The Immortal Aperture Portal is open, but the size of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, which has been taken in, has been reduced.

“Well? The enemy is in front of you, why can’t everyone hesitate?” Tie Family Gu Immortal raised his eyebrows and asked the Southern Border.

Many people’s faces were slightly red, and they immediately woke up. Some people immediately shouted: “Let us rush in together!”

“Fang Yuan is still in the transcends tribulation, we will win this battle! Whoever escapes, who is the biggest shame of my Southern Border Righteous Path!”

“Yes, rush into the other Immortal Aperture. Even if it is dead, we have to let Fang Yuan lose a lot!”

“He He He, why is it so pessimistic? This devil has blackmailed that many things, Immortal Aperture has a peerless treasure. Nothing else, there are several Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm!”

“My family, Gu Immortal, is still being captured by him. I don’t know where it is being held.”

“I have already checked, there is no Immortal Formation around.” Houzi Shua stroked the small head of the eight-eared monkey, very sure.

Southern Border Group of people suddenly let go of their hearts.

Fang Yuan’s grand formation, let Southern Border Righteous Path suffer enough, this concern, the Southern Border group of morale soaring, and immediately show their ability, have rushed to the portal of the Immortal Aperture.

Wu wu wu !

But just in a moment later, the mutation is steep.

A series of extremely harsh buzzing sounds resounded through the battlefield, sharp enough to pierce the group of eardrums.

At the same time, the dazzling rays of light, suddenly shot, many Southern Border Gu Immortal caught off guard, and suddenly all of them were white and suddenly blind.

Southern Border group fairy turn pale with fright, hurriedly alert. Countless ultimate moves hit the center of glory.

The person at the Glorious Center is not Fang Yuan, but Monarch Divine Light!

His heart is full of surged and angry and shocking: “My ultimate move is realized suddenly, only when I have to face a fatal crisis, it will burst out, and I will not be active.” I just wanted Dive into Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture, and the result touched the realized suddenly! What happened?! Could it be that, this is still a huge trap placed by Fang Yuan?”

He is the Rank 8 Gu Immortal, which slams back while blocking the indiscriminate bombing of the Southern Border.

“He He He, your good man’s skill, but since you are here, why bother to go so soon?” Fang Yuan’s laughter, lingering into the ears of Monarch Divine Light.

Monarch Divine Light trembled in his heart and shouted: “Not good !”

He immediately felt an invisible attraction, slamming him and trying to drag him into Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

For a moment, the question in the heart of Monarch Divine Light disappeared completely, and he was absolutely convinced that this was the trap set by Fang Yuan!

Monarch Divine Light loudly roared, regardless of the backlash in the Five Boundary Mountain Range, madly urged the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to counter the invisible attraction of Fang Yuan.

Immediately, Monarch Divine Light performed a smug means, and the figure turned into a streak of strange light, which was shot out of the battlefield.

However, although the ultimate move is successful, the strange light is sprayed outwards, but the speed is extremely slow, comparable to snails and turtles.

“Damn, this is the means of Time Dao!” Monarch Divine Light immediately recognized, because of this Time Dao means, his time is nearly a hundred times slower.

Monarch Divine Light is shocked: “I am Rank 8 Gu Immortal, with Rank 8 Dao Marks, why can I be delayed for so much time? Fang Yuan’s Time Dao means it is the Rank 8 level, completely beyond the previous information. How did he do it?”

“what happened?”

“I am recruited!”

“The time is very slow, just like getting into a mud swamp, think about it!”

Like the Monarch Divine Light, there is the nearby Southern Border group.

“He He He, everyone is not invited, so kind, I am a hundred times to return.” Fang Yuan said, coming to the battlefield.

I saw one Gu Immortal, white clothed fluttering, green hair flying, handsome face, almost beautiful, a pair of eyes deep as a pool, eyes cold as ice, full of terrifying killing intent.

Such a look, the presence of Gu Immortal are too familiar, are the body mad, turn pale with fright.

Among the Southern Borders, some people exclaimed, and the tongue trembled: “It is Fang Yuan!”

Fang Yuan ignored these Southern Border Rank 7 Gu Immortal, but instead looked at Monarch Divine Light.

Monarch Divine Light looks red and tries his best to solve the Time Dao restraint. He is rich in means and works hard under his efforts. Fang Yuan has less and less Time Dao restraint on his body, and Monarch Divine Light is getting faster and faster.

Fang Yuan lightly smiled, slowly extending his left hand from the big sleeve.

