
A large group of Blink Bird chirp chirp twitter twitter, surrounded by a seven-color cloud, circling constantly, warning the enemies.

Fang Yuan looked calm, but his eyes revealed a smile.

Blink Bird’s warning is of course nothing to him.

Although this kind of bird is Desolate Beast, the battle strength is very low, even if there is such a large group is not enough. The real power of them is speed.

Blink Bird is almost the fastest Desolate Beast. Once their speed bursts out, they can get out of Gu Immortal’s field of vision in a blink of an eye, so the name is Blink Bird.

Fang Yuan converges in a breath, just like a mortal. But these Blink Birds do not attack at all, and look at harm Yuan to harmless to human and animals, they instinctively feel a kind of spiritual oppression.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan had a sigh of relief on his body.


a moment later, the speed of Blink Bird suddenly appeared, and disappeared without a trace. Originally The dense bird group is surrounded by colorful clouds, but now only the clouds are floating quietly.

Fang Yuan sighed slightly, and he originally intended to capture these Blink Birds. But the induction of these Blink Birds is too sensitive, and Fang Yuan is not very good at hiding the breath of the ultimate move.

However, if you leave, Blink Bird will not be able to support it even if it comes in. Its food is the unique White Heaven | daytime flying dust in Immemorial White Heaven, which is not easy to collect, and Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture is also absolutely impossible to produce.

Fang Yuan slowly flies near the colorful clouds.

“I didn’t expect to see a colorful Cloud Soil.” Fang Yuan sighed.

This looks like a cloud, but it is actually a kind of dirt – Cloud Soil.

In Langya Blessed Land, the Langya Earth Spirit unites a large number of Cloud Soils to form the Cloud Cover Continent, which is always floating in the sky above Langya Blessed Land.

The largest source of Cloud Soil is Immemorial Nine Heavens, and of course there are very few Resource Points in the Five Regions.

Monochrome Cloud Soil is the most common coffin, such as yellow Cloud Soil in Immemorial Yellow Heaven and scarlet Cloud Soil in Immemorial Red Heaven. The largest monochrome cloud soil on the market today is the White Cloud Soil, the vast majority of which are produced in Immemorial White Heaven.

In fact, there are many black Cloud Soils in Immemorial Black Heaven, but it is even more dangerous. After all, there are many Soul Beasts in Black Heaven.

Once the multicolor Cloud Soil is up to six colors, it is the Rank 6 level of immortal materials. Fang Yuan’s colorful Cloud Soil is the Rank 7 level of immortal materials, so a large piece of colorful Cloud Soil is of high value.

After checking out this large colorful Cloud Soil, Fang Yuan discovered that there are many nests in this Cloud Soil. There are many eggs in the nest.

This is the bird of Blink Bird!

Fang Yuan is no accident. From the performance of those Blink Birds, it seems to be guarding what. In fact, Blink Bird’s temperament is very timid, even if it is Desolate Beast, once there is any wind and grass, it will immediately explode the fastest speed.

With these eggs, Fang Yuan can hatch Blink Bird. It is certainly not easy to hatch Desolate Beast, but for Fang Yuan, there is not much difficulty.

However, Fang Yuan does not want to hatch, but wants to use these eggs as an immortal materials, which is used when refining gu.

Blink Bird’s food is too singular and not easy to support. If you want to cultivate, you have to stock it into Immemorial White Heaven from time to time, which is too much trouble.

Fang Yuan rich and imposing, has not seen the profit of Blink Bird.

Since the Heavenly Image ultimate move has been redefined, Fang Yuan has been active in Immemorial White Heaven for more than a month.

While searching for immortal materials in Immemorial White Heaven, he refining gu in his own Paragon Immortal Aperture.

For more than a month, the time in Paragon Immortal Aperture has been much longer.

Fang Yuan refining gu obtained Great results!

Resetting Person, Resetting Rivers and Mountains, Self Strength, Picking Mountain, Pulling Water, Dog Shit Luck, Time Luck, etc., have all been promoted to Rank 7.

He changed the original refining gu plan a little and upgraded refining Luck Dao Immortal Gu in advance. These days, he also gained a lot in Immemorial White Heaven and got a lot of immortal materials. Among them is the credit of these Rank 7 Luck Dao Immortal Gu.

In addition to upgrade refining, Fang Yuan has also improved the refining gu technique.

He knows too much about Gu Formula and is also familiar with the massage gu method. His Refining Dao Realm is Quasi Supreme, but his Refining Dao experience is still scarce.

In particular, the experience of refining Immortal Gu is not much.

Practice the truth.

This period of time, he successively upgraded refining Immortal Gu, and found many of his own shortcomings, to make up for it. At the same time, I found more ways to fit my refining gu.

Today, Fang Yuan has many new ideas and inspirations for the refining gu. Upgrade refining Immortal Gu’s success rate has also improved a lot.

Even though Earth Arteries is still turbulent in the Five Regions, Gu Immortals is harvesting immortal materials and Immortal Gu is in full swing. But after Fang Yuan thought about it, he still chose to explore in Immemorial White Heaven.

If he and the Five Regions Gu Immortal robbed the resources in the trench, they are bound to appear, and it is very likely that there will be fighting.

