“Don’t panic.” Qi Fa spoke, his voice dry and hoarse. In the past, the body of the pen is like a bamboo pole in the wind, and it is shaking gently.

No one is making fun of it.

Qi Family Gu Immortal Three Rank 7, two Rank 6, are not the opponents of Fang Yuan’s. In front of Fang Yuan, they are the fish on the cutting board, letting them be slaughtered.

After Qi Fa opened his mouth, he again took the courage to continue: “We are now in front of the betting fight door, get the approval of the gate building, can explore the Celestial Grotto World, so it is protected by the gatehouse. Fang Yuan is coming. To kill us, we have to go through the barriers of the gatehouse first. But if he wants to dismantle the gatehouse, it will destroy the gambling contract and can’t enter the World on the other side of the door.”

Qi Fa’s words suddenly stabilized the hearts of the people.

Fang Yuan also involuntarily looked at Qi Fa, smiled and praised -ly said: “It is some calculations.”

Qi Fa’s words are both for Qi Family Gu Immortal and for Fang Yuan’s advice. It is not unreasonable for Qi Family to be the ultimate winner in the Five Phases gambling contract. Over the years, Qi Family has developed into the current state, suppressing and enslaving the other four, and has always been famous and hidden. Even the Southern Border Righteous Path doesn’t seem to be much noticeable. At least it hasn’t been attempted to touch the Five Phases to see the Qi Family’s skills.

But they have a big skill, and when they come across Fang Yuan, they have to take the wax.

Fang Yuan’s smile fell into their eyes and became more terrifying. The white teeth he exposed were like swords that passed through the cold.

Fang Yuan looked at Qi Family Gu Immortal and turned his eyes to Bai Ningbing.

The two individuals were consulted before, and Bai Ningbing flew into the gatehouse against Fang Yuan slightly nod.

Qi Family Gu Immortals obviously stunned, but he could only look at it.

As soon as Bai Ningbing entered the light blue ice, the ice was swayed and stabilized.

Fang Yuan is secretly nodded. He had some concerns about the identity of Bai Ningbing’s Dragonoid. After all, Dragonoid is nonhuman, not the orthodox Human Race. But now, as a result, the gatehouse recognizes only the bloodline identity of Bai Ningbing, which is not related to nonhuman and Human Race.

After a few breaths, Bai Ningbing officially recognized the gatehouse, following an invisible gentle force, the fell clouds.

Qi Family Gu Immortals looked at the flashing light, revealing the meaning of regret.

“It seems that Bai Ningbing has not been enslaved by Fang Yuan manipulates. Otherwise, the gatehouse will never recognize her.”


“It’s damn, Bai Ningbing is recognized and can enter World on the other side of the gate!”

Bai Ningbing has been subject to Old Man Yan Shi, who has never tried to enslave her. All cooperation is the nature of the transaction.

After Bai Ningbing attached Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan had no choice but to control her.

It is because of the consideration of this gatehouse.

Bai Ningbing fell to the cloud, and after careful investigation, he turned to Fang Yuan and said: “As long as it falls on this cloud, even if it is recognized by the gated gatehouse, and between Gu Immortal, it is temporarily impossible to take action on each other.”

“Okay.” Fang Yuan flashed a glimpse of his eyes, and his movements triggered a scream of Qi Family Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan even flew to the light blue ice.

Light blue ice suddenly swayed and stabilized.

Fang Yuan is the original face, but the ready to promote Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Meeting Past Acquaintance. This move was improved by him, adding Blood Dao Immortal Gu, which allowed him to pretend to be a descendant of blood. At the beginning, he fooled Wu Family, pretend to be Wu Yihai, and mixed into the Southern Border Righteous Path.

However, Fang Yuan has not yet begun to be happy, and the other four brilliance flashed on the surface of the gate.

These four brilliances each represent the power of the other four phases.

Fang Yuan looked a little stunned. Just now he made Bai Ningbing one step ahead, which was to calculate the light blue ice. He flew into the light and had already deceived the pale blue ice, but did not expect the power of the other four phases to emerge.


The door was shocked, and an invisible force pushed Fang Yuan out of the light.

“With Meeting Past Acquaintance, can’t you pass it?” Fang Yuan’s heart sank.

Patrolling Heaven Five Phases !

This once-famous Southern Border Gu Immortal World’s strong combination shows their style and strength at this moment.

Qi Family Five Gu Immortals have a big sigh of relief, and the colors of happiness and ecstasy have come to their faces.

Fang Yuan’s move really scared them a big jump, but the end result made them feel very gratified.

“That was close, Fang Yuan will not get in after all!”

“We have hope! Thus, Fang Yuan can only be excluded from the door, and we have to deal with only Bai Ningbing.”

“Her White Phase Ultimate Move is really troublesome, but our gas phase True Inheritance is also not to trifled with.”

Fang Yuan looked at the gatehouse.

I have to say that he thought about the door. Or more accurately, Shadow Sect’s intelligence, as well as the information provided by Bai Ningbing, is not deeply involved in this building.

To deceive this gatehouse, it is not acceptable to rely solely on Meeting Past Acquaintance.

Fang Yuan didn’t want to let Bai Ningbing enter the exploration alone.