His left hand is as white as jade, and the five fingers slowly open in a beautiful posture, just like white lotus blooms.

The sly Soul Dao breath suddenly broke out, and suddenly contracted in a moment, condensing into a phantom in the center of the palm of the left hand of Fang Yuan.

This phantom vivid and lifelike is a 10 million times smaller Unrestrained Valley.

Unrestrained Valley’s phantom Long-distance rotation, Fang Yuan’s left-handed five fingers began to slowly gather.

In the heart of Monarch Divine Light, the alarm sounds undulating, and the incomparable danger feels over his body and mind. He has wide eyes and is nervous about the corner of the eye.

“What is this ultimate move?! terrifying, too terrifying! My feelings will never be wrong. If I have this trick, I will be unfortunate! Escape, must escape, escape!”

Monarch Divine Light is full of blood red, a pair of slender white eyebrows trembled frantically, no more glamorous before.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – God of Sun.

He is loudly roared, showing the strongest means. The whole person turned into a group of light, and the innumerable light broke out. The whole battlefield seemed to have a little sun!

The hot white light is full of infinite power. Whenever it goes, Fang Yuan’s Time Dao means collapse.

Southern Border The group has just been out of trouble, and is swallowed up by the dazzling white light.

The imitation of the Boundary Wall, which pervades every mountain, is dissipated in the violent scouring of the white light. The entire Five Boundary Mountain Range began to tremble, especially in the heart of the battlefield, where a large number of rocks shattered and collapsed, a heaven and earth turning upside down.

The aftermath of God of Sun is even more impact on other battlefields.

The team of the Southern Border Rank 8 is fighting the Immemorial year and is seriously disrupted.

“This is Central Continent Rank 8 Gu Immortal ?”

“hmph, I am afraid it is a member of Heavenly Court’s!”

The rays of light dissipated, and the vision of the central battlefield became incredibly clear and bright. Suddenly a Southern Border Gu Immortal exclaimed.

“Wait, that Immortal Aperture… is the Immortal Aperture of my family, Gu Immortal!”

“What? Not Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture?!” The crowd suddenly lost.

“This is a trap!” Monarch Divine Light 强, strong consciousness, crazy retreat.

“Want to escape?” Fang Yuan suddenly appeared not far above Monarch Divine Light.

The heart was stunned, and the Monarch Divine Light pupil was suddenly narrowed to the tip of the needle, and Fang Yuan was stunned. In an instant, he suddenly realized that instead of saying that Fang Yuan was ambushing Southern Border Gu Immortal, it would be better to say that he was dedicated to a Heavenly Court member like him!

“It turns out that your real goal is me!”

“hmph! Your move has been exposed, I have been guarded. Your trap is also paralyzed, can you still restrain me?”

“Ran 7 cultivation base …… I am Rank 8 Gu Immortal! And there is also reinforcement Fei Wei, who is extremely fast.”

“Unless this group of Southern Border Gu Immortal and you, can you kill me?”

Monarch Divine Light breathes a lot, and there are countless rays of light flowing through the water, fixing himself to the ground.

Sure enough, a moment later Southern Border flocks have taken action.

The goal is the same, pointing to Fang Yuan!

Wu Yong led the action, Chi Quyou, Shang Wujie followed closely from behind, letting Immemorial Zodiac Beast bombard himself and deal with Fang Yuan. Then there is a large number of Southern Border Gu Immortal experts.

Monarch Divine Light laughed heartily : “Fang Yuan, you inspire brings in evil brings about self-destruction! You still want to kill me? Today you will die!”

“Is it?” At the time of the crisis, Fang Yuan was serene, and even his mouth was slightly tilted, revealing a mocking smile.


a moment later, his breath of Rank 7 suddenly changed, and the incomparable momentum went straight to Nine Heavens, radiating all directions.

Everyone waits for all the startled.


“Rank 8 breath!”

“This is impossible!!”

Fang Yuan figure slightly stopped, points a finger, a finger.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Spring Scissors!

Then, he embraced his arms and flew in a large sleeve, forming a fan.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Summer Fan!

“This is?!” Seeing such a scene, Chi Quyou and Shang Wujie are stunned.

“This is Xia Cha’s…” Xia Family Several Rank 7 Gu Immortal screamed, and a very bad feeling shrouded their hearts.

Hong long long !

Spring Scissors tackles Monarch Divine Light and puts him at a disadvantage. Summer Fan, in Fang Yuan’s hand, quickly fanned and slammed the ultimate move of the Southern Border group.

For a time, Fang Yuan one against many, magic devil, limelight no two!

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