Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Little Western Desert.

The area is a thousand miles away. Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone Get involved here, bend down and grab a handful of sand and put it on the front of the eye.

These sands are full and crystal clear, with a hint of chill.

This fashion is sunny in the daytime, Little Western Desert’s temperature is not low, but in this Sand Desert it is cool and comfortable.

Fang Yuan clone picked up a small amount of snow white sand and put it in his mouth. When the sand meets saliva, it melts immediately, producing a faint salty taste.

This is the salt sand.

In the history of Human Race, salt sand has a long-standing story.

In a hundred years ago, Olden Antiquity Era, Human Race created Heavenly Court, but the other four domains of nonhuman are still huge, suppressing the slain Human Race.

In the Western Desert, there is a city of Human Race that suffers from the exclusion and suppression of surrounding nonhuman.

The nonhumans united, pretend to be bandit, and intercepted any caravans that went to the Human Race. Over time, the Human Race City lacks living materials and is gradually unable to support it.

Human Race city lord For the safety of the entire city, he had to compromise with one of the nonhuman race groups and marry his most beloved youngest daughter in exchange for peace.

City lord’s love of women is generally, for the entire city of clansman, willing to sacrifice themselves.

The team and the pro team quickly assembled, from the city depart, personally escorted by Human Race city lord.

While trekking in the Sand Desert, they came across a faint old man.

Old man The injury is very heavy, in a state of sudden death, full of abscesses, stench and anger. City lord Seeing that he was Human Race, he sent his men to save him and feed him with water.

The old man woke up and thanked the city lord: “City lord, since you have rescued me, may wish to save me again. Give me your robes and your mount so that I can leave on my own.”

City lord laughed at him, how precious is the city lord’s robes, how can you wear it on your old beggar?

City lord waved his hand: “The robes are precious, and they are not as good as human life. I have spare robes, this is for you. But my mount, but the powerful Gu Master can control. For you, It is against your life.”

After that, the city lord really put the robes, and a lot of water and dry food, in the hands of the old man.

Then, the city lord ordered a docile sand camel to give to the old man.

Old man is very emotional: “city lord, I have heard of your benevolent name, today is really worth seeing. If you want to do good things, it is better to do good things to the end. My back sore on the back, has been bothering me for many years. As long as the girl’s virgin, born in the cloudy and cloudy days of the yin and yin, personally bite it with my mouth, I can heal.”

Old man Just finished, the lord of the city lord screamed, almost to start, kill the old man.

City lord also has anger, because everyone knows that his daughter is the girl’s virgin born in the cloudy and cloudy days.

City lord said: “Old Zhang, you should not let me go. I am a city lord, but at the moment I am also a poor father. I love my daughter, but I have to give her to the heart of the Featherman family, called She acts as a slave to others.”

“Father, if my sacrifice can be exchanged for the survival of the whole city clansman, I am willing to accept this fate.” At this time, the city lord daughter came over. It turned out to be a noisy voice that attracted her attention. From the mouth of others, she also learned about the passing of things.

She went to the old man, nodded and said: “Old Zhang, please show me the abscess behind me.”

“You are willing to take action, cure my injury?” old man doubts.

“Yes. Although I am the daughter of the city lord, everyone else said that I am nobly, but this nobly can nobly go where?” city lord daughter smiles, “Only our entire Human Race nobly up, our nobly identity It’s really nobly. I have no hope, I will become a slave to nonhuman. If so, why don’t I come to treat you? The strength of our Human Race is too weak, and one clansman is better, it’s good.”

The city lord and others heard this and were very touched and did not stop it.

Old man reveals the abscess behind it, it is very ugly, the abscess is sloping, and the stench is tempting. At first glance, there is an impulse to vomit.

City lord daughter stunned, but in the end she still resisted discomfort and bit the broken abscess behind the old man with her teeth.

The sore mouth is broken, leaving a white silver color juice.

The juice flowed to the Sand Desert, and the rich aroma quickly filled the whole, leaving the entire team to retreshed.

The silhouette of the old man suddenly disappeared, only the next voice, spread throughout the ears: “city lord, people like you, it is worth the old man take action to save a rescue. Human Race has Gu Immortal No, you have to have a Gu Master like you to have hope. This Sand Desert will be handed over to you, let’s manage it.”