Everyone’s Immortal Gu upgrade refining success has made Fang Yuan’s strength rise. But the full extent of the rise is hard to offset the shortcomings of his last trump card exposure in the River of Time.

He needs time to quietly digest the harvest of this period.

Once the battle is over, the newly accumulated Rank 8 White Lychee Immortal Essence will also be consumed violently.

Fighting with Gu Immortal is far more dangerous than fighting with ferocious beast.

Although Fang Yuan explored Immemorial White Heaven, it also needs to consume immortal essence, and there are quite a few battles. But he relies on Heavenly Image ultimate move, and the investigation is in place.

Too difficult or powerful ferocious beast, he will not provoke, avoiding in advance.

Heavenly Image ultimate move The scope of investigation in Immemorial White Heaven is too broad, and it can be found with no difficulty to find many ferocious beasts that are good at hiding.

Heavenly Image ultimate move is so strong that even the hidden Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto can find out that these ferocious beasts are also justified.

Even better, Heavenly Image ultimate move detection does not require Fang Yuan’s immortal essence. The excellence and power of this Rank 9 ultimate move is beyond doubt! Fang Yuan has praised it more than once in the process of using it.

It’s not just risk and consumption. Exploring Five Regions is better than exploring Immemorial White Heaven. Even in terms of revenue, the former is not as good as the latter.

Coffins and immortal materials are in the trenches, but these things need Gu Immortal one after another to be included in the Immortal Aperture.

Managing Immortal Aperture is not that easy, and many resources have interrelated and interfering relationships.

So, most of the Five Regions Gu Immortal sold these immortal materials to Treasure Yellow Heaven after benefiting from the trench.

Their Immortal Aperture has limited space and is absolutely not comparable to Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture. Very long time, getting the immortal materials of the hand is not suitable for the environment of my own Immortal Aperture.

Another phenomenon that Earth Arteries is oscillating is the business of Treasure Yellow Heaven, or more accurately, the number and number of transactions between Gu Immortal has skyrocketed! The excitement in Treasure Yellow Heaven is dozens of times before.

Fang Yuan If you want immortal materials, you can buy it from Treasure Yellow Heaven.

The Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto is different, and almost every Celestial Grotto has established a complete and harmonious system. Once Fang Yuan is annexed, it is very easy to save, and there is no need to think about anything. Can also increase the Paragon Immortal Aperture’s area, the cultivation base, Dao Marks can skyrocket, and the Disaster and Tribulation can be directly cross-domain.

The benefits of annexing an Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto are too many.

As for the wild Immortal Gu from time to time in the trench, Fang Yuan is certainly envious, but these wild Immortal Gu have always been the top priority of Gu Immortals.

Fang Yuan feels that instead of stealing someone else’s Immortal Gu directly from Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, he has Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

Heavenly Court.

Grand formation Xu Xu stopped, Fairy Ziwei slowly opened his eyes, eyes bright glow flashes disappeared.

She said to herself: “Soul Penetration ultimate move? It really is superb!”

Before leaving, she looked at Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul again, but did not say anything to persuade.

These days, Fairy Ziwei often searches for memories of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s to capture the cultivation of his life.

Fairy Ziwei had to admire Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s amazing talent, and had to admit that in the Soul Dao, even if Heavenly Court had made great efforts, it still couldn’t match Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

“Unfortunately, today’s Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has become a prisoner. It is sad that he is the most lonely in the Venerable of the past. In fact, if he died, he can still be named in the history of Qing. Now it is a survival. Can’t die…”

Thinking of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul still resisting, Fairy Ziwei hated it.

She is convinced that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, there is still one of the most important Dream Dao results, that is Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

Although this trick has been cracked by Heavenly Court, it is still very valuable for Heavenly Court if it gets the hand.

Unfortunately, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has always resisted, although he can’t hold the power of Heavenly Court Celestial Grotto, but Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is very cunning, throwing out some minor things and delaying time.

For the first time, Fairy Ziwei took advantage of Heavenly Court’s power and did indeed catch Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, which made the results of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique robbed.

However, after the spirally recovers, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul took the approach of abandoning the car and still resisting perseverance.

“But these are just futile!”

“The advantage of time lies with us.”

“The Refining Dao conference has already begun preparations. Fate Immortal Gu will be completely restored, and then Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul will be reincorporated into the fate of the fate, and there is no way to escape.”

“The future of Grand Era is also in our Heavenly Court!”

Fairy Ziwei thought of Feng Jinhuang.

After getting the Dream Dao results of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, Duke Long taught this achievement to Feng Jinhuang, who was finally taught by the Orthodox. Although this result is still someone else’s.

Because of the use of Feng Jinhuang’s Immortal Gu, it is necessary to improve the appropriate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to solve the dreams around the Dragon Palace.

Fairy Ziwei, while fully promoting the ultimate move, took Feng Jinhuang with him and promoted it together.

Initially, her and Duke Long’s purpose was just to help Feng Jinhuang grow faster. But after I thought it was successful, Feng Jinhuang proposed a way to improve Pure Dream Seeking True Physique.

The new Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, without any previous drawbacks, can last forever!

“Venerable’s talent is really terrifying. In front of them, even I feel my ordinary…” Fairy Ziwei sighed in her heart.

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