Bai Ningbing is not reliable, even if she is really reliable, she alone can’t deal with so many Gu Immortal of Qi Family.

Although Fang Yuan was frustrated once, his determination to mix in did not waver.

“Gas phase, White Phase, Blood Phase, Mud Phase, eating phase, this is Patrolling Heaven Five Phases. This gate building is clearly created by them and has the power of five of them.”

Fang Yuan is caught in rapid thinking.

Gas phase, White Phase, Blood Phase, Mud Phase, eating phase, respectively, are Qi Dao, Ice Dao, Blood Dao, Earth Dao, Gourmet Dao.

Blood Dao, Earth Dao, and Fang Yuan’s related Realm are superb and very confident.

On Gourmet Dao, although Realm is not high, Fang Yuan holds Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, which contains the most important Gourmet Dao orthodox inheritance in the world. With such a foundation, Fang Yuan is a high-rise building with a solid background.

Qi Dao and Ice Dao’s Realm are very low. But Ice Dao is not enough. Because of the White Phase’s True Inheritance provided by Bai Ningbing, it has great reference value and has let Fang Yuan pass the light blue ice.

“So the only obstacle is actually the power of the gas phase.” Fang Yuan The divine glow in the depths of his eyes flickered.

Fang Yuan’s Qi Dao Realm is not enough, and Qi Dao’s inheritance Fang Yuan is also relatively small. After all, Qi Dao has been around for a long time.

“But it doesn’t matter, I have Wisdom Halo.”

Fang Yuan decided to rely on Wisdom Halo, forcibly breaking through the past!

Qi Family Gu Immortal secretly communicates.

“What is he doing?”

“It seems to be calculating… Heavenly Court is not announced, and the Wisdom Dao method of this devil is also very extraordinary.”

“hehe, no use. How can he calculate the layout of Five Phases in such a short time?”

Qi Family Gu Immortals has a lot of confidence in this.

They have already tried to crack the power of Five Phases, but after all, there is no result. Not only is 1~2 Gu Immortals unable to work hard, but Gu Immortal of generation after generation has worked hard and still has nothing to do.

They have hit the wall too many times in the power of the Five Phases seal. Why can Fang Yuan be used?

“Perhaps Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao means far above us. But he wants to figure it out now, it’s too much to take it for granted. This difficulty is like fighting in the battle, the first time I saw the strange Immortal Realm Ultimate Move I still want to calculate and crack. It is naive!” Qi Fa shook his head. It seems that with his words, the courage in his heart came up again, and the timidity gradually dissipated.


a moment later , Fang Yuan 狠狠take action, bombarded on the door.

The door was violently shaken and the Qi Family Gu Immortal’s face changed dramatically.

“This, this, this!”

“The devil took action, and he actually took action on the gate. If he broke the door for the transfer, would he not want to enter the other side of World?”

“He is not calculating, he is angry and angry?!”

Hōng hōng hōng ……

With the violent bombardment of Fang Yuan, the entire gatehouse was shaking violently. Qi Family Gu Immortal also swayed a lot, standing unsteadily, like a candle in the wind.

Their faces are also full of shock and fear, and some people even start shiver coldly.

Once the gatehouse was broken, they would have no umbrella and be captured by Fang Yuan. They must all look at Fang Yuan’s mood.

“Be sure to hold on!” Qi Family’s Gu Immortals prayed wildly.

Fang Yuan’s offensive gradually stopped.

Qi Family Gu Immortals gasping for breath, covered with cold sweat and wet clothes. The feeling of hanging a line is really too bad, they have never been so nervous.

But in the end, the gatehouse still stands.

“The devil didn’t succeed, it’s great!” He cheered and the rest of the Qi Family Gu Immortal were happy and excited.

Fang Yuan glanced at them, revealing a faint mocking smile: “Oh? Why do you think I stopped?”

Said, he spurred an inexplicable Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, no light and shadow, plain and faint, but the whole body up and down suddenly suddenly had a mysterious change.

Then Fang Yuan slowly fell, bathed in the light blue ice, and easily got the recognition of the gatehouse, belf Bai Ningbing’s side.

Qi Family Gu Immortals each and every one looked stunned, and some even had a big mouth, motionless, as if the stone statue was solidified.

Their faces are full of shocks, and some of the concepts that are unbreakable in their hearts are collapsing with the success of Fang Yuan’s!

“This, this devil is really amazing!”

“This must be a dream! How is it possible?”

“In such a short period of time, why did he succeed?”

Qi Family Gu Immortals felt unbeatable doubts, and then a deep chill, they took them all.

Fang Yuan’s combat power has been very much, and now he shows the Wisdom Dao rumors, but also washed away the cognitive limits of Qi Family Gu Immortal.

It’s no wonder that Heavenly Court is helpless. And how can you deal with this side?

“The Gate House! The ancestor! This Fang Yuan is simply an outsider, he cheated!!” Qi Cai roared, and the look of fear was mixed with grief.

But the door is quiet and silent, and the power of the Five Phases seal is dying. And soon, the gatehouse began to rise to a strong atmosphere, and the multicolored light re-emerged.

Qi Family Gu Immortals See you here, the face is full of despair.

Because they know that the change in the gatehouse is not to see Fang Yuan’s identity, but to start the transfer.

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