The prototype of Immortal Gu Home built by Fang Yuan is not good at defense itself. After the move, it falls apart.

Fang Yuan and the others in Immortal Gu Home are busy.

A lot of flames, like a poisonous snake, devour all the Gu insects along the way, and then from all directions, to Fang Yuan and the others.

Fang Yuan loudly roared, urging Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Winter Fur Coat, immediately his body is like a layer of white frost.

The frost not only protects Fang Yuan himself, but also covers it at this critical moment, maintaining the surrounding Time Dao clone, Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie, Bai Ningbing and the others.

At this point, the Winter Fur Coat ultimate move is better than the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Because Adverse Current Protection Seal can only protect itself and cannot help others. But the Winter Fur Coat ultimate move can be a good idea.

Winter Fur Coat ultimate move blocked the attack of the fire snake, but a moment later, I heard the mighty old man suddenly on Stone Lotus Island: “The glory of Huanghuang, the group of snakes!”


The flame suddenly broke out, fierce heat spurted out, and the fire snake entangled and merged into a baring fangs and brandishing claws, a terrifying dragon that was more than ten feet long.

The scarlet of scarlet red, tearing through the Winter Fur Coat ultimate move, once again killing Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan just wanted to open the Immortal Aperture Portal and bring the people around him to Paragon Immortal Aperture. I didn’t expect this fire snake to have an alternative move. The violent old man has extremely rich combat experience and left no room for Fang Yuan.

Yanlong vivid and lifelike, open mouth, from top to bottom, swoop down.

Fang Yuan and the others couldn’t help but look up, the face was reddened by the fire, the amazing heat assaults the senses, as if to put everyone on the grill on the grill!

Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others, their faces are changing, and the eyes are desperate to show the color of despair.

This Yanlong is an unusual Rank 8 ultimate move, which is extraordinary, even if it is Bai Ningbing’s White Phase Ultimate Move, it is difficult to escape.

Their only hope is on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan Nose, ears, and mouth are bleeding!

The Winter Fur Coat ultimate move was broken and Fang Yuan was backed by the backlash of the Rank 8 ultimate move. A large number of mortal gus were involved in the annihilation. Fortunately, the core Immortal Gu is still there, only slightly damaged, and can be used for the time being.

Fang Yuan faces the Predicament.

Behind him is his own Time Dao clone, Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others. The cultivation base of these people is too low, and they can’t stop the dragon alone. If there is the Immortal Gu Home prototype, they also have the minimum qualification to participate in the battle, but the mighty old man is very ruthless, and the Immortal Gu Home prototype is destroyed as soon as it comes up.

Fang Yuan If you stay in the same place and cover them, and don’t say that the Winter Fur Coat ultimate move is broken, there is no good means, even if it is, it is very dangerous!

Because the other party just wants to force Fang Yuan to fight against it, once Fang Yuan tries to protect the group behind him, he fights with him, no doubt the calculation of the mighty old man.

Fang Yuan is almost certain that the other party must have an ultimate move. Once Fang Yuan and Yan Long die, they will fall into the rhythm of the mighty old man, and in the next battle, he will take his nose.

For a moment, Fang Yuan made a decision, figure is like electricity, slanting out, avoiding the dragon.

WITTMANN old man haha ​​laughed wildly: “A good devil! Then you will burn me to ash!”

Yan Long did not care about Fang Yuan and still swooped down.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, the direction turned, and suddenly went to the mighty old man.

The violent old man immediately shifted his gaze and stared at Fang Yuan, his eyes rushing over at him, his mouth cracking open, revealing a hint of laughter.

Fang Yuan is slightly sinking in his heart. He attacked and killed, undoubtedly want to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers, but did not want the mighty old man the same temperament brave, not afraid to fight. It is even more likely that there will be arrangements on this Stone Lotus Island, which makes him very confident and calm.

Fang Yuan reached out and said that the hard work of almost no sleep in the past few months, the Spring Scissors was once again motivated, the first to shoot at the mighty old man.

She cut the blade edge, but when she was cut on the mighty old man, the mighty old man’s hair suddenly burned and turned into a huge flame cloak, burning, guarding the body and holding the Spring Scissors.

“Hahaha, old man This is called Reckless Sun Fire Clothes, which is inspired by the long hair of Reckless Great Sun in Human Ancestor Biography. It is the most proud creation of my life. Tell you the truth, although old man is Flame Dao Gu Immortal, but on the offensive, stronger or defensive! Don’t say your Spring Scissors, even if Summer Fan is attacked, I am still fearless.” 威猛old man laughed heartily.

But a moment later, the old man’s laughter came to an abrupt end.

It turned out that Yan Long attacked the past, but it was a waste of work, whether it was Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone, or Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others have saved their lives.

Old man eyelid stunned, licking dry lips, evil – ly said: “This is a dream?”

It turns out that Fang Yuan avoids the dragon, not giving up his clone and other Gu Immortal, but at the crucial moment, making Ying Wuxie self-exploding.

From the Five Boundary Mountain Range, Ying Wuxie changed body and became Pure Dream Seeking True Physique again. It was also because of Dream Dao’s Dao Marks support of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique Hill that he succeeded in recruiting the Rank XumX Gu Immortal Monarch Divine Light after showing the Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

Now Pure Dream Seeking True Physique self-exploding is open, and Ying Wuxie’s soul is naturally in a dream. Other varied immortal, because they are very close, are wrap up.

