Although the island is small, there are many cultivation resources.

This density and reserves are obviously artificially cultivated.

After Fang Yuan’s eight Gu Immortals searched, they were assigned again. Fang Yuan played Chu Ying, Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal, and thus gained a lot of Transformation Dao’s immortal materials.

But because Transformation Dao maps a million lines together, there are many kinds of such immortal materials, including a wide range. For example, Soul Beast’s Soul Nucleus is itself the immortal material of Soul Dao, but if Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal is specifically changed to Soul Beast, Soul Nucleus can also be considered a resource for Transformation Dao cultivation.

Fang Yuan used the Transformation Dao as a cover to collect a lot of Time Dao immortal materials.

Ceng Lao Zi looks like a casually: “Chu Ying Fellow Immortal don’t tell me Have a change in Time Dao? How can you not use it when you are in a fantasy?”

Fang Yuan laughed: “I am a good idea. Everyone must know the face of Fang Yuan. These Time Dao immortal materials can be exchanged for a lot of good things in Treasure Yellow Heaven. After all, if I compete with everyone, it is unavoidable. Also hurt and anger.”

“Hahaha. Chu Ying Fellow Immortal Good thoughts, I never thought about it.” Tu Toutuo laughed.

Ceng Lao Zi eyes bright glow flashes, no more words.

After the horror of the outside world, Gu Immortals’s mood was uplifted. After all, these gains were a lot of money.

In particular, Miao Mingshen did not favor himself, and the average distribution made the atmosphere in the team quite harmonious.

Half a day later, the group was once again gathered in front of the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, the Righteous Pointed Stele.

“According to the records on the Merit Tablet, these resources should have been arranged by the Paradise Immortal Venerable. In order to make Gu Immortal unwilling to accept the task, it is not a good thing. Paradise Immortal Venerable is really kind!” Tong Hua felt very much. .

Seventh Master Gui pondered then said: “Now we all have a hand, one after another has tried, this isle can’t force a breakthrough.”

“There is this Merit Tablet, and we can’t crack it,” Bee General continued.

The group of people was silent.

The layout of Paradise Immortal Venerable is so easy to crack? Especially these Gu Immortal, except for Fang Yuan, only the Rank 7 cultivation base. Although some people are elite experts in Rank 7, it is not enough to face Immortal Venerable’s means.

“I don’t know Miao Mingshen Fellow Immortal has any insights?” Tong Hua asked.

Miao Mingshen shook her head slightly: “I don’t know anything about Paradise True Inheritance. It doesn’t matter to everyone. In my opinion, since we can’t forcibly crack the layout of Paradise Immortal Venerable, there are only two ways. First. I don’t accept the task of Righteous Pointed Stele. I stayed on this isle for three hundred days. When the time limit is up, it should be sent out. The second one is to follow the instructions on the inscription.”

Groups look at each other in dismay.

There is no doubt that the resources on the isle have been divided, who wants to stupidly stay here for three hundred days?

All the celestial beings are also tasted sweet, and they are more interested in Paradise True Inheritance.

When they want to come, the cultivation resource on the isle is just an appetizer before the big meal, which makes the value of Paradise True Inheritance more visible.

“But to accept the task, you must be recognized by Merit Tablet. This process is somewhat similar to the Super Family’s Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu, but more powerfully binding. If this is a trap…”

“The things in the world have always been in the interests and risks. We are here to explore Paradise True Inheritance, isn’t it just an adventure? I have decided to accept the task.”

“Since this is the layout of the Paradise Immortal Venerable, there should be no problem. True Inheritance is in front of you. If you stop here, I am afraid I will regret it in the future.”


After some exchange, the eight Gu Immortals were present without any one retreating.

So according to the inscription, Baxian took turns to go forward and put the palm of his hand on the meritorious Right Pointed Stele.

A magnificent ray flashed, and the names of the Eight Immortals were revealed by a new inscription. In the original blank space, a ranking form was formed.

Fang Yuan’s name is awesome, but the word “Chu Ying” is displayed.

This made Fang Yuan sighed in relief.

The Merit Tablet he explored and found that it was based on Earth Dao and Sound Dao, not that he could crack it. Of course, if it is forcibly destroyed, it is possible to follow Fang Yuan’s battle strength. But the risk is too great. It is better to continue to disguise and explore with these people.

Gu Immortal World has endless means. The Merit Tablet is the Hand Xwork of the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home and the Paradise Immortal Venerable. It is possible to reveal the true name of Gu Immortal. Fortunately, there is no such power. Otherwise, Fang Yuan’s identity is exposed, and I am afraid that he will kill the people around him.

After all, his identity is too sensitive. It’s hard to protect these people from any weird means. Even without threats, the power of Heavenly Court’s is extremely bad.

“Don’t figure out the situation, or don’t easily start with these people. After all, this is Paradise True Inheritance. He is concerned about where is is to to people off, one should spare them. It is kindness and tolerance. If I am easy slaughter, I am afraid. There are bad things happening.”

Eight Immortals have been on the Merit Tablet and have begun to study these tasks.

There are only ten tasks recorded in the inscription.

Every task is concise and requires Gu Immortal to try to figure out.

For example, the first task – remove the Water Monster around Sea Eagle City.

