each other, relying on them alone, it is no longer the place of the Great Competition.

Fang Yuan also did not wait for Longevity Heaven’s people.

On the eve of the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, Bing Saichuan took the initiative to contact Fang Yuan and would like to join him in destroying the Gu Refining Grand Meeting and not let Heavenly Court succeed.

But now, there is no news on Longevity Heaven.

“With me and Shadow Sect alone, I can’t stop the Great Competition from going on. Unless there is more powerful force to get involved!”

Fang Yuan knows this very well.

Shadow Sect’s did kill a lot of lives and blocked the progress of the conference, but Duke Long couldn’t move and still pushed the conference forward step by step.

Duke Long didn’t show up, and Gu Immortal in the other four domains had scruples and didn’t dare to take too much action.

This is the wisdom of Duke Long.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had to come to this pioneer. But now it seems that Fang Yuan is brilliant, but in reality the situation is still firmly controlled by Duke Long.

For Fang Yuan, Central Continent’s situation has not been opened.

How is this good?

After thinking hard, Fang Yuan decided to change his strategy. He no longer ordered Bai Ningbing and the others to attack the Great Competition venue. Instead, he switched targets and robbed various Resource Points.

Central Continent resources are quite rich and have a lot of reserves.

Bai Ningbing and the others Every time a place is looted, Fang Yuan hangs the relevant images in Treasure Yellow Heaven and lets them watch other Gu Immortal.

In the early days of this strategy, it was not effective. Even though Bai Ningbing and the others had a good harvest, it was difficult to make Fang Yuan’s happy.

But after a few days, more chaos began to happen.

Northern Plains loose immortal Aunt Shui suddenly appeared, breaking through the grand formation of War Immortal Sect and looting a Resource Point.

Two Gu Immortals suspected of Xiao Huchi and Xiao Shirang, who attacked the glass range, actually removed a super power from the place. The three Gu Immortals belonging to the forces were all killed.

Transporting Immemorial immortal materials to Immortal Crane Sect headquarters, on the way suffered a group of mysterious Gu Immortal joint raids, Immemorial immortal materials were all robbed.


After a few more days, the chaos became more and more fierce. It was actually a bonfire and the chaos was chaotic.

The well-known Resource Point is being looted, or is about to be looted, and the silhouette of a Gu Immortals seems to be active in every corner of Central Continent’s.

“Hahaha, the hearts of the people are finally chaotic!” In the dark, Fang Yuan laughed three times.

He is poisonous and sinister, and the dark thoughts of others are in the middle. If they are inciting other forces or Gu Immortal, go directly to the storm and go directly to Gu Refining Grand Meeting, they will hesitate to wait and see.

But letting them attack and rob some Resource Points, but avoiding confrontation with Heavenly Court, the psychological difficulty is very low.

At the same time, the looted resources will inspire these Gu Immortal, making their courage and appetite bigger and bigger.

And those who are watching, Gu Immortal, can see that others have snatched away the resources of that many, can you not see it? Can you not be discouraged? After all, many resources have been taken away by others, and they have no share.

Fang Yuan changed the tactics and set a good result.

The entire Central Continent was completely in chaos, with Western Desert, Southern Border, Eastern Sea, and Gu Immortal of the Northern Plains silhouette continuing, and even some of the Central Continent native lose immortal and Demon Immortal were also in fish in troubled waters.

“Fang Yuan… I want you to die!” Fairy Ziwei hates gnashing teeth.

Duke Long sighed: “The heart is not old.”

Even so, Duke Long still does not change his mind, and one mind pushes Gu Refining Grand Meeting to go on.

Those test sites were heavily guarded by a large number of Gu Immortal.

It is because Heavenly Court has gathered these forces that the external Resource Point defense is extremely weak and has been repeatedly succeeded by others sneak attack.

It can be said that Fang Yuan is going to take care of it. Based on the Duke Long strategy, special intention has transformed its own strategy.

Duke Long’s determination was unwavering, and even if the Central Continent situation was not perfect, he was firmly guarding Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

His strategy, let Fang Yuan gnashing teeth, can not start.

Duke Long forced Fang Yuan to attack his position. Fang Yuan will never take the offensive, because he knows that he is not a Heavenly Court opponent, and that other forces have not yet gone on stage, and taking action too early will only become a stepping stone for others.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had to wait silently.

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