The dream is beginning to appear, and the means of all other genres are cut off. The violent old man’s Yanlong attack is fierce, but rushing to the dream, like a illusion of illusion, has no effect.

“Hmph, your devil’s head is deceitful, but today you will die!” The mighty old man slammed his feet and swarmed, and the Stone Lotus Island at his feet turned into a flying smoke.

Old man draped in a layer of fire, like a flame meteor, killing Fang Yuan. Spring Scissors followed the shape, and he was cut and swayed by him, and he was caught by the burning flame, which could not hurt the old man.

Fang Yuan flew backwards and spurred Summer Fan.

The hurricane mad, the old man’s firefighter scattered hu hu, but it seems to be a fire by the wind, but more and more prosperous.

Old man’s mouth rose, showing sharp teeth, laughing: “How! Old man’s Reckless Sun Fire Clothes, peerless, feel desperate? Hahaha!”

Sure enough, as the old man said, Spring Scissors and Summer Fan are all in one, and they can’t help but Reckless Sun Fire Clothes.

Not only that, but as the distance between the two sides quickly approached, a strong intoxication came to Fang Yuan.

But soon, Fang Yuan ignited Wisdom Dao ultimate move, and his eyes reappeared clear and bright.

Reckless Sun Fire Clothes is not only the ultimate Profound Truth of Flame Dao, but also the subtleties of Human Dao, Gourmet Dao and so on. The closer you are to the mighty old man, the more intense the drunk will come to your heart.

Fang Yuan has been trying to back off and wants to distance herself from the mighty old man, but it is counterproductive and the speed of the opponent is more than that of Fang Yuan.

“Devil, you are in the grand formation, where can you escape? Obediently let it die!” The mighty old man roared.

Just the Stone Lotus Island is just an illusory light and shadow. The real essence is the Super Time Dao Immortal Formation in the River of Time!

This grand formation is extremely powerful, and it is Fan Yuan who can’t to discern. At this moment, it is launched to form a grand formation space, which limits Fang Yuan and restricts Fang Yuan Roads Open In All Directions, Fixed Immortal Travel and the like.

Fang Yuan used the Time Dao grand formation to calculate the Southern Border Righteous Path. This time, Heavenly Court also laid grand formation, calculating Fang Yuan.

However, Heavenly Court’s handiwork is much bigger than Fang Yuan!

This Time Dao grand formation, built in the River of Time, is not something that Fang Yuan can lay. According to Fang Yuan’s current ability, at most, the Time Dao Immortal Formation was built near the tributaries of the outside of the Five Regions.

Even with the historical Time Dao Great Expert, there are very few Immortal Formations that can be laid on the River of Time.

The ultimate in this is undoubtedly Red Lotus Demon Venerable. This means of existence has been separated from the level of Time Dao Immortal Formation, directly placed out of the artificial Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm Stone Lotus Island, affecting one side of the river, for its own use.

Heavenly Court has been searching for Stone Lotus Island. Although it has not found one yet, it does not have results. The Time Dao Immortal Formation here is one of the results.

Grand formation restrains Fang Yuan, making him inevitable and hiding.

The violent old man approached, Fang Yuan coldly snorted, suddenly did not retreat, counterattack to the mighty old man.

The old man was obviously surprised, but it immediately reacted. With a wave of hands, the flames blazed and burned to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was not afraid and stood up.

The raging hot flame returned to the roll and attacked the mighty old man.

It is the Immortal Dao big move – Adverse Current Protection Seal!

Old man was in a hurry and fought his own ultimate move, but at this time, Fang Yuan had come to him.

Fang Yuan is arrogant and violent, and directly hits the mighty old man with his body.

Adverse Current Protection Seal vs. Reckless Sun Fire Clothes !

a moment later, Fang Yuan and WITTMANN old man flew out. This time competition is actually even matched.

The WITTMANN old man was slightly under the wind, but soon, his all-in-one firearms burned again and returned to the peak state.

Adverse Current Protection Seal deals with offensive ultimate move with amazing results. But Reckless Sun Fire Clothes is based on defense, so there is very little power to be reversed.

“This is the Adverse Current Protection Seal?”, so soon I found out…” old man eyes gloomy.

It turns out that Time Dao Immortal Formation, in addition to forming an array of space, isolated inside and outside, has a core power, which is to create an environment that weakens Time Dao.

Heavenly Court’s intention is to use this grand formation to deal with Red Lotus’ True Inheritance Stone Lotus Island. These islands are man-made Time Dao Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, which, after falling into the grand formation, will be weakened by the grand formation.

For this reason, Fang Yuan’s Spring Scissors and Summer Fan are two extreme move, so they are so helpless to Reckless Sun Fire Clothes.

Reckless Sun Fire Clothes is indeed very strong, this is not just the peak of Flame Dao, but also extends from Flame Dao, involving Human Dao, Gourmet Dao’s profound mystery.

In terms of subtlety, the Adverse Current Protection Seal is rough and straightforward. It is Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, the merger of Enslave Dao, Strength Dao, subtlety and Reckless Sun Fire Clothes.

Spring Scissors and Summer Fan ultimate move are more common, just including the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, and by Time Dao’s Dao Marks, it is awesome. They can’t break the Reckless Sun Fire Clothes, but they can also make a big difference. Unlike in the current battle, the effect is very weak.

Fang Yuan comprehend immediately after this, immediately canceled the Winter Fur Coat ultimate move, and instead of the Adverse Current Protection Seal, it actually pulled back some scenes.

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