The returning party, as one of the registration places for Gu Refining Grand Meeting, is also the Human Mountain Human Sea.

“Gu Refining Grand Meeting has finally begun! I didn’t expect to get a second chance in this life. I really appreciate God.” Middle-aged Gu Master sighed.

Some of the Gu Masters around him recognized him and suddenly talked about it.

“Look, it’s Refining Dao Great Master Luo Sheng !”

“He was unfortunately defeated in the previous Gu Refining Grand Meeting because of the unexpected situation. This time he is going to make a comeback.”

“The Gu Refining Grand Meeting was held every 100 years, and Luo Sheng should have no chance. Who can think of the 10 Great Ancient Sects even after ten years!”

The middle-aged Gu Master listened to these arguments and his face was calm.

He has already passed the age of vanity, and now he has a heart to prove himself.

“The opponent of this time, too, should not be underestimated.”

“Although I have made great efforts and accumulated my efforts, Central Continent is too big, and the Five Regions are too broad. There are always talented people.”

“Only here, there are quite a few new people genius…”

The middle-aged Gu Master glanced at the main focus on the three Gu Masters. An old man, who has been famous for many years, is also the Refining Dao Great Master. The other is a youth man, and an alum girl, the former shines in the last Gu Refining Grand Meeting, while the latter is the shining genius that has risen in the last decade.

“This time Gu Refining Grand Meeting, the competition will still be so intense!”

“I must take good care of this opportunity and I can’t miss it…”

“I want to prove myself, let my wife and son look up and be a man!”


a moment later, a huge Far Ancient Zodiac Beast drops from the sky, the entire great hall of the registration is crushed into dregs.

Middle-aged Gu Master’s all the ambitions are disappeared and turned into nothing.

The promising young Gu Master, the eye-catching genius girl, also died on the spot, being crushed into mud and blood, mixed together, and even the body was unclear.

“The next place.” In the sky, Fang Yuan’s silhouette is fleeting.

This is already the fifteenth place he attacked.

Central Continent Gu Master has suffered heavy losses. These people are just mortal Gu Master. Where can I deal with Far Ancient Zodiac Beast?

Even the Rank 6 Gu Immortal may not be able to match these Far Ancient Zodiac Beast.

Fang Yuan ruthlessly slaughtered these Gu Master’s lives, causing a huge tragedy, and the number of Gu Masters who sacrificed was increasing, giving Heavenly Court all immortals a heartache.

“Fang Yuan, this devil, is really fierce and evil, he really has trouble!”

“Damn, don’t tell me, do we sit and watch?”

“Ziwei, I don’t know about you…”

Fairy Ziwei shook his head slightly: “Fang Yuan is careful, every time attack, only release the wild Far Ancient Zodiac Beast, and the world, the Gu Master, rarely take the action himself.”

Fairy Ziwei sighs deeply: “His Wisdom Dao is very knowledgeable. He knows that the more he takes the action, the more clues he has, the easier it is for us to find and track. I have to determine his position, it is very difficult, Need more clues, time will be long.”

“But where did he come from that many Far Ancient Zodiac Beast?” Gu Immortal frowned.

“According to the information on the Southern Border, a Magnificent Zodiac Pond was built in the Immortal Aperture of Xia Cha. It should be relying on this pool that Fang Yuan secretly gathered such a Zodiac Beast.” Fairy Ziwei said.

Although her face is calm, she has an angel intent in her heart.

As a Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan is so unscrupulous to take action to the mortal, to bully the small, rely on strong bullying, really too shameless, no little bottom line!

Most Demonic Path Gu Immortal will not do this.

This is a tacit agreement between Gu Immortal, but Fang Yuan broke directly.

“Fang Yuan is a great thing for all creatures!” Fairy Ziwei was indignant and mourned for those innocent lives. “The longer he lives in this world, the more his soul will suffer from his poisonous hand and persecution.”

Duke Long is really calm, and my heart is like calm and composed.

“Well, Fang Yuan appears, isn’t it what we expected? Act on the plan. This time will pay for the big price, but also fix Fate Gu!” Duke Long tone is very firm.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was obedient, and they all felt that anything in the world could not shake Duke Long’s determination at the moment.

Fang Yuan’s is indeed a trouble, and it is impossible for Heavenly Court to not estimate him, so there is a plan to deal with it.

