“Great Master, your guidance, I will never forget!” The Merpeople girl looked suspiciously, stepped back halfway, and bowed heavily to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily: “I don’t want to pay for it. But sometimes easer said than done, I ask you, what do you want to do now?”

Xia Lin hesitated.

“I want to follow Chu Great Master!” This sentence immediately is rising in her mind.

But she still has an open mouth in the future. Seeing Fang Yuan, she shook her head. “You haven’t thought about it yet. I have time to think about it in the future. In fact, I don’t care what you think. Do you know what I want to do?”

Xia Lin shook her head, then a moment later, her pupil suddenly expanded, her body stiffened, and motionless.

Because Fang Yuan slowly extended the hand, she touched her face.

Pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng !

Xia Lin’s face is flushed, her heart beats, and the ripple of the limpid autumn water ripples out of her eyes.

She felt the generosity and warmth of Fang Yuan’s palm, which felt like a tiny current that spread her whole body and mind. Obviously just a very ordinary action, but let Xia Lin unable to move a single step.

Fang Yuan retracted his hand: “You have a mask on your face.”

Xia Lin wondered, just listen to Fang Yuan and said: “Sometimes we take the initiative to bring masks, sometimes others force us to wear masks. Now, I want to take off the mask on your face, you have to cooperate I know?”

“Big, Great Master, you don’t have to…” Xia Lin vaguely knows what Fang Yuan is going to do, and stammeringly discourages.

Fang Yuan waved his hand: “Don’t take this layer of mask off, my heart will be happy. I don’t want to feel wronged. My heart, if you feel that you owe me, then cooperate with me, as if it is compensation for me.”

In this case, how can Xia Lin refuse?

She kneels down on the ground, worshipped Fang Yuan, and then got up silently: “Chu Great Master, what do you call me, how do I do it!”

“Okay, then become saintess.”


A few days later.

The final test of the Poseidon Festival is very eye-catching.

Su Yi was shocked at the sight of Xia Lin, his face looked like he saw a ghost.

The two skeletons under the stage are also shocked.

Then, after hearing the explanation from Grand Elder, the crowd was alive.

Su Yi found a stable win because her competitor was seriously injured in the previous match, and the time was too short to be at all.

But I did not expect that the accident happened.

The younger sister who has been separated from competitors for many years is found, the former Merwoman Xia Lin!

“This is too bloody?”


“Xia Lin… Isn’t that the one who betrayed Su Yi, the seller who is seeking glory?”

“That was just a rumor that Su Yi had deliberately released that’s all. The real reason is that Su Yi wants to squeeze out a follower’s quota. I heard that Supervision Envoy has pleaded guilty, and he forced Xia Lin’s conversation. The iron is like a mountain!”

“This…this is even more exciting than the one in the play.”

The crowds have been talking and gradually boiling.

Two stunned sound transmissions:

“What exactly is going on?”

“How did the winds of sensation change suddenly?”

“And we didn’t arrange Supervision Envoy at all. How did he confess his unfathomable mystery?”

Su Yi’s face is very ugly, but Xia Lin is a calm face. Her eyes glance at the crowd and her attitude is calm. Fang Yuan’s previous teachings made her life seem to have sublimated a grade.

I will not put myself in the eyes of Xia Lin, Su Yi is even more boring, she coldly snorted: “Xia Lin, I really did not expect, we will meet again in this way.”

“I didn’t think of it.” Xia Lin looked at Su Yi and told the truth. The encounters of these days have been ups and downs, as if it were a dream.

Su Yi once again coldly snorted: “No matter what conspiracy you have, this last test is not a casual Merians. The saintess of the Poseidon will be me.”

“Oh.” Xia Lin replied faintly.

Su Yi suddenly felt a fierce punch on the cotton, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Xia Lin began to glance around the crowd, too many people, densely packed.

“Chu Great Master said that he would look at me in the crowd. But which one is him? How can I never find it? Will he disguise his face? His divine ability is too broad, he wants Hidden identity, I am absolutely unable to find him.”

“After this time, I told him that I wanted to follow him. I wonder if he will promise me?”

Xia Lin is haunting this question, and the position of saintess is no more attractive than the answer to this question.

In the first game, Xia Lin was slightly better than Su Yi.

In the second game, Xia Lin was slightly better than Su Yi.

Such a result was greatly unexpected, and the audience was stunned. The arguments expressed their own shock.

Fang Yuan is hidden in the crowd. On the surface, the look and the people around him seem to be indifferent.

In the past few days, he has been secretly cultivating Xia Lin, and he used the Time Dao method to win a lot of time and trained her to a certain extent.