City lord and the others This is a mystery. The old man was Gu Immortal of Human Race, and they bowed to the ceremony.

The Sand Desert, which was contaminated by white silver juice, turned into a white salt sand. City lord mastered such a huge Sand Desert, and used these salt sands as salt sales, not selling, making the city back to life, and growing stronger.

Today, salt sand is not a unique product of Western Desert, and it has spread throughout the other four domains.

The salt sand mastered in Fang Yuan Paragon Immortal Aperture was acquired after he annexed the Southern Border Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture.

After a visit, Fang Yuan clone had the most profound understanding of the Sand Desert and returned with satisfaction.

“In today’s Treasure Yellow Heaven, Heavenly Court has started selling Silver Dragon Fish. It seems that they are sure to search for Dragon Fish from Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. Over time, Gold Dragon Fish will also flow to the market. “”

Fang Yuan’s Dragon Fish business has suffered a very strong impact.

In a short time, because he had already seized the market, Dragon Fish still has a lot of benefits. But then it will definitely be gradually squeezed out by Heavenly Court.

But it doesn’t matter. After Fang Yuan annexed the Southern Border various immortal, there were more than a dozen Blessed Lands in the Paragon Immortal Aperture and a Celestial Grotto.

Even if the salt sand is used, it can only be regarded as a common coffin. However, there are many immortal materials resources, including 5~6 Resource Point, which are comparable to Dragon Fish’s business. For example, Xia Cha Celestial Grotto’s Magnificent Zodiac Pond is one of them.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is still a day-to-day battle, and even accumulates immortal essence stones several times faster than before.

Before he worked hard, there was almost no gap in Immortal Gu feeding. Even though there are some Immortal Gu spoils of war, Fang Yuan also has the Immortal Aperture of Gu Immortal, which perfectly transplants the Resource Points.

“Immortal Gu has some small tips, but it doesn’t matter.” Time Dao clone finally glanced at the salt sand and started to drive Fixed Immortal Travel.

This salt sand is the penultimate Resource Point he inspected.

a moment later , Fang Yuan clone came to the Marketplace.

In the Marketplace, a large group of large-scale Hairyman has been gathered.

Most of these Hairymans were captured by Fang Yuan from the Southern Border Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture. Southern Border Gu Immortal has more or less adopted a number of Hairyman for refining mortal gu.

Hairyman slave In Treasure Yellow Heaven, it is the most popular one.

Fang Yuan brings together the Hairyman of each Immortal Aperture and puts them in the Marketplace.

At present, the captive Hairyman is the biggest help to Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan passed on some of Dream Dao’s Gu Formula and cultivation methods to these Hairyman. The main task of these Hairyman is to enter their dreams, search for the Dream Dao coffin, and then re-fining the Dream Dao mortal gu and hand it to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s Dream Interpretation ultimate move has a huge loss to Dream Dao mortal gu.

Before Fang Yuan explored the dream, it was already exhausting the backlog of Dream Dao mortal gu. If it wasn’t without the Dream Dao mortal gu that these Hairyman had made in time, Fang Yuan would not be able to explore the dreams in his hands.

Fang Yuan clone When I came to the Marketplace, the sky gradually darkened. Although there was no sun and moon, it was like the evening.

Since Fang Yuan Rank 8, Paragon Blessed Land has been promoted to Celestial Grotto, with a change in the sky. And because the Time Dao resources in Paragon Immortal Aperture are extremely rich, the sky is very fine, almost the same as the Five Regions.

Fang Yuan clone is about to sneak down to observe the situation of Hairyman. Suddenly, the figure is slightly stagnation, and the eyes flashed quickly. “The body has already found the Five Phases seal!”

After Fang Yuan took a little rest in the hollower hole, he left the hole and set off for White Heaven | daytime.

His Immortal Aperture is in good shape and logistics is in place, which leads him to no need to rest, and the immortal essence reserves have been rising slowly.

He naturally didn’t want to waste time, he went to White Heaven | daytime. At this point in time, it is necessary to open the Five Phases seal and once again carry out the Millennium gambling contract!

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