A few days later, people who were attacked by Fang Yuan attacked and were sure of the exact intelligence and evidence.

Everything points to Fang Yuan, he is the culprit!


“Fang Yuan has become Gu Immortal?!”

“There is really a fairy in this world…”

“Fang Yuan, you killed my father, this time the Blood Sea revenge I will definitely report!”

“Even if Rank 5 is not Gu Immortal, it will be an ant.”

“Fang Yuan is obviously destroying Gu Refining Grand Meeting. I still don’t go for the sake of my life.”

“Go! Why don’t you go? If we don’t go, aren’t we falling into Fang Yuan’s conspiracy calculations?”

“Yeah, although I am only a mortal Gu Master, I am not a Gu Immortal Fang Yuan’s opponent. But in order to kill my wife, I will save my life and I will not let Fang Yuan do it!”

Some people are afraid, some people feel that some people have retreated, and others have strengthened their confidence.

Time passed, and as the day passed, Gu Refining Grand Meeting continued.

Fang Yuan is single, and Central Continent is the registration place for Gu Refining Grand Meeting. Although he has the means of Fixed Immortal Travel, he can’t eliminate these Gu Masters.

Because there are many places, they are secretly guarded by Central Continent’s Gu Immortal.

Especially after the Fang Yuan attack, Heavenly Court immediately made an initiative to assign tasks, so that countless Gu Masters received relevant tasks, walked around, one after another to assess the participation of others, and issue tokens.

Thus, Central Continent has been reduced to zero, and no one has concentrated on one location to register, which has greatly reduced the efficiency of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan Although he was working hard, the Gu Master who died in his hands had tens of thousands, but he could not stop the Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

In the past, the official competition has started for many days.

“Well?” Fang Yuan suddenly appeared in Central Continent, and was about to take action.

“Where is Fang Yuan?”

“Give me accept your coming fate !”

A Central Continent Rank 8 Gu Immortal, flew to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan looked at the other side and did not have the slightest desire to fight, and once again urged the ultimate move to evacuate.

“In recent days, Central Continent Gu Immortal has been getting faster and faster. Is it because my Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move has been used too many times?”

“But even so, they seem to be able to anticipate where I will be. What is the means of investigation? Time Dao?”

a moment later , the scenery around Fang Yuan has changed suddenly, and the distance from the place is 100,000.

Fang Yuan is a dull face. He is keenly aware of the three Rank 8 Gu Immortal, who are encircling him from three directions.

“Fang Yuan, where do you want to escape?”

“Heavenly Court has prepared more than a dozen investigations for you, you can’t escape!”

“Especially one of them, created by Genesis Immortal Venerable, is called a thousand husbands! Hahaha, you didn’t think of the devil. The more people you kill, the more people hate you. These mortals Gu Master’s hate, will Keep marking your location.”

Three Rank 8 simultaneouss were killed in front of Fang Yuan’s.

Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move – Rumors Cage !

Suddenly, the fourth Rank 8 Gu Immortal appeared above the head of Fang Yuan’s, and an Immortal Dao battlefield put Fang Yuan wrap up.

“Catch Fang Yuan!”

“Zhou Xiongxin’s Rumors Cage is the fastest launching Battlefield Ultimate Move, even if Fang Yuan has no time to react.”

Four Gu Immortals are overjoyed.

“Duke Long is an adult, and Fang Yuan is finally trapped by us.” In the Heavenly Court, Fairy Ziwei was uplifted.

“Yeah.” Duke Long faintly sighed.

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes are bright: “Duke Long is an adult, chances are rare. I suggest that you do it yourself and make sure that you can get rid of Fang Yuan!”

Duke Long shook his head slightly: “Fang Yuan is just a jumping clown. Fixing Fate Gu is the big picture. It’s not when I take action.”

“Duke Long is an adult…” Fairy Ziwei was about to persuade, and suddenly his face suddenly changed.

At this moment, the Central Continent, especially the Refining Dao Great Competition, was violently attacked by Immortal Rank.

Even this time, not only the Dao Field, but also some of the famous Resource Points of Central Continent, have been attacked and plundered by Gu Immortal.

“Even Undefeatable Blessed Land, all of them have been attacked!” Fairy Ziwei is sinking, she is incredulous, “Is there so many Gu Immortal to deal with us?”

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