Together with the songs created by Fang Yuan, there is a unique feature, and the Sound Dao Gu insect that Fang Yuan gave to Xia Lin, specially tailored for her.

When Su Yi and Xia Lin sang on the stage, Fang Yuan even secretly made their hands and feet, affecting their play. The former played very fluently, while the latter was better and better with the support of Fang Yuan’s.

“In this Celestial Grotto, apart from our outsiders, I am afraid that there is no Gu Immortal originally. Now I use the method of immortality, can’t I still have a purely mortal Gu Master’s ceremony?”

“What to do? The third game is about to begin.” The two eagerly full head sweating, the two of them were sent by the family, special intention assisted Su Yi. If Su Yi does not get the position of saintess, then neither of them can escape the family’s accountability.

Su Yi was pale and looked at Xia Lin on the other side.

It’s like a dream!

In Su Yi’s opinion, Xia Lin is an ordinary gimmick. It was only because of the oil picking and the Merpeople that she had taken advantage of it.

Before squeezing Xia Lin, she was not very comfortable, but she felt that there was nothing.

Xia Lin Even if he wants revenge, what can he retaliate against? She is alone, the cultivation base is only Rank 2, isn’t it left to be flattened by others?

If the position of the saintess is not in sight, Su Yi does not want to be distracted. She wants to take this opportunity to seize the Rank 5 Gu Insect in Xia Lin.

This is not repaying kindness with enmity !

Can a Rank 2 Gu Master protect a Gun 5’s Gu insect?

This is treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Therefore, in Su Yi’s view, instead of being murdered by Xia Lin in the future, it is better to persuade her to contribute to her family. In this way, she will benefit from this side, and she will not die, but it will help her.

This is a small plan in the heart of Su Yi. It was just that the position of saintess was too important. Su Yi didn’t dare to be distracted and didn’t want to provoke criticism. She had to give up Xia Lin for the time being.

If it was before, someone told her that Xia Lin would be the biggest obstacle to her competition for saintess. Su Yi’s answer must be two words: hehe.

Now Su Yi wants to give him a hehe, this fate is really cruel.

Yes, Fang Yuan took the action in person and made a fake for Xia Lin. Who can see the flaw?

There is no one in the vast holy city!

Therefore, the evidence that proves the identity of Xia Lin is impeccable and rigorous. Su Yi believes that the identity of Xia Lin is really the same.

“Fate, the joke you gave me is too big.” Su Yi sighed in her heart.

“Eldest Young Lady, what can you do?” The two monks are also six gods.

“Under the crowd, we can’t do anything at all, and time is too late. Only have one way, I came to persuade her personally.” Su Yi silent for a moment, suddenly biting his teeth.

She immediately turned to Xia Lin as a sound transmission: “Xia Lin, I am Su Yi.”

Xia Lin was great astonished, but immediately she calmed down and secretly replied: “What’s the matter?”

Su Yi brewed several respiratory tracts: “I want to make a deal with you. Your contraction strength will be defeated to me in the next game, making me a saintess. I swear to Poseidon and are willing to pay the price that is absolutely satisfactory to you. Even Self. Strength is not enough, my family will definitely satisfy you.”

Xia Lin was silent for a moment, this is: “I am sorry, I…”

“You don’t rush to refuse, Xia Lin, you are too young, maybe you haven’t realized the meaning of saintess. What do you think saintess is? Is it a simple belief? Or a superficial draft? No! It involves The interest involves the interests of the entire high-level city, which is a political game.”

“I know, you want to avenge me, but you know? Your situation at this moment is also very dangerous. Once you become saintess, you will be even more dangerous. Your elder sister’s power will push you to the stage, just Because they have no other choices, they will be dead horse doctors. Once you become saintess, they will do their best to make you a jealousy and let you do many things that suit their interests.”

“I don’t have time with you, but I know you very well, Xia Lin. Your heart is pure and kind. If you become saintess, you will probably seek benefits for the majority of Merpeople. But you will never succeed because you are not essentially Anyone with political power, you are just an outsider. Unless you integrate into one of them and become a representative of their interests, you will be crowded out by all, and you will be the most inactive and unspeakable in history. Saintess.”

“And if you choose to trade with me, you will definitely get more than you think, more than you get from your elder sister. Please believe in my sincerity!”

Su Yi’s eloquence is extremely outstanding, and it is a three-inch tongue. Rao is also the heart of Xia Lin.

But she a moment later but replied: “Miss Su Yi, your sincerity I know, but this thing, I can’t promise you.”

“Why?” Su Yi said in a hurry. “Do you think I am kidding you? Although it is cruel, I am really telling the truth. Don’t be so… innocent, okay?”

Xia Lin is silent.

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