Xie Hanmo glanced at her deeply and slowly flew to the stage.

She just fell on the stage, it was a glimpse.

“How are you…” She looked at towards Fang Yuan, who was very surprised.

Fang Yuan interrupted her: “I am your follower, of course I am qualified to stage and accompany you.”

“You are going down…” Xie Hanmo said quickly, and there was a rare anxiety between the brows.

“Do you still want to sing the same song? Even if the effect is better than Donglei, according to regulation, it is not counted. Believe me, I have a song to fight.” Fang Yuan interrupted Xie Hanmo again, saying with sound transmission.

Xie Hanmo is shaking.

The song can’t be changed at will, because it has to be combined with Gu insect, and it has to go through several drills in advance.

If you change the song, the cooperation of Gu insect will change accordingly.

In this unexpected situation, Xie Hanmo can’t change Gu insect anymore, which requires the songs to be replaced with the original songs, in terms of rhythm and tunes.

It may be possible to create a hundred days of time. But now is so rushed, the possibility is almost zero.

“The songs certainly can’t be the same. But don’t forget, I also participated in the songs we created. I have a song here that is very similar, but you need to be a smart machine, pay attention to the cooperation between Gu insect and my song. “Fang Yuan continues sound transmission, “In addition, this is a song and a word.”

Xie Hanmo stunned, finally slightly nod: “Okay.”

Fang Yuan took a deep breath: “Then start.”

Xie Hanmo also took a deep breath and closed her eyes slightly. This is the habit of her singing.

The scene suddenly began to calm down.

Quiet and continuous…


“Why don’t you sing?” Someone gradually wondered in their hearts.

“Hahaha, how do they sing? They can’t sing at all!” The cold wave Patriarch laughed and smiled.

“Oh, sorry, can anyone borrow me a hammer?” Fang Yuan broke the silence.

The audience: “…”

You are accompaniment to you, in the important ceremony of the Poseidon Festival, you are not even prepared for the piano?

Are you so casual, really good?

“You need the hammer of Rank 3, and who can borrow me.” Fang Yuan continued, but looked towards Grand Elder.

Grand Elder also already understood that there was an accident on Xie Hanmo’s side, and there was some speculation in her heart, and she was sent to the piano.

Fang Yuan got the violin and said: “I have a big body, please let me refined this on the spot.”

The audience: “…”

What do you mean? At the last moment of the Poseidon Festival, are you refining gu?

Have you made a mistake?

What do you think of a Human Race Gu Master? Is playing with us now!

The moods of Merpeople have generally become bad.

The cold wave Patriarch quickly indicated to his men, and immediately there was a voice that suddenly sounded: “You are delaying the time by excusing!”

Fang Yuan is going to be surging, Fang Yuan quickly yelled: “Then you said, is it stipulated in the Poseidon Festival that I can’t refining gu on the spot? I am refining gu to sing for support, and we will start immediately.”

Grand Elder also immediately said: “There is no clear text in this regard, I agree. After you have smashed the Gu insect, it will start. Everyone thinks?”

Other families, you look at me, I look at you, some people want to speak, some people keep silent.

The cold wave Patriarch’s men shouted again: “When the sea god sacrifices such a grand ceremony, let all our Merpeople wait for you to refining gu?”

Fang Yuan immediately retorted: “I refining gu is for the sea god sacrifice, the sea god sacrifice is such an important ceremony, what are you waiting for a while? Who does not want to wait, who has no patience, can stand up! You can also leave directly. ”

This time, no one dares to refute.

“The tip of the tooth is good! When it falls into my hands, I must break the Human Race Gu Master’s teeth and pull out the tongue.” The cold wave Patriarch sneered.

The huge shells hovered over the sea and the Merpeople warriors strenuously held the bottom.

There are countless Merpeople who are floating out of the sea, a little immersed in the sea and only revealing a head. Countless eyes are concentrated on Fang Yuan, and looks at him to refine the hammer.

Xie Hanmo is instead received.

She is standing next to Fang Yuan’s and she is very strange. She participated in a sea god festival and became saintess. She has also seen several sea god festivals, but she has never encountered such a scene!

Fang Yuan refining gu is extremely fast, because the owner of Qinqin actively cooperates.

Qin Qin was in the hand, Fang Yuan stood up and stood behind Xie Hanmo, confidently: “Well, this can really start.”

“It’s the beginning.” Merpeople are all spits out one mouthful of impure air, full of resentment.

“I want you to sing, I want to hear, what can you sing!” The cold wave Patriarch sneered.

Under the stage, the Grand Elder, the red scales, and the blue scales guards were all worried.

Xie Hanmo slowly closed his eyes.

This time, zither sound starts.

Qinqin was spurred by Fang Yuan, and it made a long, twirling, fascinating zither sound.

Xie Hanmo blinks and starts to sing –

Somewhere in the heart of Baiyueguang

So bright but so cold

Everyone has a sadness

Want to hide but want to cover it


The audience was silent, only the sound of the waves.

The wonderful singing makes countless people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.


White moon light ends of the horizon

In my heart, not at my side

Can’t wipe your tears at the time

The road is too long to chase after forgiveness


The genre mourns, the melody is simple but beautiful, and the layers are pushed forward, so that a sad and sorrowful atmosphere envelopes the audience.

Xie Hanmo’s pure, high-pitched, penetrating voice is gentle and delicate, like a pale moonlight that is a bit cold and seems to be a little warm.

Jubei began to emit a white halo slowly, and the waves did not seem to interfere with this Heavenly Sound-like voice, getting smaller and smaller.


White moon light ends of the horizon

The more Perfection, the more lonely

Can’t wipe the tears in my memories

How to compensate for the road too long


Xie Hanmo was also intoxicated, her eyes darting to her side, where she stood in front of Fang Yuan who was concentrating on the violin.

She thought to herself: “Is there sadness in your heart?”

Countless Merpeople shed tears.

The pain of love, tears are hidden in the bottom of my heart.

Is there Perfection on this world?

Always alone.


Somewhere in the heart of Baiyueguang

So bright but so cold

Everyone has a sadness

I want to hide but grow


One song sang, the audience was silent.

In Gu Home, the cold wave Patriarch condenses like a sculpture, and the face is full of surprises.

The sea was calm, the clouds began to drift, and the moonlight was shining on the giant shells, illuminating Xie Hanmo and Fang Yuan.

The two gently touched each other.

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