Similar to Soul Beast, Water Monster is a beast with a strange shape. After death, most of the body will dissipate, leaving only the water core, Soul Nucleus. This is immortal materials, rich in Water Dao, Soul Dao’s Dao Marks.

What level of Water Monster is Desolate Beast or Far Ancient Desolate Beast, not detailed.

Sea Eagle City ? Where is Sea Eagle City, where? There is also no indication.

You can try to get rid of Water Monster, but the rest of the tasks are a bit strange.

For example, the construction of water wells for the fishery island, the collection of medicinal ingredients for the three lines, the governance of the essence spring, the protection of the caravans, the repair of the grand formation and so on.

Eight Immortals looked up at Merit Tablet. After a long time, Ceng Lao Zi sighed: “My Information Dao means is useless for this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home. It seems that we have chosen what mission, all by Luck Qi. Let me come first. I chose the first task to get rid of Water Monster.”

Others were silent for a while.

Although Ceng Lao Zi said so, there are also differences in each task.

According to common sense, the higher the difficulty of the task, the greater the merits should be obtained. Water Monster is at least Desolate Beast. Eliminating Water Monster is obviously a difficult task, and the merits of correspondence should be good.

As for the tasks of managing the essence spring, protecting the caravan, etc., it is obviously a mortal level, but it is difficult but the task of Water Monster is eliminated.

Ceng Lao Zi chose this way, no doubt it was the first to snatch a piece of fat. The atmosphere in the team suddenly changed.

Ceng Lao Zi is silent, but there are some tensions.

At this time Miao Mingshen nodded, which is the meaning of the promise, then he said: “You choose first, my last one.”

As soon as this was said, Gu Immortals looked towards Miao Mingshen’s eyes and changed a bit.

Miao Mingshen waved his hand and said: “Everyone doesn’t have to look at me. I just think that Paradise Immortal Venerable has made such a layout. How can it not think of fairness? These seemingly simple tasks may not be that simple.”

For the inference of Miao Mingshen, some people in the group are slightly nod.

Tong Hua said: “Then I choose the second task.”

Tu Toutuo also made a choice.

Their choices are consistent with Ceng Lao Zi, which is clearly a seemingly difficult task.

After Tu Toutuo has chosen, there is still one task left, which is more difficult. The rest of the tasks are mediocre common.

Among the remaining people, there are three Rank 7s, Miao Mingshen, Fang Yuan and Seventh Master Gui.

“Next…Please ask Chu Ying Fellow Immortal to choose.” Miao Mingshen glanced and smiled.

Bee General, Hua Die female immortal stood by his side and never had a word.

“Slow.” Seventh Master Gui said at this time, “everyone Fellow Immortal, Miao Mingshen, frankly, I saw this task at first sight.”

The group of people suddenly looked different.

Miao Mingshen turned to look at Seventh Master Gui with a stunned, critical look.

But Seventh Master Gui didn’t see it, but his eyes were faint, looking directly at Fang Yuan.

“Is this a persimmon to be soft?” Fang Yuan smiled in his heart and said directly, “Since Seventh Master Gui can have such an eye, it means that this task has a relationship with the ghost brother. I don’t want to take people. Ok. Um… just choose the seventh one.”

Everyone saw it. I saw that the seventh task was to collect the trenches in the depths of the seabed. This has always been the work of the mortal Gu Master.

Miao Mingshen hurriedly said : “Chu Ying Fellow Immortal ……”

“Brother Miao doesn’t have to be modest. It’s really envy that you have such a companion. This is what you deserve. If it is not for your sake, how can I get in here?” Fang Yuan laughed.

Seventh Master Gui looked towards Fang Yuan’s eyes, and suddenly eased a lot.

Yes, he insisted on the last task, but for Miao Mingshen, not for himself.

But as Fang Yuan said, the most important thing is that abnormal immortal can come here. Miao Mingshen. His merits are indeed deserved.

Miao Mingshen is still a debut, but Fang Yuan is a force perseverance.

Miao Mingshen is helpless and only accepts.

After a while, everyone chose a task. The Merit Tablet fired a beam of light, and Gu Immortals one after another stepped into the beam of light and was quickly sent out and disappeared on the spot.

Fang Yuan felt that his vision changed suddenly, and then blinked, he was on a strange sea island.

“I am Rank 8 Gu Immortal, but the Merit Tablet is delivered effortlessly. It seems to be the core of this Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, with profound mystery, and it really is the handiwork of the land!”

For these tasks, he and Miao Mingshen have similar speculations. Of course, the task of pushing it, not Fang Yuan, is actually a test of Miao Mingshen.

After Fang Yuan and the others, only Miao Mingshen and Seventh Master Gui were left.

“Ghost Seven, you…” Miao Mingshen sighed.

Seventh Master Gui said: “Also ask adults to forgive.”

“What crimes do you have? You just have to look down on Chu Ying this person. He is the first person to die in a fantasy, and you think that the ability of others is not strong.” Miao Mingshen shook his head.

“Adult, don’t tell me, do you think Chu Ying is hidden?”

Miao Mingshen shook his head again: “I didn’t see anything. The possibility of his hidden power is not great. Just in this strange environment, we still have to unite first and try to avoid the internal strife.”

“Yes, I understand it.”

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